The library provides basic functions to work with Graphviz dot lang from rust code.



The library provides the basic access to the graphs in graphviz format with ability to import into or export from it.

Base examples:

Parse dot source

b2} aaa[color=red] aaa -> bbb } aa -> be -> subgraph v { d -> aaa} aa -> aaa -> v } "#).unwrap(); assert_eq!( g, graph!(strict di id!("t"); node!("aa";attr!("color","green")), subgraph!("v"; node!("aa"; attr!("shape","square")), subgraph!("vv"; edge!(node_id!("a2") => node_id!("b2"))), node!("aaa";attr!("color","red")), edge!(node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("bbb")) ), edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("be") => subgraph!("v"; edge!(node_id!("d") => node_id!("aaa")))), edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("v")) ) ) } ">
use dot_structures::*;
use dot_generator::*;

fn parse_test() {
    let g: Graph = parse(r#"
        strict digraph t {
            subgraph v {
                subgraph vv{a2 -> b2}
                aaa -> bbb
            aa -> be -> subgraph v { d -> aaa}
            aa -> aaa -> v

        graph!(strict di id!("t");
                node!("aa"; attr!("shape","square")),
                subgraph!("vv"; edge!(node_id!("a2") => node_id!("b2"))),
                edge!(node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("bbb"))
              edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("be") => subgraph!("v"; edge!(node_id!("d") => node_id!("aaa")))),
              edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("v"))

Print graph into dot source

 use dot_structures::*;
use dot_generator::*;
use graphviz_rust::printer::{PrinterContext, DotPrinter};

fn print_test() {
    let mut g = graph!(strict di id!("id"));
    assert_eq!("strict digraph id {}".to_string(), g.print(&mut PrinterContext::default()));

Transform graph into external formats with cmd engine

subgraph!(; node!("n"; NodeAttributes::color(color_name::black), NodeAttributes::shape(shape::egg)) )) ), edge!(node_id!("a1") => node_id!(esc "a2")) ); let graph_svg = exec(g, PrinterContext::default(), vec![ CommandArg::Format(Format::Svg), ]).unwrap(); } ">
 use dot_structures::*;
use dot_generator::*;
use graphviz_rust::{exec, parse};
use graphviz_rust::cmd::{CommandArg, Format};
use graphviz_rust::printer::{PrinterContext, DotPrinter};
use graphviz_rust::attributes::*;

fn output_test() {
    let mut g = graph!(id!("id");
                 edge!(node_id!("a") => subgraph!(;
                    NodeAttributes::color(color_name::black), NodeAttributes::shape(shape::egg))
            edge!(node_id!("a1") => node_id!(esc "a2"))
    let graph_svg = exec(g, PrinterContext::default(), vec![


The structure pursues to follow the dot notation closely, therefore it has straight accordance. The structures can be found in dot_structures::* and has the following denotion:

 strict digraph t {                     : graph with t as id
         aa[color=green]                : node aa and attributes in []
         subgraph v {                   : subgraph v
 	        aa[shape=square]            : node aa in subgraph 
 	        subgraph vv{a2 -> b2}       : another subgraph carrying edge inside( a type of the edge is Pair)
 	        aaa -> subgraph { d -> aaa} : subgraph id is anonymous id
        aa -> be -> d -> aaa            : other edge with a type Chain

Generate a dot structure:

The library provides a set of macros alleviating the process of graph construction.

Most of them, which have the sequence pattern(nodes with attributes, graphs or subgraphs with statements etc.) have the following syntax:

  • name or id or any other markers
  • list of structure with a comma or seq of elems with a semicolon
    node!("node_id"; attr!("atr1","val1"),attr!("atr2","val2")),
    node!("node_id", vec![attr!("atr1","val1"),attr!("atr2","val2")])

The macros can be found in dot_generator::* and has the following denotion:

b2} aaa[color=red] aaa -> bbb } aa -> be -> subgraph v { d -> aaa} aa -> aaa -> v } "#; graph!(strict di id!("t"); node!("aa";attr!("color","green")), subgraph!("v"; node!("aa"; attr!("shape","square")), subgraph!("vv"; edge!(node_id!("a2") => node_id!("b2"))), node!("aaa";attr!("color","red")), edge!(node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("bbb")) ), edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("be") => subgraph!("v"; edge!(node_id!("d") => node_id!("aaa")))), edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("v")) ); } ">
       fn graph_test() {
    use dot_generator::*;
    use dot_structures::*;

    let g = r#"
            strict digraph t {
                subgraph v {
                    subgraph vv{a2 -> b2}
                    aaa -> bbb
                aa -> be -> subgraph v { d -> aaa}
                aa -> aaa -> v

    graph!(strict di id!("t");
                    node!("aa"; attr!("shape","square")),
                    subgraph!("vv"; edge!(node_id!("a2") => node_id!("b2"))),
                    edge!(node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("bbb"))
                  edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("be") => subgraph!("v"; edge!(node_id!("d") => node_id!("aaa")))),
                  edge!(node_id!("aa") => node_id!("aaa") => node_id!("v"))


The graphviz provides an enormous amount of possible attributes and to support it, the library provides a set of structures alleviating the navigation among them namely:

  • custom attribute can be easily compound with the macros attr!(id,id) nevertheless another possible formats:
  • using named attributes like graphviz_rust::attributes::color for the color attribute
  • using the particular structures graphviz_rust::attributes::{EdgeAttributes,SubgraphAttributes GraphAttributes, NodeAttributes} grouping and displaying which attribute belongs to the struct.
   use graphviz_rust::attributes::{color, color_name, GraphAttributes, NodeAttributes};
use into_attr::IntoAttribute;
use dot_structures::*;
use dot_generator::*;

fn test() {
   assert_eq!(GraphAttributes::center(true), attr!("center",true));
   assert_eq!(color::default().into_attr(), attr!("color","black"));

Transform into string following a dot format

The trait DotPrinter is summoned to transform a graph structure into string.

node_id!("b"))); assert_eq!(s.print(&mut ctx), "subgraph id {\n abc\n a -- b \n}".to_string()); } ">
     use dot_generator::*;
use dot_structures::*;
use graphviz_rust::printer::{PrinterContext, DotPrinter};

fn subgraph_test() {
    let mut ctx = PrinterContext::default();
    let s = subgraph!("id"; node!("abc"), edge!(node_id!("a") => node_id!("b")));

    assert_eq!(s.print(&mut ctx), "subgraph id {\n    abc\n    a -- b \n}".to_string());

The module allows adjusting some of the parameters such as indent step or line separator using PrinterContext:

     fn ctx() {
    use self::graphviz_rust::printer::PrinterContext;
    let mut ctx = PrinterContext::default();

    ctx.always_inline(); // everything in one line
    ctx.with_semi(); // semicolon at the end of every element
    ctx.with_indent_step(4); // indent 4 (default 2)
    ctx.with_inline_size(60); // size indicating the line needs to break into multilines

External formats anf others using cmd engine

The library provides an ability to use command commands from the rust code. The details are denoted in graphviz_rust::{exec}.

  fn output_test() {
    let mut g = graph!(id!("id"));
    exec(g, PrinterContext::default(), vec![

Note: to have it successfully up and running the command client should be installed

  • Graph should be visible

    Graph should be visible

    The Graph enum and its fields should be visible. For reasons where the printer interface does not satisfy more complex use-cases, e.g. interact with a graph database or such stuff

    opened by anon767 7
  • Tests failing on macOS

    Tests failing on macOS

    Hi! Thanks for the wonderful package, but I have a problem on macOS. I tried to perform export to svg example and faced the error No such file or directory.

    Then I ran your tests and faced the same error

    running 24 tests
    test attributes::tests::test ... ok
    test parser::test::edge_test ... ok
    test parser::test::attr_test ... ok
    test parser::test::comments_test ... ok
    test parser::test::attr_stmts_test ... ok
    test parser::test::edge_stmt_test ... ok
    test parser::test::attr_list_test ... ok
    test parser::test::node_test ... ok
    test parser::test::node_id_test ... ok
    test printer::tests::attr_test ... ok
    test parser::test::vertex_test ... ok
    test printer::tests::edge_test ... ok
    test parser::test::stmt_test ... ok
    test printer::tests::graph_attr_test ... ok
    test parser::test::id_test ... ok
    test printer::tests::graph_test ... ok
    test printer::tests::node_id_test ... ok
    test printer::tests::node_test ... ok
    test parser::test::graph_test ... ok
    test printer::tests::subgraph_test ... ok
    test parser::test::graph_html_test ... ok
    test tests::parse_test ... ok
    test tests::exec_test ... FAILED
    test tests::print_test ... ok
    ---- tests::exec_test stdout ----
    thread 'tests::exec_test' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    test result: FAILED. 23 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.02s

    I tried running it with sudo and it didn't help.

    opened by qzarx1 6
  • chore: use dprint to format the code

    chore: use dprint to format the code

    This fixes the inconsistent formatting in the code and the documentation via dprint

    Before this, the documentation and code had inconsistent indentation that made the code hard to read. As an example:

    The commits are separated. The first commit adds the dprint config, and the second commit is fully automated and runs dprint fmt. No functional code changes have been made.

    opened by aminya 3
  • Add Clone/Copy impls for enum cmd::Format, export a version of exec that takes a rendered graph, add more descriptive error messages

    Add Clone/Copy impls for enum cmd::Format, export a version of exec that takes a rendered graph, add more descriptive error messages

    Hi, I'm currently using graphviz-rust to build some dependency graph visualizations and I've run into some small issues with the API that mildly affect UX.

    1. No way to clone a cmd::Format. cmd::Format doesn't implement Clone, so there's no way to set constants for default layouts, or take a desired layout as a command-line argument. It seems that it should be possible to derive Clone on this type given that it's a simple enum.

    2. No way to cache the result of printing a Graph before passing it to exec. I'm currently building a Graph then rendering it to svg, but I'd like to export the rendered .dot file as well. The exec function exported from the crate root only takes a Graph as an argument, but runs print on it immediately. There's no way to reuse the result of print and pass it directly to exec afterward - this results in the graph needing to be printed twice in order to both save the raw .dot markup and call graphviz on it. It would be nice to have a similar function, e.g. exec_from_dot_file, that takes a string as input.

    3. Nondescriptive error message when graphviz is missing from PATH If the user doesn't have dot in their PATH, exec fails with an error No file or directory found. It isn't immediately obvious what the source of this error is, or how to remedy it. exec should ideally return a message telling the user to install graphviz; this caveat is mentioned in the docs but buried inside the cmd module.

    Thank you for releasing this crate, it's super useful!

    opened by dreamsmasher 3
  • Special characters in IDs result in invalid output

    Special characters in IDs result in invalid output


    let graph = {
        use graphviz_rust::dot_generator::*;
        graph!(strict di id!("h[t]"))
    let mut ctx = PrinterContext::default();
    let out = graph.print(&mut ctx);

    Output (invalid DOT):

    strict digraph h[t] {

    Expected output:

    strict digraph "h[t]" {
    opened by MingweiSamuel 3
  • dot pest update

    dot pest update

    Hey! First of all, thanks for the awesome library! I am trying to create a uml diagram for my db and have issues with the parse function specifically on the code <tr><td>address_id: int</td></tr> I suspect its the dot.pest file the needs to be updated to handle special characters like : or _ thanks

    opened by yashmasani 1
  • Change the way of parsing GraphAttributes

    Change the way of parsing GraphAttributes

    The structure of parsing GraphAttributes follows the notation but the fact that the seq of extra elements following after the node is concealed:

    graph {
    node[style=filled]; a b c d;

    Therefore now it is being parsed as a set of independent statements but apparently, they have to be merged.

    opened by besok 0
  • Inability to use Attribute builder with escaped strings

    Inability to use Attribute builder with escaped strings

    It is no way to use GraphAttributes or any other builders like that:

    GraphAttributes::attribute("val") == attr!("attribute", esc "\"val\"")
    opened by besok 0
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