kdtree implementation for rust.
Implementation uses sliding midpoint variation of the tree. More Info here Implementation uses single Vec
to store all its contents, allowing for quick access, and no memory fragmentation.
Tree can only be used with types implementing trait:
pub trait KdtreePointTrait : Copy {
fn dims(&self) -> &[f64];
Thanks to this trait you can use any dimension. Keep in mind that the tree currently only supports up to 3D #2.
Examplary implementation would be:
pub struct Point3WithId {
dims: [f64; 3],
pub id: i32,
impl KdtreePointTrait for Point3WithId {
#[inline] // the inline on this method is important! as without it there is ~25% speed loss on the tree when cross-crate usage.
fn dims(&self) -> &[f64] {
return &self.dims;
Where id is just a example of the way in which I carry the data.
With that trait implemented you are good to go to use the tree. Keep in mind that the kdtree is not a self balancing tree, It does support adding the nodes with method 'insert_node' and there is indeed a code to rebuild the tree if depths grows substantially. Basic usage can be found in the integration test, fragment copied below:
let tree = kdtree::kdtree::Kdtree::new(&mut points.clone());
//test points pushed into the tree, id should be equal.
for i in 0 .. point_count {
let p = &points[i];
assert_eq!(p.id, tree.nearest_search(p).id );
Although not recommended for the kd-tree you can use the insert_node
and insert_nodes_and_rebuild
functions to add nodes to the tree. insert_node
does silly check to check whether the tree should be rebuilt. insert_nodes_and_rebuild
Automatically rebuilds the tree.
for now the removal of the nodes is not supported.
cargo bench
using travis :)
running 3 tests
test bench_creating_1000_000_node_tree ... bench: 275,155,622 ns/iter (+/- 32,713,321)
test bench_adding_same_node_to_1000_tree ... bench: 42 ns/iter (+/- 11)
test bench_creating_1000_node_tree ... bench: 120,310 ns/iter (+/- 4,746)
test bench_single_lookup_times_for_1000_node_tree ... bench: 164 ns/iter (+/- 139)
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 4 measured
~275ms to create a 1000_000 node tree. << this bench is now disabled.
~120us to create a 1000 node tree.
160ns to query the tree.
Benchmark - comparison with CGAL.
Since raw values arent saying much I've created the benchmark comparing this implementation against CGAL. code of the benchmark is available here: https://github.com/fulara/kdtree-benchmarks
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
Cgal_tree_buildup/10 2226 ns 2221 ns 313336
Cgal_tree_buildup/100 18357 ns 18315 ns 37968
Cgal_tree_buildup/1000 288135 ns 287345 ns 2369
Cgal_tree_buildup/9.76562k 3296740 ns 3290815 ns 211
Cgal_tree_buildup/97.6562k 42909150 ns 42813307 ns 12
Cgal_tree_buildup/976.562k 734566227 ns 733267760 ns 1
Cgal_tree_lookup/10 72 ns 72 ns 9392612
Cgal_tree_lookup/100 95 ns 95 ns 7103628
Cgal_tree_lookup/1000 174 ns 174 ns 4010773
Cgal_tree_lookup/9.76562k 268 ns 267 ns 2759487
Cgal_tree_lookup/97.6562k 881 ns 876 ns 1262454
Cgal_tree_lookup/976.562k 993 ns 991 ns 713751
Rust_tree_buildup/10 726 ns 724 ns 856791
Rust_tree_buildup/100 7103 ns 7092 ns 96132
Rust_tree_buildup/1000 84879 ns 84720 ns 7927
Rust_tree_buildup/9.76562k 1012983 ns 1010856 ns 630
Rust_tree_buildup/97.6562k 12406293 ns 12382399 ns 51
Rust_tree_buildup/976.562k 197175067 ns 196763387 ns 3
Rust_tree_lookup/10 62 ns 62 ns 11541505
Rust_tree_lookup/100 139 ns 139 ns 4058837
Rust_tree_lookup/1000 220 ns 220 ns 2890813
Rust_tree_lookup/9.76562k 307 ns 307 ns 2508133
Rust_tree_lookup/97.6562k 362 ns 362 ns 2035671
Rust_tree_lookup/976.562k 442 ns 441 ns 1636130
Rust_tree_lookup has some overhead since the libraries are being invoked from C code into Rust, and there is minor overhead of that in between, my experience indicates around 50 ns overhead.
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