A real-time implementation of "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" using nannou and rust-gpu.


Real-time Ray Tracing with nannou & rust-gpu

An attempt at a real-time implementation of "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" by Peter Shirley. This was a personal experiment to learn more about rust-gpu, ray tracing, and what limitations there are around ray tracing in real-time.



A small GUI was developed to tweak the most performance intensive parameters to better understand what affects performance. E.g. on my XPS 13 with integrated GPU the render above was taken with 20 rays per pixel and runs at around 3 FPS, however running the same scene with 2 rays per pixel yields ~25 FPS but with a much noisier result.

Build Requirements

  • Use rustup to install nightly Rust and include the llvm-tools-preview, rustc-dev and rust-src components. These are necessary for the rust-gpu spir-v builder to function.
  • nannou is used to provide the event loop, wgpu graphics pipeline and a small GUI for tweaking performance. Take a look at the platform-specific requirements for nannou projects here.


To run the project, use:

cargo run --release -p nannou-raytracer-app

Code Structure

There are 3 crates in this repo:

  • app is the main application that provides the GUI, builds the Rust shader via SpirvBuilder and sets up the WGPU pipeline.
  • shader is the crate containing both the fragment shader and vertex shader entrypoints (main_fs and main_vs).
  • shared contains code shared between both app and shader. It declares and implements most of the ray-tracing abstractions and logic. By implementing most stuff in a shared crate, I could more easily debug certain functions on the CPU in the app if necessary.


rust-gpu is still very rough around the edges but is already approaching a dream-come-true.

Being able to share code between the CPU and GPU was especially helpful for debugging. I had a few bugs (poor RNG, tracing an infinite loop, etc) that would normally be a nightmare to debug in a shader, however in this case I could just call the same function on the CPU, add some dbg!s and work out what the issue was in no time.

I especially look forward to support for ADTs (enums with data) as this would make looping over Materials and Hittable objects much easier (the current workaround uses IDs and indices in a rather hacky manner). Support for trait objects would be equally nice, though it looks like this would require changes to the Vulkan specification itself.

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    This is really such a wonderful project. First because I never realised how "simple" ray tracing was, and secondly it's such a relief to be playing with shaders in sane language ❤

    Commit message: The rust-toolchain is just copied from the rustgpu repo, as it seems the most fussy about which Rust it uses.

    I also changed the references from mitchmindtree's old fork of rustgpu to the native Embark repo, and pinned to the latest commit. Might have been better to pin to the latest tag, but I'd already had a day full of compiling (I seem to have to compile for rust-analyzer as well??). Anyway it all works now, and everything that can be pinned is pinned.

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    Screenshots and concept looks awesome and I can't wait to try it. On the latest nightly on my machine, it crashes with the following error though, trying to compile the shader I'm guessing:

         Running `target/release/nannou-raytracer-app`
       Compiling nannou-raytracer-shader v0.1.0 (/home/erik/git/nannou-rustgpu-raytracer/shader)
    warning: unused import: `Vec3`
     --> shader/src/lib.rs:9:47
    9 | use spirv_std::glam::{vec2, vec3, vec4, Vec2, Vec3, Vec4};
      |                                               ^^^^
      = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
    error: OpCopyMemorySized without OpCapability Addresses
        --> /home/erik/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/intrinsics.rs:1861:14
    1861 |     unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping(src, dst, count) }
         |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: aborting due to previous error; 1 warning emitted
    error: could not compile `nannou-raytracer-shader`
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
    thread 'main' panicked at 'Crate had no .spv artifacts', /home/erik/.cargo/git/checkouts/rust-gpu-8a6af324770bf590/a1e349b/crates/spirv-builder/src/lib.rs:465:37
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    [1]    26638 segmentation fault (core dumped)  cargo run --release -p nannou-raytracer-app

    What nightly version are you using? I tried a couple of different ones from May, but those wouldn't compile at all. I also needed to install llvm-tools-preview for compilation to work and I installed rust-src and rustc-dev as components, guessing those were what you meant in the readme.

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