Detect if code is running inside a virtual machine (x86 and x86-64 only).


rtw crate rtw documentation


Detect if code is running inside a virtual machine.

Only works on x86 and x86-64.

How does it work

Measure average cpu cycles when calling cpuid and compare to a threshold, if the value is high assume code is running inside a VM.

Quick Start

git clone
cd inside-vm/
cargo run --example test-inside-vm

output: avg cycles for __cpuid: 108

vs inside VM

[vagrant@archlinux vagrant]$ ./target/release/examples/test-inside-vm 

output: avg cycles for __cpuid: 30578


use inside_vm::inside_vm;

let inside = inside_vm();
println!("inside vm: {}", inside);



Please see the CHANGELOG for a release history.


Dual-licensed under MIT or the Apache License V2.0.

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