Generic Differential Evolution for Rust


Differential Evolution Crates Version Build Status

Simple and powerful global optimization using a Self-Adapting Differential Evolution for Rust. See Wikipedia's article on Differential Evolution for more information.



Add this to your Cargo.toml:

differential-evolution = "*"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate differential_evolution;


Differential Evolution is a global optimization algorithm that tries to iteratively improve candidate solutions with regards to a user-defined cost function.

This example finds the minimum of a simple 5-dimensional function.

extern crate differential_evolution;

use differential_evolution::self_adaptive_de;

fn main() {
    // create a self adaptive DE with an inital search area
    // from -10 to 10 in 5 dimensions.
    let mut de = self_adaptive_de(vec![(-10.0, 10.0); 5], |pos| {
        // cost function to minimize: sum of squares
        pos.iter().fold(0.0, |sum, x| sum + x*x)

    // perform 10000 cost evaluations

    // show the result
    let (cost, pos) =;
    println!("cost: {}", cost);
    println!("pos: {:?}", pos);

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    Hello Martinus,

    Great work on this crate. It is very fast... much faster than code I have written using 'Scipy minimize' in Python. I did notice though, it is rather unusable if we have constrained input parameters. It seems as though we pass in an initial min-max bound for each variable, but after that it is disregarded. Is there a way to keep these variables bounded? Or if not, can you point me to the section of code where this bound-breaking operation occurs? I would like to update it so I can use this great work you have done.


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