Vectis - Smart Contract Wallet

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Vectis - Smart Contract Wallet

Cosmowasm 0.20.0


Smart Contract Wallet allows user to interact with DAPPs on the blockchain with the same amount of autonomy of a classic non-custodial solution, but with more flexibility by providing functionalities designed to serve the user. SCW also provide functions that allow businesses to satisfy regulatory requirements regarding support of users, transparency, separation of control duties and verifiability.


SCW is designed to provide the user with confidence whilst interacting with the DApps by providing the most amount of control yet allowing recoverability. It also enables companies to drive mass adoption of blockchain-based services by their customers, providing a better user experience, solving the problems of buying gas in advance, increasing the resilience, security and verifiability of their solutions.

At the core, the SCW builds on cw-1 specifications for proxy contracts, with the addition of roles and functionalities listed below.

We also provide a factory contract to instantiate the SCW, this allows service providers to help users instantiate SCW and keep track of the wallets they potentially are guardians / relayers of.


There are 3 roles in a SCW:

  1. user: the address that this wallet services, they have full control over the roles assignment and wallet operations
  2. guardians: the addresses appointed by the user to protect the user (via key recovery and / or account freezing)
  3. relayers the addresses appointed by the user to allow for user's off-chain transaction signatures be committed on-chain with gas.


Contracts Code Test

cd contracts
cargo test

Local Node

1. Set up wasmd locally, which has the Cosmwasm module and a CLI

git clone
cd wasmd
# replace the v0.18.0 with the most stable version on
git checkout v0.20.0
make install

# verify the installation
wasmd version

INFO: make install will copy wasmd to $HOME/go/bin or the default directory for binaries from Go, please make sure that is in your PATH.

2. Start the node


3. Compile smart contracts

# compile the contracts with suitable RUSTFLAGS for compact wasm code size
RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo wasm-factory
RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo wasm-proxy

Interact with the Local Node

We are using cosmJS to test the smart contracts with the local node. The testing framework used is Jasmine The JS app is in the js-app directory.

Please ensure you have set up the file according to the example.env. More details of the roles are in ./

Note: The tests include deploying the contracts

cd js-app
npm i           # Install all dependencies
npm test        # Run tests

Gitpod integration

The /contracts directory is generated from the cosmwasm template which provides config for gitpod.

Gitpod container-based development platform will be enabled on your project by default.

Workspace contains:

  • rust: for builds
  • wasmd: for local node setup and client
  • jq: shell JSON manipulation tool

Follow Gitpod Getting Started and launch your workspace.

  • FYI: upgrade to cosmwasm-typescript-gen makes binary export unneeded

    FYI: upgrade to cosmwasm-typescript-gen makes binary export unneeded

    see this PR for context:

    previously you had to manually export Binary, now it's taken care of by the transpiler.

    npm install -g [email protected]
    opened by pyramation 19
  • compile wasm for external contracts in setup script

    compile wasm for external contracts in setup script

    In ./local_* we are using wasm files stored in e2e/wasm repo.

    This is not ideal and hard to maintain for versioning. We should build the wasm from versioned code.

    opened by whalelephant 4
  • Use the cosmwasm repo dependency

    Use the cosmwasm repo dependency

    @pyramation 's repo has now been moved to under the cosmwasm org and we should update our dependencies.

    opened by whalelephant 3
  • Frozen accounts should allow guardians to do key rotation

    Frozen accounts should allow guardians to do key rotation

    Writing up discussions with @giovanni-orciuolo

    In the case where a wallet has been frozen (by guardians at the request of the user) and the user wants the guardian to rotate the user key, the guardian should be able to rotate the key without unfreezing the wallet first. This is important as unfreezing it may allow a malicious actor with the old user key to update the list of guardians.

    opened by whalelephant 2
  • Multisig re-instantiation

    Multisig re-instantiation

    Explanation notes

    1. migrate_multisig_contract handle is added to the factory contract. (Note: you have to trigger it per each wallet address manually)
    2. proxy migrate function is updated to handle both multisig and proxy migrations, depending on the type of migration message provided.
    3. migration related security checks refactoring performed.
    4. RelayTxError & MigrationMsgError error types refactored into factory package crate.
    5. Multisig related migration integration tests added. Closes,
    opened by iorveth 2
  • Test/dao admin

    Test/dao admin

    • Make use of ExecuteAdminMsgs in the cw-core contract for tests, this role is removed after funds.dao.specs.ts tests are ran.
    • Added to revert changes in the tests for configs so that following tests will not fail on the same chain without redeploy
    • ts test: fixed staking, wasm relay and getting the newly created proxy wallet correctly (all cli tests now pass)
    • clippy and fmt rust code
    • removed unused imports in cli/ and have clearer logs in deploy script
    • update_chain_config interface to allow for String addr instead of Canonical in the fields
    opened by whalelephant 1
  • feat: vectis events

    feat: vectis events


    • instantiate -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgInstantiate
      • contract_address
    • add_approved_controller -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgAddApprovedController
      • connection_id
      • port_id
    • remove_approved_controller -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgRemoveApprovedController
      • connection_id
      • port_id
    • update_dao -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgUpdateDaoAddr
      • address
    • update_govec -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgUpdateGovecAddr
      • address
    • update_ibc_transfer_channel -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgUpdateIbcTransferRecieverChannel
      • connection_id
      • channel_id
    • dispatch_to_remote_tunnel -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgDispatchActionOnRemoteTunnel
      • channel_id
      • job_id
    • ibc_transfer -> vectis.dao_tunnel.v1.MsgIbcTransfer
      • to
      • channel_id
      • amount // should be casted to number //
      • denom


    • instantiate -> vectis.factory.v1.MsgInstantiate
      • contract_address
    • create_wallet -> vectis.factory.v1.MsgCreateWallet
      • wallet_id
    • migrate_wallet -> vectis.factory.v1.MsgMigrateWallet
    • update_code_id -> vectis.factory.v1.MsgUpdateCodeId"
      • type ?
      • code_id // should be casted to number //
    • update_config_fee -> vectis.factory.v1.MsgUpdateConfigFee
      • type ?
      • amount // should be casted to number //
      • denom
    • claim_govec -> vectis.factory.v1.MsgClaimGovec
      • proxy_address
    • govec_minted -> vectis.factory.v1.MsgGovecMinted
      • proxy_address
      • minted -> success | failed


    • instantiate -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgInstantiate
      • controller_address
      • multisig_code_id // should be casted to number //
      • code_id // should be casted to number //
      • label
      • relayers ?
      • guardians ?
    • execute -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgExecute
    • relay -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgRelay
    • add_relayer -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgAddRelayer
      • address
    • remove_relaer -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgRemoveRelayer
      • address
    • freeze_status -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgRevertFreezeStatus
      • status -> frozen | unfrozen
    • rotate_controller_key -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgRotateControlKey
      • old_address
      • new_address
    • update_guardians -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgUpdateGuardians
      • guaridans
      • multisg // should be casted to boolean //
      • multisig_code_id -> optional
    • request_update_guardian -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgRequestUpdateGuardians
      • create // should be casted to boolean //
      • guardians -> optional
    • update label -> vectis.proxy.v1.MsgUpdateLabel
      • label
    • reply -> MsgReplyMultisigInstantiate
      • contract_address
      • multisig_address
      • multisig_code_id // should be casted to number //


    • dispatch -> vectis.remote-tunnel.v1.MsgDispatch
      • job_id
    • ibc-transfer -> vectis.ibc-transfer.v1.MsgIbcTransfer
      • channel_id
      • to
      • amount
      • denom
    opened by j0nl1 1
  • Remove indexed storage

    Remove indexed storage

    As our user interface fetch from indexer:

    We should remove states following the merge of In particular, remove the mapping of user_addr => vec

    opened by whalelephant 1
  • Align Query::Balances interface with cw20 interface and transfer balance when updating DAO

    Align Query::Balances interface with cw20 interface and transfer balance when updating DAO

    • added new query to see if addr has joined
    • Query::Balance returns zero if addr has not joined
    • transfer all exisiting DAO token to new DAO on execute_update_dao
    opened by whalelephant 1
  • User (Controller of wallet) should be able to vote on UI with all their govec tokens

    User (Controller of wallet) should be able to vote on UI with all their govec tokens

    Currently, proxy wallet direct interaction with DApp UIs are not feasible because we have yet to include an extension / wallet.

    An intermedia solution is to allow the user to stake their wallets' govec token so they can propose + vote.

    opened by whalelephant 1
  • Testnet deploy updates

    Testnet deploy updates

    • update testnet daodao contracts ids
    • update wasm artefacts to new daodao contracts
    • update type in createPropInstMsg for updated daodao contracts
    • update createFactoryInstMsg to allow passing in of Govec addr
    • added test to ensure govec is set in factory
    opened by whalelephant 1
  • Gas Profiling Report in Pipeline

    Gas Profiling Report in Pipeline

    I think will be great to have a gas usage report in our pipeline, there is a github action which use cosm-orc to get this report. cosm-orc allows us to run contract tests against a real local chan and measure gas usage

    opened by j0nl1 0
  • support validation of addresses from other chains

    support validation of addresses from other chains

    Currently in Gove, dao-contracts, we trust that the dao-tunnel forwards the correct address as string. ideally, we should validate those addresses with the correct prefix.

    opened by whalelephant 0
  • dao-tunnel ack needs to be binary

    dao-tunnel ack needs to be binary

    acknowledgement written dst_channel=channel-3 dst_port=wasm.juno1vnfn0e4vnn58ydpm05wqcc9zp8t5ztwd5rw5f895lykqaezmuccqfxvekr module=x/ibc/channel sequence="marshaling error: json: unsupported type: func() uint64" src_channel=channel-3 src_port=wasm.wasm1cr9cyjmw2dmwmy76lzrruepldhxvlg09pxkn5c53wl2en993uk2s9yycg2

    opened by whalelephant 0
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