Machine learning crate for Rust



Circle CI

A machine learning package for Rust.

For full usage details, see the API documentation.


This crate contains reasonably effective implementations of a number of common machine learning algorithms.

At the moment, rustlearn uses its own basic dense and sparse array types, but I will be happy to use something more robust once a clear winner in that space emerges.


Matrix primitives


All the models support fitting and prediction on both dense and sparse data, and the implementations should be roughly competitive with Python sklearn implementations, both in accuracy and performance.




A number of models support both parallel model fitting and prediction.

Model serialization

Model serialization is supported via serde.

Using rustlearn

Usage should be straightforward.

  • import the prelude for all the linear algebra primitives and common traits:
use rustlearn::prelude::*;
  • import individual models and utilities from submodules:
use rustlearn::prelude::*;

use rustlearn::linear_models::sgdclassifier::Hyperparameters;
// more imports


Logistic regression

use rustlearn::prelude::*;
use rustlearn::datasets::iris;
use rustlearn::cross_validation::CrossValidation;
use rustlearn::linear_models::sgdclassifier::Hyperparameters;
use rustlearn::metrics::accuracy_score;

let (X, y) = iris::load_data();

let num_splits = 10;
let num_epochs = 5;

let mut accuracy = 0.0;

for (train_idx, test_idx) in CrossValidation::new(X.rows(), num_splits) {

    let X_train = X.get_rows(&train_idx);
    let y_train = y.get_rows(&train_idx);
    let X_test = X.get_rows(&test_idx);
    let y_test = y.get_rows(&test_idx);

    let mut model = Hyperparameters::new(X.cols())

    for _ in 0..num_epochs {, &y_train).unwrap();

    let prediction = model.predict(&X_test).unwrap();
    accuracy += accuracy_score(&y_test, &prediction);

accuracy /= num_splits as f32;

Random forest

use rustlearn::prelude::*;

use rustlearn::ensemble::random_forest::Hyperparameters;
use rustlearn::datasets::iris;
use rustlearn::trees::decision_tree;

let (data, target) = iris::load_data();

let mut tree_params = decision_tree::Hyperparameters::new(data.cols());

let mut model = Hyperparameters::new(tree_params, 10)
    .one_vs_rest();, &target).unwrap();

// Optionally serialize and deserialize the model

// let encoded = bincode::serialize(&model).unwrap();
// let decoded: OneVsRestWrapper<RandomForest> = bincode::deserialize(&encoded).unwrap();

let prediction = model.predict(&data).unwrap();


Pull requests are welcome.

To run basic tests, run cargo test.

Running cargo test --features "all_tests" --release runs all tests, including generated and slow tests. Running cargo bench --features bench (only on the nightly branch) runs benchmarks.

  • Support conformal prediction

    Support conformal prediction

    My grad work deals a lot with conformal prediction, and there are few, if any, open source libraries that deal with it. I've been doing some work in it on Rust and, if it's okay, I'd like to add code to get some conformal prediction implementations out in the wild.

    I realize there are more pressing things to consider, and much more widely used things that you probably want to support first, but I'd like to put it out there.

    Some of the library needs to be structured to deal with it, unfortunately, but it's not too intrusive. For a classifier to work with CP, it needs to be able to provide a "conformal score", which could be part of a trait. While theoretically any classifier can be used with CP, the scores are classifier-specific. Logistic Regression is fine, and just requires the weights.

    LibSVM isn't sufficient to implement CP over an SVM since you need to gather the support vector coefficients from a solved QP problem, but it's not a big deal if not all classifiers we have support it.

    opened by UserAB1236872 10
  • add two regression metrics and two ranking metrics

    add two regression metrics and two ranking metrics

    Wanted to get learn some rustlearn and Rust more generally so I added:

    • dcg_score
    • ndcg_score
    • mean absolute error
    • mean squared error

    One note, cargo test fails for me on something unrelated with:

    ---- factorization::factorization_machines::tests::test_iris_parallel stdout ----
    	Accuracy 0.7
    Train accuracy 0.7
    thread 'factorization::factorization_machines::tests::test_iris_parallel' panicked at 'assertion failed: test_accuracy > 0.94', src/factorization/
    test result: FAILED. 68 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
    opened by travisbrady 7
  • Panic in decision_tree

    Panic in decision_tree

    Increasing the max_features in my hyperparameters seems to make this more likely.

    let mut tree_params = decision_tree::Hyperparameters::new(feat_matrix.cols());
    let mut model = Hyperparameters::new(tree_params, 20)

    The data is shape: rows: 2247 cols: 442

    thread 'main' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 10 but the index is 11', ../src/libcore/

    The len/index number changes, but it's always an off by one.

    9: 0x55ede9c87a43 - core::panicking::panic_bounds_check::ha883fe1527ce6884 10: 0x55ede9a1e0a2 - <[T] as core..slice..SliceExt>::swap::h9bf7fe18e2fa8251 at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/nightly-dist-rustc-linux/build/obj/../src/libcore/ 11: 0x55ede9a12fdc - collections::slice::<impl [T]>::swap::h6559c8ef586608a3 at /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/nightly-dist-rustc-linux/build/obj/../src/libcollections/ 12: 0x55ede9a27b9e - rustlearn::trees::decision_tree::FeatureIndices::mark_as_used::hc0584f311f525fd4 at /home/user/.cargo/registry/src/ 13: 0x55ede9a298ae - rustlearn::trees::decision_tree::DecisionTree::build_tree::hdb922dd21da7568d

    opened by insanitybit 4
  • Correct the ROC AUC computations and add relevant tests.

    Correct the ROC AUC computations and add relevant tests.

    The old ROC AUC computations were wrong (at least) in cases of duplicate y_hat values. I added a test demonstrating said issue and fixed the computations.

    The table below summarizes the resulting AUCs for each test. Tests 0,1 and tests 2,3 differ only in data-point order, so they should obviously return the same AUCs. I checked the correctness of the new values on paper.

    EDIT: also checked using Python's sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score

    | test | old AUC | new AUC | | -- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 | Ok(1) | Ok(0.75) | | 1 | Ok(0.25) | Ok(0.75) | | 2 | Ok(0.625) | Ok(0.875) | | 3 | Ok(1) | Ok(0.875) | | 4 | Ok(0.16666666) | Ok(0.5) | | 5 | Ok(NaN) | Ok(0.25) |

    opened by potocpav 3
  • Ideas for LibSVM wrapper

    Ideas for LibSVM wrapper

    I've been internally using a LibSVM wrapper internally for my grad work, which I just put on Github to maybe provoke some design ideas:

    I like the way it turned out, except the serialization which is a bit hacky. It has a bit more of an API surface area than your implementation, and would require editing to deal with your traits, but I like the way I handled Kernel and SVM Type parameters, which exist as an Enum instead of allowing you to set unrelated hyperparams.

    opened by UserAB1236872 3
  • Unable to deserialize Random Forest model

    Unable to deserialize Random Forest model

    After fitting a model I serialize it to the disk using rustc_serialize json.

    I then try to load the model but I get a parse error. The reason is that the 'rng' field of the model looks like this:

    ... ,"feature_types":[],"rng":},{"dim":4 ...

    That is, some normal fields, then the rng field, a colon, and nothing - the object just closes.

    Using rustc_serialize = "0.3.*"

    rustc -V rustc 1.13.0-nightly (3c5a0fa45 2016-08-22)

    The following functions are used to load and store the random forest.

    pub fn serialize_to_file<T>(s: &T, path: &str)
        where T: Encodable
        let serialized = json::encode(&s).unwrap();
        let mut f = File::create(path).unwrap();
        write!(f, "{}", serialized).unwrap();
    pub fn load_json<T: Decodable>(path: &str) -> T {
        let mut f = File::open(path).unwrap();
        let mut json_str = String::new();
        let _ = f.read_to_string(&mut json_str).unwrap();
    opened by insanitybit 1
  • Try to keep consistent in Array::from() method

    Try to keep consistent in Array::from() method

    when the input is a Vec<f32> or a Vec<Vec<f32>>, one uses move, the another uses reference, this is not consistent.

    This is for performance, but make this clearly in docs is better.

    let array = Array::from(vec![0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
    let array = Array::from(&vec![vec![0.0, 1.0],
                                  vec![2.0, 3.0]]);
    opened by libratiger 1
  • Compatability with `ndarray`

    Compatability with `ndarray`

    Is there a functionality to use arrays from ndarray to fit / predict models within rustlearn without making a copy? Possibly by creating an ArrayView with underlying data from ndarray::ArrayView2.

    opened by mlondschien 0
  • Add OOB predictions to random forest

    Add OOB predictions to random forest

    I am using in-sample OOB predictions to estimate the KL-divergence between samples. In general, OOB predictions are an efficient alternative to CV to estimate out of sample prediction performance and can be used for tuning.

    Getting OOB predictions requires storing the samples used to build each tree (i.e. indices here). This could be made optional. We can then add up predictions for samples only that were OOB for a particualr tree here, keeping track of the number of trees for which a particular sample was OOB.

    I could work on a PR, but might need some help with details and guidance on what you think the API should be.

    opened by mlondschien 0
  • Update to Rust 2018

    Update to Rust 2018

    Needs to be updated with current dependencies and brought up to date for Rust 2018.

    I have done this in my repo, and am happy to do a pull request. However, my updated version has three test regressions from current master, so it seems better to fix those first.

    If anyone is still interested in this crate and wants to help, please let me know.

    opened by BartMassey 0
  • Normalized cumulative gain computation possibly incorrect

    Normalized cumulative gain computation possibly incorrect

    I was looking at the implementation here, copied below:

    /// Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain
    /// # Panics
    /// Will panic if inputs are of unequal length.
    pub fn ndcg_score(y_true: &Array, y_hat: &Array, k: i32) -> f32 {
        assert!(y_true.rows() == y_hat.rows());
        let best = dcg_score(y_true, y_hat, k);
        let actual = dcg_score(y_true, y_hat, k);
        actual / best

    Doesn't that always return 1.0f32 (unless it panics)? I would expect best to be computed as dcg_score(y_true, y_true, k).

    opened by marcusklaas 0
  • How to run for one hot encoding

    How to run for one hot encoding

    In the examples shown using iris dataset, y is a vector of dimension 1 which is essentially a labelencoded vector. Running that on a one-hot encoded vector for y is not working out for me. please help on this. Below is an example code.

    use rustlearn::ensemble::random_forest::Hyperparameters;
    use rustlearn::trees::decision_tree;
    fn main() {
        let data = Array::from(&vec![vec![0.0, 1.0], vec![2.0, 3.0], vec![3.0, 4.0], vec![5.0, 6.0], vec![7.0, 8.0], vec![9.0, 10.0]]);
        let target = Array::from(&vec![vec![0.0, 1.0], vec![0.0, 1.0], vec![0.0, 1.0], vec![1.0, 0.0], vec![1.0, 0.0], vec![1.0, 0.0]]);
        let test = Array::from(&vec![vec![0.0, 1.0]]);
        println!("{:?}", data);
        println!("{:?}", target);
        let mut tree_params = decision_tree::Hyperparameters::new(data.cols());
        let mut model = Hyperparameters::new(tree_params, 2)
   , &target).unwrap();
        let prediction = model.predict(&test).unwrap();
        print!("{:?}", prediction);

    The output of this code is

    Array { rows: 6, cols: 2, order: RowMajor, data: [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0] }
    Array { rows: 6, cols: 2, order: RowMajor, data: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] }
    Array { rows: 1, cols: 1, order: RowMajor, data: [0.0] }

    As you can see the dimension of the predicted values is only 1.

    opened by infinite-Joy 0
Maciej Kula
Maciej Kula
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