Initial project for using Rust on the Nintendo 64.


License: MIT License: APACHE2.0

N64 Project Template for Rust

This repo is intended to be a starting point for developing software for the Nintendo 64 console using Rust.

Only the bare minimum utilities are included at this time. Once higher level support libraries are available, this template will be updated to include them. A no_std allocator has been set up already, which should also get replaced eventually with an allocator that is better aware of the N64's memory map.

The n64-pac crate is also included as a dependency. It doesn't provide full coverage of all registers yet, but has enough for the basics. Refer to the crate's docs for details.

An ISViewer implementation is available, with print! and println! macros. This allows you to print text to emulators that support the ISViewer, such as Ares.


  1. Install Rust:
  2. Get the source: (e.g. using git, or downloading an archive manually)
git clone
cd n64-project-template
  1. Install a cargo runner: cargo install nust64
  2. Run cargo run --release to compile and build a ROM.

Please note: N64 ROMs require a segment of bootcode known as the IPL3. The IPL3 gets hashed by the N64's boot sequence, and compared with the CIC on the cartridge. All software compiled to run on the N64 requires some variant of the IPL3. Until there is a community-made variant, you will have to source this yourself.

Fortunately, Krom, with help from Zoinkity, has written their own IPL3 from scratch, which has the same hash as the 6102 IPL3 variant. Whether you use that or some other code is up to you. Once you have an IPL3 binary, open .cargo/config.toml and replace YOUR_IPL3.bin with the file path to the IPL3 you wish to use.

Cargo Runner Configuration

This project is configured to make use of nust64, a program that creates the final N64 ROM after cargo finishes compiling the project. nust64 provides support for executing additional commands after the ROM has been created.

Refer to .cargo/config.toml for examples.


The contents of this repository are dual-licensed under the MIT OR Apache 2.0 License. That means you can chose either the MIT licence or the Apache-2.0 licence when you re-use this code. See MIT or APACHE2.0 for more information on each specific licence.

Any submissions to this project (e.g. as Pull Requests) must be made available under these terms.

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