A fast, lightweight and extensible implementation of a graph data structure.

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Graphics fast-graph


A fast, lightweight and extensible implementation of a graph data structure.

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⚠️ There will be some breaking changes in the coming 1-2 weeks at the very least until version 1.0.0 arrives.

Lightweight & fast.

By default, SlotMaps are used to store the nodes and edges which solves the ABA problem while also providing O(1) insertion, deletion and lookup times.

Extensible & Generic

The Graph is generic over the node and edge data types. There's also traits for making even more customized graph-like data structures if the need arises.

Serde & Specta

There's optional features to enable [serde] & [specta] support.


The CategorizedGraph struct uses a hash map to map category names (String) to a category node (NodeID) (where the node's edges are the nodes belonging to the category). There's also some useful extra functions to query categories and their nodes, and a Categorized trait that can be implemented for a custom struct if needed.

In other words a simple extension to the graph that allows for efficient and easy grouping of nodes by strings.


Node - Struct representing a node in the graph. Contains a NodeID which is a key to the node in the slotmap, which has a generic data field and a list of edges.

Edge - Struct representing an edge in the graph. Contains an EdgeID which is a key to the edge in the slotmap, and two NodeIDs which are the nodes the edge connects (from & to). An edge can also have "data", which could be anything or nothing; for example the weight of the connection or a struct or enum representing something else.

GraphInterface - Trait defining methods to alter a graph, i.e. adding, removing, and editing nodes and edges.

Graph - The default graph struct which implements GraphInterface. It only contains two slotmaps, one for nodes and one for edges.

Categorized - Trait that extends the Graph with category specific methods.

CategorizedGraph - A graph with categories. Categories are normal nodes (which can contain edges & data), but the graph also contains a hashmap that maps category names to category nodes for easy access.


Check out the ROADMAP.md file


Simple Graph and the ABA problem.

use fast_graph::{Graph, Node, Edge};
/* We need to have this trait in scope: */
use fast_graph::{GraphInterface};

struct EdgeData(String);

struct NodeData(String);

let mut graph: Graph<NodeData, EdgeData> = Graph::new();

let node1 = graph.add_node(NodeData("Node 1".into()));
let node2 = graph.add_node(NodeData("Node 2".into()));
let edge1 = graph.add_edge(node1.id, node2.id, EdgeData("Edge 1".into()));

assert_eq!(graph.node(node1.id).unwrap().id, node1.id);
assert_eq!(graph.edge(edge1.id).unwrap().id, edge1.id);


// Since we just removed node 1, it should be None now.
assert_eq!(graph.node(node1.id), None);
// And node 2 still points to node 2.
assert_eq!(graph.node(node2.id).unwrap().id, node2.id);

println!("{:#?}", graph);
use fast_graph::*;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize))]
enum NodeData {

let mut graph: CategorizedGraph<NodeData, ()> = CategorizedGraph::new();

let node1 = graph.add_node(NodeData::Number(1)).id;
let node2 = graph.add_node(NodeData::Number(2)).id;
let node3 = graph.add_node(NodeData::Number(3)).id;

let category1 = graph.create_category("Category 1", vec![node1, node2],
    NodeData::CategoryData("Category 1".into())

assert_eq!(graph.category("Category 1").unwrap().connections.len(), 2);

// The category node should have the same data as the one we passed in.
let category1_data = graph.category("Category 1").unwrap().data;
if let NodeData::CategoryData(category1_name) = category1_data {
   assert_eq!(category1_name, "Category 1".to_string());

// Adding to a category that doesn't exist will create it. 
let category2 = graph.add_to_category("Category 2", vec![node2]);
assert_eq!(graph.all_categories().len(), 2);

// Adding to the same category twice will return the same category node.
let category2_1 = graph.add_to_category("Category 2", vec![node3]);
assert_eq!(graph.all_categories().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(category2, category2_1);

// The "Category 2" node should have two connections, one to node2 and one to node3.
let category2_node = graph.category("Category 2").unwrap();
// this:
// should equal:
    vec![node2, node3]

// Creating a category twice will error.
    graph.create_category("Category 1",
        vec![node3], NodeData::CategoryData("Category 1".into())
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  • Cleanup Specta integration

    Cleanup Specta integration


    • Don't depend on tauri-specta, specta is enough and means this crate is compatible with any Specta compatible library (rspc, taurpc, Tauri Specta)
    • cfg attribute on module not export. This is so when the Specta feature isn't enabled the crate doesn't try and import Specta.
    • Remove pub use specta_derives::*. Implementations don't need to be publically exposed to work.
    • Import rest of crate into specta_derives module so it can refer to the crates types.
    opened by oscartbeaumont 1
  • refactor/smallish-refactoring-and-documentation-improvements


    Breaking changes

    • None, hopefully.


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