An unofficial rust wrapper for hyprland's IPC [maintainer=@yavko]


Hyprland-rs Hyprland Discord

An unofficial rust wrapper for Hyprland's IPC


If something doesn't work, doesn't matter what, make sure you are on the latest commit of Hyprland before making an issue!

Getting started!

Let's get started with Hyprland-rs!

Adding to your project

Add the code below to the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml file!

hyprland = "0.3.2"

Master version

If Hyprland-rs is broken (or other reason) and is taking too long for a release to come out, you can use the master branch in Cargo (will not allow the crate to be published to

hyprland = { git = "", branch = "master" }

What this crate provides

This crate provides 6 modules (+1 for shared things)

  • data for getting information on the compositor
  • event_listener which provides the EventListener struct for listening for events
  • dispatch for calling dispatchers
  • keyword for dealing with config option (aka keywords)
  • config::binds for changing binds (in future config might have config generation)
  • ctl for calling hyprctl commands

Example Usage

Check the examples in the src/bin/ directory

  • fix: read all Hyprland socket data returned

    fix: read all Hyprland socket data returned

    Without this fix, when I got a lot of windows open / clients, this lead to a truncated JSON.


    opened by cyrinux 8
  • Panic from workspace event listener

    Panic from workspace event listener

    Hey, I'm integrating this library into ironbar for and I've hit a bug:

    When creating and switching to a new workspace, the event listener receives the added event and the change event. It appears when you then open a program (in this case kitty) it panics.

    This can be reproduced simply by starting the program, using hyperctl dispatch workspace 4 (or the number of any workspace that does not currently exist), and then opening a window in the new workspace.

    Minimal code to reproduce:

    let mut event_listener = EventListener::new();
    event_listener.add_workspace_added_handler(|id| println!("workspace added: {id:?}"));
    event_listener.add_workspace_destroy_handler(|id| println!("workspace removed: {id:?}"));
    event_listener.add_workspace_change_handler(|id| println!("workspace changed to {id:?}"));

    Stdout and the relevant part of the backtrace:

    workspace changed to Regular(2)
    workspace changed to Regular(1)
    workspace changed to Regular(3)
    workspace changed to Regular(1)
    workspace changed to Regular(3)
    workspace added: Regular(4)
    workspace changed to Regular(4)
    The application panicked (crashed).
    Message:  something has went down -[]-
    Location: /home/jake/.cargo/registry/src/
      ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ BACKTRACE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
                                    ⋮ 7 frames hidden ⋮                               
       8: hyprland::event_listener::shared::event_parser::h59e666c08b605020
          at /home/jake/.cargo/registry/src/
       9: hyprland::event_listener::immutable::EventListener::start_listener::{{closure}}::h8810f2076f1a9397
          at /home/jake/.cargo/registry/src/
      10: <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::h1c521f9b23072b06
          at /rustc/a55dd71d5fb0ec5a6a3a9e8c27b2127ba491ce52/library/core/src/future/
      11: ironbar::clients::hyprland::HyprlandEventClient::new::{{closure}}::h70a2c01650c455c5
          at /home/jake/Programming/ironbar/src/clients/
      12: <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::hdb2b9da00f74bf77

    The line that's crashing is here:

    It looks like perhaps there's another event being received after those two that is unsupported?

    Hyprland version: hyprland-git r1728.7a775c0-1 Library version: 0.2.4

    As an aside, it'd probably be better to return an Err rather than panic in the library, so binaries can control how to handle the error.

    opened by JakeStanger 6
  • `0.3.1` release

    `0.3.1` release

    It's been more than a month, so it's time for a new release, if anyone wants small changes please request here, so they can be seen in next stable release. Thanks! To-do:

    • [x] Add all layout dispatchers #35
    • [x] Add minimize event
    • [x] Add group dispatchers
    opened by yavko 5
  • Create issue forms

    Create issue forms

    Pretty self-explanatory, this will be done to make it easier, and standardize issues for like adding dispatchers as an example. I want this to be integrated with 0.3.1 to make it easier to report missing dispatchers.

    opened by yavko 4
  • fix: some others Client struct fixes, this fix grouped mode and monitor

    fix: some others Client struct fixes, this fix grouped mode and monitor

    • grouped take a Vec<Box
    • and looks like monitor can be -1 now
    • in prevention, we will allow fullscreenmode to be negative too


    opened by cyrinux 3
  • WorkspaceType::Named values over 99 will turn into 10

    WorkspaceType::Named values over 99 will turn into 10

    event_listener.add_workspace_added_handler(move |workspace, state| {

    Yeah. weird. It seems like it only reads the first two digits, since if I'm at workspace 161, it would output 16

    opened by JustSimplyKyle 3
  • ToggleSpecialWorkspace dispatcher does not take any arguments

    ToggleSpecialWorkspace dispatcher does not take any arguments

    First of all, thanks a lot for this project!

    The hyprland dispatcher togglespecialworkspace takes an optional argument for specifying the name of the special workspace. The ToggleSpecialWorkspace in does not seem to have any way of specifying the workspace name.

    Please let me now if I am missing something.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by mhats 2
  • Optimize for smaller build-size

    Optimize for smaller build-size


    opt-level = "z"
    strip = true
    lto = true

    To Cargo.toml which reduces the total size of target/release from ~200MB+ to ~139MB.

    opened by vars1ty 2
  • Add all Master and Dwindle dispatchers

    Add all Master and Dwindle dispatchers

    I forgot to add them as they weren't on main page in wiki, anyways they are around like 20, but its easy to add dispatchers, so if someone wants to do it before I get to it, go ahead.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by yavko 1
  • Implement `Error` for `HyprError`

    Implement `Error` for `HyprError`

    Small edit to impl Error for HyprError, this lets you use it together with crates like anyhow, for example:

    fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let workspaces = Workspaces::get()?;
    opened by teevik 1
  • fix: client struct use more signed integer

    fix: client struct use more signed integer

    It Looks like in recent hyprland, client struct change. Some data are now a i8. fix:

    opened by cyrinux 0
  • Reduce amount of clones

    Reduce amount of clones

    I wrote a lot of this codebase not knowing much on ownership, and now the codebase is riddled with .clone()s. This issue exists to track the process of me reducing the usage of .clone()

    opened by yavko 2
  • 0.3.2(Apr 19, 2023)

    Literally just adds new stuff lol, also adds new silent feature which will get rid of error messages in STDERR ;)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.1(Apr 1, 2023)

    0.3.1 The "I forgot to add these" update!!!

    New stuff I can remember

    since this was supposed to come out a month ago

    • Added hyprctl commands
    • Add layout dispatchers, new ones, and custom dispatcher (kind needed now cuz of plugins)
    • Add support for getting all animations, and binds (yeah take that @NotAShelf)
    • Add support for different async runtimes (Yes, no more bloat tokio if you so please)


    • Fix broken types (Some types changed, and sometimes I was just dumb)
    • Add support for infinitely (theoretically) long responses from socket

    Auto generated

    What's Changed

    • Fix a bug of MoveWorkspaceToMonitor dispatcher by @llwwns in
    • Added iter functions to data structures by @tukanoidd in
    • fix: read all Hyprland socket data returned by @cyrinux in
    • fix: client struct use more signed integer by @cyrinux in
    • fix: some others Client struct fixes, this fix grouped mode and monitor by @cyrinux in

    New Contributors

    • @llwwns made their first contribution in
    • @tukanoidd made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.0(Jan 28, 2023)

    Hyprland-rs 0.3.0 release!

    This release revamps a lot of things so make sure to read the migration guide!

    Overview of API changes

    Data fetchers have been revamped with a new struct based syntax! New dispatchers, and new struct based syntax! New listeners! New system for setting binds! New macro abstractions for setting binds, and calling dispatchers! And way more!!

    Overview of internal changes

    Event listener has been revamped with macros! Data fetchers have been revamped with macros!

    Generated from pull requests

    What's Changed

    • Make Option of ActiveWindow public by @herlev in
    • typo lol by @horriblename in
    • fix typo by @flick0 in
    • Implement Error for HyprError by @teevik in
    • feat: add fullscreen field to window by @cyrinux in
    • feat: add renameworkspace dispatcher by @cyrinux in
    • Add CI by @yavko in
    • Make multiple item fetchers iterators by @yavko in
    • feat(dispatcher): add focus urgent or last window by @cyrinux in

    New Contributors

    • @herlev made their first contribution in
    • @horriblename made their first contribution in
    • @flick0 made their first contribution in
    • @teevik made their first contribution in
    • @cyrinux made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.0-alpha.0(Jan 17, 2023)

    Hyprland-rs 0.3 alpha release 0

    This release revamps a lot of things so make sure to read the migration guide!

    Overview of API changes

    Data fetchers have been revamped with a new struct based syntax! New dispatchers, and new struct based syntax! New listeners! New system for setting binds! New macro abstractions for setting binds, and calling dispatchers!

    Overview of internal changes

    Event listener has been revamped with macros! Data fetchers have been revamped with macros!

    Generated from pull requests

    What's Changed

    • Make Option of ActiveWindow public by @herlev in
    • typo lol by @horriblename in
    • fix typo by @flick0 in
    • Implement Error for HyprError by @teevik in
    • feat: add fullscreen field to window by @cyrinux in
    • feat: add renameworkspace dispatcher by @cyrinux in
    • Add CI by @yavko in

    New Contributors

    • @herlev made their first contribution in
    • @horriblename made their first contribution in
    • @flick0 made their first contribution in
    • @teevik made their first contribution in
    • @cyrinux made their first contribution in
    • @yavko made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.4(Aug 18, 2022)

  • 0.2.3(Aug 18, 2022)

    This version changes the buffer size for reading the IPC socket, and most importantly adds new Special workspace handling to get rid of those pesky PANICS! How to get around breaking changes! when using WorkspaceId, instead use WorkspaceType!

    // New Version!
    // Old Version!
    panic!("Special workspaces caused panics!");

    What's Changed

    • Optimize for smaller build-size by @dev11n in

    New Contributors

    • @dev11n made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.2(Aug 13, 2022)

    Fixes a bug where active window didn't work when the activewindow value was empty, also changes the internals if some helper functions that used activewindow.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.1(Aug 12, 2022)

    This release only changes things in the backend, should make writing blocking code faster, and not dependent on tokio!

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Aug 12, 2022)

    Added support for getting version data Added support for getting keyword information Added support for setcursor as a dispatcher Added mutable state to the EventListener Added more async versions of functions And more...

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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