6259 Repositories
Rust programming-rust Libraries
Project Serum Rust Monorepo
serum-dex Project Serum Rust Monorepo Website | Discord | Awesome | DEX | TypeScript Program Deployments Program Devnet Mainnet Beta DEX DESVgJVGajEgK
A library to help you sew up your Ethereum project with Rust and just like develop in a common backend
SewUp Secondstate EWasm Utility Program, a library helps you sew up your Ethereum project with Rust and just like development in a common backend. The
A small block explorer for geth PoAs written in rust
Tesseracts A minimalistic block explorer initially created to learn rust. This block explorer has been created as a rust self-learning project to give
Simplified Find command made with Rust.
Hunt Hunt is a (highly-opinionated) simplified Find command made with Rust. It searches a file/folder by name on the entire drive. If the --first flag
A ffmpeg/rust based HLS stream generator
hls-streamer Stream your heart's content with HLS. Movtivation I've got a CCTV camera from AliExpress, I know I can use ffmpeg hls demuxer to split up
WIP cycle-accurate Atari 2600 emulator in Rust
Description This project's primary focus is to create a cycle-accurate emulator of the Atari 2600, and to include tools to create verifiable TASes (e.
An aria2 websocket jsonrpc in Rust.
aria2-ws An aria2 websocket jsonrpc in Rust. Built with tokio. Docs.rs aria2 RPC docs Features Almost all methods and structed responses Auto reconnec
a super fast scientific calculator with dimensional analysis support written in Rust π¦
larvae a super fast scientific calculator with dimensional analysis support written in Rust π¦ π heavily inspired from insect Usage: Command mode: $
A library to generate syntax diagrams for Rust macros.
Live demo (code) A browser add-on for Firefox, Chrome and Edge A library to generate syntax ("railroad") diagrams for Rust's macro_rules!(). Diagrams
Wasm video filter booth app written in Rust
Video effect booth written in Rust and WebAssembly Play with it here: https://mtharrison.github.io/wasmbooth/ Aim I wrote this purely to teach myself
A rollup plugin that compile Rust code into WebAssembly modules
rollup-plugin-rust tl;dr -- see examples This is a rollup plugin that loads Rust code so it can be interop with Javascript base project. Currently, th
Jest preprocessor/transformer for Rust
rs-jest tl;dr -- see examples This is a jest transformer that loads Rust code so it can be interop with Javascript base project. Currently, the Rust c
This is a webpack loader that loads Rust code as a WebAssembly module
rust-native-wasm-loader This is a webpack loader that loads Rust code as a WebAssembly module. It uses the native Rust support for compiling to wasm32
webpack plugin for Rust
@wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin webpack plugin for Rust Installation With npm: npm install --save-dev @wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin Or with Yarn: yarn add -
The Wasm-Enabled, Elfin Allocator
wee_alloc The Wasm-Enabled, Elfin Allocator API Docs | Contributing | Chat Built with π¦ πΈ by The Rust and WebAssembly Working Group About wee_alloc:
A panic hook for wasm32-unknown-unknown that logs panics with console.error
console_error_panic_hook This crate lets you debug panics on wasm32-unknown-unknown by providing a panic hook that forwards panic messages to console.
WebAssembly serialization/deserialization in rust
parity-wasm Low-level WebAssembly format library. Documentation Rust WebAssembly format serializing/deserializing Add to Cargo.toml [dependencies] par
An evaluation context for Rust.
Evcxr An evaluation context for Rust. This project consists of several related crates. evcxr_jupyter - A Jupyter Kernel evcxr_repl - A Rust REPL evcxr
Jupyter extension for Rust.
rustdef Jupyter extension for jupyter notebook and rust user. You can define functions in rust and run them as python functions. This extension is bui
REPL for the Rust programming language
Rusti A REPL for the Rust programming language. The rusti project is deprecated. It is not recommended for regular use. Dependencies On Unix systems,
A pure Rust visualization library inspired by D3.js
charts A pure Rust visualization library inspired by D3.js. See gallery and examples for code and more charts. Install You can add this as a dependenc
Externalize easily the plotting process from Rust to gnuplot.
preexplorer Easy plotter and saver of simple data. Handy tool for development stage or small computational projects. Save data, have a quick view and
A Rust API for Vega-Lite V4 to build chart with a rusty API.
Vega-Lite V4 for Rust A Rust API for Vega-Lite V4 to build chart with a rusty API. Similar to the Altair project in python, this crate build upon Vega
Rust crate for creating beautiful interactive Chord Diagrams
Chord PRO Released Chord PRO is the full-featured chord visualization API, producing beautiful interactive visualizations, e.g. those featured on the
Terminal plotting library for using in Rust CLI applications
textplots Terminal plotting library for using in Rust CLI applications. Should work well in any unicode terminal with monospaced font. It is inspired
Tiny Rust library to draw pretty line graphs using ascii characters.
rasciigraph Tiny Rust library to draw pretty line graphs using ascii characters. Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml [dependencies] rasciigraph = "0.1.1
a rust crate for drawing fancy pie charts in the terminal
piechart piechart is a rust crate for drawing fancy pie charts in the terminal. Example usage: use piechart::{Chart, Color, Data}; fn main() { le
A linear algebra library written in Rust
rulinalg This library is no longer actively maintained The crate is currently on version 0.4.2. Read the API Documentation to learn more. Summary Ruli
A vector with a fixed capacity. (Rust)
arrayvec OR A vector with fixed capacity. Please read the API documentation here License Dual-licensed to be compatible with the Rust project. License
Rust Statistics and Vector Algebra Library
Rstats Usage Insert rstats = "^1" in the Cargo.toml file, under [dependencies]. Use in source files any of the following structs, as needed: use rstat
Azul - Desktop GUI framework
Azul - Desktop GUI framework Azul is a free, functional, reactive GUI framework for Rust and C++, built using the WebRender rendering engine and a CSS
Visually cluster your emails by sender, domain, and more to identify waste
Postsack A high level visual overview of swaths of email TLDR! A web demo that shows how Postsack clusters a set of 10.000 fake emails Do you have man
Robust and Fast tokenizations alignment library for Rust and Python
Robust and Fast tokenizations alignment library for Rust and Python
Common stop words in a variety of languages
About Stop words are words that don't carry much meaning, and are typically removed as a preprocessing step before text analysis or natural language p
Write to tensorboard in Rust
Write to tensorboard in Rust Write TensorBoard events in Rust. Can write scalar, image, histogram. Example Write multiple scalar in one plot. let mut
Framework for large distributed pipelines
Rain Rain is an open-source distributed computational framework for processing of large-scale task-based pipelines. Rain aims to lower the entry barri
A tool to decompile MSVC PDB files to C++ source code.
PDB Decompiler About Usage Contributing About A tool to decompile MSVC PDB files to C++ source code. This tool is a work in progress and will most lik
A strong, compile-time enforced authorization framework for rust applications.
DACquiri A compile-time enforced authorization framework for Rust applications. Authorization In typical applications, authorization checks are perfor
Base Garry's Mod binary module (Rust)
gmod-module-base-rs A base for developing Garry's Mod binary modules in Rust. Getting Started Install Rust Download or git clone this repository Open
π MaxMindDB GeoIP database querying module for Garry's Mod
π gm_maxminddb_geoip This module reads, queries and serializes to Lua tables data from the MaxMindDB GeoIP database. In other words, IP address goes
Work out how to read Parquet files in a browser using web assembly (via the Rust toolchain)
wasm-pack-template A template for kick starting a Rust and WebAssembly project using wasm-pack. Tutorial | Chat Built with π¦ πΈ by The Rust and WebAs
A high-level Rust crate around the Discord API, aimed to be easy and straight-forward to use.
rs-cord A high-level Rust crate around the Discord API, aimed to be easy and straight-forward to use. Documentation β’ Crates.io β’ Discord Navigation M
A Demo server serving Bert through ONNX with GPU written in Rust with 3
Demo BERT ONNX server written in rust This demo showcase the use of onnxruntime-rs on BERT with a GPU on CUDA 11 served by actix-web and tokenized wit
π Making Rust a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU shaders π§
π rust-gpu Rust as a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU graphics & compute shaders Current Status π§ Note: This project is still heavily in d
Accel: GPGPU Framework for Rust
Accel: GPGPU Framework for Rust crate crates.io docs.rs GitLab Pages accel CUDA-based GPGPU framework accel-core Helper for writing device code accel-
Rust-like syntax for OpenGL Shading Language
Rust-like syntax for GLSL glassful translates a small subset of Rust to OpenGL Shading Language. Besides one's personal preferences regarding Rust-lik
Rust to SPIR-V compiler
Rlsl - Rust Like Shading Language Deprecated in favor of rust-gpu What is Rlsl? Rlsl can compile a subset of Rust to SPIR-V. You can read more about t
How to: Run Rust code on your NVIDIA GPU
Status This documentation about an unstable feature is UNMAINTAINED and was written over a year ago. Things may have drastically changed since then; r
Rust (MIR) β SPIR-V (Shader) compiler
inspirv-rust UPDATE 2: Next design iteration would probably be based on HIR instead of MIR. See more details here. In the meantime, you might want to
Evaluation metrics for machine learning
eval-metrics Evaluation metrics for machine learning Design The goal of this library is to provide an intuitive collection of functions for computing
A rust interface to OpenML
openml-rust A rust interface to OpenML. The aim of this crate is to give rust code access to Machine Learning data hosted by OpenML. Thus, Machine Lea
Statistical routines for ndarray
ndarray-stats This crate provides statistical methods for ndarray's ArrayBase type. Currently available routines include: order statistics (minimum, m
Embedded Rust arithmetic, 2D/3D vector, and statistics library
Embedded-friendly (i.e. no_std) Rust math library featuring fast, safe floating point approximations for common arithmetic operations, trigonometry, 2D/3D vector types, statistical analysis, and quaternions.
Generic decision trees for rust
Stamm Stamm is a rust library for creating decision trees and random forests in a very general way. Decision trees are used in machine learning for cl
Rust bindings for darknet
Rust bindings for darknet Darknet: Convolutional Neural Networks todo rewrite the demo function used in yolo.c in rust Examples Link existing files an
mxnet Rust Bindings
mxnet Rust Bindings This is a work in progress. Contributions gladly accepted! The mxnet crate defines a high-level Rust API for mxnet using the mxnet
Neat gru rust
neat-gru-rust Documentation Crates.io doc Examples XOR Snake Right now this is the only working example.
Neural Networks in Rust, without backpropagation. WIP
Deep Thought As of right now, this crate is far from a usable state. This crate implements feedforward-neural Networks in rust. Unlike the vast majori
Machine learning crate in Rust
DeepRust - Machine learning in Rust Vision To create a deeplearning crate in rust aiming to create a great experience for ML researchers & developers
Deep learning superresolution in pure rust
Rusty_SR A Rust super-resolution tool, which when given a low resolution image utilises deep learning to infer the corresponding high resolution image
Rust library for of graph ensembles
Rust library for random graph ensembles Minimal Rust version: 1.55.0 Implements simple sampling and monte carlo (or rather markov-) steps, that can be
Library to calculate TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) for generic documents.
Library to calculate TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) for generic documents. The library provides strategies to act on objects that implement certain document traits (NaiveDocument, ProcessedDocument, ExpandableDocument).
A naive (read: slow) implementation of Word2Vec. Uses BLAS behind the scenes for speed.
SloWord2Vec This is a naive implementation of Word2Vec implemented in Rust. The goal is to learn the basic principles and formulas behind Word2Vec. BT
Rust implementation of user-based collaborative filtering
Rucommender Recommendation system written in Rust Overview An implementation in Rust of a collaborative filtering recommendations algorithm with a use
A recommender systems framework for Rust
Quackin Release the quackin! π¦ Quackin is a recommender systems framework written in Rust. This is a young project, which means two things: There wil
fast rust implementation of online nonnegative matrix factorization as laid out in the paper "detect and track latent factors with online nonnegative matrix factorization"
ONMF status: early work in progress. still figuring this out. code still somewhat messy. api still in flux. fast rust implementation of online nonnega
Rust wrappers for NGT approximate nearest neighbor search
ngt-rs β Rust wrappers for NGT, which provides high-speed approximate nearest neighbor searches against a large volume of data. Note that NGT will be
kdtree implementation for rust.
kdtree-rust kdtree implementation for rust. Implementation uses sliding midpoint variation of the tree. More Info here Implementation uses single Vec
Rust implementation of multi-index hashing for neighbor searches on binary codes in the Hamming space
mih-rs Rust implementation of multi-index hashing (MIH) for neighbor searches on binary codes in the Hamming space, described in the paper Norouzi, Pu
Border is a reinforcement learning library in Rust
Border Border is a reinforcement learning library in Rust. For reusability of both RL environments and agents, this library provides a reference imple
Bandit Algorithms in Rust
Multi-armed bandit algorithms in Rust Cargo [dependencies] bandit = "0.12.3" Description and Scope This library currently only implements the annealin
An efficient implementation of Partitioned Label Trees & its variations for extreme multi-label classification
Omikuji An efficient implementation of Partitioned Label Trees (Prabhu et al., 2018) and its variations for extreme multi-label classification, writte
Rust language bindings for the LIBLINEAR C/C++ library.
liblinear-rs Rust bindings for the liblinear C/C++ library. Provides a thin (but rustic) wrapper around the original C-interface exposed by the librar
A simple bayesian spam classifier written in Rust.
bayespam A simple bayesian spam classifier. About Bayespam is inspired by Naive Bayes classifiers, a popular statistical technique of e-mail filtering
A random forest implementation in Rust
randomforest A random forest implementation in Rust. Examples use randomforest::criterion::Mse; use randomforest::RandomForestRegressorOptions; use ra
A Rust library with homemade machine learning models to classify the MNIST dataset. Built in an attempt to get familiar with advanced Rust concepts.
mnist-classifier Ideas UPDATED: Finish CLI Flags Parallelize conputationally intensive functions Class-based naive bayes README Image parsing Confusio
Rust port of the extended isolation forest algorithm for anomaly detection
Extended Isolation Forest This is a rust port of the anomaly detection algorithm described in Extended Isolation Forest and implemented in https://git
k-Medoids clustering in Rust with the FasterPAM algorithm
k-Medoids Clustering in Rust with FasterPAM This Rust crate implements k-medoids clustering with PAM. It can be used with arbitrary dissimilarites, as
A naive DBSCAN implementation in Rust
DBSCAN Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise Wikipedia link DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm: given a set of point
Rust implementation for DBSCANSD, a trajectory clustering algorithm.
DBSCANSD Rust implementation for DBSCANSD, a trajectory clustering algorithm. Brief Introduction DBSCANSD (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applica
A rust library inspired by kDDBSCAN clustering algorithm
kddbscan-rs Rust implementation of the kddbscan clustering algorithm. From the authors of kDDBSCAN algorithm. Due to the adoption of global parameters
A naive density-based clustering algorithm written in Rust
Density-based clustering This a pure Rust implementation of a naive density-based clustering algorithm similar to DBSCAN. Here, 50 points are located
Generic k-means implementation written in Rust
RKM - Rust k-means A simple Rust implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm based on a C++ implementation, dkm. This implementation is generic
Generate and parse UUIDs.
uuid Here's an example of a UUID: 67e55044-10b1-426f-9247-bb680e5fe0c8 A UUID is a unique 128-bit value, stored as 16 octets, and regularly formatted
Simple validation for Rust structs
validator Macros 1.1 custom derive to simplify struct validation inspired by marshmallow and Django validators. The minimum supported version is Rust
[Unofficial] Azure SDK for Rust
[Unofficial] Azure SDK for Rust This repository is for the development of the unofficial Azure SDK for Rust. It is unofficial because it is not yet su
An official Sudachi clone in Rust π¦
sudachi.rs - English README 2021-12-09 UPDATE: 0.6.2 Release Try it: pip install --update 'sudachipy=0.6.2' sudachi.rs is a Rust implementation of Su
Robust and Fast tokenizations alignment library for Rust and Python
Robust and Fast tokenizations alignment library for Rust and Python Demo: demo Rust document: docs.rs Blog post: How to calculate the alignment betwee
A lightweight Datalog engine in Rust
datafrog Datafrog is a lightweight Datalog engine intended to be embedded in other Rust programs. Datafrog has no runtime, and relies on you to build
A fast, searchable, knowledge engine using various machine learning models to aggregate based on importance, association and relevance
NewsAggregator We live in an era where both the demand and quantity of information are enormous. However, the way we store and access that information
Graph API client writen in Rust
graph-rs Now available on stable Rust at crates.io graph-rs-sdk = "0.1.0" 0.1.0 and above use stable Rust. Anything before 0.1.0 uses nightly Rust. M
H2O Open Source Kubernetes operator and a command-line tool to ease deployment (and undeployment) of H2O open-source machine learning platform H2O-3 to Kubernetes.
H2O Kubernetes Repository with official tools to aid the deployment of H2O Machine Learning platform to Kubernetes. There are two essential tools to b
Dataflow system for building self-driving car and robotics applications.
ERDOS ERDOS is a platform for developing self-driving cars and robotics applications. Getting started The easiest way to get ERDOS running is to use o
A new arguably faster implementation of Apache Spark from scratch in Rust
vega Previously known as native_spark. Documentation A new, arguably faster, implementation of Apache Spark from scratch in Rust. WIP Framework tested
An implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression in Rust
Pair Adjacent Violators for Rust Overview An implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression. Note this algorithm is a
Generic Differential Evolution for Rust
Differential Evolution Simple and powerful global optimization using a Self-Adapting Differential Evolution for Rust. See Wikipedia's article on Diffe
Example of a genetic algorithm in Rust and Python
Example of a genetic algorithm in Rust and Python Monkey typewriter Finding the phrase 'To be or not to be. That is the question.' Inspired by the exa
π A ranked list of awesome machine learning Rust libraries.
best-of-ml-rust π A ranked list of awesome machine learning Rust libraries. This curated list contains 180 awesome open-source projects with a total
A curated list of Rust code and resources.
Awesome Rust A curated list of Rust code and resources. If you want to contribute, please read this. Table of contents Applications Audio and Music Cr
Docker for PyTorch rust bindings `tch`. Example of pretrain model.
tch-rs-pretrain-example-docker Docker for PyTorch rust bindings tch-rs. Example of pretrain model. Docker files support the following install libtorch