Scope-based single and multithreaded profiling.


Profi Version

A simple profiler for single and multithreaded applications.

Record the time it takes for a scope to end and print the timings when the program exits.

Each measurement has an overhead of ~25ns-50ns, so it shouldn't impact benchmarks.
Run the benchmarks example to see what's the overhead on your machine.


profi is controlled by the enable feature, which is active by default.
When disabled, all macros and methods will become no-ops, resulting in zero impact on your code.

To disable it, add default-features = false to the profi dependency in your Cargo.toml.

For convenience, you can also add a custom feature:

profi = { version = "*", default-features = false }

prof = ["profi/enable", "profi/attributes"]

And run it with cargo run --release --features prof

If you use rayon, enable the rayon feature!


See the examples for more usage cases.

Basic Usage

use profi::{prof, print_on_exit};

fn main() {
 // Prints the timings to stdout when the program exits
 // Always put at the top of the main function to ensure it's dropped last
 // An implicit `main` guard is created to profile the whole application

 // Sleep for a bit to simulate some work



use profi::{prof, print_on_exit};

fn main() {

  for _ in 0..100 {


Multiple threads

use profi::{print_on_exit, prof_guard};

fn do_work(i: usize) {
    // Need to bind it to a variable to ensure it isn't dropped before sleeping
    let _guard = if i < 6 {
        prof_guard!("6 first")
    } else {
        prof_guard!("4 last")
    // The guard goes out of scope here

fn main() {
    // Spawn 10 threads
    std::thread::scope(|s| {
        for i in 0..10 {
            s.spawn(move || {


"CPU Time" is the combined time all threads have spent on that scope.

For example, "6 first" has a "CPU Time" of 60 milliseconds because each thread waits 10ms, and the program spawns six of them.


Enable the attributes feature to use the profile attribute on functions.
This will add a guard at the start of the function.

use profi::profile;

fn anotated() { /* ... */ }


Name Description
enable Activates the profiling, if not active all macros become no-ops
attributes Enables the #[prof] macro
deep-hierarchy By default profi merges all uses of a function, use this feature to disable this behaviour.
See the nested example for more information
nightly Enables nightly-only optimizations (unused at the moment)
rayon Necessary if using rayon
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