Rust to SPIR-V compiler


Rlsl - Rust Like Shading Language

Deprecated in favor of rust-gpu

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What is Rlsl?

Rlsl can compile a subset of Rust to SPIR-V. You can read more about the limitations here.

Rlsl targets the logical addressing model of SPIR-V.

The Logical addressing model means pointers are abstract, having no physical size or numeric value. In this mode, pointers can only be created from existing objects, and they cannot be stored into an object, unless additional capabilities, e.g., VariablePointers, are declared to add such functionality.


  • Supports cargo
  • Multiple entry points can be defined in the same SPIR-V module
  • Currently supports Vertex, Fragment and Compute shaders
  • Shader code can run on the CPU because rlsl is a subset of Rust
  • Reflection TODO
  • Support library for interop between Rust and rlsl for uniforms (std140, std420) TODO




RUSTC=rlsl cargo build


How to install rlsl

Not ready to be used. Anything might happen

git clone

Make sure you have both rustup and xargo installed.

cargo install-rlsl

Run tests

cd rlsl-test
cargo +rlsl test


  1. What is RLSL
  2. Milestone 1

Want to help?


The project currently does not accept any contributions yet.

  • Rlsl can not be easily built by anyone
  • There is no documentation
  • Debugging tools are almost non existent
  • There is no infrastructure for testing
  • No guide level explanation for contributions

Rlsl will start to accept contributions after those issues are properly addressed.


Want to chat? Join us on gitter.

Feel free to open an issue at any time.

  • A logo for rlsl

    A logo for rlsl

    I would appreciate it very much if anyone would like to design a logo for rlsl as I am not a very good artist myself.

    I am also working on a GPU path tracer with a friend, maybe I can create some nice looking fractals in the future that could be used as a logo.

    help wanted bikeshedding 
    opened by MaikKlein 8
  • Investigate recent ICE on nightly

    Investigate recent ICE on nightly

    error: internal compiler error: librustc/infer/ failed to lift QueryResult { var_values: CanonicalVarValues { var_values: ['?0, '?1, '?2] }, region_constraints: [Binder(OutlivesPredicate('?0, '?0)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate('?0, '?0)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate('?0, '?0)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate('?0, '?0)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate(ReStatic, '?2))], certainty: Proven, value: NormalizationResult { normalized_ty: Input<'_> } }, canonicalized from QueryResult { var_values: CanonicalVarValues { var_values: ['_#0r, '_#1r, '_#2r] }, region_constraints: [Binder(OutlivesPredicate('_#0r, '_#3r)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate('_#0r, '_#4r)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate('_#3r, '_#0r)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate('_#4r, '_#0r)), Binder(OutlivesPredicate(ReStatic, '_#2r))], certainty: Proven, value: NormalizationResult { normalized_ty: Input<'_> } }

    opened by MaikKlein 5
  • Generating storage buffers

    Generating storage buffers

    Currently glslang decorates a struct with BufferBlock. But BufferBlock has been deprecated.

    BufferBlock Deprecated (use Block-decorated StorageBuffer Storage Class objects). Apply to a structure type to establish it is an SSBO-like shader-interface block.

    The spec recommends to use the StorageBuffer storage class, but this requires the following extensions SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class, SPV_KHR_variable_pointers

    Only ~30% of the gpus support those extensions pre 1.1, but they have been made core in 1.1.

    Now what should rlsl target? BufferBlock or StorageBuffer or both?

    help wanted 
    opened by MaikKlein 3
  • Allow functions to return references

    Allow functions to return references

    SPIR-V only allowes to return values by copy. #[inline(always)] in Rust doesn't seem to force inlining.

    This is a needed feature because a lot of things in Rust like ops::Index and ops::Deref return a reference.

    A temporary workaround would be to implement an intrinsic for accessing elements in a storage buffer.

    A possible implementation could be to transform functions from

    fn index(&self, idx: usize) -> &Foo{..}


    fn index(&self, idx: usize, output: &mut Foo){..}

    Possibly those functions would need to be annotated with something like

    fn index(&self, idx: usize) -> &Foo{..}

    Another possibility would be to force inlining, by inserting those functions directly into the mir where they are used.

    Difficulty: Hard 
    opened by MaikKlein 2
  • License?


    Hi @MaikKlein, this project looks super exciting, please keep up the great work!

    I'm currently working on a creative coding framework and would love to allow users to use something like RLSL in the future for graphics and compute. I'd like to contribute at some point, but would appreciate it if you could clarify your plans for the licensing of RLSL first. FWIW, I'd love something close to the license used by Rust itself, but this is of course just my opinion!

    opened by mitchmindtree 2
  • Handling alignment for uniforms and push constants

    Handling alignment for uniforms and push constants


    Standard Uniform Buffer Layout

    Every member of an OpTypeStruct with storage class of Uniform and a decoration of Block (uniform buffers) must be laid out according to the following rules:

    • The Offset decoration must be a multiple of its base alignment.

    • Any ArrayStride or MatrixStride decoration must be an integer multiple of the base alignment of the array or matrix from above.

    • The Offset decoration of a member must not place it between the end of a structure or an array and the next multiple of the base alignment of that structure or array.

    • The numeric order of Offset decorations need not follow member declaration order.


    These also then follow the rules from std140. Also mentioned in 14.5.4.

    Additionally from the SPIR-V spec

    Composite objects in the UniformConstant, Uniform, and PushConstant Storage Classes must be explicitly laid out. The following apply to all the aggregate and matrix types describing such an object, recursively through their nested types:

    • Each structure-type member must have an Offset Decoration.

    • Each array type must have an ArrayStride Decoration.

    • Each structure-type member that is a matrix or array-of-matrices must have be decorated with

      • a MatrixStride Decoration, and

      • one of the RowMajor or ColMajor Decorations.

      • The ArrayStride, MatrixStride, and Offset Decorations must be large enough to hold the size of the objects they affect (that is, specifying overlap is invalid). Each ArrayStride and MatrixStride must be greater than zero, and no two members of a given structure can be assigned to the same Offset.


    RLSL needs to explicit decorate members of a struct with the correct offset. That offset needs to follow the rules defined in std140, and this only applies to PushConstant and Uniform.


    Idea 1

    RLSL can easily generate the correct offset from the rules from std140 but then the Rust and RLSL code would get out of sync.

    One idea would be to only check if the struct is conformant with the rules from std140. Then RLSL would just extract the offset that was defined by the user.

    Generally annotation of structs doesn't seem reasonable, for example you don't want your Vec3<f32> to be 16 bytes wide in the vertex input. Either accept the performance hit, or create separate types for the all the uniforms.

    Idea 2

    pub struct SomeStruct{
        pub v: Vec4<f32>,
        pub f: f32
    // generated
    fn compute_packed(&self) -> Packed<SomeStruct>{..}

    Compute the correct layout inside RLSL and implement Packed in normal Rust as a custom derive.

    It would then know how to serialize the specified struct with the rules of std140. And Packed could look like this

    struct Packed<T>{
        _m: PhantomData<T>,
        data: Vec<u8>
    // Hopefully the max size can be computed statically
    struct Packed<T: Uniform>{
        _m: PhantomData<T>,
        data: [u8; T::Size]

    For example if you have

    let uniforms: Vec<SomeStruct> = ..;

    And if you want to send it to the shader you have to pack them correctly

    for packed_struct in uniforms.iter().map(SomeStruct::compute_packed){
        // pseudo api

    And inside RLSL you can just use SomeStruct directly.

    I am unsure how exactly I could implement it because custom derive doesn't expose type information but I think there should be a way. I might have to use const_fn. Alternatively everything could be computed in a build script with the reflection api.

    How do you currently handle alignment? What would be your preferred API?

    help wanted bikeshedding 
    opened by MaikKlein 2
  • Syntax for PerVertex

    Syntax for PerVertex

    Currently this is how PerVertex is implemented

    fn vertex(vertex: &mut Vertex, pos: Vec4<f32>, color: Vec4<f32>) -> Vec4<f32> {
        vertex.position = pos;

    An alternative would be to output the PerVertex information

    fn vertex(pos: Vec4<f32>, color: Vec4<f32>) -> (Vertex, Vec4<f32>) {
        let mut vertex = Vertex::new(..); 
        vertex.position = pos;
        (vertex, color)

    Then there are other builtin variables

    in int gl_VertexID;
    in int gl_InstanceID;
    in int gl_DrawID; // Requires GLSL 4.60 or ARB_shader_draw_parameters
    in int gl_BaseVertex; // Requires GLSL 4.60 or ARB_shader_draw_parameters
    in int gl_BaseInstance; // Requires GLSL 4.60 or ARB_shader_draw_parameters
    pub struct VertexIn{
         instance_id: i32,
    fn vertex(input: VertexIn, pos: Vec4<f32>, color: Vec4<f32>) -> (Vertex, Vec4<f32>) {
        let vertex = Vertex::new(..);
        vertex.position = pos;
        (vertex, color)
    help wanted bikeshedding 
    opened by MaikKlein 2
  • Optimize references away and allow mutable references inside functions

    Optimize references away and allow mutable references inside functions

    layout(location = 0) in vec2 a_Pos;
    void test(inout vec2 v) {
        v = vec2(1,1);
    void main() {
        vec2 v = a_Pos;
        gl_Position = vec4(v, 0.0, 1.0);

    glslang always creates a new variable for a param, and then directly passes that variable.

            %v_0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2float Function
          %param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2float Function
             %29 = OpLoad %v2float %a_Pos
                   OpStore %v_0 %29
             %30 = OpLoad %v2float %v_0
                   OpStore %param %30
             %31 = OpFunctionCall %void %test_vf2_ %param
             %32 = OpLoad %v2float %param
                   OpStore %v_0 %32

    This is because variables are always mutable, and changes inside a function would affect the value of the params.

    I assume if one param was marked as inout glslang just stores the value of the param in the variable that was marked inout

             %32 = OpLoad %v2float %param
                   OpStore %v_0 %32

    In rlsl I don't pass variables directly, I only pass the load.

             %23 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__ptr_Function_float Function
          %coord = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function
             %26 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
             %27 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function
             %30 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__ZN4core6marker11PhantomData Function
                   OpBranch %16
             %16 = OpLabel
                   OpStore %f %float_1
                   OpStore %23 %f
             %32 = OpLoad %_ptr_Function_float %23
             %33 = OpFunctionCall %void %_ZN6shader8test_mut %32

    If something is marked &mut, I'll just pass the variable directly instead of passing the loaded value.

    opened by MaikKlein 1
  • New syntax for entry points

    New syntax for entry points

    The current syntax is just a proof of concept but it is missing a lot of information. Two options come to mind

    We use a macro. This macro then generates some code under the hood so that RLSL can retrieve the necessary information.

        input(location=0) pos_in: Vec4<f32>,
        input(location=1) color_in: Vec4<f32>,
        uniform(set = 0, binding = 0) foo: Foo,
        output(location=0, flat) mut color: Vec4<f32>,
        output(location=1) mut color: Vec4<f32>, // smooth default
        output(location=2, noperspective) mut color2: Vec4<f32> {

    Because macros are severally limited, so we pass everything explicitly with types. Alternatively I could generate many custom attributes with a proc_macro.

    The more explicit alternative would be.

    type VertexOut =(Output<Flat, 0, Vec4<f32>>,
                     Output<1, Vec4<f32>>,
                     Output<NoPersp, 2, Vec4<f32>>);
    fn vertex(pos_in: Input<0, Vec4<f32>>,
              color_in: Input<1, Vec4<f32>>,
              foo: Descriptor<0, 0, Foo>) -> VertexOut {

    I think under the hood, I need to pass types anyways. Also currently Rust doesn't have const generics so the code above would look like

    type VertexOut =(Output<Flat, N0, Vec4<f32>>,
                     Output<N1, Vec4<f32>>,
                     Output<NoPersp, N2, Vec4<f32>>);
    fn vertex(pos_in: Input<N0, Vec4<f32>>,
              color_in: Input<N1, Vec4<f32>>,
              foo: Descriptor<N0, N0, Foo>) -> VertexOut {

    Where the constants will be defined like this

    pub struct N0;
    pub struct N1;
    pub struct N2;

    I am currently in favor of the function like syntax with explicit types.

    Note: I also want do redesign PerVertex which is why it doesn't appear in this issue.

    What are your thoughts? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Of course if you have a completely different idea, I would like to hear it.

    help wanted bikeshedding 
    opened by MaikKlein 1
  • Fix main function symbol in the linker

    Fix main function symbol in the linker

    rlsl currently still tries to link with the main

    error: linking with `cc` failed: exit code: 1
      = note: "cc" "-Wl,--as-needed" "-Wl,-z,noexecstack" "-m64" "-L" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib" "/home/maik/projects/rlsl/rlsl-example/target/debug/deps/rlsl_example-0ed607f60771a702.1y16o1qfye96o7m0.rcgu.o" "-o" "/home/maik/projects/rlsl/rlsl-example/target/debug/deps/rlsl_example-0ed607f60771a702" "/home/maik/projects/rlsl/rlsl-example/target/debug/deps/rlsl_example-0ed607f60771a702.crate.allocator.rcgu.o" "-Wl,--gc-sections" "-pie" "-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now" "-nodefaultlibs" "-L" "/home/maik/projects/rlsl/rlsl-example/target/debug/deps" "-L" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib" "-Wl,-Bstatic" "/home/maik/projects/rlsl/rlsl-example/target/debug/deps/librlsl_math-b58264b8e9da687f.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libstd-57fdceb1c52b4db2.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libpanic_unwind-4f85ba5d0e870e29.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc_jemalloc-a655730befa35987.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libunwind-c86c9565da689e14.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc_system-655151fba596847e.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblibc-b8f9bb8294d9a014.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc-513d34708cb20443.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libstd_unicode-5211f032242a5357.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcore-e2f49b08d2bc06b5.rlib" "/home/maik/.rlsl/compiler/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcompiler_builtins-136e26942e0df602.rlib" "-Wl,-Bdynamic" "-l" "dl" "-l" "rt" "-l" "pthread" "-l" "pthread" "-l" "gcc_s" "-l" "c" "-l" "m" "-l" "rt" "-l" "pthread" "-l" "util" "-l" "util"
      = note: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.2.1/../../../../lib/Scrt1.o: In function `_start':
              (.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
              collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    opened by MaikKlein 0
  • Installing a specific nightly version automatically

    Installing a specific nightly version automatically

    rlsl depends on the nightly compiler and therefore requires a specific version of it. I don't want to update the nightly compiler every week or so just to make rlsl build.

    The problem is targeting specific nightlies is a bit difficult with rustup. I am currently experimenting with a custom CI and an install script that downloads the artefacts for the user.

    opened by MaikKlein 0
  • Abstracting over arrays

    Abstracting over arrays

    • spir-v differentiates between runtime arrays and static arrays

    • Slices can't be supported in rlsl at the moment

    • Things like len on a static array currently maps to Slice::len() in Rust, which can't be expressed.

    • Const generics aren't a thing yet.

    Because slices are not supported, we need to abstract over arrays with generics

    fn foo(arr: &impl Array<f32>) { .. }
    opened by MaikKlein 0
  • Entrypoint definition

    Entrypoint definition

    Have you given any thought on how the binding model from the CPU part of rust could look like? I have been thinking about this and wanted to ask what would you think to have something along the lines of this on the GPU side:

    struct InputData
    	#[spirv(ShaderVisible_PS ...)]
    	diffuse_textures: &[Texture],  //dynamic (un)bounded array slice
    	#[spirv(ShaderVisible_ALL ...)]
    	some_constant: u32,
    struct Interpolants
    	color : vec3,
    	uv: vec2,
    	index: u32,
    fn vertex_shader(..., input: InputData) -> Interpolants
    { ... }
    struct OutputData
    	#[spirv(Blendmode_Additive, ...)]
    	color : vec3
    fn fragment_shader(... , interp: Interpolants, input: InputData) -> OutputData
     	let color = input.diffuse_textures[interp.index].Sample(interp.uv);
    struct VSPSPipeline
    	descriptor: InputData
    	blendmode: OutputData
    	vertex: typeof(vertex_shader)
    	pixel: typeof(pixel_shader)

    and some code similar to this on the CPU to create and launch a draw:

    fn main()
    	let some_textures : Vec<Texture> = get_textures();
    	let some_constant = 42;
    	let input_data = InputData::new(some_textures , some_constant);
    	let rendertarget: RenderTarget<vec3> = get_rendertarget()
    	let output_data = OutputData::new(rendertarget);
    	let pipeline = VSPSPipeline::new(input_data, output_data, vertex_shader, fragment_shader);

    One reason behind this is that I would like to have a typesafe interface between CPU and GPU maybe even go further down the road of having units of measure and types like NormalMapTexture to bind against. And the other reason would be that I am really really sick of writing all that CPU binding code which is super super boring. I am not attached to any particular syntax maybe you have another proposal?

    enhancement Research 
    opened by Kamayuq 6
  • Shader modules

    Shader modules

    Right now everything inside a bin file is one shader module. I think this is relatively convenient but there may be better ways, especially since we need to add configuration for each shader module. See also

    enhancement bikeshedding 
    opened by MaikKlein 0
  • Add SPIR-V extensions

    Add SPIR-V extensions

    What is the best way to tell rlsl which extensions should be enabled? We still need to stay compatible with rustc/cargo.

    Also extensions should be enabled per shader module, and not the whole project. That means we also need a way to make it easy to share the configuration between different shader modules.

    Most extensions should be trivial to support. All features should be enabled by default and a simple pass can check which features are currently used in a shader module, and outputs an error if the extension hasn't been enabled, but it used.

    opened by MaikKlein 1
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