Example NFT marketplace project using ink! smart contract.


NFT Marketplace project

This contract is an example for the NFT marketplace implementation.


Apache 2.0

πŸ—οΈ How to use - Contracts

πŸ’« Build

Clone project

git clone [email protected]:swanky-dapps/marketplace.git

Navigate yourself to marketplace directory

cd marketplace/contracts/marketplace
cargo contract build
πŸ’« Run unit test
cargo test
πŸ’« Deploy

First start your local node. Recommended swanky-node v1.0.0

cargo ??
  • or deploy polkadot JS. Instructions on Astar docs
πŸ’« Run integration test

First start your local node. Recommended swanky-node v1.0.0

yarn compile
yarn test
πŸ’« Deployed contracts


πŸ—οΈ How to use - UI

Image - GIF Link to UI - how to use

Build local

yarn ...


link to vercel deployed website

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  • Marketplace contract implementation

    Marketplace contract implementation

    This is PR for initial implementation of the NFT marketplace contract with the following features:

    • factory - creates a new instance of Shiden34 contract and registers the instance to the Marketplace. Caller needs to provide link to IPFS metadata file for NFT and some NFT details. Prerequisite for the factory is that Shiden34 contract is deployed to a network and the contract hash is provided to the Marketplace via set_nft_contract_hash call.
    • register - registers an existing contract to the Marketplace. This operation can be performed by contract or marketplace owner.
    • list - Lists a NFT for sale on the marketplace. This operation can be performed by a token owner.
    • unlist - Un-lists a NFT from the marketplace. This operation can be performed by a token owner.
    • buy - Transfers a token ownership to the caller. Also pays royalties and marketplace fees predefined receivers.
    opened by bobo-k2 6
  • MarketPlace does not emit any events

    MarketPlace does not emit any events

    The exported data told me there is no event emitted for the whole marketplace.

    The minimum I have out of my head

        /// should be also emitted for unlist
        pub struct TokenListed {
            contract: AccountId,
            id: Id,
            price: Option<Balance>,
        /// price 'cause user can send more
        pub struct TokenBought {
            contract: AccountId,
            id: Id,
            price: Balance,
        /// can be also emitted for factory
         pub struct CollectionRegistered {
            contract: AccountId,
            metadada: Bytes
    export type Event = never
    export type Message = Message_MarketplaceSale_unlist | Message_MarketplaceSale_register | Message_MarketplaceSale_buy | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_marketplace_fee | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_fee_recipient | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_price | Message_MarketplaceSale_list | Message_MarketplaceSale_factory | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_max_fee | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_registered_collection | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_marketplace_fee | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_nft_contract_hash | Message_MarketplaceSale_get_fee_recipient | Message_MarketplaceSale_set_contract_metadata | Message_MarketplaceSale_nft_contract_hash
    opened by vikiival 1
  • no matching package named `pallet_payable_mint` found

    no matching package named `pallet_payable_mint` found

    I was trying to build the project #5

    but seems like some dependency is missing

    2023-01-22T19:20:30.472966Z  INFO cargo_contract::util: Invoking cargo: "/Users/vikival/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2022-08-15-aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/cargo" "build" "--target=wasm32-unknown-unknown" "-Zbuild-std" "--no-default-features" "--release" "--target-dir=/Users/vikival/Documents/Work/KodaDot/marketplace/target/ink/marketplace" "--features=ink_env/ink-debug"
        Updating crates.io index
        Updating git repository `https://github.com/Supercolony-net/openbrush-contracts`
        Updating git repository `https://github.com/Supercolony-net/pallet-assets-chain-extension`
        Updating git repository `https://github.com/swanky-dapps/nft`
    error: no matching package named `pallet_payable_mint` found
    location searched: https://github.com/swanky-dapps/nft
    required by package `shiden34 v0.2.0 (/private/var/folders/tw/g2bzmzdn51q9v0z03y3nb9fr0000gn/T/cargo-contract_YmbDpK/contracts/shiden34)`
        ... which satisfies path dependency `shiden34` of package `pallet_marketplace v0.2.0 (/private/var/folders/tw/g2bzmzdn51q9v0z03y3nb9fr0000gn/T/cargo-contract_YmbDpK/logics)`
        ... which satisfies path dependency `pallet_marketplace` of package `marketplace v0.2.0 (/private/var/folders/tw/g2bzmzdn51q9v0z03y3nb9fr0000gn/T/cargo-contract_YmbDpK/contracts/marketplace)`
    ERROR: `"/Users/vikival/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-2022-08-15-aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/cargo" "build" "--target=wasm32-unknown-unknown" "-Zbuild-std" "--no-default-features" "--release" "--target-dir=~/marketplace/target/ink/marketplace" "--features=ink_env/ink-debug"` failed with exit code: Some(101)
    opened by vikiival 0
  • Unable to Init smart contract via factory

    Unable to Init smart contract via factory

    I have problems with calling factory function on the marketplace contract.

    I though first time that I did not set contract hash but the error is still there.

    Built with latest main at hash 0xedf9dde8b7c52a23ef3972268217a92f3c356707388aaa68a3952e31973797c3

    Failed Txs https://shibuya.subscan.io/account/Z7rYZFFCFt9B2cv692TSWnxTKM1CYnoukBhxUd39ajsYWTe

    Example of call:

    Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 13 28 21

    The supplied hash of RMRK smart contract


    opened by vikiival 2
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