A Rust🦀 implementation of CRAFTML, an Efficient Clustering-based Random Forest for Extreme Multi-label Learning



A Rust implementation of CRAFTML, an Efficient Clustering-based Random Forest for Extreme Multi-label Learning (Siblini et al., 2018).


This implementation has been tested on datasets from the Extreme Classification Repository. Each data set comes either with a single data file and separate files for train / test splits, or with two separate train / test data files.

A data file starts with a header line with three space-separated integers: total number of examples, number of features, and number of labels. Following the header line, there is one line per each example, starting with comma-separated labels, followed by space-separated feature:value pairs:

label1,label2,...labelk ft1:ft1_val ft2:ft2_val ft3:ft3_val .. ftd:ftd_val

A split file is a integer matrix, with one line per row, and columns separated by spaces. The integers are example indices (1-indexed) in the corresponding data file, and each column corresponds to a separate split.

Precisions at 1, 3, and 5 are calculated for models trained with default hyper-parameters, e.g.

  • craftml train Mediamill/data.txt --cv_splits_path Mediamill/train_split.txt for Mediamill, which has a single data file and separate train / test split files;
  • craftml train EURLex-4K/train.txt --test_data EURLex-4K/test.txt for EURLex-4K, which has separate train / test data files.
Dataset P@1 P@3 P@5
Mediamill 85.51 69.94 56.39
Bibtex 61.47 37.20 27.32
Delicious 67.78 62.15 57.63
EURLex-4K 79.52 66.42 55.25
Wiki10-31K 83.57 72.69 63.65
WikiLSHTC-325K 51.79 32.41 23.43
Delicious-200K 47.34 40.85 37.67
Amazon-670K 38.40 34.21 31.41
AmazonCat-13K 92.88 77.48 61.32

These numbers are generally consistent with those reported in the original paper.

Note that if there isn't enough memory to train on a large data set, the --test_trees_singly flag can be set to only train & test one tree at a time, and discard each tree when it's been tested. This allows one to obtain test results without being able to fit the entire model in memory. One can also tune the --centroid_preserve_ratio option to trade off between model size and accuracy.


The project can be easily built with Cargo:

$ cargo build --release

The compiled binary file will be available at target/release/craftml.


$ craftml train --help

Train a new CRAFTML model

    craftml train [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <training_data>

    -h, --help                 Prints help information
        --test_trees_singly    Test forest tree by tree, freeing each before training the next to reduce memory usage.
                               Model cannot be saved.
    -V, --version              Prints version information

        --centroid_min_n_preserve <centroid_min_n_preserve>
            The minimum number of entries to preserve from puning, regardless preserve ratio setting. [default: 10]

        --centroid_preserve_ratio <centroid_preserve_ratio>
            A real number between 0 and 1, which is the ratio of entries with largest absoulte values to preserve. The
            rest of the entries are pruned. [default: 0.1]
        --cluster_sample_size <cluster_sample_size>
            Number of examples drawn for clustering on a branching node [default: 20000]

        --cv_splits_path <PATH>
            Path to the k-fold cross validation splits file, with k space-separated columns of indices (starting from 1)
            for training splits.
        --k_clusters <k_clusters>                              Number of clusters on a branching node [default: 10]
        --leaf_max_size <leaf_max_size>
            Maximum number of distinct examples on a leaf node [default: 10]

        --model_path <PATH>                                    Path to which the trained model will be saved if provided
        --n_cluster_iters <n_cluster_iters>
            Number of clustering iterations to run on each branching node [default: 2]

        --n_feature_buckets <n_feature_buckets>
            Number of buckets into which features are hashed [default: 10000]

        --n_label_buckets <n_label_buckets>
            Number of buckets into which labels are hashed [default: 10000]

        --n_threads <n_threads>
            Number of worker threads. If 0, the number is selected automatically. [default: 0]

        --n_trees <n_trees>                                    Number of trees in the random forest [default: 50]
        --out_path <PATH>
            Path to the which predictions will be written, if provided

        --test_data <PATH>
            Path to test dataset file used to calculate metrics if provided (in the format of the Extreme Classification

    <training_data>    Path to training dataset file (in the format of the Extreme Classification Repository)
$ craftml test --help

Test an existing CRAFTML model

    craftml test [OPTIONS] <model_path> <test_data>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --k_top <k_top>            Number of top predictions to write out for each test example [default: 5]
        --n_threads <n_threads>    Number of worker threads. If 0, the number is selected automatically. [default: 0]
        --out_path <PATH>          Path to the which predictions will be written, if provided

    <model_path>    Path to the trained model
    <test_data>     Path to test dataset file (in the format of the Extreme Classification Repository)


  • Siblini, W., Kuntz, P., & Meyer, F. (2018). CRAFTML, an Efficient Clustering-based Random Forest for Extreme Multi-label Learning. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (Vol. 80, pp. 4664–4673). Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm Sweden: PMLR. http://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/siblini18a.html
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