A Bitcoin wallet collider that brute forces random wallet addresses written in Rust.


Plutus-Rustus Bitcoin Brute Forcer

A Bitcoin wallet collider that brute forces random wallet addresses written in Rust.

This is a straight port of Plutus with significant perfomance gains over python counterpart.

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Tested in rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18) For dependencies see Cargo.toml Minimum RAM requirements


$ git clone https://github.com/a137x/plutus-rustus.git


cargo rustc --release -- -C target-cpu=native



For linux users to run program in the background (dettach from ssh session):

bash start.sh & disown

Proof Of Concept

A private key is a secret number that allows Bitcoins to be spent. If a wallet has Bitcoins in it, then the private key will allow a person to control the wallet and spend whatever balance the wallet has. So this program attempts to find Bitcoin private keys that correlate to wallets with positive balances. However, because it is impossible to know which private keys control wallets with money and which private keys control empty wallets, we have to randomly look at every possible private key that exists and hope to find one that has a balance.

This program is essentially a brute forcing algorithm. It continuously generates random Bitcoin private keys, converts the private keys into their respective wallet addresses, then checks the balance of the addresses. If a wallet with a balance is found, then the private key, public key and wallet address are saved to the text file plutus.txt on the user's hard drive. The ultimate goal is to randomly find a wallet with a balance out of the 2160 possible wallets in existence.

How It Works

Private keys are generated randomly with a help of bitcoin rust library.

The private keys are converted into their respective public keys. Then the public keys are converted into their Bitcoin wallet addresses.

A pre-calculated database of every P2PKH Bitcoin address with a positive balance is included in this project. The generated address is searched within the database, and if it is found that the address has a balance, then the private key, public key and wallet address are saved to the text file plutus.txt on the user's hard drive.

This program also utilizes multithreading through tokio::task in order to make concurrent calculations.


Using database of 33,165,253 addresses, searching performance is about 15981 private keys per second per thread (core) running on Hetzner CPX31 cloud VPS.

Database FAQ

An offline database is used to find the balance of generated Bitcoin addresses. Visit /database for information.

Expected Output

Loading pickle slice from file DirEntry("/plutus-rustus/database/MAR_15_2021/02.pickle")
Database size 1000000 addresses.
Loading pickle slice from file DirEntry("/plutus-rustus/database/MAR_15_2021/00.pickle")
Database size 2000000 addresses.
Loading pickle slice from file DirEntry("/plutus-rustus/database/MAR_15_2021/01.pickle")
Database size 3000000 addresses.
Load of pickle files completed in 7.74s, database size: 33165253
Running on 4 cores
Core ThreadId(10) started
Core ThreadId(11) started
Core ThreadId(12) started
Core ThreadId(13) started
Core ThreadId(13) checked 10000 addresses in 0.95, iter/sec: 10581.981747510054
Core ThreadId(12) checked 10000 addresses in 0.95, iter/sec: 10524.61153358878
Core ThreadId(11) checked 10000 addresses in 0.96, iter/sec: 10444.270972762719
Core ThreadId(10) checked 10000 addresses in 0.96, iter/sec: 10363.59450488973

If a wallet with a balance is found, then all necessary information about the wallet will be saved to the text file plutus.txt. An example is:

4ef862ae89545a25cb75e1d56b19aef02fae6fdaea8f6cbeacf8e58e22edd480 // private key KysDe6HB1oPnUGCuXT88Pppqu1Td9WVDzgCYes9x4B1S5aL7bd2e // hex private key in Wallet Import Format 030bdfccb1fd2aac06cec7e688f944632a8ec33871cfaedfdd08e51f462a4e9532 // public key 15x5ugXCVkzTbs24mG2bu1RkpshW3FTYW8 // P2PKH wallet address

Memory Consumption

This program uses approximately 3331 MB of RAM with current database of 33,165,253 Bitcoin addresses. Memory consumption solely depends on size of database, and indifferent to amount of threads (cores) it runs on.

Create an issue so I can add more stuff to improve


MIT License

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    How to use

    Hi guys,

    Please help out if you can. Once you get an address, private key, hex private key in Wallet Import Format, and P2PKH wallet address how exactly I can access that wallet, I don't even know what wallet was used. My simple questions is what should I do with the info, where to use it to access the BTC :( Thanks

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    Thank you for the project. I have 8 cores and with hyperthreading 16 logical processors. For plutus python when I was checking with Htop utility all 16 processes were showing 100% all the time.

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