This crate provides a prefix tree map and set data structure, implemented purely in safe Rust.
The API is very similar to std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap}
, including iteration and an entry API. Iteration proceeds in lexicographical order as determined by the keys.
A notable addition is Prefix search, allowing iteration over all entries whose key starts with a specified prefix.
use pfx::PrefixTreeMap;
fn main() {
let mut map: PrefixTreeMap<String, u64> = PrefixTreeMap::new();
map.insert("abc".into(), 123);
map.insert("def".into(), 456);
map.insert("defghi".into(), 789);
assert_eq!(map.get("abc").copied(), Some(123));
assert_eq!(map.get("abcdef").copied(), None);
assert_eq!(map.get("ab").copied(), None);
for (key, value) in map.prefix_iter("de") {
println!("{key} => {value}");