This application demonstrates the how to implement a common design for CRUDs in, potentially, a system of microservices. The design pattern is akin to MVC (model, view, controller) minus the view. This type of application is commonly developed in languages like Java or C#, so the objective in its development has been to demonstrate a way to simply implement something familiar to C#'s DbContext
that contains a DbSet<T>
of each entity to be stored in the database.
Data Design
The database layout is simple, and illustrates a common relationship. The the database there are 3 tables: (1) Users
(2) Groups
and (3) UsersToGroups
. Groups
and Users
have a many-to-many relationship. This many-to-many relationship also exists in the Rust application where a User
has a Vec<Group>
Application Design
The application itself has been designed with a modular approach. It is common for Rust projects (specifically for the purpose of demonstration) to consolidate code into only a handful of files. Dividing this project into multiple modules, and many small files was intentional, as it makes the overall architecture clear.
The architecture is that of a trivial crud. There are two key layers: (1) the Controller and (2) the DAO (Data Access Object). The controller layer organizes the interaction between the DAO and the incoming/outgoing HTTP. Based on the various DAO responses, specific HTTP responses are provided.
Test Coverage
This application uses an integration testing style to provided test coverage for all methods. Note, not all method paths are fully tested. All expected paths of behavior are tested. In a more comprehensive system, there would be reason to test all permutations of behavior. These test serve as an example for what is sufficient test coverage for an initial application.
First, have MySQL installed and running.
Next, run the schema.sql
script. On Linux, this can be done in the terminal:
sudo mysql -u root < schema.sql
When schema.sql
has executed successfully, run the tests:
cargo test
After the tests have completed and all pass, startup the application:
cargo run