Project Serum Rust Monorepo



Project Serum Rust Monorepo

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Program Deployments

Program Devnet Mainnet Beta
DEX DESVgJVGajEgKGXhb6XmqDHGz3VjdgP7rEVESBgxmroY 9xQeWvG816bUx9EPjHmaT23yvVM2ZWbrrpZb9PusVFin


  • Serum is in active development so all APIs and protocols are subject to change.
  • The code is unaudited. Use at your own risk.


Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup component add rustfmt

On Linux systems you may need to install additional dependencies. On Ubuntu,

sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config build-essential python3-pip jq

Install Solana

Directions can be found here.

Download the source

git clone

Build, deploy, and test programs

See individual crates for documentation. For example, to build the dex see its README.

Running a local Solana cluster

The easiest way to run a local cluster is to use solana-test-validator.


  • assert-owner: Solana utility program for checking account ownership.
  • common: Common rust utilities.
  • dex: Serum DEX program and client utility.
  • pool: Serum pool protocol.
  • scripts: Bash scripts for development.
  • Export MarketState and Slab functions to read bid/ask data on-chain

    Export MarketState and Slab functions to read bid/ask data on-chain

    The serum_dex package has helper functions for reading bid/ask data from the slab tree, but some of them are not public. This PR makes these functions and associated structs and enums public. Not a breaking change.

    Is it useful? Yes. We need these functions in production.

    Edit: more functions from made public.

    opened by secretshardul 6
  • Pubkey seeds

    Pubkey seeds

    hi i want to initialize a market but the function gets many pubkeys that i dont know how to create them

    pub fn initialize_market(
        market: &Pubkey,
        program_id: &Pubkey,
        coin_mint_pk: &Pubkey,
        pc_mint_pk: &Pubkey,
        coin_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
        pc_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
        authority_pk: Option<&Pubkey>,
        prune_authority_pk: Option<&Pubkey>,
        consume_events_authority_pk: Option<&Pubkey>,
        // srm_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
        bids_pk: &Pubkey,
        asks_pk: &Pubkey,
        req_q_pk: &Pubkey,
        event_q_pk: &Pubkey,
        coin_lot_size: u64,
        pc_lot_size: u64,
        vault_signer_nonce: u64,
        pc_dust_threshold: u64,

    I need to create them to pass them to this function, spl-associated-token-address has a format for seeds to generate pubkeys. is there any function which could generate these pubkeys?

    opened by saman-pasha 4
  • settle_funds return 0 usdt to my address

    settle_funds return 0 usdt to my address

    sol address:7ewn8oj7MWyhZE5qFux1npzUnuT4XCVvBvYiMHehYvBb usdt address:8pkzuX9GjrgEFuX4JXQeV4hcSjwTba59yC92vSfbz45H fida address:4BCnuuQXHXEMiUVYYA7mw2Jc5AyX5q1FcTRDmvnV9uDR

    i submit an order , then i've cancelled it twice , not sure why.. and

    then not sure what i did there when i've tried to settle_my funds

    open_orders_account = market.find_open_orders_accounts_for_owner(owner_address=PublicKey('7ewn8oj7MWyhZE5qFux1npzUnuT4XCVvBvYiMHehYvBb')) but when i do now settle_fundsit sends me 0 usdt back all the time and image

    please dm me on dicord cryptoguy100786#0098

    how to get my usdt from of ? thanks

    opened by cryptoalert15 4
  • Tokens remain in Vault after SettleFunds is executed

    Tokens remain in Vault after SettleFunds is executed

    I am writing a client (in Rust) to interact with Serum. When testing@devnet it (a simple case when two participants place Asks / Bids orders with an exchange rate of 1:1), I encountered a problem that the Ask side funds (pc token) are not returned to the account even after the SettleFunds instruction has been executed. In this case, the proceeds from the sale of coin tokens pc tokens are stored in the vault. Thus, for payer / wallet # 1 we have the following balance (after order execution and SettleFunds) -1 coin, for payer / wallet # 2: -1 pc, +1 coin.

    P.S> Do you plan to develop a client library for Rust (similar to serum-ts) ?

    Before order placement

    image image

    State after orders execution and SettleFunds


    SettleFunds logs for payer#1


    SettleFunds logs for payer#2




    Market Info
    own_address:    7KH444DFaHsnJECWhmLe3VYhqSn8XY2RtxPrsLS92rhS
    coin_mint:      9ZpZqwJfDQzppXkazKBTqNFW1z4rLL9wxbkbhPbWTb3n
    pc_mint:        G5JuS6p1TX7P3dz2DhiQ1L1exERem6Ayn5ZwqXx29dkn
    coin_vault:     8h8yreygpuRiwqhRwzGFNdrNT7P9qx9f9HADyzxZrJvY
    pc_vault:       HiX9rBut3LU5P3GwT2aR8uC1co6gKRjM5UYtcPZHca7j
    req_q:          EXeDheqgB8dQLN7NYrUn6zwm6Cg6Z21LLXxb9xvWRfTR
    event_q:        FR6Gn5HHNG8i4au62ec7hA1RnsBSXS1SMFCiTtKj6qdq
    bids:           5Fm4HGTVeRsttjM3oSPVuyUq5awLdbTT5UtpmCwMghwM
    asks:           CamnzxFGMKCszpUgHsYipHh9YTag3TeXSWtnqvqiDdn8
    coin_lot_size:  100000
    pc_lot_size:    100
    pc_decimal:     9
    coin_decimal:   9
    Payers/wallet Info
    wallet #1 addres: BXhe2cKFT6UEF5gLiHCDJnqQVxyKVsjnH95m3AaCDCRc
    wallet #1 pc addres: 3dhhuqUTq2oQxh4Lhz1zyeJoUnip31LWUK6sWvccyptL
    wallet #1 coin addres: 5f9UiFcVPnK1u2k9sHW4Qqx6kesbpBLrVfSBCRujK5h6
    wallet #2 addres: 857hQyZViutfWSSUj5HL1oxJP5goBHTvzAMNWCQpg9Z7
    wallet #2 pc addres: 2UiNCsmECibXM4AW7ePGe7zFQkxoAtfGsGWX6jn6iuRU
    wallet #2 coin addres: CSYU2V943K4ZPEvwLRZvPDaFumVjaZ4Sht3UKe3WNy5o
    Additional Info


    opened by PraetorP 3
  • Funds lost during SBR/USDC transaction

    Funds lost during SBR/USDC transaction

    Hi there,

    Everything looks fine at transaction level, however at the last step when USDC should be deposited nothing happened.

    opened by romanzac 3
  • What does `[u64; 4]` mean?

    What does `[u64; 4]` mean?

    Several structs use the type [u64; 4] for what I suspect is the public key. For instance in MarketState and LeafNode.

    pub struct MarketState {
        // 0
        pub account_flags: u64, // Initialized, Market
        // 1
        pub own_address: [u64; 4],
        // 5
        pub vault_signer_nonce: u64,
        // 6
        pub coin_mint: [u64; 4],
        // 10
        pub pc_mint: [u64; 4],
        // 14
        pub coin_vault: [u64; 4],
    pub struct LeafNode {
        tag: u32,
        owner_slot: u8,
        fee_tier: u8,
        padding: [u8; 2],
        key: u128,
        owner: [u64; 4],
        quantity: u64,
        client_order_id: u64,

    My use case is specifically to:

    1. check if a market's coin_mint matches the address of a program account; and to
    2. find public key used for placing a serum order, from owner field in LeafNode.
    opened by secretshardul 3
  • Enable Loading Bids And Asks Via External Packages

    Enable Loading Bids And Asks Via External Packages

    The functions in this PR when made public allow you to calculate orderbook pricing via external crates. This should address the concerns pointed out in


    When I attempted to build the codebase with cargo build after i made the change, Cargo.lock was updated automatically so I included it with the last commit. Let me know if I should remove this.

    opened by bonedaddy 3
  • Mark Various Functions, And Enums Public For On-Chain Price Calculations

    Mark Various Functions, And Enums Public For On-Chain Price Calculations


    While attempting to get various bid/ask prices on-chain through CPI I ran into a few different issues due to various functions and enums not being marked as public. As far as I can tell the updated visibilities I have included in this repo are all that is needed to access this information on-chain through other programs.

    opened by bonedaddy 3
  • Forked borsh crate needs to rebase onto v0.8.1

    Forked borsh crate needs to rebase onto v0.8.1

    Hi! I'm an engineer from solana. :)

    To make long story short, could you update your forked borsh crate to be rebased onto borsh-rs v0.8.1?

    We noticed updating serde to v1.0.122 at the solana monorepo would break serum-dex build: Don't worry. We won't do that soon. This is just maintenance update at our side. :)

    If there is better way for you like bumping solana-program and/or spl, please let us know.


    Well, there are various crates involved.

    Firstly, solana-program crates use serde. And serde v1.0.122 now depends on syn >= v1.0.60 specifically and it broke build of borsh-rs < v0.8.0: (this pr should be in borsh-rs v0.8.0)

    Then, serum-dex uses both solana-program and borsh-rs, which would be unable to build with conflicting versions.

    These changes seems to be introduced by this pr:

    Also, it seems that you're also pinning syn at forked branch:

    by this commit

    It may become unnecessary?

    Also, updated borsh-rs isn't pinning syn it seems:

    So, I'm thinking you can just update borsh-rs to v0.8.1, considering it's not pinning syn version:

    (A bit odd thing is that it seems spl succeeded to build with syn v1.0.60 and it seems pinning syn isn't working in your repository for some reason...)

    CC: @armaniferrante (mentioning based on relevant commit's author info, nice to meet you!), @mvines (my dependable rust dependency-hell solving expert.)

    opened by ryoqun 3
  • Invalid param: could not find mint

    Invalid param: could not find mint

    I'm working localnet . I have this error.
    failed to get token accounts owned by account acSUiwT9cCe4hfaYNATdodj8iJJ3bvmWZyeTBNQmD8S: Invalid param: could not find mint

    acSUiwT9cCe4hfaYNATdodj8iJJ3bvmWZyeTBNQmD8S = my Solletio solana address

    opened by oznfc 3
  • Lower fees as voted plz

    Lower fees as voted plz

    Special fee tier for stable needs more thinking so this should come later.

    opened by Arrowana 2
  • Spillover when converting from USDC/USDT to another token

    Spillover when converting from USDC/USDT to another token

    When I try to do a swap on Serum from USDC/USDT to some other token, I’ve noticed that there is some spillover. Here are some transactions that showcase this behavior:


    Here, I could have received up to 0.17 SOL but only get 0.1 SOL and the rest is returned.


    Similarly, here I could have received up to 0.35 SOL but only got 0.3 SOL.

    What is the reason for this truncation in the output balance? By the way, this only happens if you exchange the USDC to SOL. If you convert SOL to USDC, you see no such spillover e.g.


    opened by amerfarooq 0
  • Comply with Art. 15 GDPR Right of access by the data subject

    Comply with Art. 15 GDPR Right of access by the data subject

    Please outline and provide tooling to retrieve all filled orders for a certain wallet address and market. All the UIs on the market only display recent data. This becomes a legal issue for traders that have to fulfill tax obligations. As the Serum program is developed, maintained and brought to the blockchain by you guys I expect some responsibility here and comply with minimum standards of any financial application. Sorry to be so blunt but I see enormous activity for launching new partnerships etc. but nothing for the accounting part.

    opened by gitmalong 5
  • adds fix to build errors

    adds fix to build errors

    Upon building dex using the command cargo build-bpf --manifest-path=./Cargo.toml --bpf-out-dir=dist, I get the error

    error[E0107]: this struct takes 0 lifetime arguments but 1 lifetime argument was supplied
       --> src/
    375 |     StdoutLock(io::StdoutLock<'a>),
        |                    ^^^^^^^^^^---- help: remove these generics
        |                    |
        |                    expected 0 lifetime arguments
    error[E0107]: this struct takes 0 lifetime arguments but 1 lifetime argument was supplied
       --> src/
    376 |     StderrLock(io::StderrLock<'a>),
        |                    ^^^^^^^^^^---- help: remove these generics
        |                    |
        |                    expected 0 lifetime arguments
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0107`.
    error: could not compile `termcolor` due to 2 previous errors
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    error: build failed

    This is fixed by bumping up the solana-program version from 1.6.18 to 1.11

    opened by saad039 0
  • Request to deploy assert-owner program on testnet and devnet

    Request to deploy assert-owner program on testnet and devnet

    Hi, token transfers on devnet and testnet are failing on Phantom and Sollet wallets because they rely on the assert-owner program to be present.

    More info:

    Could you please deploy the assert-owner program with the same pubkey as mainnet, on devnet and testnet as well?

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by itsfarseen 0
  • `CancelOrderByClientIdV2` API should take `NonZeroU64` and not `u64`.

    `CancelOrderByClientIdV2` API should take `NonZeroU64` and not `u64`.

    The instruction accepts an u64: despite it being casted to a NonZeroU64 internally:

    which means that an order with client id of 0 can not be cancelled (raising an assertion error).

    This is also an issue for the CancelOrdersByClientIds instruction, worst yet it silently filters away the 0 id order:

    Causing confusing errors like insufficient funds.

    opened by tommyip 0
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