2449 Repositories
Rust branch-and-bound Libraries
Custom WiFi module and client for ALUTECH RTO-1000
Самодельный WiFI модуль для автоматики раздвижных ворот ALUTECH RTO-1000 Цель проекта Основная задача - автоматическое открывание ворот при приближени
Concrete is a simple programming language specifically crafted for creating highly scalable systems that are reliable, efficient, and easy to maintain.
The Concrete Programming Language Most ideas come from previous ideas - Alan C. Kay, The Early History Of Smalltalk In the realm of low-level programm
LaTeX support for Typst, powered by Rust and WASM
MiTeX LaTeX support for Typst, powered by Rust and WASM. MiTeX processes LaTeX code into an abstract syntax tree (AST). Then it transforms the AST int
Cover your tracks during Linux Exploitation by leaving zero traces on system logs and filesystem timestamps.
moonwalk-back Cover your tracks during Linux Exploitation / Penetration Testing by leaving zero traces on system logs and filesystem timestamps. 📖 Ta
Govee2MQTT: Connect Govee lights and devices to Home Assistant
Govee to MQTT bridge for Home Assistant This repo provides a govee executable whose primary purpose is to act as a bridge between Govee devices and Ho
A command and control framework written in rust.
Tempest Tempest is a command and control framework written in 100% Rust. blog post: https://teach2breach.io/tempest-intro/ slides: https://teach2breac
A versatile and extensible logging implementation.
Logforth Project Overview A versatile and extensible logging implementation. Usage Add the dependencies to your Cargo.toml with: cargo add log cargo a
A collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Cairo code.
cairo-lint A collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Cairo code. Usage cairo-lint can either be used as a library or as a standa
An LR(1) parser generator and visualizer created for educational purposes.
.lr An LR(1) parser generator and visualizer created for educational purposes. Table of Contents What is an LR(1) parser? Why did you make this? How c
.NET assembly loader with patchless AMSI and ETW bypass in Rust
RustPatchlessCLRLoader The RustPatchlessCLRLoader leverages a sophisticated integration of patchless techniques for bypassing both Event Tracing for W
Blaze is a Rust script that continuously monitors server resource usage and sends real-time summaries and alerts to a Discord channel via Webhook.
Blaze Blaze is a Rust script designed to run 24/7 on a server, providing a summary of resource usage every 30 minutes (configurable) to a Discord chan
Bootstrap, build and deploy sBPF assembly programs with ease
sbpf A simple scaffold to bootstrap sBPF Assembly programs. Dependencies Please make sure you have the latest version of Solana Command Line Tools ins
Uniswap V2 / constant-product AMM implemented in Solana's Anchor -- add and remove liquidity, swap tokens, earn fees
Uniswap V2 AMM implemented in Anchor programs/ammv2/src/draft.rs: outline of program with comments -- drafted before implementation Supported Instruct
Token management program (vesting and mining) implemented in Anchor
Deep Dive into Anchor by Implementing Token Management Program Author: @ironaddicteddog, @emersonliuuu [Updated at 2022.5.21] You can find the full co
Simple and lightweight tray icon that shows the current workspace for the Komorebi window manager.
komotray Simple and lightweight tray icon that shows the current workspace for the Komorebi window manager. This is a Rust rewrite of the original Aut
A drop-in replacement for std::time::Instant that is faster and more accurate.
Fastant A drop-in replacement for std::time::Instant that measures time with high performance and high accuracy powered by Time Stamp Counter (TSC). U
🔐 UPLINK is a Rust lightweight (2MB) tool for file transfer and remote management that uses AES-GCM and Envelope Encryption over WebSockets.
UPLINK ░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓███████▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓███████▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█
Built on the Substrate-based runtime, this repository develops the Paralink Network, a cross-chain Oracle platform for secure and scalable data integration. Our goal is to create a robust infrastructure that ensures efficient and reliable data transmission across blockchain networks.
Getting Started This repository contains Substrate based runtime for Paralink Network. Makefile This project uses a Makefile to document helpful comma
This tool was developed as part of a course on forensic analysis and cybersecurity. It is intended to be used as a training resource to help students understand the structure and content of job files in Windows environments.
Job File Parser Job File Parser is a Rust-based tool designed for parsing both legacy binary job files and modern XML job files used by the Windows Ta
Local-first task manager/bug tracker that stores everything right in the git repository and can sync issues from/to GitHub.
git-task Local-first task manager/bug tracker within your git repository which can import issues from GitHub. Installation Build a binary, then add it
Todo REST API with Rust,Axum, and Diesel
Building a Todo API with Rust - A Step-by-Step Guide Using Axum and Diesel This is the project demonstrating how to build a Todo REST API by using Rus
Rust bindings and SDK for the ELSTER Rich Client (ERiC)
Eric Rust bindings and SDK for the ELSTER Rich Client (ERiC) What is ELSTER? What is ERiC? Requirements Rust bindings Select bindings Generate binding
🌾 High-performance Text processing library for the Thai language, built with Rust and exposed as a Python package.
Thongna 🌾 Thongna (ท้องนา) is a high-performance text processing library for the Thai language, built with Rust and exposed as a Python package. Insp
Media player with Youtube search, download, and playback functionality.
Pomelo 0.2.0 Pomelo is a desktop media player with Youtube search, playback, and download functionality. Current features Play videos locally from the
🧩Creating a blockchain wallet and integrating a couple of cryptographic algorithms to securely save the secrets.🧩
Rust Library For Cryptocurrency Wallet Folder Structure src : contains the source code of the library examples : contains some examples of the library
Standing watch over the Pi Network, PiSentinel is a consensus algorithm that safeguards security, decentralization, and scalability.
pi-sentinel Standing watch over the Pi Network, PiSentinel is a consensus algorithm that safeguards security, decentralization, and scalability. Intro
ergonomic and precise error handling built atop type-level set arithmetic
terrors - the Rust error handling library Handling errors means taking a set of possible error types, removing the ones that are locally addressible,
Make HTTP requests and test APIs. Work in progress.
Cartero Make HTTP requests and test APIs. Motivation This project exists because there aren't many native graphical HTTP testing applications / graphi
Blockoli is a high-performance tool for code indexing, embedding generation and semantic search tool for use with LLMs.
blockoli 🥦🔎 Blockoli is a high-performance tool for code indexing, embedding generation and semantic search tool for use with LLMs. blockoli is buil
A lightweight and high-performance order-book designed to process level 2 and trades data. Available in Rust and Python
ninjabook A lightweight and high-performance order-book implemented in Rust, designed to process level 2 and trades data. Available in Python and Rust
Detect and remove unused dependencies from Cargo.toml
Cargo Shear ✂️ 🐑 Detect and remove unused dependencies from Cargo.toml in Rust projects. Installation cargo binstall cargo-shear # OR cargo install c
A tool for quickly collecting function selectors and decoding signatures from on-chain EVM bytecode.
Overview | Disclaimer | Tests | Installation | Usage | Examples | Aknowledgements | License Overview Sigmund provides a CLI that allows users to colle
A fast, lightweight and extensible implementation of a graph data structure.
fast-graph A fast, lightweight and extensible implementation of a graph data structure. Note ⚠️ There will be some breaking changes in the coming 1-2
Authenticate the cryptographic chain-of-custody of Linux distributions (like Arch Linux and Debian) to their source code inputs
backseat-signed Authenticate the cryptographic chain-of-custody of Linux distributions (like Arch Linux and Debian) to their source code inputs. This
Ergonomic and precise error handling provided by error sets. Inspired by Zig's error set type.
Error Set Error Set simplifies error management by providing a streamlined method for defining errors and easily converting between them. Resultingly,
Shiva library: Implementation in Rust of a parser and generator for documents of any type
Shiva Shiva library: Implementation in Rust of a parser and generator for documents of any type Features Common Document Model (CDM) for all document
Scope-based single and multithreaded profiling.
Profi A simple profiler for single and multithreaded applications. Record the time it takes for a scope to end and print the timings when the program
2D particle system with custom material traits. Works well in wasm webgl2 and mobile
Bevy Enoki Enoki - A 2D particle system for the Bevy game engine. Overview The Enoki particle system is a CPU calculate particle system, that uses GPU
A simple workshop to learn how to write, test and deploy AWS Lambda functions using the Rust programming language
Rust Lambda Workshop Material to host a workshop on how to build and deploy Rust Lambda functions with AWS SAM and Cargo Lambda. Intro What is Serverl
A simple and adorable sysinfo utility. [Mirror]
bunbun A simple and adorable sysinfo utility written in Rust. Installation To build bunbun, you'll need Rust installed: $ git clone https://git.devraz
Lil Rust project to help compare network latencies between tuned and non-tuned servers
kernel-tuning-base Lil Rust project to aid in the objective of tuning the kernel's network stack Setup: Run on the control server On the server being
A 2D vector graphics library optimized for GUIs, written in Rust and wgpu
RootVG A 2D vector graphics library optimized for GUIs, written in Rust and wgpu How it Works Unlike other 2D vector graphics libraries which have a s
EmbedAnything is a powerful python library designed to streamline the creation and management of embedding pipelines
EmbedAnything is a powerful python library designed to streamline the creation and management of embedding pipelines. Built in Rust with no heavy dependencies.
This library implements the flip-flop operator from Perl and Ruby as a Rust macro.
flip_flop.rs This library implements the flip-flop operator from Perl and Ruby as a Rust macro. Changelog April 1, 2024: Version 1.0.0. Usage The flip
A mono-repo for the Engineering Practice Domains of Development, Data, Infrastructure, Testing, and Platforms
Engineering Practice Domains Introduction Welcome to the Engineering Practice Domains at Fearless! This repository serves as a monorepo for our collab
Kubernetes operator for declaratively deploying wasmCloud applications (via wadm) and hosts on Kubernetes.
wasmcloud-operator An operator for managing a set of wasmCloud hosts running on Kubernetes and manage wasmCloud applications using wadm. The goal is t
Automatically create windows and panes in Wezterm (like Teamocil and iTermocil).
Introduction Weztermocil allows you to setup pre-configured layouts of windows and panes in Wezterm, having each open in a specified directory and exe
It's a library AND a binary, but at what cost?
aria-of-borrow It's a library AND a binary, but at what cost? This is a simple toy project that demonstrates the various failure modes of trying to ma
KAIVM is a multiplatform Command Line Interface (CLI) designed to simplify the process of downloading, managing, configuring, and running different versions of Shinkai Node
KAIVM - Shinkai Version Manager KAIVM is a multiplatform Command Line Interface (CLI) designed to simplify the process of downloading, managing, confi
Compatability between `bevy_mod_picking` and `bevy_ecs_tilemap`
bevy_picking_tilemap Provides a bevy_mod_picking backend to add integration with bevy_ecs_tilemap, enabling individual Tile entities to receive the pi
A Rust LLaMA project to load, serve and extend LLM models
OpenLLaMA Overview A Rust LLaMA project to load, serve and extend LLM models. Key Objectives Support both GGML and HF(HuggingFace) models Support a st
Need a powerful and simple library to work with arithmetic progressions in Rust? You should definitively try out ariprog!
Ariprog I had a test (03/2024) on arithmetic progressions, so I decided to create a library to study math. Taking advantage of the fact that I was stu
Rust crate to retrieve public IP address and geolocation data. 🦀
🔎 Public IP Address Lookup and Geolocation Information public-ip-address is a simple Rust library for performing public IP lookups from over a dozen
Prefix tree (ordered map and set) data structure using 100% safe Rust
PFX: A 100% safe, blob-oriented prefix tree This crate provides a prefix tree map and set data structure, implemented purely in safe Rust. The API is
Djotters is a Djot parser and translater written via parser combinators, in rust.
🎭 Djotters Turning your Djot (markdown) into lovely HTML! Djotters is here to let you draft up a document and watch it render in real time. If you wa
Style terminal outputs in a minimal, macro-based, and dead simple way.
sty 🌈 $\mathbb{\color{red}{Style \ } \color{lightblue}{terminal}\ \color{black}{outputs \ }\color{gray}{\ in\ a} \color{magenta}{\ minimal}\color{gra
SVG to PDF file conversion based on "svg2pdf" and "resvg" Rust projects
pysvg2pdf Blazingly Fast ™️ SVG to PDF file conversion for Python. This project is based on Rust's svg2pdf and resvg projects. The project uses pyo3 a
A Rust library that simplifies YAML serialization and deserialization using Serde.
Serde YML: Seamless YAML Serialization for Rust Serde YML is a Rust library that simplifies YAML serialization and deserialization using Serde. Effort
EasyAlgolia is a Rust crate designed for utilizing the Algolia admin client. It simplifies the process of updating and inserting documents into Algolia's search index.
crate link EasyAlgolia is a Rust crate designed for utilizing the Algolia admin client. It simplifies the process of updating and inserting documents
⚡🚀 Content Delivery Network written in Rustlang, optimized for speed and latency.
Supported Formats HTML Javscript Css Image PNG JPG JPEG GIF SVG Video MP4 WEBM FLV Audio OGG ACC MP3 Archives ZIP RAR Feeds & Data JSON YAML XML Docum
Simple procedural macros `tnconst![...]`, `pconst![...]`, `nconst![...]` and `uconst![...]` that returns the type level integer from `typenum` crate.
typenum-consts Procedural macros that take a literal integer (or the result of an evaluation of simple mathematical expressions or an environment vari
Cloud Native Buildpack that builds an OCI image with Ollama and a large language model.
Ollama Cloud Native Buildpack This buildpack builds an OCI image with Ollama and a large language model. Configure your model by an Ollama Modelfile o
A cross-platofrm desktop app to manage your ports made with Dioxus and Rust.
Port Manager A cross-platofrm desktop app to manage your ports made with Dioxus and Rust. This app has been tested only on macOS. Test on other platfo
Rust-crate with functions and helpers for working with music / audio, inspired by computer music languages.
music-math This crate contains common functions and helpers for working with music / audio in Rust. Most of these are inspired by similar functions fo
A safe and idiomatic wrapper over shared memory APIs in rust with proper cleanups.
shmem-bind A safe and idiomatic wrapper over shared memory APIs in rust with proper cleanups. Quick start: check the message-passing example for bette
BASIC build system and package manager.
Bargo BASIC build system and package manager. Bargo is a tool to make it simpler to program in the BASIC programming language. Early versions of BASIC
A fast, powerful, and safe interpreter written in rust!
Kraber A fast, powerful, and safe programming language written in rust! About It packs a punch like the Kraber .50-Cal. Kraber is designed to be minim
Async implementation of the StatusNotifierItem and DbusMenu protocols for building system trays.
System Tray An async implementation of the StatusNotifierItem and DbusMenu protocols for building system trays. Requires Tokio. Example use system_tra
Rust library and daemon for easily starting postgres databases per-test without Docker
pgtemp pgtemp is a Rust library and cli tool that allows you to easily create temporary PostgreSQL servers for testing without using Docker. The pgtem
Standalone analytics provider and realtime dashboard designed for self-hosting.
Stats Stats is a high-performance, standalone analytics provider designed for self-hosting, enabling the collection and viewing of event data from web
Free and open public transport routing.
Transitous Free and open public transport routing. Goal A community-run provider-neutral international public transport routing service. Using openly
Automated Solana tool for quick arbitrage, customizable, with real-time data and wallet integration. Trade responsibly.
Solana Arbitrage Trading Tool The Solana Arbitrage Trading Tool is an automated solution crafted to spot and capitalize on arbitrage opportunities wit
Rust crate providing a variety of automotive related libraries, such as communicating with CAN interfaces and diagnostic APIs
The Automotive Crate Welcome to the automotive crate documentation. The purpose of this crate is to help you with all things automotive related. Most
Meta framework. Support for dynamic plug-ins and AOP
Kokoro Dynamic publish-subscribe pattern framework. Support for dynamic plug-ins and AOP Not yet stable, do not use in production !! 下面的内容有些老旧了,但是 exa
A simple and efficient terminal UI implementation with ratatui.rs for getting quick insights from csv files right on the terminal
CSV-GREP csv-grep is an intuitive TUI application writting with ratatui.rs for reading, viewing and quickly analysing csv files right on the terminal.
Fast, deduplicated content and database seeding for WordPress
Sprout Fast, deduplicated content and database seeding for WordPress. Documentation | Install | Releases Store your uploads and database in a secure,
Simple template to use csr and ssr leptos with tauri for ios/android/windows/macos/linux and web dev
Tailwind-Leptos-Tauri Template Simple template to use csr and ssr leptos with tauri for ios/android/windows/macos/linux and web dev Just clone the rep
An automated CLI tool that optimizes gas usage in Solidity smart contracts, focusing on storage and function call efficiency.
Solidity-Gas-Optimizoor An high performance automated CLI tool that optimizes gas usage in Solidity smart contracts, focusing on storage and function
A simple-to-use input manager for the Bevy game engine that empowers players and makes accessibility easy.
Bevy Ineffable A simple-to-use input manager for the Bevy game engine that empowers players and makes accessibility easy. Core tenets Make accessibili
Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
Safetensors Ruby 🙂 Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors Supports Torch.rb and Numo Installation Add this line to your application’s Gemfi
Scalable layer-2 registry and prover for subspaces
Subspacer Note: this does not fully implement the functionality described in the Spaces protocol yet and should be considered a proof of concept. Scal
Mindful Time Tracking: Simplify Your Focus and Boost Productivity Effortlessly.
Mindful Time Tracking: Simplify Your Focus and Boost Productivity Effortlessly. About pace is a mindful productivity tool designed to help you keep tr
epNFTs, the first partial program-owned NFT Standard powered by Instruction Introspection and Transfer Hooks!
epNFT Standard: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction to epNFTs Welcome to the epNFT-standard repository, where we explore the first program-owned NFT st
Python package for topological data analysis written in Rust. Not limited to just H0 and H1.
Topological Data Analysis (TDA) Contents Installation Compiling from source Roadmap TDA is a python package for topological data analysis written in R
Rust library for A-law and μ-law (mu-law) audio encoding.
law-encoder ⚖️️️law-encoder👨⚖ is a Rust library for A-law and μ-law (mu-law) audio encoding. These encoding schemes are defined in ITU-T standards
A command line tool and Rust library for working with recombination maps.
RecMap library (and command line tool) for reading and working with recombination maps in Rust A RecMap object can be created from reading in a HapMap
A simple, fast, and easy to use static file server
Warning This is still in early development, I would not recommend for production use.. yet. See the issues for things that are on the "roadmap" or mis
Decode Mode S and ADS-B signals in Rust
rs1090 rs1090 is a Rust library to decode Mode S and ADS-B messages. It takes its inspiration from the Python pyModeS library, and uses deku in order
A CLI app to set and organize your favorite DNS servers.
rdns A CLI app to set and organize your favorite DNS servers. Introduction rdns is a CLI utility that can set your system DNS, either directly or by m
This tool allows you to open one or more notebooks in Visual Studio and go hog wild exploring your systems in Bevy.
Bevyrly Bevy is rly useful, but requires some hygiene! Pronounced as /ˈbɛvə(ɹ)li/, derives from Old English, combining befer ("beaver") and leah ("cle
A device-tree source parser, analyzer and language server.
Ginko A device-tree source parser, analyzer and language server. The main goal of this project is to make working with device-trees easy. For example,
Just in time Oxidation. A little experimentation with inkwell and copy-and-patch compilation
Experimental Copy-and-Patch compiler backend written in Rust This is supposed to become an experimental compiler backend based on Copy and Patch to be
Rust client for Timeplus Proton, a fast and lightweight streaming SQL engine
Rust Client for Timeplus Proton Rust client for Timeplus Proton. Proton is a streaming SQL engine, a fast and lightweight alternative to Apache Flink,
Salty and Sweet one-line Rust Runtime Optimization Library
SAS SAS (Salty-And-Sweet) is an one-line Rust runtime optimization library. Features NUMA-aware rayon: numa feature should be enabled If you have 1 NU
The paradox that we both choose grace and are chosen by grace is the essence of the phenomenon of serendipity.
grace macOS only for now. You'll need: Deepgram API key: https://console.deepgram.com Log into your Deepgram account, if you already have one, or crea
Generate and translate standard uuids into shorter formats and back.
short-uuid Generate and translate standard UUIDs into shorter or just different formats and back. A port of the JavaScript npm package short-uuid so b
Rust API Server: A versatile template for building RESTful interfaces, designed for simplicity in setup and configuration using the Rust programming language.
RUST API SERVER Introduction Welcome to the Rust API Server! This server provides a simple REST interface for your applications. This README will guid
Library and CLI tool for generating Radix Babylon Accounts.
Wallet Compatible Derivation This repo is a package containing two crates - a library named wallet_compatible_derivation and binary named wallet_compa
decoder (and encoder) for quaternions sent from a joycon. Based heavily on reverse engineering done by hexkyz.
joycon-quat decoder (and encoder) for quaternions sent from a joycon. Based heavily on reverse engineering done by hexkyz. for those who want to use i
BadDown is a simplistic and bad markup language inspired by Markdown.
BadDown BadDown is a simplistic and bad markup language inspired by Markdown. Features Simplicity: BadDown keeps it simple, with minimal syntax to cre