A cross-platform terminal database tool written in Rust



gobang is currently in alpha

A cross-platform terminal database tool written in Rust

github workflow status crates



  • Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux)
  • Multiple Database support (MySQL PostgreSQL, SQLite)
  • Intuitive keyboard only control



If you already have a Rust environment set up, you can use the cargo install command:

$ cargo install --version 0.1.0-alpha.0 gobang
  • Question: Error returned when using filter with PostgreSQL

    Question: Error returned when using filter with PostgreSQL

    When using Gobang with PostgreSQL, I encounter the error

    error returned from database: LIMIT #, # syntax is not supported

    The screenshot below described my error.

    My table sec_modules contain the column id. And I type the filter expression id = 23, when press "Enter", I got the error.

    Screenshot of the error: image

    I'm using Gobang installed from "gobang-0.1.0-alpha.3-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip", Windows 10, and PostgreSQL 13.2.

    Is there any syntax error with my filter expression? Thanks.

    bug question 
    opened by jhhom 3
  • Adding help and README for exit pop up key

    Adding help and README for exit pop up key

    This PR adds a description for exit pop up.

    I noticed that the key to close the popup (Esc) exists but is not in the help.

    Thank you in advance.

    changelog: Adding help for exit pop up.

    スクリーンショット 2022-04-11 14 21 36
    opened by kyoto7250 0
  • Fix JSON conversion of the table name which is also a keyword for PostgreSQL

    Fix JSON conversion of the table name which is also a keyword for PostgreSQL

    Hi all :wave: Similarly to escape the table name in the SELECT command query, here we escape the table name with apostrophes. In fact, to_json() raised a "Syntax error" for table that uses a keyword as its name.

    An example is a table named order.

    opened by dcariotti 0
  • Fix tiny bug in checking whether a SQL statement is a SELECT statement or not

    Fix tiny bug in checking whether a SQL statement is a SELECT statement or not

    changelog: none

    In checking whether a SQL statement is a SELECT statement or not, Only cases beginning with SELECT or select were considered to be SELECT statements, so we changed the check to be case-insensitive.

    opened by mi-wada 0
  • feature connection alias

    feature connection alias

    closes #105

    Hi, I'm beginner by rust, but I like this project so I tried this issue.

    1. Load value of name from config.toml.
    2. Check if name exists, and if so returns [{name}] postgres://... else returns the same value as before.
    opened by susiyaki 0
  • Expand tilde and environment variables in path field

    Expand tilde and environment variables in path field

    closes #104

    type = "sqlite"
    path = "$HOME/Downloads/chinook.db"
    type = "sqlite"
    path = "~/Downloads/chinook.db"
    opened by TaKO8Ki 0
  • Add the way to install gobang on NetBSD to README

    Add the way to install gobang on NetBSD to README

    Discussed in https://github.com/TaKO8Ki/gobang/discussions/116

    Originally posted by 0323pin September 17, 2021 FYI, I've packaged gobang for NetBSD and merged it into the main branch. https://pkgsrc.se/databases/gobang

    Regards, pin

    opened by TaKO8Ki 0
  • pool timed out while waiting for an open connection

    pool timed out while waiting for an open connection

    Discussed in https://github.com/TaKO8Ki/gobang/discussions/110

    Originally posted by ac5tin September 15, 2021 i just installed gobang using cargo install --version 0.1.0-alpha.4 gobang

    i've edited the config.toml

    type = "postgres"
    user = "xxxxxxx"
    host = "xxxxxxxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com"
    port = 5432
    database = "fastapg"

    When i launch gobang and then select the connection i see the error. 2021-09-15-163059_531x179_scrot

    opened by TaKO8Ki 0
  • Document `name` config field

    Document `name` config field

    hi, thought it would be worth using name in a couple of the example config fields

    This would require a new release though, since the latest release predates #105

    Thanks for the cool project :)

    changelog: document name config field

    opened by zdog234 0
  • Feature request: Prompt for password

    Feature request: Prompt for password

    I don't want to write the password for the production DB in plain text into a file for security reasons.

    Instead I'd like to enter it into a prompt when having selected a DB connection.

    This could be the default if the password field in the config file is empty.

    opened by pylipp 0
  • Unable to select a table called

    Unable to select a table called "user"

    I have a postgres database with a user table, whenever I try to select it an error screen pops up with error returned from database: syntax error at or near ".". Maybe something to do with the table name?

    opened by nyonson 1
  • add option for using unix_domain_socket

    add option for using unix_domain_socket

    in local hosts, UDS connections are faster than TCP, so we should support UDS.

    close #151


    • [x] mysql
    • [x] postgres
    • [x] add tests

    Thanks for your time to review.

    changelog: support connecting unix domain socket

    opened by kyoto7250 0
  • mask database password on the initial page

    mask database password on the initial page

    close #156

    This PR will hide the password on the first selection screen. The password is written in the config file, so it is not necessary to see it at the time of selection.

    Thank you in advance.

    スクリーンショット 2022-05-31 8 27 56

    opened by kyoto7250 0
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