WASM runtime for Deku and Michelson-to-WASM compiler



This repository has two different projects, a plugable VM for running WASM contracts on Deku and a Michelson to WASM compiler which also has some tools to interact with Deku.



The project don't require anything special in order to build, only a few system dependencies. You'll need to install opam, libgmp-dev and pkg-config, the names may vary from system to system.

Then run the sequence of commands:

opam switch create . --deps-only
dune build


Just a simple docker build -t tuna . should work. And use docker run --rm -v "$PWD":"$PWD" -w "$PWD" tuna tunac in order to execute the tunac compiler.


You'll first need a Michelson contract so we can compile it to WebAssembly using tunac, you can use the one in ./packages/tunac/tests/increment.tz which is based on the increment example on https://ide.ligolang.com.

Then we need an inital storage for the contract, which is this case is just an integer. The format is tunac originate <contract file> <initial storage>.

It's important to notice that some Tezos specific Michelson instructions are not supported, like CHAIN_ID and VOTING_POWER, so contracts containing these instructions won't compile.

Calling tunac with it's repespective parameters will give us the resulting payload for Deku.

$ tunac originate increment.tz 42
  "type_": "Originate",
  "content": {
    "module_": "\n(module\n  (import \"env\" \"dup_host\" (func $dup_host (param i64 ) (result)))\n(import \"env\" \"pair\" (func $pair (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"unpair\" (func $unpair (param i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"z_add\" (func $z_add (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"z_sub\" (func $z_sub (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"z_mul\" (func $z_mul (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"neg\" (func $neg (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"lsl\" (func $lsl (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"lsr\" (func $lsr (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"compare\" (func $compare (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"car\" (func $car (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"cdr\" (func $cdr (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"some\" (func $some (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"nil\" (func $nil (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"none\" (func $none (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"unit\" (func $unit (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"zero\" (func $zero (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"empty_map\" (func $empty_map (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"empty_set\" (func $empty_set (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"empty_big_map\" (func $empty_big_map (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"sender\" (func $sender (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"source\" (func $source (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"map_get\" (func $map_get (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"mem\" (func $mem (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"update\" (func $update (param i64 i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"iter\" (func $iter (param i64 i32) (result )))\n(import \"env\" \"map\" (func $map (param i64 i32) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"if_left\" (func $if_left (param i64) (result i32)))\n(import \"env\" \"if_none\" (func $if_none (param i64) (result i32)))\n(import \"env\" \"if_cons\" (func $if_cons (param i64) (result i32)))\n(import \"env\" \"isnat\" (func $isnat (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"not\" (func $not (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"or\" (func $or (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"and\" (func $and (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"xor\" (func $xor (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"deref_bool\" (func $deref_bool (param i64) (result i32)))\n(import \"env\" \"neq\" (func $neq (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"failwith\" (func $failwith (param i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"get_n\" (func $get_n (param i32 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"exec\" (func $exec (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"apply\" (func $apply (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"const\" (func $const (param i32) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"abs\" (func $abs (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"eq\" (func $eq (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"gt\" (func $gt (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"lt\" (func $lt (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"closure\" (func $closure (param i32) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"left\" (func $left (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"right\" (func $right (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"cons\" (func $cons (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"transfer_tokens\" (func $transfer_tokens (param i64 i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"address\" (func $address (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"contract\" (func $contract (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"self\" (func $self (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"self_address\" (func $self_address (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"get_and_update\" (func $get_and_update (param i64 i64 i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"read_ticket\" (func $read_ticket (param i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"ticket\" (func $ticket (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"join_tickets\" (func $join_tickets (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"split_ticket\" (func $split_ticket (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"amount\" (func $amount (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"balance\" (func $balance (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"ediv\" (func $ediv (param i64 i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"ge\" (func $ge (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"le\" (func $le (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"size\" (func $size (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"int\" (func $int (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"implicit_account\" (func $implicit_account (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"blake2b\" (func $blake2b (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"pack\" (func $pack (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"unpack\" (func $unpack (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"keccak\" (func $keccak (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"sha256\" (func $sha256 (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"sha3\" (func $sha3 (param i64) (result i64)))\n(import \"env\" \"sha512\" (func $sha512 (param i64) (result i64)))\n\n  (global $mode i32 (i32.const 0))\n\n  (memory 4)\n  (global $sp (mut i32) (i32.const 4000)) ;; stack pointer\n  (global $sh_sp (mut i32) (i32.const 1000)) ;;shadow_stack stack pointer\n\n  (global $__stack_base i32 (i32.const 32768))\n\n  (type $callback_t (func (param i64) (result i64)))\n  (func $call_callback (param $arg1 i64) (param $idx i32) (result i64)\n    (call_indirect (type $callback_t) (local.get $arg1) (local.get $idx)))\n\n  (type $callback_t_unit (func (param i64) (result)))\n  (func $call_callback_unit (param $arg1 i64) (param $idx i32) (result )\n    (call_indirect (type $callback_t_unit)\n      (local.get $arg1)\n      (local.get $idx)))\n\n  (func $dip (param $n i32) (result)\n    (local $stop i32)\n    (local $sp' i32)\n    (local $sh_sp' i32)\n    (local.set $stop (i32.const 0))\n    (local.set $sp'  (global.get $sp))\n    (local.tee $sh_sp' (i32.sub (global.get $sh_sp) (local.get $n)))\n    global.set $sh_sp\n    (loop $l\n      (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (i32.add (global.get $__stack_base) (i32.add (local.get $sh_sp') (local.get $stop))))\n      (i64.load (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (i32.add (local.get $sp') (local.get $stop))))\n      i64.store\n      (local.tee $stop (i32.add (local.get $stop) (i32.const 1)))\n      (local.get $n)\n      i32.ne\n      br_if $l)\n\n    (global.set $sp\n    (i32.add\n      (local.get $sp') (local.get $n))))\n\n  (func $undip (param $n i32) (result)\n    (local $stop i32)\n    (local $sp' i32)\n    (local $sh_sp' i32)\n    (local.tee $sp'  (i32.sub (global.get $sp) (local.get $n)))\n    global.set $sp\n    (local.set $sh_sp' (global.get $sh_sp))\n    (local.set $stop (i32.const 0))\n    (loop $l\n      (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (i32.add (local.get $sp') (local.get $stop)))\n      (i64.load\n        (i32.add\n          (global.get $__stack_base)\n          (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (i32.add (local.get $sh_sp') (local.get $stop)))))\n      (i64.store)\n      (local.tee $stop (i32.add (local.get $stop) (i32.const 1)))\n      (local.get $n)\n      i32.ne\n      br_if $l)\n    (global.set $sh_sp (i32.add (local.get $sh_sp') (local.get $n))))\n\n  (func $dup (param $n i32) (result)\n    (i64.load (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (i32.add (global.get $sp) (local.get $n))))\n    (call $dup_host))\n\n  (func $swap (param) (result)\n    (local $v1 i64)\n    (local $v2 i64)\n    (local.set $v1 (call $pop))\n    (local.set $v2 (call $pop))\n    (call $push (local.get $v1))\n    (call $push (local.get $v2)))\n\n  (func $dug (param $n i32) (result)\n    (local $idx i32)\n    (local $loop_idx i32)\n    (local $sp' i32)\n    (local $top i64)\n    (local.set $sp' (i32.add (global.get $sp) (local.get $n)))\n    (local.tee $idx (global.get $sp))\n    (local.tee $loop_idx)\n    (i32.mul (i32.const 8))\n    i64.load\n    local.set $top\n    (loop $loop\n      (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (local.get $idx))\n      (i32.add (local.get $loop_idx) (i32.const 1))\n      local.tee $loop_idx\n      (i32.mul (i32.const 8))\n      i64.load\n      i64.store\n      (local.set $idx (i32.add (local.get $idx) (i32.const 1)))\n      (local.get $idx)\n      (local.get $sp')\n      i32.lt_u\n      br_if $loop)\n\n    (i64.store (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (local.get $sp')) (local.get $top)))\n\n  (func $dig (param $n i32) (result)\n    (local $idx i32) (local $t i32) (local $digged i64)\n\n    (local.set $digged\n      (i64.load\n        (i32.mul (i32.const 8)\n          (local.tee $idx (i32.add (global.get $sp) (local.get $n))))))\n\n    (loop $loop\n      (local.set $t (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (local.get $idx)))\n\n      (i64.store (local.get $t)\n        (i64.load\n          (i32.mul\n            (i32.const 8)\n            (local.tee $idx (i32.sub (local.get $idx) (i32.const 1))))))\n\n      (br_if $loop\n        (i32.lt_u (global.get $sp) (local.get $idx))))\n\n    (i64.store (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (local.get $idx)) (local.get $digged)))\n\n  (func $pop (result i64)\n    (local $spp i32)\n    (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (local.tee $spp (global.get $sp)))\n    i64.load\n    (global.set $sp (i32.add (local.get $spp) (i32.const 1))))  ;;set stackptr\n\n  (func $push (param $value i64) (result)\n    (local $spp i32)\n    (i32.mul (i32.const 8) (local.tee $spp (i32.sub (global.get $sp) (i32.const 1)) ))\n    (i64.store (local.get $value))\n    (global.set $sp (local.get $spp)))  ;;set stackptr\n\n  (func $drop (param $n i32) (result)\n    (global.set $sp (i32.add (global.get $sp) (local.get $n))))  ;;set stackptr\n\n  (table $closures funcref (elem ))\n\n\n  (func $main (param $v1 i64) (result i64)\n    (local $1 i64)\n    (call $push (local.get $v1))\n    (call $unpair (call $pop)) ;; implicit return\n(call $if_left (call $pop)) (if (then (call $if_left (call $pop)) (if (then (call $swap)\n(call $push (call $z_sub (call $pop) (call $pop)))) (else (call $push (call $z_add (call $pop) (call $pop)))))) (else (call $drop (i32.const 2))\n(call $push (call $zero)) (; 0 ;)))\n(call $push (call $nil))\n(call $push (call $pair (call $pop) (call $pop)))\n    (call $pop))\n\n  (export \"push\" (func $push))\n  (export \"pop\" (func $push))\n  (export \"main\" (func $main))\n  (export \"closures\" (table $closures))\n  (export \"call_callback\" (func $call_callback))\n  (export \"call_callback_unit\" (func $call_callback_unit))\n  )\n",
    "constants": [],
    "initial_storage": [ "Int", "42" ]


After originating the contract you may want to invoke it, which is done by using just the contract address and Micheline encoded argument. If you're using Ligo, you can use the Ligo IDE to compile your arguments.

Let's say we originated the previous contract and now it has the address DK17fH2ybroHhmyx5rJeVyfz8qQwSPXCMiR9. We want to increment its value by 3, then we'd need the payload (Left (Left 3)).

Calling tunac with these parameters would give us:

$ tunac invoke DK17fH2ybroHhmyx5rJeVyfz8qQwSPXCMiR9 '(Left (Left 3))'
  "type_": "Invoke",
  "content": {
    "address": "DK17fH2ybroHhmyx5rJeVyfz8qQwSPXCMiR9",
    "argument": [
      "Union", [ "Left", [ "Union", [ "Left", [ "Int", "3" ] ] ] ]
  • simplify and optimize interop

    simplify and optimize interop

    Cutting around 40% of time consumed per run. Also cuts down amount of global state. Flamegraph included to illustrate where we spend most of our time.

    opened by Zett98 0
  • Package rust and ocaml with nix

    Package rust and ocaml with nix

    Usage: nix build .#tuna to build OCaml parts nix build .#vm_library to build rust parts

    I'm seeing this when building thew vm_library:

    ---- get_balance stdout ----
    thread 'get_balance' panicked at 'Lazy instance has previously been poisoned', /build/vm_library-1.0.0-vendor.tar.gz/once_cell/src/lib.rs:741:25
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    ---- get_allowance stdout ----
    thread 'get_allowance' panicked at 'Lazy instance has previously been poisoned', /build/vm_library-1.0.0-vendor.tar.gz/once_cell/src/lib.rs:741:25
    test result: FAILED. 3 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.01s
    error: test failed, to rerun pass '--test fa12'
    opened by ulrikstrid 0
  • Test all entrypoints of FA1.2 and Increment contracts compiled from Michelson

    Test all entrypoints of FA1.2 and Increment contracts compiled from Michelson

    This PR is a WIP. All increment entrypoints are tested and work as expected. For FA1.2, views work as expected, but entrypoints that modify storage, particularly any entrypoint that uses the UPDATE instruction, seems to be failing. It's apparent that the failure is caused by the arguments to UPDATE being out of order, and one of the arguments not being wrapped in an Option. However, I'm unsure of how to fix this issue by editing the contract directly.

    opened by rosalogia 0
  • [Refactor] Adding Clippy and changing release build

    [Refactor] Adding Clippy and changing release build


    This PR adds Clippy to improve the code quality. You can find all the rules in the lib.rs, and if you're interested about the details, you should check clippy website.

    The 2 majors changes are:

    • Replacing to_string by to_owned for &str, it's slightly more efficient
    • Adding lto = "fat" for the release profile which generally improve the speed, but in some case it might be the opposite, and I couldn't run the benchmark so this have to be tested
    opened by JulesGuesnon 0
  • Implement ticket transition table

    Implement ticket transition table

    This PR implements the ticket transition table from Deku with few changes:

    • Owners are no longer denoted explicitly, tickets are marked as alive or dead and are dropped in finalization if they're dead.
    • Own function is gone
    opened by rosalogia 0
  • Test ID and Hashlock contracts from LigoIDE

    Test ID and Hashlock contracts from LigoIDE

    This PR adds tests for each entrypoint in the ID and Hashlock example contracts found at https://ide.ligolang.org/.

    All entrypoints for ID contract are tested so far. In order for them to run to completion or error, some changes had to be made:

    • The implementation of EQ instruction had to be modified. The implementation seemed to take an input value of Int(1) as True and Int(0) as False. However, according to Michelson reference, EQ should return True only if the two values at the top of the stack are equal, and False otherwise. I believe this includes negative values, since otherwise the ID contract does not run.
    • Support for specifying transaction amount had to be added, as certain entrypoints will fail if the transaction amount is not set appropriately
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