Barnes-Hut t-SNE implementation written in Rust.



License: MIT Gethseman codecov

Barnes-Hut implementation of t-SNE written in Rust. The algorithm is described with fine detail in this paper by Laurens van der Maaten.


Add this line to your Cargo.toml:

bhtsne = "0.4.0"


use bhtsne;

// Parameters template. One can also use f64s.
let n: usize = 8;     // Number of vectors to embed.
let d: usize = 4;     // The dimensionality of the original space.
let theta: f32 = 0.5; // The parameter used by the Barnes-Hut algorithm. When set to 0.0
                      // the exact t-SNE version is used instead.
let perplexity: f32 = 1.0;      // The perplexity of the conditional distribution.
let max_iter: u64 = 2000;       // The number of fitting iterations.
let no_dims: usize = 2;         // The dimensionality of the embedded space.

// Loads data the from a csv file skipping the first row,
// treating it as headers and skipping the 5th column,
// treating it as a class label.
let mut data: Vec<f32> = bhtsne::load_csv("data.csv", true, Some(4));
// This is the vector for the resulting embedding.
let mut y: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0; n * no_dims];
// Runs t-SNE.
    &mut data, n, d, &mut y, no_dims, perplexity, theta, false, max_iter, 250, 250,
// Writes the embedding to a csv file.
bhtsne::write_csv("embedding.csv", y, no_dims);

Also check the docs available on

MNIST embedding

The following embedding has been obtained by preprocessing the MNIST dataset using PCA to reduce its dimensionality to 50. It took approximately 17 mins on a 2.0GHz quad-core 10th-generation i5 MacBook Pro. mnist

  • c++ benchmarks

    c++ benchmarks

    Dear Francesco,

    Thanks for this implementation. I assume it is faster than the C++ original version right considering the rayon parallel efficiency. I will have some tests later on but just want to know whether you have some benchmarks.



    opened by jianshu93 16
  • Integration into linfa

    Integration into linfa

    I just saw your post on Reddit, awesome work! I'm the maintainer of linfa and thought about implementing t-SNE as a transformative dimensionality reduction technique in the past, but never came to it. This crate can take off a lot of work for us. We would implement a wrapper which adepts your algorithm by:

    • implementing builder style pattern for configuration
    • using datasets for input/output
    • implementing transform trait for the algorithm

    Sounds good? I just quickly glanced at the source code and three things stood out which could be improved:

    • make csv dependency optional, sometimes it's not necessary to pull that in
    • make algorithm generic for num_traits::Float
    • what is about error handling? Can any part of your algorithm fail, especially what happens if there are NaNs in your data or parameters are mis-configured (e.g. perplexity negative)
    opened by bytesnake 9
  • Replace pdqselect with select_nth_unstable_by

    Replace pdqselect with select_nth_unstable_by

    Switch from pdqselect dependency to official version of the algorithm. Issue with pdqselect is that the 0.1.1 version broke all older compilers by updating to the 2021 edition.

    opened by YuhanLiin 3
  • Typo in function name

    Typo in function name

    First, thanks so much for providing this crate! I've thought about implementing t-SNE in Rust before, but never took on the challenge. Kudos!

    I think you have a typo in one of your function names; bhtsne::wite_csv should probably be write_csv. Just wanted to let you know.

    Thanks, again!

    bug documentation 
    opened by vlmutolo 2
  • fix: Index out of bounds in symmetrize_spare_matrix

    fix: Index out of bounds in symmetrize_spare_matrix

    Received this error intermittently:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 3173830 but the index is 3173830', /home/ehernva/.cargo/git/checkouts/bhtsne-5d23f839d3bdde38/69c58bf/src/tsne/
    stack backtrace:
    0: rust_begin_unwind at /rustc/02072b482a8b5357f7fb5e5637444ae30e423c40/library/std/src/
    1: core::panicking::panic_fmt at /rustc/02072b482a8b5357f7fb5e5637444ae30e423c40/library/core/src/
    2: core::panicking::panic_bounds_check at /rustc/02072b482a8b5357f7fb5e5637444ae30e423c40/library/core/src/
    3: bhtsne::tsne::symmetrize_sparse_matrix
    4: bhtsne::tSNE<T,U>::barnes_hut
    5: embed::main

    I don't have an indepth understanding of this code, but it seems to me like the condition in the loop that calculates the number of columns per row is the opposite of the one that is used to increase the offsets in the main loop. From my testing, this seems to solve the problem, but probably worth thinking through that it's a valid fix before accepting this PR.

    opened by EmilHernvall 1
  • Add a method for getting the output directly

    Add a method for getting the output directly

    This PR adds a simple method for retrieving the results, without writing them to a csv-file. This seems to obvious to be an oversight, so maybe there's some conscious design reason for why it's not in there? Nevertheless, I figured I might as well send a PR rather than just file an issue.

    Thank you for this crate!

    opened by EmilHernvall 1
  • Missing file errors when running tests

    Missing file errors when running tests

    When I run cargo test for the first time I get the following:

    running 10 tests
    test test::set_embedding_dim ... ok
    test test::set_epochs ... ok
    test test::exact_tsne ... FAILED
    test test::set_final_momentum ... ok
    test test::set_learning_rate ... ok
    test test::set_momentum ... ok
    test test::set_momentum_switch_epoch ... ok
    test test::set_perplexity ... ok
    test test::set_stop_lying_epoch ... ok
    test test::barnes_hut_tsne ... FAILED
    ---- test::exact_tsne stdout ----
    thread 'test::exact_tsne' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/
    ---- test::barnes_hut_tsne stdout ----
    thread 'test::barnes_hut_tsne' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

    It looks like the tests expect several CSV data files, but they're not there.

    opened by YuhanLiin 0
  • Remove recursion from VPTree

    Remove recursion from VPTree

    The performance of this implementation is slightly better when the construction and the search though the VPTree is done in an iterative manner. However, by implementing the SPTree too in an iterative way the performance worsen noticeably.

    opened by frjnn 0
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