Rust wrappers for NGT approximate nearest neighbor search


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Rust wrappers for NGT, which provides high-speed approximate nearest neighbor searches against a large volume of data.

Note that NGT will be built dynamically for your target and this requires cmake. Furthermore, NGT's shared memory and large dataset features are available through cargo features shared_mem and large_data respectively.


Defining the properties of a new index:

use ngt::{Properties, DistanceType, ObjectType};

// Defaut properties with vectors of dimension 3
let prop = Properties::dimension(3)?;

// Or customize values (here are the defaults)
let prop = Properties::dimension(3)?

Creating/Opening an index and using it:

use ngt::{Index, Properties, EPSILON};

// Create a new index
let prop = Properties::dimension(3)?;
let index = Index::create("target/path/to/index/dir", prop)?;

// Open an existing index
let mut index = Index::open("target/path/to/index/dir")?;

// Insert two vectors and get their id
let vec1 = vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
let vec2 = vec![4.0, 5.0, 6.0];
let id1 = index.insert(vec1)?;
let id2 = index.insert(vec2)?;

// Actually build the index (not yet persisted on disk)
// This is required in order to be able to search vectors;

// Perform a vector search (with 1 result)
let res =![1.1, 2.1, 3.1], 1, EPSILON)?;
assert_eq!(res[0].id, id1);
assert_eq!(index.get_vec(id1)?, vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);

// Remove a vector and check that it is not present anymore
let res = index.get_vec(id1);
assert!(matches!(res, Result::Err(_)));

// Verify that now our search result is different
let res =![1.1, 2.1, 3.1], 1, EPSILON)?;
assert_eq!(res[0].id, id2);
assert_eq!(index.get_vec(id2)?, vec![4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);

// Persist index on disk
  • Statically link ngt?

    Statically link ngt?

    The idea

    Looking in /lib after a build, I see libngt.a:

    $ fd --hidden --no-ignore --glob libngt*

    So I was wondering whether it would be possible to link ngt statically. This would remove the need to have to put in a place where executables can find it.

    Naively, I changed a line in from this:


    to this:


    This fails

    After making the change to, this error occurs when running cargo build:

       Compiling proc-macro-crate v1.2.1
       Compiling num_enum_derive v0.5.7
       Compiling ngt-sys v1.14.8 (/home/caleb/tmp/ngt-rs/ngt-sys)
       Compiling num_enum v0.5.7
       Compiling ngt v0.4.4 (/home/caleb/tmp/ngt-rs)
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `ngt_get_number_of_objects` in crate `sys`
       --> src/
    326 |         unsafe { sys::ngt_get_number_of_objects(self.index, self.ebuf) }
        |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `sys`
    error[E0425]: cannot find function `ngt_get_number_of_indexed_objects` in crate `sys`
       --> src/
    331 |         unsafe { sys::ngt_get_number_of_indexed_objects(self.index, self.ebuf) }
        |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `sys`
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0425`.
    error: could not compile `ngt` due to 2 previous errors
    warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...

    Further investigation

    Checking the file sizes of the ngt build artifacts:

    $ ls -lah target/debug/build/ngt-sys-a9e71d1b7f68537e/out/lib/
    Permissions Size User  Date Modified Name
    .rw-r--r--   56M caleb  4 Sep 19:17  libngt.a
    .rw-r--r--   22M caleb  4 Sep 19:18
    lrwxrwxrwx    16 caleb  4 Sep 19:18 ->
    lrwxrwxrwx    11 caleb  4 Sep 19:18 ->

    We see libngt.a is ~ 56 M. Checking for the rlib libraries produced by rust:

    $ ll target/debug/deps/ | rg ngt
    .rw-rw-r--   720 caleb  4 Sep 19:18  ngt_sys-88de9e97cd094267.d
    .rw-rw-r--  206k caleb  4 Sep 19:18  libngt_sys-88de9e97cd094267.rmeta
    .rw-rw-r--   485 caleb  4 Sep 19:18  ngt-1421cbd3da3a38b1.d
    .rw-rw-r--   57M caleb  4 Sep 19:18  libngt_sys-88de9e97cd094267.rlib

    We see that libngt_sys-88de9e97cd094267.rlib size is around ~ 57 MB, suggesting that libngt.a has been linked into it?

    That's as far as I can go for now, but hopefully we can figure out a way to link ngt statically?

    opened by cjrh 11
  • fatal error: 'NGT/Capi.h' file not found

    fatal error: 'NGT/Capi.h' file not found

    Hi @lerouxrgd

    I tried building ngt-rs today and it failed. This is the error I see:

      /home/caleb/tmp/ngt-rs/target/debug/build/ngt-sys-8ce361414492c0ac/out/include/NGT/NGTQ/Capi.h:107:10: fatal error: 'NGT/Capi.h' file not found

    I checked, and the file NGT/Capi.h is present:

    $ ls -lah
    Permissions Size User  Date Modified Name
    .rw-r--r--  6.2k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  SharedMemoryAllocator.h
    .rw-r--r--   13k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Tree.h
    .rw-r--r--  1.4k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Version.h
    .rw-r--r--   14k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  ObjectRepository.h
    .rw-r--r--   18k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Node.h
    .rw-r--r--  7.7k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Thread.h
    .rw-r--r--  5.8k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  ArrayFile.h
    .rw-r--r--   20k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  MmapManagerImpl.hpp
    .rw-r--r--  2.6k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  MmapManager.h
    .rw-r--r--   17k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  ObjectSpace.h
    .rw-r--r--   54k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Optimizer.h
    .rw-r--r--   860 caleb  3 Sep 21:44  MmapManagerException.h
    .rw-r--r--  2.4k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  MmapManagerDefs.h
    .rw-r--r--   29k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Clustering.h
    .rw-r--r--  7.9k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Capi.h
    .rw-r--r--   56k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Common.h
    .rw-r--r--   30k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  GraphReconstructor.h
    .rw-r--r--  149k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  half.hpp
    .rw-r--r--   22k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  GraphOptimizer.h
    .rw-r--r--  4.1k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Command.h
    .rw-r--r--   40k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Graph.h
    .rw-r--r--   254 caleb  3 Sep 21:44  version_defs.h
    .rw-r--r--   36k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  PrimitiveComparator.h
    .rw-r--r--   31k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  ObjectSpaceRepository.h
    .rw-r--r--   59k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  Index.h
    .rw-r--r--  2.6k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  HashBasedBooleanSet.h
    .rw-r--r--  1.7k caleb  3 Sep 21:44  defines.h
    drwxrwxr-x     - caleb  3 Sep 21:45  NGTQ

    It seems to me some kind of path problem. Do you have any suggestions for what I can try to fix this, or is it something that must be changed in ngt-rs?

    For completeness, I've attached the full build output.


    opened by cjrh 5
  • Can cargo run, can't cargo build

    Can cargo run, can't cargo build

    Hi @lerouxrgd,

    When using cargo run and cargo run --release, I can use the ngt-rs crate without any issues. Search works and it's really fast. However, when I use cargo build --release and run the binary, I get the following error:

    error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I'm not sure if this is an issue with ngt-rs, an issue with the underlying NGT, or an issue with my setup. Do you have any thoughts on this?

    Ubuntu 18.04, ngt = "0.4.0"

    opened by paulbricman 4
  • How to reconstruct ANNG?

    How to reconstruct ANNG?

    I guess ngt::optim::refine_anng is the one, but I don't know how to use it... I tried to put ngt::optim::AnngRefineParams::default() into the second argument but the system crushed.

    opened by nyapicom 3
  • feat: add openmp-sys to support static linking to openmp

    feat: add openmp-sys to support static linking to openmp

    As you suggested here, I've made an attempt at introducing openmp-sys to restore openmp support with static linking.

    The changes in this PR appear to work. cargo build and cargo test succeed without error.

    I also created a local temporary --bin project, using the changes in this PR:

    # Cargo.toml
    name = "ngttester"
    version = "0.1.0"
    edition = "2021"
    ngt = { path = "/home/caleb/Documents/repos/ngt-rs/" }

    The (the code is from the README tutorial):

    use ngt::{Index, Properties, EPSILON};
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        println!("Hello, world!");
        // Create a new index
        let prop = Properties::dimension(3)?;
        let index = Index::create("db/", prop)?;
        // Open an existing index
        let mut index = Index::open("db/")?;
        // Insert two vectors and get their id
        let vec1 = vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
        let vec2 = vec![4.0, 5.0, 6.0];
        let id1 = index.insert(vec1)?;
        let id2 = index.insert(vec2)?;
        // Actually build the index (not yet persisted on disk)
        // This is required in order to be able to search vectors;
        // Perform a vector search (with 1 result)
        let res =![1.1, 2.1, 3.1], 1, EPSILON)?;
        assert_eq!(res[0].id, id1);
        assert_eq!(index.get_vec(id1)?, vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
        // Remove a vector and check that it is not present anymore
        let res = index.get_vec(id1);
        assert!(matches!(res, Result::Err(_)));
        // Verify that now our search result is different
        let res =![1.1, 2.1, 3.1], 1, EPSILON)?;
        assert_eq!(res[0].id, id2);
        assert_eq!(index.get_vec(id2)?, vec![4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
        // Persist index on disk

    $ cargo run works, and the assets created by ngt show up correctly:

    ~/tmp/ngttester  ±master|…8 
    $ ls -lah
    Permissions Size User  Date Modified Name
    .rw-rw-r--     8 caleb  6 Sep 21:42  .gitignore
    drwxrwxr-x     - caleb  6 Sep 21:42  target
    .rw-rw-r--   233 caleb  6 Sep 21:43  Cargo.toml
    .rw-rw-r--   13k caleb  6 Sep 21:45  Cargo.lock
    drwxrwxr-x     - caleb  6 Sep 21:52  src
    .rw-rw-r--   657 caleb  6 Sep 21:52  tags
    drwxr-xr-x     - caleb  6 Sep 21:52  db
    drwxrwxr-x     - caleb  6 Sep 21:52  .git
    ~/tmp/ngttester  ±master|…8 
    $ ls db
    grp  obj  prf  tre

    And, finally, the link table for the produced executable:

    $ ldd target/debug/ngttester (0x00007ffd1c0b1000) => not found => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f2b04600000)
    	/lib64/ (0x00007f2b04a08000)

    No dynamic links to libngt or libgomp 🎉

    opened by cjrh 1
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