Awesome-like workspaces for Hyprland



Hyprsome is a binary that interacts with Hyprland's Unix socket to make workspaces behave similarly to AwesomeWM in a multi-monitor setup.

If you're focused on a monitor and press SUPER+[1-9], you'll only switch to the workspaces that are bound to that monitor.

It is inspired by Swaysome, which does a similar thing for Sway.


cargo install hyprsome


Once the binary is installed, you can modify your ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf to accomodate it. Here is an example of a dual monitor setup:


Most noteworthy thing here is the 'workspace' keyword that I use to bind a default workspace for each monitor.

Then you can bind workspaces to your different monitors.

It is very important that you bind your workspaces in order.

Check the results of hyprctl monitors. Bind workspaces from 1 to 9 on your monitor that has 0 as an id.

Then just bind workspaces by prefixing numbers by the id of the monitor they're bound to.

Here, HDMI-A-1's id is 1, so I bind workspaces from 11 to 19 to it.



Then it's just a matter of making sure your regular workspace keybinds call hyprsome.

bind=SUPER,1,exec,hyprsome workspace 1
bind=SUPER,2,exec,hyprsome workspace 2
bind=SUPER,3,exec,hyprsome workspace 3
bind=SUPER,4,exec,hyprsome workspace 4
bind=SUPER,5,exec,hyprsome workspace 5

bind=SUPERSHIFT,1,exec,hyprsome move 1
bind=SUPERSHIFT,2,exec,hyprsome move 2
bind=SUPERSHIFT,3,exec,hyprsome move 3
bind=SUPERSHIFT,4,exec,hyprsome move 4
bind=SUPERSHIFT,5,exec,hyprsome move 5


This is alpha software and my first program in Rust, bugs are bound to happen but nothing that will break your system.

Some features are most likely missing.

You can only have 9 workspaces per monitor as of now.

I haven't worked on supporting monitor hot-plug at all. It may work but it's unlikely.

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  • Focusing workspace goes to different monitor

    Focusing workspace goes to different monitor


    Here's my current config:

    monitor=DP-2, 1920x1080, 0x0, 1
    workspace=DP-2, 11
    monitor=eDP-1, 2560x1600, 1920x0, 1
    monitor=HDMI-A-1, 1920x1080, 4480x0, 1
    workspace=HDMI-A-1, 21
    # workspaces, needs


    # Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9]
    bind = $mainMod, 1, exec, hyprsome workspace 1
    bind = $mainMod, 2, exec, hyprsome workspace 2
    bind = $mainMod, 3, exec, hyprsome workspace 3
    bind = $mainMod, 4, exec, hyprsome workspace 4
    bind = $mainMod, 5, exec, hyprsome workspace 5
    bind = $mainMod, 6, exec, hyprsome workspace 6
    bind = $mainMod, 7, exec, hyprsome workspace 7
    bind = $mainMod, 8, exec, hyprsome workspace 8
    bind = $mainMod, 9, exec, hyprsome workspace 9
    # Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9]
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 1, exec, hyprsome move 1
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 2, exec, hyprsome move 2
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 3, exec, hyprsome move 3
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 4, exec, hyprsome move 4
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 5, exec, hyprsome move 5
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 6, exec, hyprsome move 6
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 7, exec, hyprsome move 7
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 8, exec, hyprsome move 8
    bind = $mainMod SHIFT, 9, exec, hyprsome move 9

    I'm under the impression that with your binary and this config, I should be able to switch to workspace 12 on monitor 2 (DP-2), by pressing SUPER+2 when I'm focused on workspace 11 on monitor 2.

    However, when I try to do this, it focuses monitor 1 instead. If I then press it again with workspace 2 on monitor 1 focused, it will go to workspace 12 on monitor 2 (when it should really be doing nothing, because I'm already focusing on the correct workspace). When I repeatedly press SUPER+2, it will cycle through every second workspace on each monitor.

    I'm guessing this is not at all how this is intended to work. Is something wrong with my config?

    I'm migrating from bspwm, where every monitor had its own set of independant workspaces. Let me know if this is not possible with your binary.

    opened by zjeffer 1
  • Hyprsome works fine via command-line, but fails when used as a keybinding

    Hyprsome works fine via command-line, but fails when used as a keybinding

    If I run hyprsome workspace 2 in a terminal, the workspace switches, as expected.
    However, using the same command in a Hyprland keybinding does nothing at all.

    Here's my relevant hyprland.conf keybindings

    # Workspaces
    bind = $Strong, 1, exec, hyprsome workspace 1
    bind = $Strong, 2, exec, hyprsome workspace 2
    bind = $Strong, 3, exec, hyprsome workspace 3
    bind = $Strong, 4, exec, hyprsome workspace 4
    bind = $Strong, 5, exec, hyprsome workspace 5
    bind = $Strong, 6, exec, hyprsome workspace 6
    bind = $Strong, 7, exec, hyprsome workspace 7
    bind = $Strong, 8, exec, hyprsome workspace 8
    bind = $Strong, 9, exec, hyprsome workspace 9
    # Move window to a workspace
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 1, exec, hyprsome move 1
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 2, exec, hyprsome move 2
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 3, exec, hyprsome move 3
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 4, exec, hyprsome move 4
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 5, exec, hyprsome move 5
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 6, exec, hyprsome move 6
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 7, exec, hyprsome move 7
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 8, exec, hyprsome move 8
    bind = $Strong SHIFT, 9, exec, hyprsome move 9

    Something interesting of note, when I login to a tty, and use the command dbus-launch Hyprland, the keybindings do work as expected, with no issues at all. I tried adding said command to my hyprland.desktop file, but it unfortunately didn't work.

    I use SDDM as a display manager, sugar-light as my theme.
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