🔐 UPLINK is a Rust lightweight (2MB) tool for file transfer and remote management that uses AES-GCM and Envelope Encryption over WebSockets.



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                                                    Krystian Bajno 2024

UPLINK is a Rust-based tool for file transfer and remote management. It uses AES-GCM and Envelope Encryption over WebSockets. UPLINK supports command execution, file transfers, and system management via command-line interface. Both server and client can issue commands to each other.

AES-GCM channel:

  • GZ compressed, then encrypted.
  • 256-bit key.

When one of the peers sends a command in envelope encryption mode:

  1. Alice establishes an AES-GCM channel with Bob using pre-shared Passphrase (key derived using HKDF). AES-GCM is a means of Alice authentication and channel encryption.
  2. Alice sends HANDSHAKE command.
  3. Bob generates and responds with Public Key.
  4. Alice generates Session Key and encrypts it with Bob's Public Key.
  5. Alice sends Envelope with a Command and encrypted Session Key inside - { PublicKey-Encrypted Session Key; SessionKey-Encrypted Command }. Communication stays on a protected AES-GCM channel.
  6. Bob receives the Envelope and decrypts Session Key using his Private Key, then decrypts Command using the Session Key.
  7. Bob responds to Alice with SessionKey-Encrypted Response under the AES-GCM channel.
  8. Alice receives the SessionKey-Encrypted Response. Alice decrypts the Response using SessionKey and decrypts AES-GCM traffic.
  9. Alice parses the Response.

Security Options

  • Disable envelope encryption: --no-envelope
  • Disable command execution: --no-exec
  • Disable file transfer: --no-transfer


To compile UPLINK:

git clone <repository_url>
cd uplink
cargo build --release

Command Reference

  • General Commands

    • HELP | H - Print help
    • TEXT | ECHO | PRINT | MSG | T - Send a message to the connected node
  • File Management

    • GET | D | DOWNLOAD <remote> <local> - Download a file or directory
    • PUT | U | UPLOAD <local> <remote> - Upload a file or directory
    • LIST | L | LS | DIR - List files in the directory
  • Command Execution

    • E | X | SHELL | EXEC | RUN | CMD <command> - Execute a shell command on the connected node
  • System Information

    • ID | WHOAMI | WHO | W - Get current user information
    • PWD | WHERE - Get the current directory path
    • USERS - List users on the system
    • NETSTAT - Display network connections
    • N | NETWORK | IFCONFIG | IPCONFIG - Get network adapter configuration
    • SYSTEM | INFO | SYSTEMINFO | UNAME - Get system configuration details
  • Encryption Management

    • HANDSHAKE - Change crypto keys and reestablish a new secure channel (envelope encryption only)


Starting the Server

PASSPHRASE=YourStrongPassphraseHere ./uplink server

Starting the Client

PASSPHRASE=YourStrongPassphraseHere ./uplink client

Disable Command Execution

./uplink client --no-exec
./uplink server --no-exec

Disable File Transfer

./uplink client --no-transfer
./uplink server --no-transfer

Disable envelope encryption

./uplink client --no-envelope
./uplink server --no-envelope

Preconfiguring UPLINK

Modify build.rs to embed default settings into the binary:

fn main() {

Compile and run preconfigured:



  • Add CONNECT and PROXY support
  • Support more protocols like QUIC, RTSP, WebRTC
  • Add netcat-like functionality
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