Substrate NFT !ink smart contract base


Substrate !ink NFT simple implementation

This is a simple working version of base NFT smart contract written using latest (as of this date) !ink 3.0.0-rc3.

To run all tests:

cargo +nightly test

To compile to WASM:

cargo +nightly contract build 

Original wasm size: 47.4K, Optimized: 26.3K

Once your contract is compiled you can find artifacts in: <PROJECT_DIR>/target/ink

  • nft.contract (code + metadata)
  • nft.wasm (the contract's code)
  • metadata.json (the contract's metadata)

If you are facing any issues please follow the setup step of substrate environment at:

Testing on using Polk4 canvas network

You can upload this contract and interract with it either via your own local Canvas node or using Polk4 Canvas testnet.

  • Head to
  • In node settings input custom node endpoint: wss://
  • Upload nft.contract into the node via UI
  • Instantiate a contract and make RPC calls/transactions 🎉


This NFT template is MIT

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  • error on tests

    error on tests

    Hey, just try to make

    cargo +nightly test

    got error:

    error[E0277]: the trait bound `ink_env::AccountId: TypeInfo` is not satisfied
    9   | /     pub struct NFT {
    10  | |         owner: AccountId,
    11  | |         id_to_owner: ink_storage::collections::HashMap<u64, AccountId>,
    12  | |         owner_to_token_count: ink_storage::collections::HashMap<AccountId, u64>,
    13  | |     }
        | |_____^ the trait `TypeInfo` is not implemented for `ink_env::AccountId`
    note: required by a bound in `FieldsBuilder::<NamedFields>::field_of`


    Default host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    rustup home:  /home/******/.rustup
    installed toolchains
    stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
    active toolchain
    stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
    rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29)
    opened by moneyzmey 2
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