Rust derive macros for automating the boring stuff.


derived: Macros for automating the boring stuff

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The derived crate provides macros that can simplify all the boring stuff, like writing constructors for example. With this crate, you can create compile-time, constant default implementations, constructors, getters and setters with full generics and lifetime support.


  • Ctor: To generate constructors
  • Gtor: To generate getters
  • Stor: To generate setters
  • Constdef: To generate constant, compile-time default implementations.

    🎉 Arrays, tuples, nested tuples in arrays and nested arrays in tuples included!

  • 💯 Full lifetimes, generics and where clause support
  • 🤓 Advanced features:
    • Use the gtor attribute to get either immutable or mutable or both references (see example below)
    • Skip generation of setters or getters with the #[stor_skip] or #[gtor_skip] attributes for specific fields
    • Make ctors and gtors const with the #[ctor_const] and #[gtor_const] attributes
    • Skip ctors, gtors and stors for PhantomData fields with the #[phantom] attribute

Example: Constant default implementations

use derived::Constdef;

struct MyConst {
    a: u8,
    b: bool,
    c: char,

const MYCONST: MyConst = MyConst::default();
// use it with other consts
const ZERO_U8: u8 = MYCONST.a;

assert_eq!(MYCONST.a, 0);
assert_eq!(MYCONST.b, false);
assert_eq!(MYCONST.c, '\0');

Example: Generating constructors

use derived::Ctor;

pub struct MyStruct {
    a: u8,
    b: i8,

let mystruct = MyStruct::new(1, -1);
assert_eq!(mystruct.a, 1);
assert_eq!(mystruct,b, -1);

Example: Generating getters

use derived::{Ctor, Gtor};

// we'll derive `Ctor` to avoid having to write ctors
#[derive(Ctor, Gtor)]
pub struct MyStruct {
    name: String,
    userid: u64,

let ms = MyStruct::new("Sayan".to_owned(), 1);
assert_eq!(ms.get_name(), "sayan");
// we don't need to deref because u64 is a copy type
assert_eq!(ms.get_userid(), 1);

Example: Generating setters

use derived::{Ctor, Stor};

// we'll derive `Ctor` to avoid having to write ctors
#[derive(Ctor, Stor)]
pub struct MyStruct {
    name: String,
    userid: u64,

let mut ms = MyStruct::new("Sayan".to_owned(), 1);
assert_eq!(ms.get_name(), "sayan");
// we don't need to deref because u64 is a copy type
assert_eq!(ms.get_userid(), 1);
assert_eq!(ms.get_userid(), 0);

Example: Adanced generics and lifetimes in structs

use derived::{Ctor, Gtor};

#[derive(Ctor, Gtor)]
struct MyTag<'a, T: ToString> {
    val: &'a T,
    tag: u8,

let mut x = MyTag::new(&10i32, 20); // this will have type MyTag<i32>
// you can now use getters and setters as you please!
assert_eq!(x.get_val().to_string(), "10");
assert_eq!(x.get_val().to_string(), "11");

Example: get_mut and get

use derived::{Ctor, Gtor};

#[derive(Ctor, Gtor)]
#[gtor(get, get_mut)]
pub struct Mutable {
    x_axis: u8,
    y_axis: u8,

fn test_get_and_get_mut() {
    let mut m = Mutable::new(0, 0);
    // move x by 1 unit
    *m.get_x_axis_mut() = 1;
    // move y by 2 units
    *m.get_y_axis_mut() = 2;
    assert_eq!(m.get_x_axis(), 1);
    assert_eq!(m.get_y_axis(), 2);


This crate is distributed under the Apache-2.0 License.

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