6192 Repositories
Rust full-stack-on-rust Libraries
How-to: Sanitize your Rust code!
rust-san How-to: Sanitize your Rust code! Intro How to use the sanitizers? Examples AddressSanitizer Out of bounds access Use after free LeakSanitizer
Fuzzer to automatically find side-channel (timing) vulnerabilities
SideFuzz: Fuzzing for side-channel vulnerabilities SideFuzz is an adaptive fuzzer that uses a genetic-algorithm optimizer in combination with t-statis
A fast Rust-based safe and thead-friendly grammar-based fuzz generator
Intro fzero is a grammar-based fuzzer that generates a Rust application inspired by the paper "Building Fast Fuzzers" by Rahul Gopinath and Andreas Ze
A fuzzer framework built in Rust
lain This crate provides functionality one may find useful while developing a fuzzer. A recent nightly Rust build is required for the specialization f
Structure-aware, in-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine for Rust functions.
fuzzcheck Fuzzcheck is a structure-aware, in-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine for Rust functions. Given a function test: (T) - b
Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your Fuzzer together in Rust! Scales across cores and machines. For Windows, Android, MacOS, Linux, no_std, ...
LibAFL, the fuzzer library. Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your own fuzzers together and extend their features using Rust. LibAFL is written and main
A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo (Rust) package manager.
image credit cargo-crev A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo (Rust) package manager. Introduction Crev is a language and ec
Find the ideal fuzz targets in a Rust codebase
Siderophile Siderophile finds the "most unsafe" functions in your Rust codebase, so you can fuzz them or refactor them out entirely. It checks the cal
Detects usage of unsafe Rust in a Rust crate and its dependencies.
cargo-geiger ☢️ A program that lists statistics related to the usage of unsafe Rust code in a Rust crate and all its dependencies. This cargo plugin w
OpenSK is an open-source implementation for security keys written in Rust that supports both FIDO U2F and FIDO2 standards.
OpenSK This repository contains a Rust implementation of a FIDO2 authenticator. We developed this as a Tock OS application and it has been successfull
A paseto implementation in rust.
Paseto Rust Paseto is everything you love about JOSE (JWT, JWE, JWS) without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards. This is d
Detect if code is running inside a virtual machine (x86 and x86-64 only).
inside-vm Detect if code is running inside a virtual machine. Only works on x86 and x86-64. How does it work Measure average cpu cycles when calling c
EmPOWer your commits with Rust!
git-power-rs What is this? Make your git tree into a blockchain! Inspired by this project, I noticed that there was a call to Rewrite it in Rust™, so
hck is a shortening of hack, a rougher form of cut.
🪓 hck A sharp cut(1) clone. hck is a shortening of hack, a rougher form of cut. A close to drop in replacement for cut that can use a regex delimiter
The source code that accompanies Hands-on Rust: Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play by Herbert Wolverson
Hands-on Rust Source Code This repository contains the source code for the examples found in Hands-on Rust. These are also available from my publisher
A cross-platform terminal database tool written in Rust
gobang is currently in alpha A cross-platform terminal database tool written in Rust Features Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux) Mu
Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security
Awesome Rust Security Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security Table of Contents Tools Web and Cloud Secur
This is a Telegram bot I'm working on in my free time to learn Rust.
Maldness Bot This is a Telegram bot I'm working on in my free time to learn Rust. Building docker build -t . should be enough.
Nannou/Rust tutorial based on Schotter by Georg Nees
Schotter (German for gravel) is a piece by computer art pioneer Georg Nees. It consists of a grid of squares 12 across and 22 down with random rotation and displacement that increases towards the bottom.
Rust client for AWS Infinidash service.
AWS Infinidash - Fully featured Rust client Fully featured AWS Infinidash client for Rust applications. You can use the AWS Infinidash client to make
Generate markdown footer links.
WIP Generate markdown footer links.
Experimental playground for wiktionary data
wikt Experimental playground for wiktionary data. This document might not update as often as the code does. Set up You'll want a minimum of 10 GB free
CVEs for the Rust standard library
Rust CVE Preface This is a list of CVEs for unsound APIs in the Rust standard library. These bugs break Rust's memory safety guarantee and lead to sec
SixtyFPS is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for any display: embedded devices and desktop applications. We support multiple programming languages, such as Rust, C++ or JavaScript.
SixtyFPS is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for any display: embedded devices and desktop applications. We support multiple programming languages, such as Rust, C++ or JavaScript.
puppy is an example implementation of a tiny Web browser for educational purposes.
An example implementation of a tiny Web browser for educational purposes.
darwin-rs, evolutionary algorithms with rust
darwin-rs This library allows you to write evolutionary algorithms (EA) using the Rust programming language. Written by Willi Kappler, License: MIT -
Rust library for genetic algorithms
Spiril Spiril is an implementation of a genetic algorithm for obtaining optimum variables (genetics) for a task through mutation and natural selection
Execute genetic algorithm (GA) simulations in a customizable and extensible way.
genevo genevo provides building blocks to run simulations of optimization and search problems using genetic algorithms (GA). The vision for genevo is
Kalman filtering and smoothing in Rust
Kalman filtering and smoothing library written in Rust Access documentation for the library here. Library is also referenced in Cargo index. Currently
ARIMA modelling for Rust
ARIMA Rust crate for ARIMA model coefficient estimation and simulation. Example extern crate rand; use rand::prelude::*; use rand::distributions::{Nor
Barnes-Hut t-SNE implementation written in Rust.
bhtsne Barnes-Hut implementation of t-SNE written in Rust. The algorithm is described with fine detail in this paper by Laurens van der Maaten. Instal
A Rust🦀 implementation of CRAFTML, an Efficient Clustering-based Random Forest for Extreme Multi-label Learning
craftml-rs A Rust implementation of CRAFTML, an Efficient Clustering-based Random Forest for Extreme Multi-label Learning (Siblini et al., 2018). Perf
FFSVM stands for "Really Fast Support Vector Machine"
In One Sentence You trained a SVM using libSVM, now you want the highest possible performance during (real-time) classification, like games or VR. Hig
OpenAI Gym bindings for Rust
gym-rs OpenAI gym binding for Rust. Actively maintained! If you have any problem just create an issue. Install Just install the requierements layed ou
Flexible, reusable reinforcement learning (Q learning) implementation in Rust
Rurel Rurel is a flexible, reusable reinforcement learning (Q learning) implementation in Rust. Release documentation In Cargo.toml: rurel = "0.2.0"
Reinforcement learning library written in Rust
REnforce Reinforcement library written in Rust This library is still in early stages, and the API has not yet been finalized. The documentation can be
Locality Sensitive Hashing in Rust with Python bindings
lsh-rs (Locality Sensitive Hashing) Locality sensitive hashing can help retrieving Approximate Nearest Neighbors in sub-linear time. For more informat
K-dimensional tree in Rust for fast geospatial indexing and lookup
kdtree K-dimensional tree in Rust for fast geospatial indexing and nearest neighbors lookup Crate Documentation Usage Benchmark License Usage Add kdtr
C library for finding nearest (most similar) element in a set
VP-tree nearest neighbor search A relatively simple and readable Rust implementation of Vantage Point tree search algorithm. The VP tree algorithm doe
Graph-based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
granne* granne (graph-based retrieval of approximate nearest neighbors) is a Rust library for approximate nearest neighbor search based on Hierarchica
Rust language bindings for Faiss
Faiss-rs This project provides Rust bindings to Faiss, the state-of-the-art vector search and clustering library. Installing as a dependency Currently
Official Elasticsearch Rust Client
elasticsearch Official Rust Client for Elasticsearch. Full documentation is available at https://docs.rs/elasticsearch The project is still very muc
🔎 Impossibly fast web search, made for static sites.
Stork Impossibly fast web search, made for static sites. Stork is two things. First, it's an indexer: it indexes your loosely-structured content and c
🔍TinySearch is a lightweight, fast, full-text search engine. It is designed for static websites.
tinysearch TinySearch is a lightweight, fast, full-text search engine. It is designed for static websites. TinySearch is written in Rust, and then com
A full-text search engine in rust
Toshi A Full-Text Search Engine in Rust Please note that this is far from production ready, also Toshi is still under active development, I'm just slo
AI-powered search engine for Rust
txtai: AI-powered search engine for Rust txtai executes machine-learning workflows to transform data and build AI-powered text indices to perform simi
A full-text search and indexing server written in Rust.
Bayard Bayard is a full-text search and indexing server written in Rust built on top of Tantivy that implements Raft Consensus Algorithm and gRPC. Ach
Deep recommender systems for Rust
sbr An implementation of sequence recommenders based on the wyrm autdifferentiaton library. sbr-rs sbr implements efficient recommender algorithms whi
pure rust implemention of word2vec
Word2Vec-rs Word2Vec-rs is a fast implemention of word2vec's skip-gram algorithm. A simple benchmark on a 200M english corpus: 4 threads: tool words p
fastText Rust binding
fasttext-rs fastText Rust binding Installation Add it to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] fasttext = "0.6" Add extern crate fasttext to your crate root
Rust binding of primitiv
Rust frontend of primitiv Prerequisites Rust (1.26 or later) Clang (3.9 or later) (optional) CUDA (8.0 or later) Install mkdir work cd work # build p
A neural network, and tensor dynamic automatic differentiation implementation for Rust.
Corgi A neural network, and tensor dynamic automatic differentiation implementation for Rust. BLAS The BLAS feature can be enabled, and requires CBLAS
l2 is a fast, Pytorch-style Tensor+Autograd library written in Rust
l2 • 🤖 A Pytorch-style Tensor+Autograd library written in Rust Installation • Contributing • Authors • License • Acknowledgements Made by Bilal Khan
Tensors and dynamic neural networks in pure Rust.
Neuronika is a machine learning framework written in pure Rust, built with a focus on ease of use, fast prototyping and performance. Dynamic neural ne
LightGBM Rust binding
lightgbm-rs LightGBM Rust binding Require You need an environment that can build LightGBM. # linux apt install -y cmake libclang-dev libc++-dev gcc-mu
Rust bindings for XGBoost.
rust-xgboost Rust bindings for the XGBoost gradient boosting library. Documentation Basic usage example: extern crate xgboost; use xgboost::{paramete
Tiny, no-nonsense, self-contained, Tensorflow and ONNX inference
Sonos' Neural Network inference engine. This project used to be called tfdeploy, or Tensorflow-deploy-rust. What ? tract is a Neural Network inference
Xaynet represents an agnostic Federated Machine Learning framework to build privacy-preserving AI applications.
xaynet Xaynet: Train on the Edge with Federated Learning Want a framework that supports federated learning on the edge, in desktop browsers, integrate
(MERGED) Rust bindings for TVM runtime
DEPRECATED The RFC is closed and this has been merge into TVM. TVM Runtime Frontend Support This crate provides an idiomatic Rust API for TVM runtime
A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture, written in Rust
Datafuse Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture Datafuse is a Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS wit
Simple but powerful graph library for Rust
Graphlib Graphlib is a simple and powerful Rust graph library. This library attempts to provide a generic api for building, mutating and iterating ove
A graph library for Rust.
Gamma A graph library for Rust. Gamma provides primitives and traversals for working with graphs. It is based on ideas presented in A Minimal Graph AP
Graph data structure library for Rust.
petgraph Graph data structure library. Supports Rust 1.41 and later. Please read the API documentation here Crate feature flags: graphmap (default) en
A Japanese Morphological Analyzer written in pure Rust
Yoin - A Japanese Morphological Analyzer yoin is a Japanese morphological analyze engine written in pure Rust. mecab-ipadic is embedded in yoin. :) $
An official Sudachi clone in Rust (incomplete) 🦀
2021-07-07 UPDATE: The official Sudachi team will take over this project (cf. 日本語形態素解析器 SudachiPy の 現状と今後について - Speaker Deck) sudachi.rs An official S
Rust-nlp is a library to use Natural Language Processing algorithm with RUST
nlp Rust-nlp Implemented algorithm Distance Levenshtein (Explanation) Jaro / Jaro-Winkler (Explanation) Phonetics Soundex (Explanation) Metaphone (Exp
A rust implementation of some popular snowball stemming algorithms
Rust Stemmers This crate implements some stemmer algorithms found in the snowball project which are compiled to rust using the rust-backend of the sno
A HDPSG-inspired symbolic natural language parser written in Rust
Treebender A symbolic natural language parsing library for Rust, inspired by HDPSG. What is this? This is a library for parsing natural or constructed
A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics.
cgmath-rs A linear algebra and mathematics library for computer graphics. The library provides: vectors: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4 square matrices: Ma
DataFrame / Series data processing in Rust
black-jack While PRs are welcome, the approach taken only allows for concrete types (String, f64, i64, ...) I'm not sure this is the way to go. I want
PyO3-based Rust binding of NumPy C-API
rust-numpy Rust bindings for the NumPy C-API API documentation Latest release (possibly broken) Current Master Requirements Rust = 1.41.1 Basically,
sparse linear algebra library for rust
sprs, sparse matrices for Rust sprs implements some sparse matrix data structures and linear algebra algorithms in pure Rust. The API is a work in pro
A Rust library for drawing plots, powered by Gnuplot.
RustGnuplot A Gnuplot controller written in Rust. Documentation See here Examples A simple example: let mut fg = Figure::new(); fg.axes2d() .set_titl
🐱👤 Drop-in HTTP replacement module for Garry's Mod
🐱👤 gmsv_reqwest This module is a drop-in replacement for Garry's Mod's HTTP function, inspired by gmsv_chttp created by timschumi. The module uses
a function programming language for real world applications made in rust
a function programming language for real world applications made in rust
BlueR - Official BlueZ Bindings for Rust
This library provides the official Rust interface to the Linux Bluetooth protocol stack (BlueZ). Both publishing local and consuming remote GATT services using idiomatic Rust code is supported. L2CAP sockets are presented using an API similar to Tokio networking.
SE3 Rust library for Robotics
Algebraic Robots A small Rust Library for SE3 Supported: Twist Screw SE3 Group se3 algebra Adjoint SE3 Twist Chains Wrenches Future plans: Jacobians V
A Simple debugger for embedded rust.
This is a debugger for embedded rust code. It is in an early state so it doesn't work for a lot of different microcontrollers.
a simple compiled language i made in rust. it uses intermediate representation (IR) instead of an abstract syntax tree (AST).
a simple compiled language i made in rust. it uses intermediate representation (IR) instead of an abstract syntax tree (AST).
Basic Rust I2C demo on the TI Launchpad
msp430-i2c-oled-example An example project to talk to an SSD1306 OLED (Adafruit PiOLED) with an MSP430G2553 Launchpad via I2C.
An open source virtual tabletop that is currently purely a concept.
An open source virtual tabletop that is currently purely a concept.
cyberdrop-dl - cyberdrop.me Downloader written in Rust 🦀
cyberdrop-dl - cyberdrop.me Downloader written in Rust 🦀
Primeiro programa em Rust . Um programinha simples que gera números para a Loteria
loterust Primeiro programa em Rust . Um programinha simples que gera números para a Loteria Instalação Certifique-se primeiramente que possui o Rust e
ReVi is a cross-platform terminal based Vim inspired text editor.
ReVi Table Of Contents: About Usage Install Clone && Installing Development Q&A KeyBindings Roadmap Changelog About ReVi is a cross-platform terminal
A minimalist tool for managing block-lists from the terminal.
Block List A minimalist hosts-based tool for managing block lists and ad-blocking. This project uses the excellent and regularly updated Unified Hosts
Rmatrix is similar to the cmatrix, but it wrote it in Rust.
Rmatrix is similar to the cmatrix, but it wrote it in Rust. Get up to 75% performance improvement compared to cmatrix.
A CHIP-8 emulator for Rust in ~350 LOC
chip8 An implementation of the CHIP-8 for Rust in ~350 lines of code. What is CHIP-8? CHIP-8 is a virtual machine (along with a supporting programming
Wycheproof for Rust
Wycheproof (Deserialized) Google's Wycheproof project is an immensely useful set of tests which cover common corner cases in cryptographic code. The a
Opensource diagnostic software for Daimler vehicles, inspired by Xentry and DAS, written in Rust
OPENSTAR An opensource diagnostic application for Daimler vehicles inspired by DAS and Xentry. Some of the work here is based on OpenVehicleDiag If yo
CLI app to display list of trending anime, music charts or recommend anime to watch or song to listen to.
Description Anitrendz is a cli app that uses data from the anitiop api to list the top anime and songs or recommend a random anime to watch or song to
A simple password manager written in rust
Passman - A password manager written in rust. How to use?: USAGE: passman option Currently available options are: new - initalize passman with a new m
Substrate NFT !ink smart contract base
Substrate !ink NFT simple implementation This is a simple working version of base NFT smart contract written using latest (as of this date) !ink 3.0.0
Cross-platform native Rust menu library
A cross-platform Rust library for managing the native operating system menus.
Simple RUST game with the Bevy Engine
Simple RUST Game using the Bevy Engine YouTube videos for this code base: Episode 1 - Rust Game Development tutorial from Scratch with Bevy Engine Epi
Diana is a GraphQL system for Rust that's designed to work as simply as possible out of the box
Diana is a GraphQL system for Rust that's designed to work as simply as possible out of the box, without sacrificing configuration ability. Unlike other GraphQL systems, Diana fully supports serverless functions and automatically integrates them with a serverful subscriptions system as needed, and over an authenticated channel. GraphQL subscriptions are stateful, and so have to be run in a serverful way. Diana makes this process as simple as possible.
Rust / C / Cgo example
whatever How to build (This has been tested on Linux & macOS) Build the Rust code: $ cargo build The library is in ./target/debug/libwhatever.a Build
A rust script to convert a better bibtex json file from Zotero into nice organised notes in Obsidian
Zotero to Obsidian script This is a script that takes a better bibtex JSON file exported by Zotero and generates an organised collection of reference
Rust implementation of Another World (aka Out of this world) game engine
RustyWorld Rust implementation of Another World (aka Out of this world) game engine. I wanted a fun project to challenge myself while learning Rust, a
A Simple, But amazing telegram bot, Made using the Rust language!
Telegram bot in Rust A fun Telegram bot made using Rust language.
Authorization Server with Rust using Tonic
authorization-server Authorization Server with Rust using Tonic. Function implemented User registration and profile store Change password Login Token