Secret contract for Anons project.


Snip-721 Protocal by Baedrik template with several edits

Minting Limits

  1. mint() caps tokens max at 580

  2. mint() will keep count of how many anons each address has minted, if it has reached a max of 3, the address can no longer mint new tokens

  3. mint() requires user to send sSCRT which is deivided amongst several wallets

  4. Removed mint_clones() and batch_mint()

Whitelist Minters

  1. init() accepts an array of addresses and saves it to reserve 1 Anon for each address on it

  2. Whitelist expires after 3 days from contract initialization

  3. mint() checks whitelist and removes whitelisted minters after they make their reserved mint, and checks if there are enough tokens left for the non whitelisted to mint

Telegram Integration

  1. mint() memo field is used to indlude your telgram handle. It will be placed in private metadata

  2. transfer_impl() erases previous private metadata when token moves from one address to another

  3. set_metadata() disables public metadata setting but leaves private metadata editable so you can update your TG handle

  4. query_private_meta() checks first to see if admin, used for the telegram whitelist bot, is the viewer, before checking normal viewing permissions

Query Possible Mints

  1. query_possible_mints() gives user a number between 0 and 3 of how many nfts they can mint

Preloading Tokens and Randomization

  1. init() takes a vec of PreLoad containing the Arweave urls and the ids for each token and saves them

  2. mint() uses the contract entropy to randomly select data from the preload list, applies it to the metadata, then removes it from the list

Grand Reveal

  1. init() declares a bool flag, reveal, as false

  2. While reveal is false, query_nft_info() and query_all_nft_info() will fail, however query_private_metadata() will function normally, so the telegram bot can still see who to whitelist

  3. reveal_all_tokens() sets reveal to true and allows all public metadata to be queriable. This is only accessible by the admin

  4. If 580th token is minted in mint(), reveal will be set to true

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