Emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain.

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Cryptography fe

Fe is an emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain.

Build Status Coverage


Fe is a statically typed language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It is inspired by Python and Rust which makes it easy to learn -- especially for new developers entering the Ethereum ecosystem.

Features & Goals

  • Bounds and overflow checking
  • Decidability by limitation of dynamic program behavior
  • More precise gas estimation (as a consequence of decidability)
  • Static typing
  • Pure function support
  • Restrictions on reentrancy
  • Static looping
  • Module imports
  • Standard library
  • Usage of YUL IR to target both EVM and eWASM
  • WASM compiler binaries for enhanced portability and in-browser compilation of Fe contracts
  • Implementation in a powerful, systems-oriented language (Rust) with strong safety guarantees to reduce risk of compiler bugs

Additional information about design goals and background can be found in the official announcement.

Language Specification

We aim to provide a full language specification that should eventually be used to formally verify the correctness of the compiler. A work in progress draft of the specification can be found here.


Fe development is still in its early stages. We have a basic Roadmap for 2021 that we want to follow. We generally try to drive the development by working through real world use cases. Our next goal is to provide a working Uniswap implementation in Fe which will help us to advance and form the language.

Fe had its first alpha release January 2021 and is now following a monthly release cycle.

Getting started

To compile Fe code:

  1. Run fe path/to/fe_source.fe
  2. Fe creates a directory output in the current working directory that contains the compiled binary and abi.

Run fe --help to explore further options.


The following is a simple contract implemented in Fe.

contract GuestBook:
    messages: Map<address, String<100>>

    event Signed:
        book_msg: String<100>

    pub fn sign(self, book_msg: String<100>):
        self.messages[msg.sender] = book_msg
        emit Signed(book_msg=book_msg)

    pub fn get_msg(self, addr: address) -> String<100>:
        return self.messages[addr].to_mem()

A lot more working examples can be found in our test fixtures directory.

The most advanced example that we can provide at this point is an implementation of the Uniswap-V2 core contracts.



The Fe implementation is split into several crates. Crates that depend on the solidity compiler (directly or indirectly) are licensed GPL-3.0-or-later. This includes the fe CLI tool, compiler "back end" (yulgen, yulc), driver, tests, and test-utils.

The remaining crates are licensed Apache-2.0. This includes the compiler "front end" (parser, analyzer, lowering), abi, and common.

  • Need to create a logo

    Need to create a logo


    One idea that I had was something like a polygon based rock where an iron band goes through.



    type: docs type: ui/ux 
    opened by cburgdorf 48
  • Run CI tests on Mac too and create Mac binaries on releases

    Run CI tests on Mac too and create Mac binaries on releases

    What was wrong?

    We currently do not test on Mac and don't produce Mac binaries on releases.

    How was it fixed?

    • Re-enabled running tests on Mac
    • Changed release job to also build and upload Mac binary


    • [x] Add entry to the release notes (may forgo for trivial changes)

    • [x] Clean up commit history

    opened by cburgdorf 26
  • Json ABI reflects presence of self parameter.

    Json ABI reflects presence of self parameter.

    What was wrong?

    We currently allow for functions that are pure with regard to contract storage, but the limited scope of these functions is not reflected in the Json ABI.

    How was it fixed?


    • [ ] OPTIONAL: Update Spec if applicable
    • [ ] Add entry to the release notes (may forgo for trivial changes)
    • [ ] Clean up commit history
    opened by g-r-a-n-t 13
  • internal error: entered unreachable code at semantics/src/traversal/expressions.rs:141:5

    internal error: entered unreachable code at semantics/src/traversal/expressions.rs:141:5

    Compiling this file:

    contract Foo:
        event MyEvent:
            my_u8s: u8[255]
        pub def set_my_u8s(my_u8s: u8[255]):
            emit MyEvent(self.my_bytes.to_mem)
    $ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 target/debug/fe finish.fe 
    Warning: bytecode output requires 'solc-backend' feature. Try `cargo build --release --features solc-backend`. Skipping.
    thread 'main' panicked at 'internal error: entered unreachable code', semantics/src/traversal/expressions.rs:141:5
    stack backtrace:
       0: rust_begin_unwind
                 at /rustc/c0b64d97beebb09325b5587abed39f4f1621026f/library/std/src/panicking.rs:493:5
       1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
                 at /rustc/c0b64d97beebb09325b5587abed39f4f1621026f/library/core/src/panicking.rs:92:14
       2: core::panicking::panic
                 at /rustc/c0b64d97beebb09325b5587abed39f4f1621026f/library/core/src/panicking.rs:50:5
       3: fe_semantics::traversal::expressions::expr
       4: fe_semantics::traversal::expressions::assignable_expr
       5: fe_semantics::traversal::expressions::call_arg
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

    On latest github master, built with

    debug = true
    panic = "abort"

    for fuzzing. Using https://github.com/agroce/afl-compiler-fuzzer (we've found more than 50 bugs (that were worth fixing, and have been fixed) in solc using this afl variant) + afl.rs.

    This might be a more interesting type of bug, if you think fe is ready for fuzzing at all.

    type: bug 
    opened by agroce 13
  • New parser

    New parser

    What was wrong?

    It'd be very tricky to emit nice diagnostic messages from the existing parser. (See discussion below)

    How was it fixed?

    A complete rewrite, of course!


    • [ ] OPTIONAL: Update Spec if applicable

    • [x] Add entry to the release notes (may forgo for trivial changes)

    • [x] Clean up commit history

    opened by sbillig 12
  • Dummy std lib

    Dummy std lib

    What was wrong?

    We don't have a standard library.

    How was it fixed?

    A library ingot named std gets added to the global scope during compilation. It currently contains dummy code, which we'll replace once low-level intrinsics are supported.


    • [ ] OPTIONAL: Update Spec if applicable
    • [x] Add entry to the release notes (may forgo for trivial changes)
    • [x] Clean up commit history
    opened by g-r-a-n-t 9
  • Change array type syntax to Array<u8, 100>

    Change array type syntax to Array

    What was wrong?


    How was it fixed?


    • [ ] OPTIONAL: Update Spec if applicable

    • [ ] Add entry to the release notes (may forgo for trivial changes)

    • [ ] Clean up commit history

    opened by Maltby 9
  • Compiling the compilers/tests/fixtures/demos/uniswap.fe file can crash with /solidity/libyul/backends/evm/EVMObjectCompiler.cpp(66): Throw in function void solidity::yul::EVMObjectCompiler::run(solidity::yul::Object &, bool)

    Compiling the compilers/tests/fixtures/demos/uniswap.fe file can crash with /solidity/libyul/backends/evm/EVMObjectCompiler.cpp(66): Throw in function void solidity::yul::EVMObjectCompiler::run(solidity::yul::Object &, bool)

    Compiling the compilers/tests/fixtures/demos/uniswap.fe file can crash! But if you add --overwrite it doesn't do so.

    user@e63eb6d843c9:~/fe$ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 target/debug/fe compiler/tests/fixtures/demos/uniswap.fe 
    thread 'main' panicked at 'Yul compilation failed: {"errors":[{"component":"general","formattedMessage":"Internal exception in StandardCompiler::compile: /solidity/libyul/backends/evm/EVMObjectCompiler.cpp(66): Throw in function void solidity::yul::EVMObjectCompiler::run(solidity::yul::Object &, bool)\nDynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<solidity::yul::StackTooDeepError>\nstd::exception::what: Variable $amount1_out is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack.\n[solidity::util::tag_comment*] = Variable $amount1_out is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack.\n","message":"Internal exception in StandardCompiler::compile: /solidity/libyul/backends/evm/EVMObjectCompiler.cpp(66): Throw in function void solidity::yul::EVMObjectCompiler::run(solidity::yul::Object &, bool)\nDynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<solidity::yul::StackTooDeepError>\nstd::exception::what: Variable $amount1_out is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack.\n[solidity::util::tag_comment*] = Variable $amount1_out is 1 slot(s) too deep inside the stack.\n","severity":"error","type":"InternalCompilerError"}]}', compiler/src/lib.rs:48:27
    stack backtrace:
       0: rust_begin_unwind
                 at /rustc/9c09c1f7cfcf9de0522bcd1cfda32b552195c464/library/std/src/panicking.rs:493:5
       1: std::panicking::begin_panic_fmt
                 at /rustc/9c09c1f7cfcf9de0522bcd1cfda32b552195c464/library/std/src/panicking.rs:435:5
       2: fe_compiler::compile
       3: fe::main
    note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

    but note:

    user@e63eb6d843c9:~/fe$ target/debug/fe compiler/tests/fixtures/demos/uniswap.fe --overwrite
    Compiled compiler/tests/fixtures/demos/uniswap.fe. Outputs in `output`

    On latest github master, built with

    debug = true
    panic = "abort"

    for fuzzing. Found this one when preparing new corpus for starting a new fuzzer run, I crawl the directories for the .fe files. This is the first version this has happened on, so something's changed (maybe on solc's end?)

    opened by agroce 9
  • Changed function definition

    Changed function definition "def" to "fn"

    What was wrong?

    closes #496

    We should use a symbol derived from the word "function" for function definitions. fn is concise and used in rust, so we should just go with that.

    How was it fixed?

    Changed "def" to "fn" in all files and tests. Verified tests pass. This is my first github pull request ever.


    • [ ] OPTIONAL: Update Spec if applicable

    • [ ] Add entry to the release notes (may forgo for trivial changes)

    • [ ] Clean up commit history

    opened by andy-ow 8
  • Panics when a struct contains a enum type

    Panics when a struct contains a enum type

    What is wrong?

    The code below causes panic

    enum Accumulator {
        Clo(i32, i32)
    struct MyStruct {
        pub acc: Accumulator
        pub y: i32
    contract Bar {

    Ref: https://github.com/ethereum/fe/pull/772#discussion_r970844998

    @cburgdorf Suggestion:

    1. I think we still need #event attributes in addition to #index attributes so a struct can contain enum types.
    2. It'd be better to forbid implementing Emittable to private structs.
    type: bug comp: analyzer flag: beta-required 
    opened by Y-Nak 7
  • ABI Encode Unit Type

    ABI Encode Unit Type

    What was wrong?

    closes #442

    How was it fixed?


    • [ ] OPTIONAL: Update Spec if applicable

    • [ ] Add entry to the release notes (may forgo for trivial changes)

    • [ ] Clean up commit history

    opened by Maltby 7
  • Error message uses wrong span

    Error message uses wrong span

    What is wrong?

    error: `match` arm must start with `{`
        ┌─ /home/cburgdorf/Documents/hacking/ef/bountiful/contracts/src/challenges/game5_6.fe:125:28
    125 │             Direction::Left => return self.column > 0,
        │                            ^ expected `{` here

    The pointer points at before the fat arrow but should point after it (before the return)

    How can it be fixed

    Adjust the span

    comp: parser type: bug 
    opened by cburgdorf 0
  • `module_all_items` doesn't return `Impl`

    `module_all_items` doesn't return `Impl`

    What is wrong?

    db::queries::module::module_all_items doesn't return Impl items. This leads to unexpected behavior in module_all_functions, which is called to build codegen units.

    type: bug 
    opened by Y-Nak 0
  • Meta: Language design

    Meta: Language design

    What is wrong?

    Hi! Just checking out Fe for the first time really. As an avid rust user and solidity user, I like the direction Fe is headed!

    However, I have a few gripes about language design (note, these are nitpicky! you guys have done a great job thus far!).

    I could create separate issues for each of these but figured I would brain dump in one, and if any are deemed as worthwhile to pursue they can be separated out.

    tl;dr: Trait all the things (and lean into rusty-ness)!


    In my opinion, the ability to store something should be defined by if it implements a Store trait. Loading should be defined by a Load trait. For example:

    struct Reserves {
        pub reserve0: u128
        pub reserve1: u128
    impl std::storage::Store for Reserves {
        fn store(self, mut ctx: Context, slot: bytes32) {
            // more on slot derivation later
            let packed = self.reserve0 << 128 | self.reserve1;
            ctx.store(slot, packed);
    impl std::storage::Load for Reserves {
        fn load(ctx: Context, slot: bytes32) -> Self {
            // more on slot derivation later
            let val = ctx.load(slot);
            return Sync {
                reserve0: val >> 128,
                reserve1: val ^ (((1 << 128) - 1) << 128),

    Which brings me on to the semantics of storage. Currently, they are just variables placed anywhere inside a contract keyword. In my mind something like this may be a better path forward:

    contract MyContract {
        /// Contract storage
        storage {
            a: A
            b: u256
            // You can have auto-generated view functions based on pub keyword in storage
            pub c: u128

    Any element that is in storage must implement the Store and Load traits. The elements in here are automatically given storage slots from the compiler. (But any element that implements Store can still be stored manually by calling self.store(ctx, slot) (or Store::store(self, ctx, slot) if you cant resolve which version to use via the type system. Also lets library creators do cool things (This is something I needed for this: https://github.com/brockelmore/memmove)


    As recent work has improved the event system, an ideal world would have an Emittable trait as has been worked on. But the current annotations of #indexed feel weird. It is an unnecessary departure in my mind from rust macro syntax of #[indexed], which causes unnecessary overhead in the programmers mind, if coming from rust. Ideally we would reach a world where the following is possible:

    // additionally Emittable maybe not the best word for this? i like Log
    struct AuctionEnded {
        pub winner: address
        pub amount: u256
    // alternatively manually implement it:
    struct A {
        a: u256
        b: u128
    /// Implements how to log struct A, could be derived via "Log"
    impl std::log::Log for A {
        fn log(self) {
            std::log::log4(a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d);
            // could have alternatively done:
            // std::log::log3(a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d);
            // which would do log3 op instead. The derive macro would
            // match and order appropriately

    (even if there is a default implementation for all types and structs of Emittable, (btw trait naming should probably just be Log or Emit imo) it should be implementable manually)

    Mapping aside

    If you have a Hash or Mapping trait, you can allow the user to define how to hash the struct used in a Map, where the K: Hash implementation is left to the user (or derived).

    Like rust, but not

    That brings me to a broader point: there are a ton of really good semantics in this language - but my largest complaint is that there are a good number of things that are rust-like, but differ in an not meaningful way which just boils down to overhead for anyone coming from rust (lack of ;, inability to use , in structs (the combination of each leads to significant whitespace which sucks)).

    Function dispatch

    A common request from solidity land is to be able to define the dispatch table (i.e. I know transfer will be called more than mint). One way that this could be achieved is as follows:

    contract SimpleOpenAuction {
        pub fn main(self, mut ctx: Context) {
            match ctx.signature() {
                // main can be unconstrained in return type, or be `-> bytes` maybe?
                Self::A => { return self.A() },
                Self::B => { self.B(ctx) },
        pub fn A(self) -> u256 {
            // do something
            return 1
        pub fn B(self, ctx: Context) {
            // do something else

    The above has a few ideas mixed in there, (like treating functions as enum variants), a main function that is entered on every call, ability to set up the match as you want, etc.

    Abi as a kind of alias for Trait

    This is unabashedly borrowed from the sway lang (albeit, I dislike how they do it and suggested a similar thing to them to no avail). The idea is to make ABIs a first class citizen and to promote usage and implementation of them (could foresee a common set being in the std lib).

    // abi keyword, similar to a trait, but for contracts
    abi ERC2612 {
        pub fn permit(owner: address, spender: address, value: u256, deadline: u256, v: u8, r: bytes32, s: bytes32);
        pub fn nonces(owner: address) -> u256;
        pub fn DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() -> bytes32;
    contract MyContract {
        // A contract can impl an abi trait
        // not sure if this should be *inside* the contract span or be implementable
        // outside like `impl ERC2612 for MyContract {..}`
        impl ERC2612 for Self {
            pub fn permit(owner: address, spender: address, value: u256, deadline: u256, v: u8, r: bytes32, s: bytes32) {
                // snip
            pub fn nonces(owner: address) -> u256 {
            pub fn DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() -> bytes32 {

    Verbatim/Assembly block

    Allow for usage of raw assembly blocks, a la verbatim_i1_o1 style yul blocks. In an ideal world this would look like:

    // asm is a keyword similar to rust's async but instead generates an assembly block
    asm fn my_assembly_fn(a: uint256) -> u256 {
        PUSH 0x11

    In a perfect world, some analysis would be ran on the assembly block to ensure it keeps stack consistent with promised input/output (see my comment here: https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/12067#issuecomment-1270388088 for more promises the user can make to the compiler about this code and when the compiler should emit an error/warning)

    Anyways, sorry for the braindump here! I've enjoyed playing with Fe and hope to see continued work and improvement on it! I have started looking through the codebase and if there is alignment on any of the above I can try to hop in an help (I am a core contributor to foundry, helping with reth, and have chatted with the solidity team a bunch about optimizations and such).

    Thanks for y'alls work!

    opened by brockelmore 7
  • Unexpected name conflict between a method and a function

    Unexpected name conflict between a method and a function

    What is wrong?

    When a method name is identical to another function that is defined outside of the struct, the compiler emits an invalid name conflict error.

    pub fn ident(x: i32) -> i32 {
        return x
    struct MyS {
        pub fn ident(self, x: i32) -> i32{
            return x

    error: function name `ident` conflicts with previously defined function
      ┌─ a.fe:1:8
    1 │ pub fn ident(x: i32) -> i32 {
      │        ^^^^^ `ident` first defined here
    7 │     pub fn ident(self, x: i32) -> i32{
      │            ----- `ident` redefined here
    type: bug comp: analyzer 
    opened by Y-Nak 0
  • Trait solver doesn't work properly

    Trait solver doesn't work properly

    What is wrong?

    Trait solving fails when a generics function is called from another generics function.

    struct MyS2 {
        pub fn foo<T: X>(self, x: T) {
        pub fn bar<T: X>(self, x: T) {
            x.foo(x: 1)

    error: the trait bound `T: X` is not satisfied
       ┌─ a.fe:15:18
    15 │         self.bar(x)
       │                  ^ the trait `X` is not implemented for `T`

    How can it be fixed

    Consider using https://github.com/rust-lang/chalk.

    type: bug comp: analyzer 
    opened by Y-Nak 0
  • v0.20.0-alpha(Dec 5, 2022)

    0.20.0-alpha "Tokyoite" (2022-12-05)


    • Removed the event type as well as the emit keyword. Instead the struct type now automatically implements the Emittable trait and can be emitted via ctx.emit(..).

      Indexed fields can be annotated via the #indexed attribute.


      struct Signed {
          book_msg: String<100>
      contract GuestBook {
          messages: Map<address, String<100>>
          pub fn sign(mut self, mut ctx: Context, book_msg: String<100>) {
              self.messages[ctx.msg_sender()] = book_msg


    • Allow to call trait methods on types when trait is in scope

      So far traits were only useful as bounds for generic functions. With this change traits can also be used as illustrated with the following example:

      trait Double {
        fn double(self) -> u256;
      impl Double for (u256, u256) {
        fn double(self) -> u256 {
          return (self.item0 + self.item1) * 2
      contract Example {
        pub fn run_test(self) {
          assert (0, 1).double() == 2

      If a call turns out to be ambigious the compiler currently asks the user to disambiguate via renaming. In the future we will likely introduce a syntax to allow to disambiguate at the callsite. (#757)

    • Allow contract associated functions to be called via ContractName::function_name() syntax. (#767)

    • Add enum types and match statement.

      enum can now be defined, e.g.,

      pub enum MyEnum {
          Tuple(u32, u256, bool)
          fn unit() -> MyEnum {
              return MyEnum::Unit

      Also, match statement is introduced, e.g.,

      pub fn eval_enum()  -> u256{
          match MyEnum {
              MyEnum::Unit => { 
                  return 0
              MyEnum::Tuple(a, _, false) => {
                  return u256(a)
              MyEnum::Tuple(.., true) => {
                  return u256(1)

      For now, available patterns are restricted to

      • Wildcard(_), which matches all patterns: _
      • Named variable, which matches all patterns and binds the value to make the value usable in the arm. e.g., a, b and c in MyEnum::Tuple(a, b, c)
      • Boolean literal(true and false)
      • Enum variant. e.g., MyEnum::Tuple(a, b, c)
      • Tuple pattern. e.g., (a, b, c)
      • Struct pattern. e.g., MyStruct {x: x1, y: y1, b: true}
      • Rest pattern(..), which matches the rest of the pattern. e.g., MyEnum::Tuple(.., true)
      • Or pattern(|). e.g., MyEnum::Unit | MyEnum::Tuple(.., true)

      Fe compiler performs the exhaustiveness and usefulness checks for match statement.
      So the compiler will emit an error when all patterns are not covered or an unreachable arm are detected. (#770)

    • Changed comments to use // instead of # (#776)

    • Added the mut keyword, to mark things as mutable. Any variable or function parameter not marked mut is now immutable.

      contract Counter {
          count: u256
          pub fn increment(mut self) -> u256 {
              // `self` is mutable, so storage can be modified
              self.count += 1
              return self.count
      struct Point {
          pub x: u32
          pub y: u32
          pub fn add(mut self, _ other: Point) {
              self.x += other.x
              self.y += other.y
              // other.x = 1000 // ERROR: `other` is not mutable
      fn pointless() {
          let origin: Point = Point(x: 0, y: 0)
          // origin.x = 10 // ERROR: origin is not mutable
          let x: u32 = 10
          // x_coord = 100 // ERROR: `x_coord` is not mutable
          let mut y: u32 = 0
          y = 10 // OK
          let mut p: Point = origin // copies `origin`
          p.x = 10 // OK, doesn't modify `origin`
          let mut q: Point = p // copies `p`
          q.x = 100            // doesn't modify `p`
          assert p.x == 110

      Note that, in this release, primitive type function parameters can't be mut. This restriction might be lifted in a future release.

      For example:

      fn increment(mut x: u256) { // ERROR: primitive type parameters can't be mut
          x += 1


    • The contents of the std::prelude module (currently just the Context struct) are now automatically used by every module, so use std::context::Context is no longer required. (#779)

    • When the Fe compiler generates a JSON ABI file for a contract, the "stateMutability" field for each function now reflects whether the function can read or modify chain or contract state, based on the presence or absence of the self and ctx parameters, and whether those parameters are mutable.

      If a function doesn't take self or ctx, it's "pure". If a function takes self or ctx immutably, it can read state but not mutate state, so it's a "view" If a function takes mut self or mut ctx, it can mutate state, and is thus marked "payable".

      Note that we're following the convention set by Solidity for this field, which isn't a perfect fit for Fe. The primary issue is that Fe doesn't currently distinguish between "payable" and "nonpayable" functions; if you want a function to revert when Eth is sent, you need to do it manually (eg assert ctx.msg_value() == 0). (#783)

    • Trait associated functions

      This change allows trait functions that do not take a self parameter. The following demonstrates a possible trait associated function and its usage:

      trait Max {
        fn max(self) -> u8;
      impl Max for u8 {
        fn max() -> u8 {
          return u8(255)
      contract Example {
        pub fn run_test(self) {
          assert u8::max() == 255



    • Fix issue where calls to assiciated functions did not enforce visibility rules.

      E.g the following code should be rejected but previously wasn't:

      struct Foo {
          fn do_private_things() {
      contract Bar {
          fn test() {

      With this change, the above code is now rejected because do_private_things is not pub. (#767)

    • Padding on bytes and string ABI types is zeroed out. (#769)

    • Ensure traits from other modules or even ingots can be implemented (#773)

    • Certain cases where the compiler would not reject pure functions being called on instances are now properly rejected. (#775)

    • Reject calling to_mem() on primitive types in storage (#801)

    • Disallow importing private type via use

      The following was previously allowed but will now error:

      use foo::PrivateStruct (#815)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    fe_amd64(18.51 MB)
    fe_mac(16.31 MB)
  • v0.19.1-alpha(Jul 6, 2022)

    0.19.1-alpha "Sunstone" (2022-07-06)


    • Support returning nested struct.


      pub struct InnerStruct {
          pub inner_s: String<10>
          pub inner_x: i256
      pub struct NestedStruct {
          pub inner: InnerStruct
          pub outer_x: i256
      contract Foo {
          pub fn return_nested_struct() -> NestedStruct {


    • Made some small changes to how the Context object is used.

      • ctx is not required when casting an address to a contract type. Eg let foo: Foo = Foo(address(0))
      • ctx is required when calling an external contract function that requires ctx


      use std::context::Context # see issue #679
      contract Foo {
        pub fn emit_stuff(ctx: Context) {
          emit Stuff(ctx)  # will be `ctx.emit(Stuff{})` someday
      contract Bar {
        pub fn call_foo_emit_stuff(ctx: Context) {
      event Stuff {}


    • Braces! Fe has abandoned python-style significant whitespace in favor of the trusty curly brace.

      In addition, elif is now spelled else if, and the pass statement no longer exists.


      pub struct SomeError {}
      contract Foo {
        x: u8
        y: u16
        pub fn f(a: u8) -> u8 {
          if a > 10 {
            let x: u8 = 5
            return a + x
          } else if a == 0 {
            revert SomeError()
          } else {
            return a * 10
        pub fn noop() {}


    • traits and generic function parameter

      Traits can now be defined, e.g:

      trait Computable {
        fn compute(self, val: u256) -> u256;

      The mechanism to implement a trait is via an impl block e.g:

      struct Linux {
        pub counter: u256
        pub fn get_counter(self) -> u256 {
          return self.counter
        pub fn something_static() -> u256 {
          return 5
      impl Computable for Linux {
        fn compute(self, val: u256) -> u256 {
          return val + Linux::something_static() + self.get_counter()

      Traits can only appear as bounds for generic functions e.g.:

      struct Runner {
        pub fn run<T: Computable>(self, _ val: T) -> u256 {
          return val.compute(val: 1000)

      Only struct functions (not contract functions) can have generic parameters. The run method of Runner can be called with any type that implements Computable e.g.

      contract Example {
        pub fn generic_compute(self) {
          let runner: Runner = Runner();
          assert runner.run(Mac()) == 1001
          assert runner.run(Linux(counter: 10)) == 1015


    • Generate artifacts for all contracts of an ingot, not just for contracts that are defined in main.fe (#726)

    • Allow using complex type as array element type.


      contract Foo {
          pub fn bar() -> i256 {
              let my_array: Array<Pair, 3> = [Pair::new(1, 0), Pair::new(2, 0), Pair::new(3, 0)]
              let sum: i256 = 0
              for pair in my_array {
                  sum += pair.x
              return sum
      struct Pair {
          pub x: i256
          pub y: i256
          pub fn new(_ x: i256, _ y: i256) -> Pair {
              return Pair(x, y)


    • The fe CLI now has subcommands:

      fe new myproject - creates a new project structure fe check . - analyzes fe source code and prints errors fe build . - builds a fe project (#732)

    • Support passing nested struct types to public functions.


      pub struct InnerStruct {
          pub inner_s: String<10>
          pub inner_x: i256
      pub struct NestedStruct {
          pub inner: InnerStruct
          pub outer_x: i256
      contract Foo {
          pub fn f(arg: NestedStruct) {


    • Added support for repeat expressions ([VALUE; LENGTH]).


      let my_array: Array<bool, 42> = [bool; 42] 

      Also added checks to ensure array and struct types are initialized. These checks are currently performed at the declaration site, but will be loosened in the future. (#747)


    • Fix a bug that incorrect instruction is selected when the operands of a comp instruction are a signed type. (#734)

    • Fix issue where a negative constant leads to an ICE

      E.g. the following code would previously crash the compiler but shouldn't:

      const INIT_VAL: i8 = -1
      contract Foo {
        pub fn init_bar() {
          let x: i8 = INIT_VAL


    • Fix a bug that causes ICE when nested if-statement has multiple exit point.

      E.g. the following code would previously crash the compiler but shouldn't:

       pub fn foo(self) {
          if true {
              if self.something { 
          if true {
              if self.something { 


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  • v0.18.0-alpha(May 27, 2022)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.18.0-alpha "Ruby" (2022-05-27)


    • Added support for parsing of attribute calls with generic arguments (e.g. foo.bar<Baz>()). (#719)


    • Fix a regression where the stateMutability field would not be included in the generated ABI (#722)
    • Fix two regressions introduced in 0.17.0
      • Properly lower right shift operation to yul's sar if operand is signed type
      • Properly lower negate operation to call safe_sub (#723)
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  • v0.17.0-alpha(May 26, 2022)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.17.0-alpha "Quartz" (2022-05-26)


    • Support for underscores in numbers to improve readability e.g. 100_000.


          let num: u256 = 1000_000_000_000


    • Optimized access of struct fields in storage (#249)

    • Unit type () is now ABI encodable (#442)

    • Temporary default stateMutability to payable in ABI

      The ABI metadata that the compiler previously generated did not include the stateMutability field. This piece of information is important for tooling such as hardhat because it determines whether a function needs to be called with or without sending a transaction.

      As soon as we have support for mut self and mut ctx we will be able to derive that information from the function signature. In the meantime we now default to payable. (#705)


    • Fixed a crash caused by certain memory to memory assignments.

      E.g. the following code would previously lead to a compiler crash:

      my_struct.x = my_struct.y


    • Reject unary minus operation if the target type is an unsigned integer number.

      Code below should be reject by fe compiler:

      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar(self) -> u32:
              let unsigned: u32 = 1
              return -unsigned
          pub fn foo():
              let a: i32 = 1
              let b: u32 = -a


    • Fixed crash when passing a struct that contains an array

      E.g. the following would previously result in a compiler crash:

      struct MyArray:
          pub x: Array<i32, 2>
      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar(my_arr: MyArray):


    • reject infinite size struct definitions.

      Fe structs having infinite size due to recursive definitions were not rejected earlier and would cause ICE in the analyzer since they were not properly handled. Now structs having infinite size are properly identified by detecting cycles in the dependency graph of the struct field definitions and an error is thrown by the analyzer. (#682)

    • Return instead of revert when contract is called without data.

      If a contract is called without data so that no function is invoked, we would previously revert but that would leave us without a way to send ETH to a contract so instead it will cause a return now. (#694)

    • Resolve compiler crash when using certain reserved YUL words as struct field names.

      E.g. the following would previously lead to a compiler crash because numer is a reserved keyword in YUL.

      struct Foo:
        pub number: u256
      contract Meh:
        pub fn yay() -> Foo:
          return Foo(number:2)


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  • v0.16.0-alpha(May 5, 2022)

    0.16.0-alpha (2022-05-05)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.


    • Change static function call syntax from Bar.foo() to Bar::foo() (#241)
    • Added support for retrieving the base fee via ctx.base_fee() (#503)


    • Resolve functions on structs via path (e.g. bi::ba::bums()) (#241)
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    fe_mac(15.87 MB)
  • v0.15.0-alpha(Apr 4, 2022)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.15.0-alpha "Onyx" (2022-04-04)


    • Labels are now required on function arguments. Labels can be omitted if the argument is a variable with a name that matches the label, or if the function definition specifies that an argument should have no label. Functions often take several arguments of the same type; compiler-checked labels can help prevent accidentally providing arguments in the wrong order.


      contract CoolCoin:
        balance: Map<address, i256>
        loans: Map<(address, address), i256>
        pub fn demo(self, ann: address, bob: address):
          let is_loan: bool = false
          self.give(from: ann, to: bob, 100, is_loan)
        fn transfer(self, from sender: address, to recipient: address, _ val: u256, is_loan: bool):
          self.cred[sender] -= val
          self.cred[recipient] += val
          if is_loan:
            self.loans[(sender, recipient)] += val

      Note that arguments must be provided in the order specified in the function definition.

      A parameter's label defaults to the parameter name, but can be changed by specifying a different label to the left of the parameter name. Labels should be clear and convenient for the caller, while parameter names are only used in the function body, and can thus be longer and more descriptive. In the example above, we choose to use sender and recipient as identifiers in the body of fn transfer, but use labels from: and to:.

      In cases where it's ideal to not have labels, e.g. if a function takes a single argument, or if types are sufficient to differentiate between arguments, use _ to specify that a given parameter has no label. It's also fine to require labels for some arguments, but not others.


      fn add(_ x: u256, _ y: u256) -> u256:
        return x + y
      contract Foo:
        fn transfer(self, _ to: address, wei: u256):
        pub fn demo(self):
          transfer(address(0), wei: add(1000, 42))



    • The region of memory used to compute the slot of a storage map value was not being allocated. (#684)
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  • v0.14.0-alpha(Mar 3, 2022)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.14.0-alpha "Niter" (2022-03-02)


    • Events can now be defined outside of contracts.


      event Transfer:
          idx sender: address
          idx receiver: address
          value: u256
      contract Foo:
          fn transferFoo(to: address, value: u256):
              emit Transfer(sender: msg.sender, receiver: to, value)
      contract Bar:
          fn transferBar(to: address, value: u256):
              emit Transfer(sender: msg.sender, receiver: to, value)


    • The Fe standard library now includes a std::evm module, which provides functions that perform low-level evm operations. Many of these are marked unsafe, and thus can only be used inside of an unsafe function or an unsafe block.


      use std::evm::{mstore, mload}
      fn memory_shenanigans():
          mstore(0x20, 42)
          let x: u256 = mload(0x20)
          assert x == 42

      The global functions balance and balance_of have been removed; these can now be called as std::evm::balance(), etc. The global function send_value has been ported to Fe, and is now available as std::send_value. (#629)

    • Support structs that have non-base type fields in storage.


      struct Point:
          pub x: u256
          pub y: u256
      struct Bar:
          pub name: String<3>
          pub numbers: Array<u256, 2>
          pub point: Point
          pub something: (u256, bool)
      contract Foo:
          my_bar: Bar
          pub fn complex_struct_in_storage(self) -> String<3>:
              self.my_bar = Bar(
                  name: "foo",
                  numbers: [1, 2],
                  point: Point(x: 100, y: 200),
                  something: (1, true),
              # Asserting the values as they were set initially
              assert self.my_bar.numbers[0] == 1
              assert self.my_bar.numbers[1] == 2
              assert self.my_bar.point.x == 100
              assert self.my_bar.point.y == 200
              assert self.my_bar.something.item0 == 1
              assert self.my_bar.something.item1
              # We can change the values of the array
              self.my_bar.numbers[0] = 10
              self.my_bar.numbers[1] = 20
              assert self.my_bar.numbers[0] == 10
              assert self.my_bar.numbers[1] == 20
              # We can set the array itself
              self.my_bar.numbers = [1, 2]
              assert self.my_bar.numbers[0] == 1
              assert self.my_bar.numbers[1] == 2
              # We can change the values of the Point
              self.my_bar.point.x = 1000
              self.my_bar.point.y = 2000
              assert self.my_bar.point.x == 1000
              assert self.my_bar.point.y == 2000
              # We can set the point itself
              self.my_bar.point = Point(x=100, y=200)
              assert self.my_bar.point.x == 100
              assert self.my_bar.point.y == 200
              # We can change the value of the tuple
              self.my_bar.something.item0 = 10
              self.my_bar.something.item1 = false
              assert self.my_bar.something.item0 == 10
              assert not self.my_bar.something.item1
              # We can set the tuple itself
              self.my_bar.something = (1, true)
              assert self.my_bar.something.item0 == 1
              assert self.my_bar.something.item1
              return self.my_bar.name.to_mem()


    • Features that read and modify state outside of contracts are now implemented on a struct named "Context". Context is included in the standard library and can be imported with use std::context::Context. Instances of Context are created by calls to public functions that declare it in the signature or by unsafe code.

      Basic example:

      use std::context::Context
      contract Foo:
          my_num: u256
          pub fn baz(ctx: Context) -> u256:
              return ctx.block_number()
          pub fn bing(self, new_num: u256) -> u256:
              self.my_num = new_num
              return self.my_num
      contract Bar:
          pub fn call_baz(ctx: Context, foo_addr: address) -> u256:
              # future syntax: `let foo = ctx.load<Foo>(foo_addr)`
              let foo: Foo = Foo(ctx, foo_addr)
              return foo.baz()
          pub fn call_bing(ctx: Context) -> u256:
              # future syntax: `let foo = ctx.create<Foo>(0)`
              let foo: Foo = Foo.create(ctx, 0)
              return foo.bing(42)

      Example with __call__ and unsafe block:

      use std::context::Context
      use std::evm
      contract Foo:
          pub fn __call__():
                  # creating an instance of `Context` is unsafe
                  let ctx: Context = Context()
                  let value: u256 = u256(bar(ctx))
                  # return `value`
                  evm::mstore(0, value)
                  evm::return_mem(0, 32)
          fn bar(ctx: Context) -> address:
              return ctx.self_address()


    • Features

      Support local constant


      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar():
              const LOCAL_CONST: i32 = 1

      Support constant expression


      const GLOBAL: i32 = 8
      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar():
              const LOCAL: i32 = GLOBAL * 8

      Support constant generics expression


      const GLOBAL: u256= 8
      const USE_GLOBAL: bool = false
      type MY_ARRAY = Array<i32, { GLOBAL / 4 }>
      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar():
              let my_array: Array<i32, { GLOBAL if USE_GLOBAL else 4 }>

      Bug fixes

      Fix ICE when constant type is mismatch


      const GLOBAL: i32 = "FOO"
      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar():
              let FOO: i32 = GLOBAL

      Fix ICE when assigning value to constant twice


      const BAR: i32 = 1
      contract FOO:
          pub fn bar():
              BAR = 10


    • Argument label syntax now uses : instead of =. Example:

      struct Foo:
        x: u256
        y: u256
      let x: MyStruct = MyStruct(x: 10, y: 11)
      # previously:     MyStruct(x = 10, y = 11)


    • Support module-level pub modifier, now default visibility of items in a module is private.


      # This constant can be used outside of the module.
      pub const PUBLIC:i32 = 1
      # This constant can NOT be used outside of the module.
      const PRIVATE: i32 = 1


    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

      • Source files are now managed by a (salsa) SourceDb. A SourceFileId now corresponds to a salsa-interned File with a path. File content is a salsa input function. This is mostly so that the future (LSP) language server can update file content when the user types or saves, which will trigger a re-analysis of anything that changed.
      • An ingot's set of modules and dependencies are also salsa inputs, so that when the user adds/removes a file or dependency, analysis is rerun.
      • Standalone modules (eg a module compiled with fe fee.fe) now have a fake ingot parent. Each Ingot has an IngotMode (Lib, Main, StandaloneModule), which is used to disallow ingot::whatever paths in standalone modules, and to determine the correct root module file.
      • parse_module now always returns an ast::Module, and thus a ModuleId will always exist for a source file, even if it contains fatal parse errors. If the parsing fails, the body will end with a ModuleStmt::ParseError node. The parsing will stop at all but the simplest of syntax errors, but this at least allows partial analysis of source file with bad syntax.
      • ModuleId::ast(db) is now a query that parses the module's file on demand, rather than the AST being interned into salsa. This makes handling parse diagnostics cleaner, and removes the up-front parsing of every module at ingot creation time.


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  • v0.13.0-alpha(Feb 1, 2022)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.13.0-alpha "Mixite" (2022-01-31)


    • Support private fields on structs

      Public fields now need to be declared with the pub modifier, otherwise they default to private fields. If a struct contains private fields it can not be constructed directly except from within the struct itself. The recommended way is to implement a method new(...) as demonstrated in the following example.

      struct House:
          pub price: u256
          pub size: u256
          vacant: bool
          pub fn new(price: u256, size: u256) -> House
            return House(price=price, size=size, vacant=true)
      contract Manager:
        house: House
        pub fn create_house(price: u256, size: u256):
          self.house = House::new(price, size)
          let can_access_price: u256 = self.house.price
          # can not access `self.house.vacant` because the field is private


    • Support non-base type fields in structs Support is currently limited in two ways:
      • Structs with complex fields can not be returned from public functions
      • Structs with complex fields can not be stored in storage (#343)
    • Addresses can now be explicitly cast to u256. For example:
      fn f(addr: address) -> u256:
        return u256(addr)
      ``` ([#621](https://github.com/ethereum/fe/issues/621))
    • A special function named __call__ can now be defined in contracts. The body of this function will execute in place of the standard dispatcher when the contract is called. example (with intrinsics):
      contract Foo:
          pub fn __call__(self):
                  if __calldataload(0) == 1:
                      __revert(0, 0)
                      __return(0, 0)



    • Fixed a crash that happend when using a certain unprintable ASCII char (#551)
    • The argument to revert wasn't being lowered by the compiler, meaning that some revert calls would cause a compiler panic in later stages. For example:
      const BAD_MOJO: u256 = 0xdeaddead
      struct Error:
        code: u256
      fn fail():
        revert Error(code = BAD_MOJO)


    • Fixed a regression where an empty list expression ([]) would lead to a compiler crash. (#623)
    • Fixed a bug where int array elements were not sign extended in their ABI encodings. (#633)
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    fe_mac(14.88 MB)
  • v0.12.0-alpha(Jan 1, 2022)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.12.0-alpha "Lyonsite" (2021-12-31)


    • Added unsafe low-level "intrinsic" functions, that perform raw evm operations. For example:

      fn foo():
          __mtore(0, 5000)
          assert __mload(0) == 5000

      The functions available are exactly those defined in yul's "evm dialect": https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.11/yul.html#evm-dialect but with a double-underscore prefix. Eg selfdestruct -> __selfdestruct.

      These are intended to be used for implementing basic standard library functionality, and shouldn't typically be needed in normal contract code.

      Note: some intrinsic functions don't return a value (eg __log0); using these functions in a context that assumes a return value of unit type (eg let x: () = __log0(a, b)) will currently result in a compiler panic in the yul compilation phase. (#603)

    • Added an out of bounds check for accessing array items. If an array index is retrieved at an index that is not within the bounds of the array it now reverts with Panic(0x32). (#606)


    • Ensure ternary expression short circuit.


      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar(input: u256) -> u256:
              return 1 if input > 5 else revert_me()
          fn revert_me() -> u256:
              return 0

      Previous to this change, the code above would always revert no matter which branch of the ternary expressions it would resolve to. That is because both sides were evaluated and then one side was discarded. With this change, only the branch that doesn't get picked won't get evaluated at all.

      The same is true for the boolean operations and and or. (#488)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Added a globally available dummy std lib.

      This library contains a single get_42 function, which can be called using std::get_42(). Once low-level intrinsics have been added to the language, we can delete get_42 and start adding useful code. (#601)

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    fe_mac(13.66 MB)
  • v0.11.0-alpha(Dec 2, 2021)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.11.0-alpha "Karlite" (2021-12-02)


    • Added support for multi-file inputs.

      Implementation details:

      Mostly copied Rust's crate system, but use the the term ingot instead of crate.

      Below is an example of an ingot's file tree, as supported by the current implementation.

      `-- basic_ingot
          `-- src
              |-- bar
              |   `-- baz.fe
              |-- bing.fe
              |-- ding
              |   |-- dang.fe
              |   `-- dong.fe
              `-- main.fe

      There are still a few features that will be worked on over the coming months:

      • source files accompanying each directory module (e.g. my_mod.fe)
      • configuration files and the ability to create library ingots
      • test directories
      • module-level pub modifier (all items in a module are public)
      • mod statements (all fe files in the input tree are public modules)

      These things will be implemented in order of importance over the next few months. (#562)

    • The syntax for array types has changed to match other generic types. For example, u8[4] is now written Array<u8, 4>. (#571)

    • Functions can now be defined on struct types. Example:

      struct Point:
        x: u64
        y: u64
        # Doesn't take `self`. Callable as `Point.origin()`.
        # Note that the syntax for this will soon be changed to `Point::origin()`.
        pub fn origin() -> Point:
          return Point(x=0, y=0)
        # Takes `self`. Callable on a value of type `Point`.
        pub fn translate(self, x: u64, y: u64):
          self.x += x
          self.y += y
        pub fn add(self, other: Point) -> Point:
          let x: u64 = self.x + other.x
          let y: u64 = self.y + other.y
          return Point(x, y)
        pub fn hash(self) -> u256:
          return keccak256(self.abi_encode())
      pub fn do_pointy_things():
        let p1: Point = Point.origin()
        p1.translate(5, 10)
        let p2: Point = Point(x=1, y=2)
        let p3: Point = p1.add(p2)
        assert p3.x == 6 and p3.y == 12
      ``` ([#577](https://github.com/ethereum/fe/issues/577))

    ### Bugfixes

    • Fixed a rare compiler crash.


      let my_array: i256[1] = [-1 << 1] 

      Previous to this fix, the given example would lead to an ICE. (#550)

    • Contracts can now create an instance of a contract defined later in a file. This issue was caused by a weakness in the way we generated yul. (#596)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • File IDs are now attached to Spans. (#587)

    • The fe analyzer now builds a dependency graph of source code "items" (functions, contracts, structs, etc). This is used in the yulgen phase to determine which items are needed in the yul (intermediate representation) output. Note that the yul output is still cluttered with utility functions that may or may not be needed by a given contract. These utility functions are defined in the yulgen phase and aren't tracked in the dependency graph, so it's not yet possible to filter out the unused functions. We plan to move the definition of many of these utility functions into fe; when this happens they'll become part of the dependency graph and will only be included in the yul output when needed.

      The dependency graph will also enable future analyzer warnings about unused code. (#596)

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    fe_amd64(15.28 MB)
    fe_mac(13.26 MB)
  • v0.10.0-alpha(Nov 1, 2021)


    • Support for module level constants for base types


      const TEN = 10
        pub fn do_moon_math(self) -> u256:
          return 4711 * TEN

      The values of base type constants are always inlined. (#192)

    • Encode revert errors for ABI decoding as Error(0x103) not Panic(0x99) (#492)

    • Replaced import statements with use statements.


      use foo::{bar::*, baz as baz26}

      Note: this only adds support for parsing use statements. (#547)

    • Functions can no be defined outside of contracts. Example:

      fn add_bonus(x: u256) -> u256:
          return x + 10
      contract PointTracker:
          points: Map<address, u256>
          pub fn add_points(self, user: address, val: u256):
              self.points[user] += add_bonus(val)
      ``` ([#566](https://github.com/ethereum/fe/issues/566))
    • Implemented a send_value(to: address, value_in_wei: u256) function. The function is similar to the sendValue function by OpenZeppelin with the differences being that:

      1. It reverts with Error(0x100) instead of Error("Address: insufficient balance") to safe more gas.
      2. It uses selfbalance() instead of balance(address()) to safe more gas
      3. It reverts with Error(0x101) instead of Error("Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted") also to safe more gas. (#567)
    • Added support for unsafe functions and unsafe blocks within functions. Note that there's currently no functionality within Fe that requires the use of unsafe, but we plan to add built-in unsafe functions that perform raw evm operations which will only callable within an unsafe block or function. (#569)

    • Added balance() and balance_of(account: address) methods. (#572)

    • Added support for explicit casting between numeric types. Example:

      let a: i8 = i8(-1)
      let a1: i16 = i16(a)
      let a2: u16 = u16(a1)
      assert a2 == u16(65535)
      let b: i8 = i8(-1)
      let b1: u8 = u8(b)
      let b2: u16 = u16(b1)
      assert b2 == u16(255)

      Notice that Fe allows casting between any two numeric types but does not allow to change both the sign and the size of the type in one step as that would leave room for ambiguity as the example above demonstrates. (#576)


    • Adjust numeric values loaded from memory or storage Previous to this fix numeric values that were loaded from either memory or storage were not properly loaded on the stack which could result in numeric values not treated as intended. Example:
      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar() -> i8:
              let in_memory: i8[1] = [-3]
              return in_memory[0]

      In the example above bar() would not return -3 but 253 instead. (#524)

    • Propagate reverts from external contract calls. Before this fix the following code to should_revert() or should_revert2() would succeed even though it clearly should not.
      contract A:
        contract_b: B
        pub fn __init__(contract_b: address):
          self.contract_b = B(contract_b)
        pub fn should_revert():
        pub fn should_revert2():
      struct SomeError:
      contract B:
        pub fn fail():
        pub fn fail_with_custom_error():
          revert SomeError()

      With this fix the revert errors are properly passed upwards the call hierachy. (#574)

    • Fixed bug in left shift operation. Example: Let's consider the value 1 as an u8 which is represented as the following 256 bit item on the EVM stack 00..|00000001|. A left shift of 8 bits (val << 8) turns that into 00..01|00000000|. Previous to this fix this resulted in the compiler taking 256 as the value for the u8 when clearly 256 is not even in the range of u8 anymore. With this fix the left shift operations was fixed to properly "clean up" the result of the shift so that 00..01|00000000| turns into 00..00|00000000|. (#575)
    • Ensure negation is checked and reverts with over/underflow if needed. Example: The minimum value for an i8 is -128 but the maximum value of an i8 is 127 which means that negating -128 should lead to an overflow since 128 does not fit into an i8. Before this fix, negation operations where not checked for over/underflow resulting in returning the oversized value. (#578)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • In the analysis stage, all name resolution (of variable names, function names, type names, etc used in code) now happens via a single resolve_name pathway, so we can catch more cases of name collisions and log more helpful error messages. (#555)
    • Added a new category of tests: differential contract testing. Each of these tests is pased on a pair of contracts where one implementation is written in Fe and the other one is written in Solidity. The implementations should have the same public APIs and are assumed to always return identical results given equal inputs. The inputs are randomly generated using proptest and hence are expected to discover unknown bugs. (#578)
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    fe_mac(11.88 MB)
  • v0.9.0-alpha(Sep 29, 2021)

    0.9.0-alpha "Iridium"


    • The self variable is no longer implicitly defined in code blocks. It must now be declared as the first parameter in a function signature.


      contract Foo:
          my_stored_num: u256
          pub fn bar(self, my_num: u256):
              self.my_stored_num = my_num
          pub fn baz(self):
          pub fn my_pure_func() -> u256:
              return 42 + 26


    • The analyzer now disallows defining a type, variable, or function whose name conflicts with a built-in type, function, or object. Example:
      error: type name conflicts with built-in type
      ┌─ compile_errors/shadow_builtin_type.fe:1:6
      1 │ type u256 = u8
      │      ^^^^ `u256` is a built-in type



    • Fixed cases where the analyzer would correctly reject code, but would panic instead of logging an error message. (#534)
    • Non-fatal parser errors (eg missing parentheses when defining a function that takes no arguments: fn foo:) are no longer ignored if the semantic analysis stage succeeds. (#535)
    • Fixed issue #531 by adding a $ to the front of lowered tuple names. (#546)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Implemented pretty printing of Fe AST. (#540)
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    fe_amd64(13.55 MB)
    fe_mac(11.71 MB)
  • v0.8.0-alpha(Aug 31, 2021)

    0.8.0-alpha "Haxonite" (2021-08-31)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.


    • Support quotes, tabs and carriage returns in string literals and otherwise restrict string literals to the printable subset of the ASCII table. (#329)

    • The analyzer now uses a query-based system, which fixes some shortcomings of the previous implementation.

      • Types can now refer to other types defined later in the file. Example:
      type Posts = Map<PostId, PostBody>
      type PostId = u256
      type PostBody = String<140>
      • Duplicate definition errors now show the location of the original definition.
      • The analysis of each function, type definition, etc happens independently, so an error in one doesn't stop the analysis pass. This means fe can report more user errors in a single run of the compiler. (#468)
    • Function definitions are now denoted with the keyword fn instead of def. (#496)

    • Variable declarations are now preceded by the let keyword. Example: let x: u8 = 1. (#509)

    • Implemented support for numeric unary invert operator (~) (#526)


    • Calling self.__init__() now results in a nice error instead of a panic in the yul compilation stage. (#468)

    • Fixed an issue where certain expressions were not being moved to the correct location. (#493)

    • Fixed an issue with a missing return statement not properly detected.

      Previous to this fix, the following code compiles but it should not:

      contract Foo:
          pub fn bar(val: u256) -> u256:
              if val > 1:
                  return 5

      With this change, the compiler rightfully detects that the code is missing a return or revert statement after the if statement since it is not guaranteed that the path of execution always follows the arm of the if statement. (#497)

    • Fixed a bug in the analyzer which allowed tuple item accessor names with a leading 0, resulting in an internal compiler error in a later pass. Example: my_tuple.item001. These are now rejected with an error message. (#510)

    • Check call argument labels for function calls.

      Previously the compiler would not check any labels that were used when making function calls on self or external contracts.

      This can be especially problematic if gives developers the impression that they could apply function arguments in any order as long as they are named which is not the case.

      contract Foo:
          pub fn baz():
              self.bar(val2=1, doesnt_even_exist=2)
          pub fn bar(val1: u256, val2: u256):

      Code as the one above is now rightfully rejected by the compiler. (#517)

    Improved Documentation

    • Various improvements and bug fixes to both the content and layout of the specification. (#489)

    • Document all remaining statements and expressions in the spec.

      Also added a CI check to ensure code examples in the documentation are validated against the latest compiler. (#514)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Separated Fe type traits between crates. (#485)
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  • v0.7.0-alpha(Jul 27, 2021)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.7.0-alpha "Galaxite" (2021-07-27)


    • Enable the optimizer by default. The optimizer can still be disabled by supplying --optimize=false as an argument. (#439)

    • The following checks are now performed while decoding data:

      • The size of the encoded data fits within the size range known at compile-time.
      • Values are correctly padded.
        • unsigned integers, addresses, and bools are checked to have correct left zero padding
        • the size of signed integers are checked
        • bytes and strings are checked to have correct right padding
      • Data section offsets are consistent with the size of preceding values in the data section.
      • The dynamic size of strings does not exceed their maximum size.
      • The dynamic size of byte arrays (u8[n]) is equal to the size of the array. (#440)
    • Type aliases can now include tuples. Example:

      type InternetPoints = (address, u256)


    • Revert with custom errors


      struct PlatformError:
        code: u256
      pub def do_something():
        revert PlatformError(code=4711)

      Error encoding follows Solidity which is based on EIP-838. This means that custom errors returned from Fe are fully compatible with Solidity. (#464)

      • The builtin value msg.sig now has type u256.
      • Removed the bytes[n] type. The type u8[n] can be used in its placed and will be encoded as a dynamically-sized, but checked, bytes component. (#472)
    • Encode certain reverts as panics.

      With this change, the following reverts are encoded as Panic(uint256) with the following panic codes:

      • 0x01: An assertion that failed and did not specify an error message
      • 0x11: An arithmetic expression resulted in an over- or underflow
      • 0x12: An arithmetic expression divided or modulo by zero

      The panic codes are aligned with the panic codes that Solidity uses. (#476)


    • Fixed a crash when trying to access an invalid attribute on a string.


      contract Foo:
        pub def foo():

      The above now yields a proper user error. (#444)

    • Ensure String<N> type is capitalized in error messages (#445)

    • Fixed ICE when using a static string that spans over multiple lines.

      Previous to this fix, the following code would lead to a compiler crash:

      contract Foo:
          pub def return_with_newline() -> String<16>:
              return "foo

      The above code now works as intended. (#448)

    • Fixed ICE when using a tuple declaration and specifying a non-tuple type. Fixed a second ICE when using a tuple declaration where the number of target items doesn't match the number of items in the declared type. (#469)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

      • Cleaned up ABI encoding internals.
      • Improved yulc panic formatting. (#472)
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    fe_amd64(12.45 MB)
    fe_mac(10.75 MB)
  • v0.6.1-alpha(Jun 10, 2021)

    0.6.0-alpha "Feldspar" (2021-06-10)

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.


    • Support for pragma statement

      Example: pragma ^0.1.0 (#361)

    • Add support for tuple destructuring


      my_tuple: (u256, bool) = (42, true)
      (x, y): (u256, bool) = my_tuple


      1. Call expression can now accept generic arguments
      2. Replace stringN to String<N>


      s: String<10> = String<10>("HI")


      • Many analyzer errors now include helpful messages and underlined code.
      • Event and struct constructor arguments must now be labeled and in the order specified in the definition.
      • The analyzer now verifies that the left-hand side of an assignment is actually assignable. (#398)
    • Types of integer literal are now inferred, rather than defaulting to u256.

      contract C:
        def f(x: u8) -> u16:
          y: u8 = 100   # had to use u8(100) before
          z: i8 = -129  # "literal out of range" error
          return 1000   # had to use `return u16(1000)` before
        def g():

      Similar inference is done for empty array literals. Previously, empty array literals caused a compiler crash, because the array element type couldn't be determined.

      contract C:
        def f(xs: u8[10]):
        def g():

      (Note that array length mismatch is still a type error, so this code won't actually compile.) (#429)

    • The Map type name is now capitalized. Example:

      contract GuestBook:
          guests: Map<address, String<100>>


    • Convert all remaining errors to use the new advanced error reporting system (#432)

    • Analyzer throws an error if __init__ is not public. (#435)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Refactored front-end "not implemented" errors into analyzer errors and removed questionable variants. Any panic is now considered to be a bug. (#437)
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    fe_mac(10.50 MB)
  • v0.5.0-alpha(May 27, 2021)

    0.5.0-alpha (2021-05-27) "Evenkite"


    • Add support for hexadecimal/octal/binary numeric literals.


      value_hex: u256 = 0xff
      value_octal: u256 = 0o77
      value_binary: u256 = 0b11


    • Added support for list expressions.


      values: u256[3] = [10, 20, 30]
      # or anywhere else where expressions can be used such as in a call
      sum: u256 = self.sum([10, 20, 30])


    • Contracts, events, and structs can now be empty.


      event MyEvent:
      contract MyContract:
      struct MyStruct:


    • External calls can now handle dynamically-sized return types. (#415)


    • The analyzer will return an error if a tuple attribute is not of the form item<index>. (#401)

    Improved Documentation

    • Created a landing page for Fe at https://fe.ethereum.org (#394)
    • Provide a Quickstart chapter in Fe Guide (#403)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Using insta to validate Analyzer outputs. (#387)

    • Analyzer now disallows using context.add_ methods to update attributes. (#392)

    • () now represents a distinct type internally called the unit type, instead of an empty tuple.

      The lowering pass now does the following: Valueless return statements are given a () value and functions without a return value are given explicit () returns. (#406)

    • Add CI check to ensure fragment files always end with a new line (#4711)

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    fe_amd64(12.13 MB)
    fe_mac(10.44 MB)
  • v0.4.0-alpha(Apr 29, 2021)

    Release Notes

    🖥️ Download Binaries 📄 Draft Spec ℹ️ Getting Started

    Fe is moving fast. Read up on all the latest improvements.

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.4.0-alpha "Diamond" (2021-04-28)


    • Support for revert messages in assert statements


      assert a == b, "my revert statement"

      The provided string is abi-encoded as if it were a call to a function Error(string). For example, the revert string "Not enough Ether provided." returns the following hexadecimal as error return data:

      0x08c379a0                                                         // Function selector for Error(string)
      0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020 // Data offset
      0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a // String length
      0x4e6f7420656e6f7567682045746865722070726f76696465642e000000000000 // String data


    • Added support for augmented assignments.


      contract Foo:
          pub def add(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
              a += b
              return a
          pub def sub(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
              a -= b
              return a
          pub def mul(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
              a *= b
              return a
          pub def div(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
              a /= b
              return a
          pub def mod(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
              a %= b
              return a
          pub def pow(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256:
              a **= b
              return a
          pub def lshift(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
              a <<= b
              return a
          pub def rshift(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
              a >>= b
              return a
          pub def bit_or(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
              a |= b
              return a
          pub def bit_xor(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
              a ^= b
              return a
          pub def bit_and(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8:
              a &= b
              return a


    • A new parser implementation, which provides more helpful error messages with fancy underlines and code context. (#346)

    • Added support for tuples with base type items.


      contract Foo:
          my_num: u256
          pub def bar(my_num: u256, my_bool: bool) -> (u256, bool):
              my_tuple: (u256, bool) = (my_num, my_bool)
              self.my_num = my_tuple.item0
              return my_tuple



    • Properly reject invalid emit (#211)

    • Properly tokenize numeric literals when they start with 0 (#331)

    • Reject non-string assert reasons as type error (#335)

    • Properly reject code that creates a circular dependency when using create or create2.

      Example, the follwing code is now rightfully rejected because it tries to create an instance of Foo from within the Foo contract itself.

      contract Foo:
        pub def bar()->address:
          return address(foo)


    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • AST nodes use Strings instead of &strs. This way we can perform incremental compilation on the AST. (#332)
    • Added support for running tests against solidity fixtures. Also added tests that cover how solidity encodes revert reason strings. (#342)
    • Refactoring of binary operation type checking. (#347)
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    fe_amd64(11.62 MB)
    fe_mac(9.95 MB)
  • v0.3.0-alpha(Mar 24, 2021)

    Release Notes

    📄 Draft Spec ℹ️ Getting Started

    Fe is moving fast. Read up on all the latest improvements.

    WARNING: All Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.3.0-alpha "Calamine" (2021-03-24)


    • Add over/underflow checks for multiplications of all integers (#271)

    • Add full support for empty Tuples. (#276)

      All functions in Fe implicitly return an empty Tuple if they have no other return value. However, before this change one was not able to use the empty Tuple syntax () explicitly.

      With this change, all of these are treated equally:

      contract Foo:
        pub def explicit_return_a1():
        pub def explicit_return_a2():
          return ()
        pub def explicit_return_b1() ->():
        pub def explicit_return_b2() ->():
          return ()
        pub def implicit_a1():
        pub def implicit_a2() ->():
    • The JSON ABI builder now supports structs as both input and output. (#296)

    • Make subsequently defined contracts visible.

      Before this change:

      # can't see Bar
      contract Foo:
      # can see Foo
      contract Bar:

      With this change the restriction is lifted and the following becomes possible. (#298)

      contract Foo:
          bar: Bar
          pub def external_bar() -> u256:
              return self.bar.bar()
      contract Bar:
          foo: Foo
          pub def external_foo() -> u256:
              return self.foo.foo()
    • Perform checks for divison operations on integers (#308)

    • Support for msg.sig to read the function identifier. (#311)

    • Perform checks for modulo operations on integers (#312)

    • Perform over/underflow checks for exponentiation operations on integers (#313)


    • Properly reject emit not followed by an event invocation (#212)

    • Properly reject octal number literals (#222)

    • Properly reject code that tries to emit a non-existing event. (#250)

      Example that now produces a compile time error:

      emit DoesNotExist()
    • Contracts that create other contracts can now include __init__ functions.

      See https://github.com/ethereum/fe/issues/284 (#304)

    • Prevent multiple types with same name in one module. (#317)

      Examples that now produce compile time errors:

      type bar = u8
      type bar = u16


      struct SomeStruct:
          some_field: u8
      struct SomeStruct:
          other: u8


      contract SomeContract:
          some_field: u8
      contract SomeContract:
          other: u8

      Prevent multiple fields with same name in one struct.

      Example that now produces a compile time error:

      struct SomeStruct:
          some_field: u8
          some_field: u8

      Prevent variable definition in child scope when name already taken in parent scope.

      Example that now produces a compile time error:

      pub def bar():
          my_array: u256[3]
          sum: u256 = 0
          for i in my_array:
              sum: u256 = 0
    • The CLI was using the overwrite flag to enable Yul optimization.


      # Would both overwite output files and run the Yul optimizer. 
      $ fe my_contract.fe --overwrite

      Using the overwrite flag now only overwrites and optimization is enabled with the optimize flag. (#320)

    • Ensure analyzer rejects code that uses return values for __init__ functions. (#323)

      An example that now produces a compile time error:

      contract C:
          pub def __init__() -> i32:
              return 0
    • Properly reject calling an undefined function on an external contract (#324)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Added the Uniswap demo contracts to our testing fixtures and validated their behaviour. (#179)
    • IDs added to AST nodes. (#315)
    • Failures in the Yul generation phase now panic; any failure is a bug. (#327)
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    fe_amd64(11.45 MB)
    fe_mac(10.56 MB)
  • v0.2.0-alpha(Feb 27, 2021)

    Release Notes

    📄 Draft Spec ℹ️ Getting Started

    Fe is moving fast. Read up on all the latest improvements.

    WARNING: All current Fe releases are alpha releases and only meant to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet ready for production usage.

    0.2.0-alpha "Borax" (2021-02-27)


    • Add support for string literals.


      def get_ticker_symbol() -> string3:
          return "ETH"

      String literals are stored in and loaded from the compiled bytecode. (#186)

    • The CLI now compiles every contract in a module, not just the first one. (#197)

      Sample compiler output with all targets enabled:

      |-- Bar
      |   |-- Bar.bin
      |   |-- Bar_abi.json
      |   `-- Bar_ir.yul
      |-- Foo
      |   |-- Foo.bin
      |   |-- Foo_abi.json
      |   `-- Foo_ir.yul
      |-- module.ast
      `-- module.tokens
    • Add support for string type casts (#201)


      val: string100 = string100("foo")
    • Add basic support for structs. (#203)


      struct House:
          price: u256
          size: u256
          vacant: bool
      contract City:
          pub def get_price() -> u256:
              building: House = House(300, 500, true)
              assert building.size == 500
              assert building.price == 300
              assert building.vacant
              return building.price
    • Added support for external contract calls. Contract definitions now add a type to the module scope, which may be used to create contract values with the contract's public functions as callable attributes. (#204)


      contract Foo:
          pub def build_array(a: u256, b: u256) -> u256[3]:
              my_array: u256[3]
              my_array[0] = a
              my_array[1] = a * b
              my_array[2] = b
              return my_array
      contract FooProxy:
          pub def call_build_array(
              foo_address: address,
              a: u256,
              b: u256,
          ) -> u256[3]:
              foo: Foo = Foo(foo_address)
              return foo.build_array(a, b)
    • Add support for block, msg, chain, and tx properties: (#208)

      block.coinbase: address
      block.difficulty: u256
      block.number: u256
      block.timestamp: u256
      chain.id: u256
      msg.value: u256
      tx.gas_price: u256
      tx.origin: address

      (Note that msg.sender: address was added previously.)


      def post_fork() -> bool:
          return block.number > 2675000
    • The CLI now panics if an error is encountered during Yul compilation. (#218)

    • Support for contract creations.

      Example of create2, which takes a value and address salt as parameters.

      contract Foo:
          pub def get_my_num() -> u256:
              return 42
      contract FooFactory:
          pub def create2_foo() -> address:
              # value and salt
              foo: Foo = Foo.create2(0, 52)
              return address(foo)

      Example of create, which just takes a value parameter.

      contract Foo:
          pub def get_my_num() -> u256:
              return 42
      contract FooFactory:
          pub def create_foo() -> address:
              # value and salt
              foo: Foo = Foo.create(0)
              return address(foo)

      Note: We do not yet support init parameters. (#239)

    • Support updating individual struct fields in storage. (#246)


       pub def update_house_price(price: u256):
              self.my_house.price = price
    • Implement global keccak256 method. The method expects one parameter of bytes[n] and returns the hash as an u256. In a future version keccak256 will most likely be moved behind an import so that it has to be imported (e.g. from std.crypto import keccak256). (#255)


      pub def hash_single_byte(val: bytes[1]) -> u256:
          return keccak256(val)
    • Require structs to be initialized using keyword arguments.


      struct House:
          vacant: bool
          price: u256

      Previously, House could be instantiated as House(true, 1000000). With this change it is required to be instantiated like House(vacant=true, price=1000000)

      This ensures property assignment is less prone to get mixed up. It also makes struct initialization visually stand out more from function calls. (#260)

    • Implement support for boolean not operator. (#264)


      if not covid_test.is_positive(person):
    • Do over/underflow checks for additions (SafeMath).

      With this change all additions (e.g x + y) for signed and unsigned integers check for over- and underflows and revert if necessary. (#265)

    • Added a builtin function abi_encode() that can be used to encode stucts. The return type is a fixed-size array of bytes that is equal in size to the encoding. The type system does not support dynamically-sized arrays yet, which is why we used fixed. (#266)


      struct House:
          price: u256
          size: u256
          rooms: u8
          vacant: bool
      contract Foo:
          pub def hashed_house() -> u256:
              house: House = House(
              return keccak256(house.abi_encode())
    • Perform over/underflow checks for subtractions (SafeMath). (#267)

      With this change all subtractions (e.g x - y) for signed and unsigned integers check for over- and underflows and revert if necessary.

    • Support for the boolean operations and and or. (#270)


      contract Foo:
          pub def bar(x: bool, y: bool) -> bool:
              return x and y
      contract Foo:
          pub def bar(x: bool, y: bool) -> bool:
              return x or y

      Support for self.address.

      This expression returns the address of the current contract.


      contract Foo:
          pub def bar() -> address:
              return self.address


    • Perform type checking when calling event constructors

      Previously, the following would not raise an error even though it should:

      contract Foo:
          event MyEvent:
              val_1: string100
              val_2: u8
          pub def foo():
              emit MyEvent("foo", 1000)

      Wit this change, the code fails with a type error as expected. (#202)

    • Fix bug where compilation of contracts without public functions would result in illegal YUL. (#219)

      E.g without this change, the following doesn't compile to proper YUL

      contract Empty:
        lonely: u256
    • Ensure numeric literals can't exceed 256 bit range. Previously, this would result in a non user friendly error at the YUL compilation stage. With this change it is caught at the analyzer stage and presented to the user as a regular error. (#225)

    • Fix crash when return is used without value.

      These two methods should both be treated as returning ()

        pub def explicit_return():
        pub def implicit():

      Without this change, the explicit_return crashes the compiler. (#261)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Renamed the fe-semantics library to fe-analyzer. (#207)
    • Runtime testing utilities. (#243)
    • Values are stored more efficiently in storage. (#251)
    Source code(tar.gz)
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    fe_amd64(11.27 MB)
    fe_mac(10.52 MB)
  • v0.1.0-alpha(Jan 20, 2021)

    📄 Draft Spec ℹ️ Getting Started

    0.1.0-alpha "Amethyst" (2021-01-20)

    WARNING: This is an alpha version to share the development progress with developers and enthusiasts. It is NOT yet intended to be used for anything serious. At this point Fe is missing a lot of features and has a lot of bugs instead.

    This is the first alpha release and kicks off our release schedule which will be one release every month in the future. Since we have just started tracking progress on changes, the following list of changes is incomplete, but will appropriately document progress between releases from now on.


    • Added support for for loop, allows iteration over static arrays. (#134)

    • Enforce bounds on numeric literals in type constructors.

      For instance calling u8(1000) or i8(-250) will give an error because the literals 1000 and -250 do not fit into u8 or i8. (#145)

    • Added builtin copying methods clone() and to_mem() to reference types. (#155)


      # copy a segment of storage into memory and assign the new pointer
      my_mem_array = self.my_sto_array.to_mem()
      # copy a segment of memory into another segment of memory and assign the new pointer
      my_other_mem_array = my_mem_array.clone()
    • Support emitting JSON ABI via --emit abi. The default value of --emit is now abi,bytecode. (#160)

    • Ensure integer type constructor reject all expressions that aren't a numeric literal. For instance, previously the compiler would not reject the following code even though it could not be guaranteed that val would fit into an u16.

      pub def bar(val: u8) -> u16:
              return u16(val)

      Now such code is rejected and integer type constructor do only work with numeric literals such as 1 or -3. (#163)

    • Support for ABI decoding of all array type. (#172)

    • Support for value assignments in declaration.

      Previously, this code would fail:

      another_reference: u256[10] = my_array

      As a workaround declaration and assignment could be split apart.

      another_reference: u256[10]
      another_reference = my_array

      With this change, the shorter declaration with assignment syntax is supported. (#173)

    Improved Documentation

    • Point to examples in the README (#162)
    • Overhaul README page to better reflect the current state of the project. (#177)
    • Added descriptions of the to_mem and clone functions to the spec. (#195)

    Internal Changes - for Fe Contributors

    • Updated the Solidity backend to v0.8.0. (#169)
    • Run CI tests on Mac and support creating Mac binaries for releases. (#178)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    fe_amd64(10.91 MB)
    fe_mac(10.21 MB)
Testing a smart contract on the Solana blockchain

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