Rust library for of graph ensembles


Rust library for random graph ensembles

Crate Rust unit tests - master Docs

Minimal Rust version: 1.55.0

Implements simple sampling and monte carlo (or rather markov-) steps, that can be used to create a markov chain.

This is intended to be used for various different use cases. As such, you can easily define additional data that should be stored at each vertex.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

net_ensembles = "0.5"
# for feature "serde_support" (enabled by default) also use
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

If you do not need serde support, add this instead:

net_ensembles = { version = "0.5", default-features = false  }

Release Notes

See changelog. Note that savestates (created with serde) of v0.4 are incompatible with savestates generated by older versions and vise versa. Braking changes may or may not affect the loading of save states, you have to test that out yourself

currently implemented graph ensembles

  • Erdős-Rényi (x2)
  • small-world

work in progress

  • Barabási-Albert
  • Configuration Model
  • spacial networks


On a 64 bit system drawing an usize consumes more randomness than on a 32 bit system, therefore ensembles drawn etc. are affected by the size of usize.


  • you can always visualize the current graph by creating a .dot file from it. There are different options for that, choose which one fits you best.

Implements measurable quantities

  • average degree
  • connected components
  • diameter
  • is_connected
  • leaf count
  • q_core
  • transitivity
  • biconnected component
  • vertex_load (closely related, often equal to betweeness)


  • depth first search from index
  • breadth first search from index
  • over additional data

For each vertex

methods and more

  • degree
  • check adjacency with other nodes
  • access additional data


  • iterate over indices stored in adjacency list



No warranties whatsoever, but since I am writing this library for my own scientific simulations, I do my best to avoid errors.

You can learn more about me and my research on my homepage.

If you notice any bugs, or want to request new features: do not hesitate to open a new issue on the repository.


  • The number of vertices has to be decided when creating a graph and cannot be changed later - at least for now.
  • I might add a method to add vertices if requested or I need it myself.

Due to implementation details, where I prioritize fast access of vertices, it is unlikely, that I will implement the option to remove vertices. If I do, it will likely be a relatively costly operation, so keep that in mind.

  • I might move the sampling module into a different crate in the future. If I do, everything will likely be reexported at the same position as currently


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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  • IntelliSense shows all the methods

    IntelliSense shows all the methods

    The Issue was that VSCodes Intellisense does not recognize e.g. .vertex_count() if you use it directly on e.g. SwEnsemble.vertex_count() but only shows the function if you use it like this SwEnsemble.graph().vertex_count(), although both work and give the same output.

    So I think the issue is, that when you use SwEnsemble.vertex_count() it uses the function from net_ensemble\traits\graph_trait -> trait MeasurableGraphQuantities. And in the end of the graph_trait file those Quantities gets implemented for all Ensembles like this impl<T, A, E> MeasurableGraphQuantities<GenericGraph<T, A>> for E

    But it does not get directly implemented for SwEnsemble, but only on a "passive" way for all E. So the only solution is to implement MeasurableGraphQuantities in the net_ensemble\ file and for SwEnsemble directly. Then VSCode can look first for all the implemented traits on SwEnsemble in and finds the .vertex_count defintion.

    I did this implementation for all the Ensembles. You do not have to merge this, but I wanted to show you my results when I dug into the code.

    Maybe it is a good way to impl it directly in these files so everyone can see that SwEnsemble has these methods. But on the otherhand it is duplicated code because we get the same result with a .graph().vertex_count() call already and both function calls lead to the exact same underlying structure. The .graph().vertex_count() call refers to the GenericGraph struct and that struct already implements all the functions the trait MeasurableGraphQuantities does too.

    Just wanted to share this :D

    Here some code to try the IntelliSense out.

    use net_ensembles::{
        rand::SeedableRng, BAensemble, EmptyNode, ErEnsembleC, ErEnsembleM, SwEnsemble,
    use rand_pcg::Pcg64;
    fn main() {
        let rng = Pcg64::seed_from_u64(75676525);
        let sw_ensemble = SwEnsemble::<EmptyNode, Pcg64>::new(5, 0.1, rng);
        println!("{}", sw_ensemble.vertex_count());
        println!("{}", sw_ensemble.graph().vertex_count());
        let rng = Pcg64::seed_from_u64(75676525);
        let er_ensemblec = ErEnsembleC::<EmptyNode, Pcg64>::new(5, 0.1, rng);
        println!("{}", er_ensemblec.vertex_count());
        println!("{}", er_ensemblec.graph().vertex_count());
        let rng = Pcg64::seed_from_u64(75676525);
        let er_ensemblem = ErEnsembleM::<EmptyNode, Pcg64>::new(5, 5, rng);
        println!("{}", er_ensemblem.vertex_count());
        println!("{}", er_ensemblem.graph().vertex_count());
        let rng = Pcg64::seed_from_u64(75676525);
        let ba_ensemble = BAensemble::<EmptyNode, Pcg64>::new(5, rng, 5, 5);
        println!("{}", ba_ensemble.vertex_count());
        println!("{}", ba_ensemble.graph().vertex_count());
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