A template to build smart contracts in Rust to run inside a Cosmos SDK module on all chains that enable it.


CosmWasm Starter Pack

This is a template to build smart contracts in Rust to run inside a Cosmos SDK module on all chains that enable it. To understand the framework better, please read the overview in the cosmwasm repo, and dig into the cosmwasm docs. This assumes you understand the theory and just want to get coding.

Creating a new repo from template

Assuming you have a recent version of rust and cargo (v1.55.0+) installed (via rustup), then the following should get you a new repo to start a contract:

(Note that recent cargo-generate requires Rust 1.55 features or produces a compile error)

Install cargo-generate and cargo-run-script. Unless you did that before, run this line now:

cargo install cargo-generate --features vendored-openssl
cargo install cargo-run-script

Now, use it to create your new contract. Go to the folder in which you want to place it and run:

Latest: 1.0.0-beta

cargo generate --git https://github.com/CosmWasm/cw-template.git --name PROJECT_NAME

Older Version

Pass version as branch flag:

cargo generate --git https://github.com/CosmWasm/cw-template.git --branch <version> --name PROJECT_NAME


cargo generate --git https://github.com/CosmWasm/cw-template.git --branch 0.16 --name PROJECT_NAME

You will now have a new folder called PROJECT_NAME (I hope you changed that to something else) containing a simple working contract and build system that you can customize.

Create a Repo

After generating, you have a initialized local git repo, but no commits, and no remote. Go to a server (eg. github) and create a new upstream repo (called YOUR-GIT-URL below). Then run the following:

# this is needed to create a valid Cargo.lock file (see below)
cargo check
git branch -M main
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial Commit'
git remote add origin YOUR-GIT-URL
git push -u origin main

CI Support

We have template configurations for both GitHub Actions and Circle CI in the generated project, so you can get up and running with CI right away.

One note is that the CI runs all cargo commands with --locked to ensure it uses the exact same versions as you have locally. This also means you must have an up-to-date Cargo.lock file, which is not auto-generated. The first time you set up the project (or after adding any dep), you should ensure the Cargo.lock file is updated, so the CI will test properly. This can be done simply by running cargo check or cargo unit-test.

Using your project

Once you have your custom repo, you should check out Developing to explain more on how to run tests and develop code. Or go through the online tutorial to get a better feel of how to develop.

Publishing contains useful information on how to publish your contract to the world, once you are ready to deploy it on a running blockchain. And Importing contains information about pulling in other contracts or crates that have been published.

Please replace this README file with information about your specific project. You can keep the Developing.md and Publishing.md files as useful referenced, but please set some proper description in the README.

Gitpod integration

Gitpod container-based development platform will be enabled on your project by default.

Workspace contains:

  • rust: for builds
  • wasmd: for local node setup and client
  • jq: shell JSON manipulation tool

Follow Gitpod Getting Started and launch your workspace.

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