Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security


Awesome Rust Security

Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security

Table of Contents


Web and Cloud Security


  • sn0int - OSINT framework and package manager
  • sniffglue - secure multithreaded packet sniffer
  • badtouch - scriptable network authentication cracker
  • rshijack - TCP connection hijacker
  • feroxbuster - fast, simple and recursive content discovery tool
  • rustbuster - web fuzzer and content discovery tool

Authorization & Authentication Frameworks

  • biscuit - delegated, decentralized, capabilities based authorization token
  • - PASETO Rust implementation
  • - WebAuthn implementation in Rust
  • OpenSK - open-source implementation for security keys written in Rust

Cloud and Infrastructure

  • firecracker - secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing
  • boringtun - CloudFlare's Rust implementation of WireGuard
  • innernet - private network based on WireGuard
  • vaultwarden - unofficial BitWarden implementation in Rust

Software Supply Chain

Other Frameworks

Vulnerability Assessment

Static Code Auditing

  • RustSec - organization supporting vulnerability disclosure for Rust packages, audit Cargo.lock files for dependencies
  • cargo-geiger - detect usage of unsafe Rust
  • siderophile - find ideal fuzz targets in a Rust codebase
  • cargo-crev - cryptographically verifiable code review for cargo
  • arch-audit - audit installed Arch packages for vulnerabilities
  • ripgrep - recursively search directories with regexes


  • rust-fuzz - organization implementing cargo plugins for AFL, libFuzzer, and honggfuzz
  • LibAFL - slot fuzzers together in Rust
  • - structure-aware, in-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine for Rust functions.
  • onefuzz - self-hosted Fuzzing-As-A-Service platform
  • lain - fuzzer framework implemented in Rust
  • fzero - fast grammar-based fuzz generator implementation
  • nautilus - grammar-based feedback fuzzer from RUB's Systems Security Lab
  • sidefuzz - fuzzer for side-channel vulnerabilities
  • arbitrary - trait for generating structured input from raw bytes, helpful for structure-aware fuzzing
  • rust-san - sanitizers for Rust code
  • lidiffuzz - memory allocator drop-in to test for uninitialized memory reads

Binary Analysis & Reversing

  • goblin - binary parsing crate for Rust
  • - Rust bindings to the Unicorn framework
  • cargo-call-stack - whole program stack analysis
  • xori - disassembly library for PE32, 32+ and shellcode
  • rd - record/replay debugger implemented in Rust
  • binsec - Swiss Army Knife for Binary (In)Security
  • radeco - Radare2-based decompiler and symbol executor
  • falcon - Binary Analysis Framework in Rust
  • mesos - binary coverage tool without modification for Windows
  • guerilla - monkey patching Rust functions

Property-Based Testing

  • quickcheck - property-based testing for Rust
  • proptest - Hypothesis-like property testing for Rust
  • bughunt-rust - example of using fuzzing QuickCheck models for bughunting
  • mutagen - mutation testing framework for Rust

Symbolic Execution

  • seer - symbolic execution engine for Rust
  • haybale - LLVM IR-based symbolic execution engine from the USCD System Security Lab

Formal Verification

  • MIRAI - abstract interpreter for Rust's MIR from Facebook
  • electrolysis - formal verification of Rust programs with the Lean theorem prover

Offensive Security and Red Teaming

TODO: need contributions!

Command-and-Control Frameworks

Defense Evasion

Packing, Obfuscation, Encryption

  • obfstr - string obfuscation for Rust
  • Linux.Fe2O3 - Simple ELF prepender virus / in-memory loader written in Rust

Malware and Threat Detection

  • yara-rust - Rust bindings to YARA
  • BONOMEN - hunt for malware critical process impersonation
  • confine - sandbox for threat detection
  • redbpf - crate for writing BPF/eBPF modules
  • cernan - telemetry aggregation and shipping




  • ripasso - password manager written in Rust
  • sekey - TouchID / Secure Enclave for SSH authentication
  • Mullvad VPN Client - Mullvad VPN app written in Rust





TODO: need contributions!

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Make a pull request if you are interested in adding more to this list!

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