convolutions-rs is a crate that provides a fast, well-tested convolutions library for machine learning
convolutions-rs convolutions-rs is a crate that provides a fast, well-tested convolutions library for machine learning written entirely in Rust with m
A Rust machine learning framework.
Linfa linfa (Italian) / sap (English): The vital circulating fluid of a plant. linfa aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit to build Machine Learning
Machine learning crate for Rust
rustlearn A machine learning package for Rust. For full usage details, see the API documentation. Introduction This crate contains reasonably effectiv
Machine learning in Rust.
Rustml Rustml is a library for doing machine learning in Rust. The documentation of the project with a descprition of the modules can be found here. F
Rust based Cross-GPU Machine Learning
HAL : Hyper Adaptive Learning Rust based Cross-GPU Machine Learning. Why Rust? This project is for those that miss strongly typed compiled languages.
Fwumious Wabbit, fast on-line machine learning toolkit written in Rust
Fwumious Wabbit is a very fast machine learning tool built with Rust inspired by and partially compatible with Vowpal Wabbit (much love! read more abo
A Machine Learning Framework for High Performance written in Rust
polarlight polarlight is a machine learning framework for high performance written in Rust. Key Features TBA Quick Start TBA How To Contribute Contrib
Example of Rust API for Machine Learning
rust-machine-learning-api-example Example of Rust API for Machine Learning API example that uses resnet224 to infer images received in base64 and retu
High-level non-blocking Deno bindings to the rust-bert machine learning crate.
bertml High-level non-blocking Deno bindings to the rust-bert machine learning crate. Guide Introduction The ModelManager class manages the FFI bindin