6192 Repositories
Rust full-stack-on-rust Libraries
Automate device security provisioning with edge intelligence.
UNiD Automate device security provisioning with edge intelligence Features Decentralized PKI(DPKI), DIDs, DKMS, and Credential Management End-to-End E
Multi-threaded CLI torrent scraper for displaying searched for magnet links; tailored for use with plex & ssh.
magnetfinder Multi-threaded CLI torrent aggregator; scrapes torrent results from multiple websites and delivers them into a table in your terminal! Su
Analogous, indented syntax for the Rust programming language.
Note: After experimenting with this in the wild, I have found representing keywords as symbols to be far less readable in large codebases. Additionall
A tiny crate mimicking Elixir's pipe operator for Rust without macros.
A small crate for using pipes in Rust.
Generic tiling window manager library in Rust
Pop Tiler Generic tiling window manager library for Rust, using an architecture based on GhostCell. License Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Publ
This is a Rust implementation for popular caches (support no_std).
Caches This is a Rust implementation for popular caches (support no_std). See Introduction, Installation and Usages for more details. English | 简体中文 I
Embedded graph database
CQLite An embedded graph database implemented in Rust. This is currently a pre-release. It has not been extensively tested with 'real-world work-loads
An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API
vaultrs An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API The following features are currently supported: Auth AppRole JWT/OIDC Token Us
It is a backup tool that creates backups and stores them on an object storage
Hold My Backup It is a backup tool that creates backups and stores them on an object storage. By default it uses minio but you can use AWS: S3 as well
🖥 A feature rich terminal UI file transfer and explorer with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3
🖥 A feature rich terminal UI file transfer and explorer with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3
The efficient and elegant crate to count variants of Rust's Enum.
variant-counter The efficient and elegant crate to count variants of Rust's Enum. Get started #[derive(VariantCount)] #[derive(VariantCount)] pub enum
Opinionated Rust authentication library.
Goals Prevent user enumeration. All routes should be protected against user enumeration, for now we should at least protect against basic enumeration
rustBoot is a standalone bootloader, written entirely in Rust
rustBoot is a standalone bootloader, written entirely in Rust, designed to run on anything from a microcontroller to a system on chip. It can be used to boot into bare-metal firmware or Linux.
Educational Rust implemenation of Auction Sniper from Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided By Tests
Auction Sniper Educational Rust not-OOP implemenation of Auction Sniper from "Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided By Tests" book More about it in
A dynamically typed, interpreted, stack-based language.
Stacc A dynamically typed, interpreted, stack-based language. How does it work? Each call-frame/scope has its own variables and stack, so you can get/
Traits for inspecting memory usage of Rust types
memuse This crate contains traits for measuring the dynamic memory usage of Rust types. About Memory-tracking is a common activity in large applicatio
A Blog & RSS system written in Rust based on Luke Smith's LB.
OB - Oliver's Blog Script A Blog and RSS system written in Rust. Features Converts blog entries written in Markdown into HTML. ✍🏻 Keeps a rolling blo
A high-performance, secure, extensible, and OCI-complaint JavaScript runtime for WasmEdge.
Run JavaScript in WebAssembly Now supporting wasmedge socket for HTTP requests and Tensorflow in JavaScript programs! Prerequisites Install Rust and w
Build controllers for the Webots robot simulator in Rust
Webots controllers in Rust Status: experimental This is a reference project that shows how to build controllers for the Webots robot simulator using t
Hudsucker is a MITM HTTP/S proxy written in Rust.
hudsucker Hudsucker is a MITM HTTP/S proxy written in Rust. Features Modify HTTP/S requests Modify HTTP/S responses Modify websocket messages Usage Fo
The official rust implementation of the SpamProtectionBot API
SpamProtection-rs Table of contents About Supported Rust version Features How to use Credits License About SpamProtection-Rust is a Rust wrapper for I
🐎 Daac Horse: Double-Array Aho-Corasick in Rust
🐎 daachorse Daac Horse: Double-Array Aho-Corasick Overview A fast implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm using Double-Array Trie. Examples use
Rust command line utility to quickly display useful secrets in a Kubernetes namespace
kube-secrets This is a command line utility for quickly looking at secrets in a Kubernetes namespace that are typically looked at by humans. It specif
Display a random Shiba from your terminal whenever you feel the need to. Because why not?
Shiba CLI Command-line interface (CLI) to display a random Shiba Inu whenever needed, by just running shiba on your terminal. How To Use • How Does It
Strongly typed Gura library for Rust
Serde Gura This crate is a Rust library for using the Serde serialization framework with data in Gura file format. This library does not re-implement
A simple rust library to help create octrees and quadtrees for chunked level of detail
LodTree LodTree, a simple tree data structure for doing chunk-based level of detail. Goals The aim of this crate is to provide a generic, easy to use
Implementation of Plonk by Hand in rust
plonk-by-fingers This is a toy implementation of the excellent Joshua Fitzgerald Plonk by hand (part2) (part3) tutorial all written from scratch, do n
A *seriously* no-bullshit Neovim GUI written in Rust and Tauri
Looking for a shareable component template? Go here -- sveltejs/component-template svelte app This is a project template for Svelte apps. It lives at
Dwarf Fortress inspired frontend to Veloren, the multiplayer RPG voxel game written in Rust
velobracket ('veloren' + 'bracket-lib') velobracket is Dwarf Fortress inspired frontend to Veloren, the multiplayer RPG voxel game written in Rust. Us
Pure-rust implementation of legacy H.263 video codec and associated color transforms
website | demo | nightly builds | wiki h263-rs h263-rs is a pure-Rust implementation of ITU-T Recommendation H.263 (2005/08), a video codec commonly u
D3D9 Window overlay written in Rust
win-overlay (-rs) DirectX overlay written in Rust for various projects, wanted to easily create overlays across projects so decided to write my own im
Automap DecentSampler / SFZ instruments from a folder of samples
DecentSampler SFZ AutoMapper A little tool to automap DecentSampler instruments from a folder of samples. Written in rust with fltk-rs. While this was
☁ file.AsyncWrite - because THEY wont do it!!!!!! and its in RUST
☁ gm_async_write Simple module that adds file.AsyncWrite and file.AsyncAppend to Garry's Mod. These functions are mostly based off file.AsyncRead and
A react-inspired UI library for building multimedia desktop apps with rust and vulkan.
narui A react-inspired UI library for building multimedia desktop apps with rust and vulkan. declarative UI with Ergonomics similar to React with hook
netavark: A container network stack
netavark: A container network stack Netavark is a rust based network stack for containers. It is being designed to work with Podman but is also applic
MiniJinja is a powerful but minimal dependency template engine for Rust
MiniJinja: a powerful template engine for Rust with minimal dependencies MiniJinja is a powerful but minimal dependency template engine for Rust which
A high level async Redis client for Rust built on Tokio and Futures.
A high level async Redis client for Rust built on Tokio and Futures.
Shallow Container is a light-weight container tool written in Rust.
Shallow Container is a light-weight container tool written in Rust. It is totally for proof-of-concept and may not suit for production environment.
A Rust crate for handling URNs.
URN A Rust crate for handling URNs. Parsing and comparison is done according to the spec (meaning only part of the URN is used for equality checks). S
Rust crate to generate, manipulate and traverse trees.
SOCAREL Rust crate to generate, manipulate and traverse trees. It provides iterators for eight different traversal algorithms. Add and remove nodes in
A firmware for the Clueboard 66% Low Profile keyboard implemented in Rust.
Rust Firmware for Clueboard 66% Low Profile Keyboard A firmware for the Clueboard 66% Low Profile keyboard (also known as 66% hotswap) implemented in
Rust 版本的 UnblockNeteaseMusic/server ,以效能、穩定性及可維護性為目標。
【開發中】unm-server-rust Rust 版本的 UnblockNeteaseMusic/server ,以效能、穩定性及可維護性為目標。 安裝 最新版本 下載二進位檔案 前往 Actions 分頁找到 “Build binaries for UNM“,點開後可從 Artifacts 中
Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in Rust
Kaminari Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in Rust Usage You'll need to install Rust. rusc = 1.55.0 rustup = 1.24.3 Disclaimer Kaminari
Experimental syntax for Rust
Osy.rs Experimental syntax for Rust Hey everyone, this readme needs work! The spec has been roughed out in Osy.rs_spec.alpha, but the file could be be
Front-coding string dictionary in Rust
Front-coding string dictionary in Rust This is a Rust library of the (plain) front-coding string dictionary described in Martínez-Prieto et al., Pract
A logging library for eBPF programs.
aya-log - a logging library for eBPF programs Overview aya-log is a logging library for eBPF programs written using aya. Think of it as the log crate
Rust syntax in Turkish
pas pas (Turkish for Rust) allows to write Rust programs in Turkish, using Turkish keywords and function names, adapted from the original French imple
A CLI tool for rustypaste
A CLI tool for rustypaste. Installation From crates.io cargo install rustypaste-cli Binary releases See the available binaries on releases page. Build
A console and web-based Gomoku written in Rust and WebAssembly
👋 rust-gomoku A console and web-based Gomoku written in Rust and WebAssembly Getting started with cargo & npm Install required program, run # install
Fluent test assertions for Rust.
This is a fork the unmaintained crate spectral. Spectral as not changed for five years and yet is still very usable, the goal of this fork is to add n
Macro for stating unsafe assumptions in Rust.
assume A macro for stating unsafe assumptions in Rust. Using this macro, one can supply assumptions to the compiler for use in optimization. These ass
High Performance Blockchain Deserializer
bitcoin-explorer bitcoin_explorer is an efficient library for reading bitcoin-core binary blockchain file as a database (utilising multi-threading). D
A simple command-line utility (and Rust crate!) for converting from a conventional image file (e.g. a PNG file) into a pixel-art version constructed with emoji
EmojiPix This is a simple command-line utility (and Rust crate!) for converting from a conventional image file (e.g. a PNG file) into a pixel-art vers
Embedded graph database
CQLite An embedded graph database implemented in Rust. This is currently a pre-release. It has not been extensively tested with 'real-world work-loads
A tool for automated migrations for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MySQL.
Models Models is an implementation for a SQL migration management tool. It supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. Quick Start install the CLI by runn
🔎 A simple in-memory search for collections and key-value stores.
Indicium Search 🔎 A simple in-memory search for collections (Vec, HashMap, BTreeMap, etc) and key-value stores. Features autocompletion. There are ma
Lagoon is a dynamic, weakly-typed and minimal scripting language. 🏞
Lagoon is a dynamic, weakly-typed and minimal scripting language. It draws inspiration from a handful of modern languages including JavaScript, Rust and PHP.
Bell is a work in progress programming language that compiles to MCfunction (Minecraft's language for creating datapacks).
Bell is a work in progress programming language that compiles to MCfunction (Minecraft's language for creating datapacks). It provides a higher level,
example of a full stack web app (backend and frontend) wrtiten in Rust
rust-fullstack-example An example of creating a full stack web application (backend and frontend) using Rust. Backend Go to ./backend and start the se
A Rust implementation of the legendary solitaire game
Freecell Yet another implementation of the legendary total information solitaire. Play patience like it's 1991, complete with sights and sounds. Build
Rust 培养提高计划
rust-in-databend Rust 培养提高计划 该课程是由 Datafuse Labs 发起,联合 Rust 语言中文社区 , 知数堂联合承办。 Databend 项目地址: https://github.com/datafuselabs/databend 欢迎 Star | Watch
An implementation of the A-Star pathfinding algorithm tailored for traversing a bespoke collection of weighted hexagons.
An implementation of the A-Star pathfinding algorithm tailored for traversing a bespoke collection of weighted hexagons. It's intended to calculate the most optimal path to a target hexagon where you are traversing from the centre of one hexagon to the next along a line orthogonal to a hexagon edge
Modern JavaScript runtime for Sony PSP, based on rust-psp and QuickJS.
PSP.js Modern JavaScript runtime for Sony PSP, based on rust-psp and QuickJS. ⚠️ Currently in PoC state, unusable for developing JavaScript apps yet.
Non cycle-accurate emulator of the 6502 cpu, written in pure rust
CPU 6502 A non cycle-accurate emulator implementing all legal 6502 opcodes. What does non cycle-accurate mean? Every instruction on the 6502 takes a n
Rust derive macros for automating the boring stuff.
derived: Macros for automating the boring stuff The derived crate provides macros that can simplify all the boring stuff, like writing constructors fo
Rust-based video player for astrophotography
Astro Video Player Rust-based video player for astrophotography videos in SER and AVI format. Supports debayering of RAW color images. Status: Works w
musify is a simple discord bot to play music within a voice channel, written in the rust programming language.
musify-rs musify is a simple discord bot to play music within a voice channel, written in the rust programming language. Features A simple song queue
Rust telegram bot library for many runtimes
Telbot Telbot provides telegram bot types and api wrappers. Specifically, telbot now supports: telbot-types: basic telegram types / requests / respons
A Rust logger with various features.
Moe Logger (>ω<) Another logger based on pretty-env-logger and env_logger. Allow writing log to file with features like formatting, file rotation. Usa
Loom is a concurrency permutation testing tool for Rust.
Loom is a testing tool for concurrent Rust code
Rust courses for TypeScript developers
Rust for TypeScript developers Welcome to the rust-for-ts-devs repo! This repo is intended to collect various small lessons about Rust that I can pres
A minimal argument parser
Pieces An argument parser built with control in mind. Parsing The results you get are dependent on what order you parse in. If you want to say only pa
A tetris game I wrote in rust using ncurses. I'm sure that there's a better way to write a tetris game, and the code may be sus, but it techinically works
rustetris A tetris game I wrote in rust using ncurses. I'm sure that there's a better way to write a tetris game, and the code may be sus, but it tech
A pure Rust database implementation using an append-only B-Tree file format.
nebari nebari - noun - the surface roots that flare out from the base of a bonsai tree Warning: This crate is early in development. The format of the
Why not play with MLIR from Rust?
rmlir rmlir aims to provide Rustaceans with: Parser for MLIR Way to write passes (& pass managers) Ports for code generators e.g. LLVM, Cranelift, ...
A simple image average color extractor written in 🦀 Rust
A simple image average color extractor written in 🦀 Rust
Windows game hack helper utilities in rust.
⚗️ toy-arms Windows game hack helper utilities in rust. This crate has some useful macros, functions and traits. 🔥 How to use this crate? With this c
Intel 8085 CPU emulation in Rust
PP8085 PP808 is a program that emulates the Intel 8085 Microprocessor architecure. The library is written in Rust and aims to mirror the operation of
Baby's first Rust CLI project. Basic implementation of grep. Written in about 100 SLOC.
minigrep Coding project from Chapter 12 of the The Rust Programming Language book. Usage Compile and run as so minigrep QUERY FILENAME QUERY being the
Pass Rust strings to C with potentially not needing heap allocation
cfixed-string is used for passing Rust string to C with potentially not needing to do a heap allocation. A problem with using the standard library CSt
A rust-based extension module for Halo 3: MCC PC
halo3-rs This project is a rust-based extension module for Halo 3 in the Master Chief Collection on PC. The DLL wrapper contains a collection of patch
A music bot build in Serenity/Rust.
Sunny Flowers is a Discord bot to play media in voice channels. It uses Serenity and Songbird to accomplish this.
Automatically create GUI applications from clap3 apps
Automatically create GUI applications from clap3 apps
A Gameboy emulator written in Rust
An open source Gameboy emulator written in Rust that can use a command line interface as a screen and input device.
Cross-platform Secure TUI Secret Locker
SafeCloset keeps your secrets in password protected files. SafeCloset is designed to be convenient and avoid common weaknesses like external editing or temporary files written on disk.
Bespoke toolkit for Non-fungible token (NFT) technology 🚀
Bespoke toolkit for Non-fungible token (NFT) technology 🚀 What is Onft? Instead of forcing a consensus algorithm or peer networking on you, Onft prov
Use Rust to solve questions on Leetcode.
Rust for Leetcode 本仓库用于记录我使用Rust刷Leetcode的代码,尽量做到日更。 题目列表 编号 名称 题目类型 题解 678 有效的括号字符串 栈 valid-parenthesis-string.rs 461 汉明距离 位运算 hamming-distance.rs 62
The Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana.
Voting example The Rust-only Voting example based on MoonZoon and Solana. MoonZoon is a Rust Fullstack Framework. Solana is a decentralized blockchain
Examples on how to write Windows kernel drivers in Rust
windows-kernel-rs Note: this is still work in progress! This is a Windows kernel framework in Rust that consists of windows-kernel-sys, a crate that p
Simple test app based on rust-psp
PSP Test App Simple test app based on rust-psp. Demonstrating the usage of C libs. Build Download and unzip the prebuilt PSPSDK (built from clang-psp)
Rust Python modules for interacting with Metaplex's NFT standard.
Simple Metaplex Metadata Decoder Install the correct Python wheel for your Python version with pip: pip install metaplex_decoder-0.1.0-cp39-cp39-manyl
Rust crate for reading SER files used in astrophotography
Rust crate for reading SER files used in astrophotography.
An auth system/library for Rust applications
Rust : Forbidden (WIP) An experimental auth library for Rust applications. Goals This crate is to define a common set of traits and idioms to provide
Blazingly fast data generation & seeding for MongoDB
Planter Blazingly fast and simple data generation & seeding for MongoDB Installation Use the package manager cargo to install planter. Add the followi
A boiler plate code to create dynamic link library in rust.
🔭 rust-dll-bp This is a boiler plate code that will be generated as a dll binary. I personally cache this here for me but if you're intend to create
Game examples implemented in rust console applications primarily for educational purposes.
rust-console-games A collection of game examples implemented as rust console applications primarily for providing education and inspiration. :) Game *
Generator of Firestore rules and type safe client code.
Generator of Firestore rules and type safe client code. Usage [WIP] Install from npm or curl. $ npm install -g firegen Setting your yml. # firegen.yml
VLists in rust
Running WORK IN PROGRESS! (0. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh) 1. cargo test Motivation In the urbit memory model every
A floating, tag-based window manager written in Rust
worm worm is a floating, tag-based window manager for X11. It is written in the Rust programming language, using the X11RB library. Install cargo buil
Vue's template compiler reimplemented in Rust!
Vue's template compiler reimplemented in Rust!