Wonnx - a GPU-accelerated ONNX inference run-time written 100% in Rust, ready for the web



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Wonnx is a GPU-accelerated ONNX inference run-time written 100% in Rust, ready for the web.

Supported Platforms (enabled by wgpu)

API Windows Linux & Android macOS & iOS
DX12 (W10 only)
DX11 🚧

= First Class Support — 🆗 = Best Effort Support — 🚧 = Unsupported, but support in progress

Getting started

  • Install Rust
  • Install Vulkan, Metal, or DX12 for the GPU API.
  • Ensure Git LFS is installed
  • git clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/webonnx/wonnx.git
git lfs install

From the command line

Ensure Git LFS is initialized and has downloaded the model files (in wonnx/examples/data/models). Then, you're all set! You can run an example:

cargo run --example squeeze --release

Or you can try the CLI (see the README for more information):

cargo run --release -- info ./data/models/opt-squeeze.mnist
cargo run --release -- infer ./data/models/opt-squeeze.onnx -i data=./data/images/pelican.jpeg --labels ./data/models/squeeze-labels.txt --top 3

From Python

pip install wonnx

And then:

from wonnx import PySession
session = PySession.from_path(
inputs = {"x": [-1.0, 2.0]}
assert session.run(inputs) == {"y": [0.0, 2.0]}

To build the Python module for development:

cd wonnx-py
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install maturin
maturin develop

Then run python3 with the above Python code!

Running a model from scratch

  • To run an onnx model, first simplify it with onnx-simplifier, with the command:
# pip install -U pip && pip install onnx-simplifier
python -m onnxsim mnist-8.onnx opt-mnist.onnx
  • Then you can run it following the example in the examples folder:
cargo run --example mnist --release
>(); probabilities.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.1.partial_cmp(a.1).unwrap()); assert_eq!(probabilities[0].0, 22); }">
fn main() -> HashMap<String, Vec<f32>> {
    let mut input_data = HashMap::new();
    let image = load_squeezenet_image(); // Load image
    input_data.insert("data".to_string(), InputTensor::F32(image.as_slice().unwrap()));

    let session = pollster::block_on(wonnx::Session::from_path(
    .expect("session did not create");
    let result = pollster::block_on(session.run(input_data)).unwrap();
    let result = result["squeezenet0_flatten0_reshape0"];
    let mut probabilities = result.iter().enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>();

    probabilities.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.1.partial_cmp(a.1).unwrap());

    assert_eq!(probabilities[0].0, 22);

Examples are available in the examples folder

Tested models

  • Squeezenet

GPU selection

You may set the following environment variables to influence GPU selection by WGPU:

  • WGPU_ADAPTER_NAME with a substring of the name of the adapter you want to use (e.g. 1080 will match NVIDIA GeForce 1080ti).
  • WGPU_BACKEND with a comma separated list of the backends you want to use (vulkan, metal, dx12, dx11, or gl).
  • WGPU_POWER_PREFERENCE with the power preference to choose when a specific adapter name isn't specified (high or low)

Contribution: On implementing a new Operator

Contribution are very much welcomed even without large experience in DL, WGSL, or Rust. I hope that, this project can be a sandbox for all of us to learn more about those technologies beyond this project initial scope.

To implement an operator all you have to do is:

  1. Add a new matching pattern in compiler.rs
  2. Retrieve its attributes values using the get_attribute function:
("alpha", None, node);">
    let alpha = get_attribute("alpha", Some(1.0), node);
    // or without default value
    let alpha = get_attribute::<f32>("alpha", None, node);
  1. Add any variable you want to use in the WGSL shader using context.
  2. Write a new WGSL template in the templates folder.

Available types are in structs.wgsl but you can also generate new ones within your templates.

  1. Respect the binding layout that each entry is incremented by 1 starting from 0, with input first and output last. If the number of binding is above 4. Increment the binding group. You can change the input within sequencer.rs
  2. Write the logic.

There is default variables in the context:

  • {{ i_lens[0] }}: the length of the input 0. This also work for output: {{ o_lens[0] }} and other input {{ i_lens[1] }}
  • {{ i_shape[0] }}: the array of dimensions of input 0. To get the first dimension of the array, just use: {{ i_shape[0][0] }}
  • {{ i_chunks[0] }}: the size of the chunks of each dimensions of input 0. By default, each variable is represented as a long array of values where to get to specific values you have to move by chunks. Those chunks are represented within this variable. To get the size of the chunks of the first dimensions use: {{ i_chunks[0][0] }}.
  • {{ op_type }} the op type as some op_type like activation are using the same template.
  1. Test it using the utils function and place it in the tests folder. The test can look as follows:
fn test_matmul_square_matrix() {

    let n = 16;
    let mut input_data = HashMap::new();

    let data_a = ndarray::Array2::eye(n);
    let mut data_b = ndarray::Array2::<f32>::zeros((n, n));
    data_b[[0, 0]] = 0.2;
    data_b[[0, 1]] = 0.5;

    let sum = data_a.dot(&data_b);

    input_data.insert("A".to_string(), data_a.as_slice().unwrap());
    input_data.insert("B".to_string(), data_b.as_slice().unwrap());

    let n = n as i64;
    let model = model(graph(
        vec![tensor("A", &[n, n]), tensor("B", &[n, n])],
        vec![tensor("C", &[n, n])],
        vec![node(vec!["A", "B"], vec!["C"], "MatMul", "MatMul", vec![])],

    let session =
        pollster::block_on(wonnx::Session::from_model(model)).expect("Session did not create");

    let result = pollster::block_on(session.run(input_data)).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(result["C"].as_slice(), sum.as_slice().unwrap());

Check out tera documentation for other templating operation: https://tera.netlify.app/docs/

  1. If at any point you want to do optimisation of several node you can do it within sequencer.rs.

Supported Operators (ref ONNX IR)

Operator Since version Implemented
Abs 13, 6, 1
Acos 7
Acosh 9
Add 14, 13, 7, 6, 1
And 7, 1
ArgMax 13, 12, 11, 1
ArgMin 13, 12, 11, 1
Asin 7
Asinh 9
Atan 7
Atanh 9
AveragePool 11, 10, 7, 1
BatchNormalization 15, 14, 9, 7, 6, 1
BitShift 11
Cast 13, 9, 6, 1
Ceil 13, 6, 1
Clip 13, 12, 11, 6, 1
Compress 11, 9
Concat 13, 11, 4, 1
ConcatFromSequence 11
Constant 13, 12, 11, 9, 1
ConstantOfShape 9
Conv 11, 1
ConvInteger 10
ConvTranspose 11, 1
Cos 7
Cosh 9
CumSum 14, 11
DepthToSpace 13, 11, 1
DequantizeLinear 13, 10
Det 11
Div 14, 13, 7, 6, 1
Dropout 13, 12, 10, 7, 6, 1
Einsum 12
Elu 6, 1
Equal 13, 11, 7, 1
Erf 13, 9
Exp 13, 6, 1
Expand 13, 8
EyeLike 9
Flatten 13, 11, 9, 1
Floor 13, 6, 1
GRU 14, 7, 3, 1
Gather 13, 11, 1 (axis=0)
GatherElements 13, 11
GatherND 13, 12, 11
Gemm 13, 11, 9, 7, 6, 1
GlobalAveragePool 1
GlobalLpPool 2, 1
GlobalMaxPool 1
Greater 13, 9, 7, 1
GridSample 16
HardSigmoid 6, 1
Hardmax 13, 11, 1
Identity 16, 14, 13, 1
If 16, 13, 11, 1
InstanceNormalization 6, 1
IsInf 10
IsNaN 13, 9
LRN 13, 1
LSTM 14, 7, 1
LeakyRelu 6, 1
Less 13, 9, 7, 1
Log 13, 6, 1
Loop 16, 13, 11, 1
LpNormalization 1
LpPool 11, 2, 1
MatMul 13, 9, 1
MatMulInteger 10
Max 13, 12, 8, 6, 1
MaxPool 12, 11, 10, 8, 1
MaxRoiPool 1
MaxUnpool 11, 9
Mean 13, 8, 6, 1
Min 13, 12, 8, 6, 1
Mod 13, 10
Mul 14, 13, 7, 6, 1
Multinomial 7
Neg 13, 6, 1
NonMaxSuppression 11, 10
NonZero 13, 9
Not 1
OneHot 11, 9
Optional 15
OptionalGetElement 15
OptionalHasElement 15
Or 7, 1
PRelu 9, 7, 6, 1
Pad 13, 11, 2, 1
Pow 15, 13, 12, 7, 1
QLinearConv 10
QLinearMatMul 10
QuantizeLinear 13, 10
RNN 14, 7, 1
RandomNormal 1
RandomNormalLike 1
RandomUniform 1
RandomUniformLike 1
Reciprocal 13, 6, 1
ReduceL1 13, 11, 1
ReduceL2 13, 11, 1
ReduceLogSum 13, 11, 1
ReduceLogSumExp 13, 11, 1
ReduceMax 13, 12, 11, 1
ReduceMean 13, 11, 1
ReduceMin 13, 12, 11, 1
ReduceProd 13, 11, 1
ReduceSum 13, 11, 1
ReduceSumSquare 13, 11, 1
Relu 14, 13, 6, 1
Reshape 14, 13, 5, 1
Resize 13, 11, 10
ReverseSequence 10
RoiAlign 16, 10
Round 11
Scan 11, 9, 8
Scatter (deprecated) 11, 9
ScatterElements 16, 13, 11
ScatterND 16, 13, 11
Selu 6, 1
SequenceAt 11
SequenceConstruct 11
SequenceEmpty 11
SequenceErase 11
SequenceInsert 11
SequenceLength 11
Shape 15, 13, 1
Shrink 9
Sigmoid 13, 6, 1
Sign 13, 9
Sin 7
Sinh 9
Size 13, 1
Slice 13, 11, 10, 1
Softplus 1
Softsign 1
SpaceToDepth 13, 1
Split 13, 11, 2, 1
SplitToSequence 11
Sqrt 13, 6, 1
Squeeze 13, 11, 1
StringNormalizer 10
Sub 14, 13, 7, 6, 1
Sum 13, 8, 6, 1
Tan 7
Tanh 13, 6, 1
TfIdfVectorizer 9
ThresholdedRelu 10
Tile 13, 6, 1
TopK 11, 10, 1
Transpose 13, 1
Trilu 14
Unique 11
Unsqueeze 13, 11, 1
Upsample (deprecated) 10, 9, 7
Where 16, 9
Xor 7, 1
Function Since version
Bernoulli 15
CastLike 15
Celu 12
DynamicQuantizeLinear 11
GreaterOrEqual 12
HardSwish 14
LessOrEqual 12
LogSoftmax 13, 11, 1
MeanVarianceNormalization 13, 9
NegativeLogLikelihoodLoss 13, 12
Range 11
Softmax 13, 11, 1
SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss 13, 12
  • Make wonnx more robust by using a DAG for optimization and transformation

    Make wonnx more robust by using a DAG for optimization and transformation

    @haixuanTao this is a work-in-progress for adding an 'intermediate representation' - i.e. a tree of nodes that we can more easily perform operations on (such as optimizations). It can also be used to fixed the 'execution order' thing (see #44).

    opened by pixelspark 22
  • Conv with bias is not correct

    Conv with bias is not correct

    After several days of debugging I think I finally get why wonnx is giving incorrect results. It seems that conv is not calculating bias correctly.


    fn conv_bias() {
        let n = 5;
        let c = 1;
        let mut input_data = HashMap::new();
        let data: Vec<f32> = (0..25).map(|x| x as f32).collect();
        let shape = vec![1, c as i64, n as i64, n as i64];
        input_data.insert("X".to_string(), data.as_slice().into());
        let kernel_n = 3;
        let m = 1;
        let data_w: Vec<f32> = (0..18).map(|_| 1.0f32).collect();
        let data_b = vec![0.0, 0.0];
        let conv_model = model(graph(
            vec![tensor("X", &shape)],
            vec![tensor("Y", &[1, 2, 5, 5])],
            vec![tensor("W", &[2, c, 3, 3])], // tensor("B", &[2])],
            vec![initializer("W", data_w)], // initializer("B", data_b)],
                vec!["X", "W"], // "B"],
                    attribute("kernel_shape", vec![3, 3]),
                    attribute("strides", vec![1, 1]),
                    attribute("pads", vec![1, 1, 1, 1]),
        let session =
            pollster::block_on(wonnx::Session::from_model(conv_model)).expect("Session did not create");
        let mut result = pollster::block_on(session.run(&input_data)).unwrap();
                12.0, 21.0, 27.0, 33.0, 24.0, 33.0, 54.0, 63.0, 72.0, 51.0, 63.0, 99.0, 108.0, 117.0,
                81.0, 93.0, 144.0, 153.0, 162.0, 111.0, 72.0, 111.0, 117.0, 123.0, 84.0, 12.0, 21.0,
                27.0, 33.0, 24.0, 33.0, 54.0, 63.0, 72.0, 51.0, 63.0, 99.0, 108.0, 117.0, 81.0, 93.0,
                144.0, 153.0, 162.0, 111.0, 72.0, 111.0, 117.0, 123.0, 84.0

    Now remove the commented out param of tensor B, the result should just be the same(as bias is zero). Instead wonnx is giving wrong results.

    opened by zimond 13
  • creating parent workspace

    creating parent workspace

    Creating a new Workspace to hold wonnx and py-wonnx.

    • The files to watch for changes are:
      • The new Cargo.toml at the root
      • A new version of Rust within the CI as the previous version could not compile py-wonnx
      • a limitation of cargo check within the CI to the wonnx crate,
      • Small changes within the Cargo.toml to account for the parent Cargo.toml

    That is it.

    We can merge the #48 first.

    opened by haixuanTao 13
  • Gemm/MatMul improvements: support small matrices, stacking and bias broadcasting

    Gemm/MatMul improvements: support small matrices, stacking and bias broadcasting

    First attempt at fixing #94.

    This one does not work just right yet however because it is still using Mat4x4 for multiplication, which should probably Mat2x2 (when i_shape[1][1] == 2) or even Mat3x3 or Scalar... leading to intermittent blocks of NaNs all over the place in the output:


    @haixuanTao can you have a look at this, perhaps give me some pointers? I am not too familiar with the Gemm implementation.

    opened by pixelspark 11
  • Logo in README Not Best For GitHub Dark Theme

    Logo in README Not Best For GitHub Dark Theme

    Hey there, I just noticed that the logo doesn't look quite right on the GitHub dark theme.

    Not sure what the best path forward is, but jus thought I'd let you know in case you don't notice it because you're on the light theme.


    Neat looking project BTW! :+1:

    opened by zicklag 10
  • Add a CLI utility

    Add a CLI utility

    Some other things this PR does:

    • Restructure the workspace such that models/images are at the top level and more easily usable from e.g. Python
    • Add the squeezenet label set (this allows removing the dev-dependency on ureq, which pulls in a lot of other stuff, as well as the ONNX model zoo on S3).
    • Make the Python module a 'non default' member of the workspace, so you can cargo build the workspace and not be bothered by errors from the Python module's build process (which only really works with maturin I guess).

    Best to merge this after #48 has landed by the way!

    opened by pixelspark 9
  • docs: add docs.rs badge to readme

    docs: add docs.rs badge to readme

    When looking at a crate's README, I usually look for the docs.rs badge at the top, and assume that it doesn't have docs otherwise. I thought that was initially the case with wonnx, but then I noticed the link to the docs later in the readme. Figured I'd add the badge to stop others from making the same assumption I did 👌

    opened by philpax 7
  • Training


    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I am trying to develop a ml project which is supposed to run on Rust. In order to allow model portability, onnx was chosen.

    Does wonnx plan to allow training in the future? This would be very useful because otherwise, people may have to rewrite or interface their rust code in python to allow training with python based frameworks.

    Describe the solution you'd like A way to formulate and train the onnx model and save it.

    Describe alternatives you've considered Tract and onnxruntime-rs were identified as the main contenders. However, tract was meant for embedded devices and was not GPU-accelerated, onnxruntime-rs would not build and did not support the latest version of onnxruntime. Both didn't support training.

    Additional context

    opened by rhobro 7
  • ONNX Backend Test does not pass for Softmax and Pow

    ONNX Backend Test does not pass for Softmax and Pow

    It seems that the recently merged Pow and Softmax does not pass ONNX Backend Test on Python.

    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_pow_cpu - pyo3_runtime.PanicException: called `Result::unwrap()` on an...
    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_pow_example_cpu - pyo3_runtime.PanicException: called `Result::unwrap(...
    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_softmax_axis_0_cpu - pyo3_runtime.PanicException: called `Result::unwr...
    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_softmax_axis_1_cpu - AssertionError: 
    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_softmax_axis_2_cpu - pyo3_runtime.PanicException: called `Result::unwr...
    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_softmax_default_axis_cpu - pyo3_runtime.PanicException: called `Result...
    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_softmax_large_number_cpu - AssertionError: 
    FAILED tests/test_onnx_backend.py::OnnxBackendNodeModelTest::test_softmax_negative_axis_cpu - pyo3_runtime.PanicException: called `Resul...
    opened by haixuanTao 7
  • Implement Reduce{Mean,Sum,Min,Max,Prod}

    Implement Reduce{Mean,Sum,Min,Max,Prod}

    These are needed for BERTSQuAD at least.

    (I can quite easily add the other Reduce* ops before merging this, e.g. ReduceL1, ReduceL2, ReduceSumSquare, ReduceLogSum, ReduceLogSumExp)

    opened by pixelspark 7
  • Release a new version of the library, and the CLI tool to crates.io

    Release a new version of the library, and the CLI tool to crates.io

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    To improve the 'tryability' of wonnx, users should be able to quickly do a cargo install wonnx-cli and run nnx infer .... This would then need to be added to the README as well.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    We should first release a new version of wonnx to crates.io after the CLI (#53) has merged.

    Then we should release wonnx-cli as well (unfortunately we can't publish the workspace as single package and we don't want to merge the CLI in the wonnx package because it comes with all sorts of stuff that users of wonnx that just want the library don't need).

    An issue is that we need to fix links to packages (e.g. wonnx-cli refers to wonnx using the path ../wonnx but for crates.io it should probably be a specific wonnx version, or a link to the Github repository. See also https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/6126).

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    We might want to consider providing binaries from the releases page on Github as well. If we have those, we can think about adding support for Homebrew.

    Additional context


    opened by pixelspark 6
  • Cannot install pip package

    Cannot install pip package

    I tried to install the wonnx pip package, but the installation failed.

    To Reproduce Run pip install wonnx.


    (wonnx) user@device ~ % pip install wonnx
    Collecting wonnx
      Using cached wonnx-0.1.1.tar.gz (84 kB)
      Installing build dependencies ... done
      Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
      Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... error
      error: subprocess-exited-with-error
      × Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.
      │ exit code: 1
      ╰─> [8 lines of output]
          💥 maturin failed
            Caused by: Cargo metadata failed. Does your crate compile with `cargo build`?
            Caused by: `cargo metadata` exited with an error: error: multiple workspace roots found in the same workspace:
          Error running maturin: Command '['maturin', 'pep517', 'write-dist-info', '--metadata-directory', '/private/var/folders/vx/wqbngg455cd06qmc4gym99mw0000gp/T/pip-modern-metadata-jppvjhp_', '--interpreter', '/Users/user/miniconda3/envs/wonnx/bin/python']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
          Checking for Rust toolchain....
          Running `maturin pep517 write-dist-info --metadata-directory /private/var/folders/vx/wqbngg455cd06qmc4gym99mw0000gp/T/pip-modern-metadata-jppvjhp_ --interpreter /Users/user/miniconda3/envs/wonnx/bin/python`
          [end of output]
      note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
    error: metadata-generation-failed
    × Encountered error while generating package metadata.
    ╰─> See above for output.
    note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.
    hint: See above for details.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: MacOS 12.5.1
    opened by sluijs 2
  • Can't run any Model via WebGPU + WASM on Chrome

    Can't run any Model via WebGPU + WASM on Chrome


    I could not run even a single model via WebGPU WASM. I tried to run squeeze.html or single_relu or any other self simplified .onnx. I always get a lot of warnings while initializing the model. And when I run an inference, I'm getting the correct tensor shape, but all values with 0.

    Tint WGSL reader failure: :11:8 error: invalid type for struct member


    Following the description for the examples. Using latest chrome canary

    Expected Behaviour

    A correct Tensor after inferencing.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS 12.6 (i7, MBP16, 2019, base model)
    • Browser Chrome Canary
    • Version 109.0.5388.0
    opened by nebea 0
  • Implement `Shape` operator

    Implement `Shape` operator

    Hello! I gave Shape operator a try. I pretty much got it working, however there are some small issues:

    1. tests (run with env OP_TESTED=shape pytest tests/test_specific_op.py) almost pass, but they fail because of different types: it expects int64 while our output is float32. Not sure how to fix that (output array is i32 and I even tried setting scalar_type to I64, but this doesn't help)
    2. shader is actually const, since everything is determined at shader compile time (at template render to be precise). this might be an issue (e.g. for models with dynamic inference size). but I don't know how this could be solved.
    3. minor thing: because of the point above, we don't actually use input_0 in the shader code. but if we don't use it, then it gets removed and then bindings don't check out. I solved this by binding it to unused variable, but there could be a prettier way.

    P.S. I'll cleanup the code once the other issues are solved ;]

    opened by LoipesMas 3
  • Support Stable Diffusion model

    Support Stable Diffusion model

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like to be able to run Stable Diffusion using wonnx

    Describe the solution you'd like At least, these operators are missing and should be implemented before even trying too run Stable Diffusion on wonnx: Einsum, Erf, Expand, InstanceNormalization, Shape, Slice

    This is the minimum based on this guide that simplifies the onnx model (see the simplification table): https://www.photoroom.com/tech/stable-diffusion-25-percent-faster-and-save-seconds/

    Probably many more things will be needed, but I'm creating this issue because it can be a really interesting use case to be able to run SD in rust on the GPU directly.

    I don't have much experience with wonnx or even ML, but I decided to create this issue because it surprised me how few operators are missing to run this model. I would need to get more experience with stable diffusion, diffusers library and onnx in python before attempting to port it here, but maybe there are more experienced users interested too.

    opened by siriux 5
  • Can't run a single linear layer

    Can't run a single linear layer

    Describe the bug I try to export a single linear layer from PyTorch and get one of the following errors. Error 1: GpuError(CompileError { node: "Gemm_0", error: InvalidInputShape { input_index: 1, input_shape: Shape { dims: [10, 784], data_type: F32 } } }) Error 2: IrError(OutputNodeNotFound("onnx::Add_4"))

    I viewed the resulting onnx file at netron.app at it appeared to be correct.

    To Reproduce

    1. Run the following script
    torch_model = torch.nn.Linear(784, 10)
    model_input = torch.zeros((1, 784))    #This results in error 1. Changing shape to (784,) results in error 2
    torch.onnx.export(torch_model,           # model being run
                      model_input,                      # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs)
                      "onnx/model.onnx",           # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object)
                      export_params=True,        # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file
                      opset_version=11,             # the ONNX version to export the model to
                      do_constant_folding=True, # whether to execute constant folding for optimization
                      input_names = ['input'],     # the model's input names
                      output_names = ['output'], # the model's output names
    1. Optionally run onnx-simplifier but it doesn't do anything on such a simple model.
    2. Run the following rust program
    fn main() {
        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
    async fn run () {
        let model_path = Path::new("onnx/model.onnx");
        let _session = wonnx::Session::from_path(model_path).await.unwrap();

    Expected behavior The model should load successfully.

    Desktop PopOS 20.04

    opened by Ryul0rd 6
  • IrError(Type(ParametrizedDimensionUnsupported(


    Describe the bug Exporting a HuggingFace model using the recommended method results in the following error: thread 'main' panicked at 'called 'Result::unwrap()' on an 'Err' value: IrError(Type(ParametrizedDimensionUnsupported("batch")))' The inclusion of the batch dimension is not only what HuggingFace tool does but also what the official PyTorch docs recommend for exporting to onnx.

    To Reproduce

    1. pip install transformers[onnx]
    2. python -m transformers.onnx --model=bert-base-uncased --feature=default onnx/
    fn main() {
        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
    async fn run () {
        let model_path = Path::new("onnx/model.onnx");
        let _session = wonnx::Session::from_path(model_path).await.unwrap();

    Expected behavior The unwrap call should not encounter an error.

    Desktop Linux PopOS 20.04

    opened by Ryul0rd 6
  • v0.3.1(Nov 23, 2022)

  • v0.3.0(Jul 31, 2022)

    Previously published as v0.2.5. In deviance of SemVer conventions, cargo considers v0.2.4 and v0.2.5 compatible. To prevent users from experiencing unexpected breakage due to public API changes, v0.2.5 was yanked and re-published as v0.3.0 instead.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Fast deep learning for the web on any device
A Demo server serving Bert through ONNX with GPU written in Rust with <3

Demo BERT ONNX server written in rust This demo showcase the use of onnxruntime-rs on BERT with a GPU on CUDA 11 served by actix-web and tokenized wit

Xavier Tao 28 Jan 1, 2023
A fun, hackable, GPU-accelerated, neural network library in Rust, written by an idiot

Tensorken: A Fun, Hackable, GPU-Accelerated, Neural Network library in Rust, Written by an Idiot (work in progress) Understanding deep learning from t

Kurt Schelfthout 44 May 6, 2023
A gpu accelerated (optional) neural network Rust crate.

Intricate A GPU accelerated library that creates/trains/runs neural networks in pure safe Rust code. Architechture overview Intricate has a layout ver

Gabriel Miranda 11 Dec 26, 2022
A library implementing GPU-accelerated cryptographic functionality for the zkSync prover.

zkSync Era: A ZK Rollup For Scaling Ethereum zkSync Era is a layer 2 rollup that uses zero-knowledge proofs to scale Ethereum without compromising on

Matter Labs 3 Sep 24, 2023
`dfx new --type=rust` + burn-rs MNIST web inference example

ic-mnist The frontend provides a canvas where users can draw a digit. The drawn digit is then sent to the backend canister running burn-rs for inferen

Marcin Nowak-Liebiediew 4 Jun 25, 2023
Your one stop CLI for ONNX model analysis.

Your one stop CLI for ONNX model analysis. Featuring graph visualization, FLOP counts, memory metrics and more! ⚡️ Quick start First, download and ins

Christopher Fleetwood 20 Dec 30, 2022
🔭 interactively explore `onnx` networks in your CLI.

nnli Interactively explore onnx networks in your CLI. Get nnli ?? From Cargo cargo install nnli From Github git clone https://github.com/drbh/nnli.git

drbh 18 Nov 27, 2023
How to: Run Rust code on your NVIDIA GPU

Status This documentation about an unstable feature is UNMAINTAINED and was written over a year ago. Things may have drastically changed since then; r

null 343 Dec 22, 2022
Damavand is a quantum circuit simulator. It can run on laptops or High Performance Computing architectures, such CPU distributed architectures or multi GPU distributed architectures.

Damavand is a code that simulates quantum circuits. In order to learn more about damavand, refer to the documentation. Development status Core feature

prevision.io 6 Mar 29, 2022
A real-time implementation of "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" using nannou and rust-gpu.

Real-time Ray Tracing with nannou & rust-gpu An attempt at a real-time implementation of "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" by Peter Shirley. This was a per

null 89 Dec 23, 2022
pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for optimized Stable Diffusion inference 🔮

pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for pretrained diffusion model inference to generate images, videos, or audio, using ONNX Runtime as a backen

pyke 12 Jan 5, 2023
Rust+OpenCL+AVX2 implementation of LLaMA inference code

RLLaMA RLLaMA is a pure Rust implementation of LLaMA large language model inference.. Supported features Uses either f16 and f32 weights. LLaMA-7B, LL

Mikko Juola 344 Apr 16, 2023
Orkhon: ML Inference Framework and Server Runtime

Orkhon: ML Inference Framework and Server Runtime Latest Release License Build Status Downloads Gitter What is it? Orkhon is Rust framework for Machin

Theo M. Bulut 129 Dec 21, 2022
Using OpenAI Codex's "davinci-edit" Model for Gradual Type Inference

OpenTau: Using OpenAI Codex for Gradual Type Inference Current implementation is focused on TypeScript Python implementation comes next Requirements r

Gamma Tau 11 Dec 18, 2022
A Framework for Production-Ready Continuous Machine Learning

CML "Domain generalization is dead, Continuous Machine Learning lives forever." —— an iKun CML is a framework for production-ready continuous machine

Yu Sun 3 Aug 1, 2023
Rust based Cross-GPU Machine Learning

HAL : Hyper Adaptive Learning Rust based Cross-GPU Machine Learning. Why Rust? This project is for those that miss strongly typed compiled languages.

Jason Ramapuram 83 Dec 20, 2022
Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing extremely fast GPU code fully in Rust.

Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing extremely fast GPU code fully in Rust.

Riccardo D'Ambrosio 2.1k Jan 5, 2023
Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing fast GPU code fully in Rust.

The Rust CUDA Project An ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing extremely fast GPU code fully in Rust Guide | Getting Started | Fe

Rust GPU 2.1k Dec 30, 2022
🐉 Making Rust a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU shaders 🚧

?? rust-gpu Rust as a first-class language and ecosystem for GPU graphics & compute shaders Current Status ?? Note: This project is still heavily in d

Embark 5.5k Jan 9, 2023