A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust.



A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust.

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markup.rs is a template engine for Rust powered by procedural macros which parses the template at compile time and generates optimal Rust code to render the template at run time. The templates may embed Rust code which is type checked by the Rust compiler enabling full type-safety.


  • Fully type-safe with inline highlighted errors when using editor extensions like rust-analyzer.
  • Less error-prone and terse syntax inspired by Haml, Slim, and Pug.
  • Zero unsafe code.
  • Zero runtime dependencies.
  • Blazing fast. The fastest in this benchmark among the ones which do not use unsafe code, the second fastest overall.


markup = "0.12.5"


markup::define! {
    Home<'a>(title: &'a str) {
        html {
            head {
                title { @title }
                style {
                    "body { background: #fafbfc; }"
                    "#main { padding: 2rem; }"
            body {
                @Header { title }
                #main {
                    p {
                        "This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may \
                        use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for \
                    p {
                        a[href = "https://www.iana.org/domains/example"] {
                            "More information..."
                @Footer { year: 2020 }

    Header<'a>(title: &'a str) {
        header {
            h1 { @title }

    Footer(year: u32) {
        footer {
            "(c) " @year

fn main() {
        Home {
            title: "Example Domain"


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Example Domain</title><style>body { background: #fafbfc; }#main { padding: 2rem; }</style></head><body><header><h1>Example Domain</h1></header><div id="main"><p>This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.</p><p><a href="https://www.iana.org/domains/example">More information...</a></p></div><footer>(c) 2020</footer></body></html>

Output (manually prettified)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example Domain</title>
      body {
        background: #fafbfc;
      #main {
        padding: 2rem;
    <header><h1>Example Domain</h1></header>
    <div id="main">
        This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may
        use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for
        <a href="https://www.iana.org/domains/example">More information...</a>
    <footer>(c) 2020</footer>
  • optional attributes

    optional attributes

    problem: i am migrating a project from horrorshow currently there are some Option variables for example let css: Option<String> = None; but i don't find a way to specify that if css is None don't create the html attribute div[class=css] creates <div class=""></div> but i want create when css is None <div></div> i know i can do an if conditional like this

    @if let Option(css) = css{

    but this is not practical when i have a lot of optional attributes

    horrorshow have this sintaxis div(class?=css) and i get what i want <div></div> when css is None

    is there something similar that i missing? or it would be a new feature?

    opened by miguelski 7
  • Question: define! vs new!

    Question: define! vs new!

    Hi team,

    First, thanks for this library. The impressive benchmark result is making me move from Maud to this, although I'm not very experienced with either. Me question is regarding define! vs new! macro use, like in the fortunes.rs example. I tend to prefer new! here, and have functions wrapping the template, so my question is: Is there any disadvantage (in performance or otherwise) of new! vs define!? Any advice on which one will scale better once the number of templates (and the references between them) scales as the application grows?


    opened by diegopy 4
  • Generate element name with hyphen in it

    Generate element name with hyphen in it

    In order to use https://github.com/github/markdown-toolbar-element I need to generate markup that looks like this:

    <markdown-toolbar for="textarea_id">

    I tried:

    markdown-toolbar[for="body"] {


    "markdown-toolbar"[for="body"] {

    but neither worked. Is this possible with markup.rs? ~~If not, do you think the quoted syntax makes sense? If it does I could have a go at implementing it.~~ Edit: I realised the quoted string is a string literal already, so that won't work.

    opened by wezm 3
  • Support dynamic element names

    Support dynamic element names

    Currently there's no way to turn:

    let name = "foo";



    without messing with markup::raw().

    Looking for suggestions for syntax to use for this; I can't think of any elegant one right now.

    opened by utkarshkukreti 3
  • Hyphenated attributes throw

    Hyphenated attributes throw "error: expected `=`"

    Hyphenated attributes produce the following error. This is important for being able to use Bootstrap.

    button [
        class="btn btn-circle btn-dual-secondary d-lg-none align-v-r",
            i [class="fa fa-times text-danger"]

    Throws the error

    error: expected `=`
       --> src/t_base.rs:115:29
    115 |                         data-toggle="layout",
    opened by niallrr 3
  • Syntax Question

    Syntax Question

    I really like this crate and I want to use it in my projects, but I'm getting a syntax error I'm having trouble debugging. I see that this repo hasn't seen much activity lately but I'm hoping this gets seen.

    My template:

    const BASE_DIR: &str = "/foo/bar";
    Markup::define! {
        Home {
            html [lang="en"] {
                body {
                    @match {fs::read_dir(BASE_DIR)} {
                        Ok(dirs) => {
                            @for dir in dirs {
                                @match {dir.ok()} {
                                    Some(item) => if item.path().is_dir() {
                                    None => {}
                        Err(error) => {}

    The compiler says it's expecting an identifier at @match {dir.is_ok()} {. I googled around but couldn't find anything about this. Any help would be appreciated.

    opened by AblatedSprocket 3
  • Can't destructure in Markup

    Can't destructure in Markup


    I'm trying to destructure an struct in a markup parameter:

    Foo(Bar {x, y, z}: Bar) {
        p { {x} }

    But the compiler's expecting an : where the destructure is occuring.

    For reference, I can do this in a normal function:

    fn Foo(Bar {x, y, z}: Bar) { // ... }

    Is this a bug or an unsupported feature?

    opened by edward-shen 3
  • Non-identifier attribute names

    Non-identifier attribute names

    Thanks for this crate - I'm loving its elegant and simple design.

    Is there a way to set attributes that aren't rust identifiers? For example:

    markup::define! {
        Hello {
            // "type" is a keyword, so this fails
            // '-' isn't allowed in an identifier

    Supporting string literals as attribute names might be a clean way to solve this.

    opened by 17dec 3
  • Allow template arguments to be documented

    Allow template arguments to be documented

    Currently, if I attempt to attach a doc comment to a template argument, like this:

            /// Used for CSS/JS cache-busting
            build_timestamp: &'static str,

    ...I get the following error:

    error: expected identifier
      --> src/templates.rs:58:9
    58 |         /// Used for CSS/JS cache-busting
       |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    I'm left having to manually add an Arguments section containing a bulleted list to the documentation block for the template as a whole, resulting in this needlessly redundant and typo-prone output:

    Screenshot 2022-05-06 at 05-22-16 HttpError

    opened by ssokolow 2
  • Any ideas how to do nested components?

    Any ideas how to do nested components?

    I'd like to build a nested tabs component. Something like

    Tabs {
      tabs: vec!(Tab {
        title: "Tab 1",
        body: markup::new! {
                div {
                  ... more content

    So a component, with a list of nested sub components.

    I tried a few different things, something like

    markup::define! {
            title: &'a str,
            body: Box<dyn markup::Render>
        ) {
            input[type="radio", id="tab2", name="css-tabs"] {}
            div {
            div {
        Tabs<'a>(tabs: &'a [Tab]) {
           ...list all the tabs

    But that doesn't compile. I guess I could pass around the Tab elements as a string, but ideally I"d like the type safety.

    Any ideas?

    opened by ianpurton 2
  • Add local images to web

    Add local images to web

    I'm trying to add images to the web loaded directly from the compiled rust code, my question is if this is possible...

    Current not working goes like this:

    {markup::raw("<img id=\"logo\" src=\"images/my-logo.png\">")}

    This works when I replace whats in src with an already uploaded picture on a web (hyperlink) but I would like to have an images dir that I can use.

    Rust struct:

    my-web ├── src/ │ ├── images/ │ │ ├── my-logo.png │ ├── index.rs

    So my question would be if its possible to load an image in markup.rs from a local folder? If so, how would this be done?

    opened by SlowEnter 2
  • Automatically pretty-print in debug builds

    Automatically pretty-print in debug builds

    It occurs to me that it would be nice for developer egonomics if (via feature flag?) markup.rs would output pretty-printed HTML in debug builds, for situations where you've got JavaScript meddling with what the developer tools displays and you need to inspect the original form of the markup.

    (It'd be a nice complement to how useful it is for JS/TS development that, in the default configuration, rust-embed will embed your assets in the binary in release builds but just serve up the editable source files in debug builds.)

    opened by ssokolow 8
  • Provide some means to deduplicate the base template

    Provide some means to deduplicate the base template

    I currently have to manually include something like this in every top-level template I write and it'd be really nice if I could deduplicate it.

            html[lang="en", class=dark_mode.then(|| "dark_mode")] {
                @Header { title: &format!("Error {status_code}"), robots_meta, build_timestamp }
                body {
                    #container {
                        // REST OF THE TEMPLATE HERE
                    @JsBundle { build_timestamp }

    I tries playing around with the where clauses and theRendertrait and making a pair ofFooandFooInner` templates, where the inner template is effectively what an AJAX response would return, but gave up as the need to manually undo the reference-taking for the arguments caused by the outer template calling the inner one made the inner template very cluttered and ugly.

    In a more HTML-styled template language, this'd typically be solved either by "template inheritance", which looks like this in Django/Jinja/Twig-style templates...


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
            <div id="container">
                {% block content %}ERROR: No Content{% endblock %}


    {% extends "base.tmpl" %}
    {% block content %}
    page body goes here
    {% endblock %}

    ...or by abusing the template language's dynamic scoping and runtime evaluation to render "specific.tmpl" by rendering "base.tmpl" and passing in a string argument which is used as the path to include!, relying on how various template languages default to exposing the the template arguments as global variables to what you include!.

    opened by ssokolow 6
  • Syntax documentation

    Syntax documentation

    There used to be a nice syntax reference in the README but it looks like that was removed in 962fe1482f2f7a483fbecbdc3cb58b744500d71b. Was that migrated somewhere else that I can refer to?

    opened by wezm 2
  • SVG Elements causing a (signal: 9, SIGKILL: kill) at compile time

    SVG Elements causing a (signal: 9, SIGKILL: kill) at compile time


    While building a rust UI through markup a code signal 9 appears at compile time. This is due to an over usage of the ram during compilation. Is there any way to fix it? It seems to happen when too many elements are present, but works fine on its nodejs based server.

    Any idea or solution to counter this issue, and if so would it be possible to improve it?

    Thank you very much.

    opened by LucasStill 1
  • Support raw as a default mode

    Support raw as a default mode

    Currently, the define!() macro assumes XML-like rules, and there's likely a bit of overhead in parsing every string in that manner. I have use for templating for a wide range of formats which are not XML-like in nature, such as INI, TOML, or any other custom formats. Peppering the define!() with markup::raw() seems wrong.

    As an example, this is what I've come up with for generating desktop entry files. There are no escape rules, outside of \; for in keys that take multiple values.

    markup::define! {
            name: &'a str,
            generic_name: Option<&'a str>,
            icon: &'a str,
            comment: Option<&'a str>,
            hidden: bool,
            no_display: bool,
            kind: DesktopType<'a>
        ) {
            "[Desktop Entry]\n"
            "Type=" {markup::raw(kind.type_str())} "\n"
            "Name=" {markup::raw(name)} "\n"
            @if let Some(generic) = (generic_name) {
                "GenericName=" {markup::raw(generic)} "\n"
                "X-GNOME-FullName=" {markup::raw(name)} " " {markup::raw(generic)} "\n"
            "Icon=" {icon} "\n"
            @if let Some(comment) = (comment) {
                "Comment=" {markup::raw(comment)} "\n"
            @if *(hidden) {
            @if *(no_display) {
            @if let DesktopType::Application(app) = (kind) {
                "Categories=" {markup::raw(app.categories)} "\n"
                @if !app.keywords.is_empty() {
                    "Keywords=" { '\"' }
                    @for keyword in app.keywords.iter() {
                        {markup::raw(keyword)} ";"
                    { markup::raw("\"\n") }
                @if !app.mime_types.is_empty() {
                    "MimeType=" { '\"' }
                    @for mime in app.mime_types {
                        {markup::raw(mime)} ";"
                    { markup::raw("\"\n") }
                @if app.terminal {
                @if app.startup_notify {
                "Exec=" {markup::raw(app.exec)} "\n"
                @if let Some(path) = (app.path) {
                    "Path=" {markup::raw(path)} "\n"
            } else if let DesktopType::Link { url } = (kind) {
                "Link=" {markup::raw(url)} "\n"
    opened by mmstick 2
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