Retina is a network analysis framework that supports 100+ Gbps traffic analysis on a single server with no specialized hardware.



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Retina is a network analysis framework that enables operators and researchers to ask complex questions about high-speed (>100gbE) network links. Retina allows users to easily subscribe to subsets of parsed application-layer sessions, reassembled network flows, or raw packets in real-time and to run arbitrary analysis code in a standard Rust-based software environment. Retina optimizes for:

  • Expressiveness: Retina supports arbitrarily complex processing of individual packets, reassembled connections, or parsed application-layer sessions using a simple filter and callback interface.

  • Performance: Retina is capable of real-time traffic analysis in high volume (100G+) environments, such as ISPs or academic institutions.

  • Deployability: Retina is readily deployable on a single multi-core server with commodity 100gbE NICs (e.g., Mellanox ConnectX-5 or Intel E810).

  • Security: Retina leverages compile-time memory safety guarantees offered by Rust to safely and efficiently process network traffic.


A detailed description of Retina's architecture and its performance can be found in our SIGCOMM'22 paper: Retina: Analyzing 100 GbE Traffic on Commodity Hardware.

Documentation for using and developing against Retina can be found here. It includes a comprehensive description of supported filter syntax and subscribable types.

Getting Started

Install Rust and DPDK. Detailed instructions can be found in INSTALL.

Add $DPDK_PATH/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, where DPDK_PATH points to the DPDK installation directory.

Fork or clone the main git repository:

git clone [email protected]:stanford-esrg/retina.git

Write your first Retina application (see examples):

use retina_core::config::default_config;
use retina_core::subscription::TlsHandshake;
use retina_core::Runtime;
use retina_filtergen::filter;

#[filter("tls.sni ~ '^.*\\.com$'")]
fn main() {
    let cfg = default_config();
    let callback = |tls: TlsHandshake| {
        println!("{:?}", tls);
    let mut runtime = Runtime::new(cfg, filter, callback).unwrap();;

Build all examples in release mode:

cargo build --release

Run basic in release mode:

sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH RUST_LOG=error ./target/release/basic


Build a single application in debug mode:

cargo build --bin my_app

Run in debug mode:

sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/my_app

Filter expansion (requires Rust nightly):

cargo expand --manifest-path=examples/my_app/Cargo.toml


Contributions welcome! Please run cargo fmt and cargo clippy before making a pull request.


A Docker image is available to run Retina without the hassle of installing DPDK and other dependencies. It is, however, not suitable for performance testing as it uses the DPDK PCAP driver and is limited to a single core. The GitHub repository also includes a tutorial and a video to start learning about Retina.

A CloudLab image is available to reproduce a few of the experiments shown in the paper on the CloudLab public testbed. The repository also includes the scripts and information to reproduce these experiments on your own testbed.


Retina was developed with support from the National Science Foundation under award CNS-2124424, and through gifts from Google, Inc., Cisco Systems, Inc., and Comcast Corporation.

  • Program fails with Online config - Intel x710 with DPDK

    Program fails with Online config - Intel x710 with DPDK

    admin@AN450:~/retina$ sudo env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH RUST_LOG=error ./target/release/client_randoms -c configs/online.toml Initializing Retina runtime... Ethdev port_id=0 invalid rss_hf: 0x3afbc, valid value: 0x7ef8 thread 'main' panicked at 'Failed to initialize port.: Failed to configure Port 0', /home/admin/retina/core/src/runtime/ note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace [2022-10-12T18:28:17Z ERROR retina_core::port] Failed to close Port 0.

    opened by hassaan-ali-arista 7
  • cargo build --release Stuck

    cargo build --release Stuck

    Running this command takes forever:

    admin@AN450:~/retina/examples$ cargo build --release --bin basic
        Updating git repository ``
        Updating index
           Fetch [                         ]   0.72%, 1.56KiB/s   
    opened by hassaan-ali-arista 2
  • 3-way Handshake Scenaio

    3-way Handshake Scenaio


    I was trying to filter out the TCP packets involved in a 3-way handshake scenario. Are there any pre-built filters that I can utilize to capture the SYN, SYN-ACK and ACK packets?

    opened by hassaan-ali-arista 1
  • VDEV: Set default MTU to 65535

    VDEV: Set default MTU to 65535

    In general VDEVs are not able to change the MTU, and do not support scattering. So if GRO is enabled packets will be truncated and malformed.

    @thegwan is there a way to support truncated packets? It would be interesting as traces are often truncated too.

    opened by tbarbette 1
  • Allow to pass supplementary arguments and relax device constraints

    Allow to pass supplementary arguments and relax device constraints

    Add the dpdk_supl_args argument to pass arguments such as ["--no-huge","--no-pci"] allowing to try Retina in restricted environment, i.e. with Docker using PCAP virtual device (

    Also, if RSS is not supported do not fail but warn the user.

    Similarly, if some statistics are not available, do not fail but warn the user.

    Verify that the MTU is in the device constraint. If setting it is not supported, do not fail but warn user.

    Verify the VLAN_STRIP offload is possible. If not, just don't activate it.

    opened by tbarbette 1
  • Install instr

    Install instr

    Added notes to

    • Can run Retina offline out of the box on a VM
    • Link to bug for meson build failure with DPDK 21.08
    • Basic changes needed for ARM-based VMs
    opened by thearossman 0
  • Spin example

    Spin example

    Reduces visibility of the DPDK module to crate-private. Adds an example to approximate callback complexity by busy looping for a given number of cycles.

    opened by thegwan 0
  • If mlx5 is not available the build fails

    If mlx5 is not available the build fails

    Compilation fails without mlx5 installed.

    I had to remove the default = ["mlx5"] line from core/cargo.toml. It seems --no-default-feature does not work because core is a dependency.

    opened by tbarbette 1
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