EasyAlgolia is a Rust crate designed for utilizing the Algolia admin client. It simplifies the process of updating and inserting documents into Algolia's search index.


EasyAlgolia is a Rust crate designed for utilizing the Algolia admin client. It simplifies the process of updating and inserting documents into Algolia's search index.

this can also be used as database to store simple Json databased in algolia

Alt text

This crate is still in development


  • custom Object and trait
  • supoort async and sync operations


  • using raw json
    async fn main() -> Result<(), EasyAlgoliaError> {
        let client = ClientBuilder::build_from_env()?;
        // for raw values, Object ids are provided from algolia or can be explicitly put into json document
        let data = serde_json::json!({
            "name":" Hello world ! ",
            "about":" i love rust " ,
            "objectID" : "123456"

        let my_index: Index = "Test".into();
        client.put_document_async(&my_index, data).await?;
  • using user defined struct
     struct MyObject{
    impl EasyAlgolia::algoliaobject::AlgoliaObject for MyObject{}

    async fn main() -> Result<(), EasyAlgoliaError> {
        let client = ClientBuilder::build_from_env()?;
        let doc = MyObject::default();
        let user_index: Index = "Users".into();
        client.put_document_async(&my_index, data).await?;


Admin API key Curd operation

Delete by Query

Get Objects from Index

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