Standalone analytics provider and realtime dashboard designed for self-hosting.



Stats is a high-performance, standalone analytics provider designed for self-hosting, enabling the collection and viewing of event data from websites, apps, and more through a web API. It comes with a real-time dashboard and is ideal as a minimal and privacy-preserving analytics solution for small to medium traffic services.

Current status: it works, but it's not finished.

Stats dashboard on iPad


  • Real-time analytics and dashboard
  • Lightweight and efficient, with minimal resource usage
  • Easy integration with websites, mobile apps, and other platforms

Getting started

To get started with Stats, you'll need to compile an executable for your server, run it, and host it. While this guide focuses on using Nginx as a reverse proxy, Stats is versatile enough to be deployed in various environments, including Docker containers, for enhanced portability and scalability.

Run in development-mode

RUST_LOG=debug cargo run

Build production release

cargo build --release

This will create the executable file you need in the /target/release/ folder

Embed events collector
You use this to automatically collect pageviews or other events triggered by calling stats_collect('event_name', 'optinal_url_override') from javascript once the script below is initialized.

When you add this script to a new domain, you must add them to the CORS_DOMAINS list on the backend so the server can receive data from them.

  // Stats analytics
  var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
  var script = document.createElement("script");
  script.setAttribute("src", "http://localhost:5775/stats.js"); // REPLACE WITH ACTUAL URL
  script.setAttribute("onload", () => window.collectStats());
  script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
  script.setAttribute("charset", "utf8");
  script.setAttribute("async", "");


Minimum set of folders & files required to run this application.

├── data/
│ ├── GeoLite2-City.mmdb
│ ├── cities5000.txt 
│ └── stats.sqlite 
├── ui/
├── stats // copy executable from target/release/stats
└── .env


These options must be defined in a .env file before starting the server.

Variable Default Summary
APP_URL http://localhost:5775 Full domain you are hosting this service on
SERVICE_PORT 5775 Port you want the service to be hosted from
DATABASE_URL /data/stats.sqlite Path to .sqlite file to use as database.
CORS_DOMAINS http://localhost:5775, Comma-separated list of allowed domains. The service will only accept analytics events from these domains.
PROCESSING_BATCH_SIZE 500 Max limit for events buffer used to queue and batch analytics events for processing. When the limit is hit, new events are dropped until items are processed from the queue.
  • repeated calls

    repeated calls

    Maybe it is a possibility to show the repeated calls. This way you can easily see that there are duplicated calls. (like they show in debug toolbar)

    opened by JostCrow 9
  • Added an

    Added an "elapsed" and "query count" log threshold optional setting and documented the settings in readme

    This is a very useful tool to debug django db performance.. but data can get cluttered between tons of small and meaningless requests. this allows the middleware user to selected the query elapsed time and the minimal query count that he wants the middleware to log. Enabling the user to focus on bottlenecks and problems.

    Without explicitly changing the settings the current behavior isn't changed in any way

    opened by alonisser 3
  • Feature/response header count and setting reload

    Feature/response header count and setting reload

    This PR adds functionality to return a custom response header with total request & response query count. We plan to use this functionality in our integration test suite, to ensure all endpoints are under the allowed count.

    Additionally, when attempting to override the settings to ensure the header was being removed, I found the need to ensure the settings are reloaded, so I've cleaned up the settings application and wired them up to the Django setting changed signal.

    opened by LifeCoder45 3
  • add IGNORE_SQL_PATTERNS option to ignore the specified sql query

    add IGNORE_SQL_PATTERNS option to ignore the specified sql query

    Now django-querycount statistic all sql querys, this pr makes django-querycount can filter sql query by IGNORE_SQL_PATTERNS.

    opened by GitFree 1
  • Update README, add fix typo statement in settings config

    Update README, add fix typo statement in settings config

    Fix simple typo in README

    opened by essanpupil 1
  • Support Django 1.10 middleware

    Support Django 1.10 middleware

    This adds support for Django 1.10-style middleware:

    opened by ryankask 1
  • Changed settings name

    Changed settings name

    opened by pyprism 1
  • Disable colors when not supported (or explicitely disabled)

    Disable colors when not supported (or explicitely disabled)

    On Windows, using powershell, the output looks bad as colors are not supported :
    | Type | Database  |   Reads  |  Writes  |  Totals  | Duplicates |
    ?[32m| RESP |  default  |    2     |    0     |    2     |     1      |
    ?[32mTotal queries: 2 in 0.0160s

    Colors should be disabled when not supported or disabled. I believe Django has all the logic needed in django\core\management\

    opened by olivierdalang 0
  • "Repeated 1 times"

    It prints this:

    web_1            | Repeated 1 times.
    web_1            | SELECT `django_session`.`session_key`,
    web_1            | `django_session`.`session_data`, `django_session`.`expire_date` FROM
    web_1            | `django_session` WHERE (`django_session`.`session_key` =
    web_1            | 'cln2uzh2qk21qqb6sfg7nvsrqwg2crbm' AND `django_session`.`expire_date`
    web_1            | > '2019-09-20 12:53:39.352699')

    But I think it actually ever happens 1 time for that request. So, the logic for this inclusion should be something like [query for queries if query.times > 1].

    opened by peterbe 4
  • How to view the total time of repeated sql queries

    How to view the total time of repeated sql queries

    Can we show the total time take for the repeated calls individually

    For example: presently it shows Repeated 2 times.

    Can we have Repeated 2 times. [0.023]

    opened by sant527 0
  • Using sql parse and pygments to show sql formatted nicely

    Using sql parse and pygments to show sql formatted nicely

    I wanted the sql to be formatted so i have tried the below code for that. Can you incorporate sqlparse also if possible

    def _duplicate_queries(self, output):
            """Appends the most common duplicate queries to the given output."""
                for query, count in self.queries.most_common(QC_SETTINGS['DISPLAY_DUPLICATES']):
                    lines = '\nRepeated {0} times.'.format(count)
                    #lines += wrap(query)
                    #lines = "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
                    lines += "\n" + self._str_query(query) + "\n"
                    output += self._colorize(lines, count)
            return output
        def _str_query(self,sql):
            # Check if Pygments is available for coloring
                import pygments
                from pygments.lexers import SqlLexer
                from pygments.formatters import TerminalTrueColorFormatter
            except ImportError:
                pygments = None
            # Check if sqlparse is available for indentation
                import sqlparse
            except ImportError:
                sqlparse = None
            # Remove leading and trailing whitespaces
            if sqlparse:
                # Indent the SQL query
                sql = sqlparse.format(sql, reindent=True)
            if pygments:
                # Highlight the SQL query
                sql = pygments.highlight(
            return sql
    opened by sant527 1
  • Whitelist request patterns instead of blacklisting them

    Whitelist request patterns instead of blacklisting them

    I often debug a single endpoint with a unique request pattern. To be able to only see that in the console I have to blacklist all other request patterns that my application may produce during debugging. That can be quite annoying. It would be helpful to have a separate whitelist setting like INCLUDE_REQUEST_PATTERNS where I just state what I want to be printed to the console and everything else is silenced. Of course the User would have to decide whether to blacklist or whitelist, as using both does not make much sense.

    I can do a PR if you want, let me know if it's something worth putting time into.

    opened by cb109 1
  • Replace <some_id>=<some_number> with <some_id>=#number# in WHERE clause.

    Replace = with =#number# in WHERE clause.

    This will many duplicates that only vary by <some_number>, indicating an N+1 condition.

    opened by wsmith323 0
  • print SQL commands

    print SQL commands

    Hey, is it possible to print SQL commands like here (screenshot from README)?


    I have default settings and get only queries number and time without SQL

    opened by Marpop 1
  • Usage without request and response

    Usage without request and response

    Hi, thanks for this awesome package. I really enjoy using it.

    But I have a question about how to use this package without a request instance? Here are some examples where I need this:

    1. celery tasks, in DEBUG I want them to print the query count in the same manner middleware does
    2. telegram bots, we do develop some telegram bots on top of django. telegram bots serve as clients which does not have any django's request instance. But I still want this app to work


    opened by sobolevn 3
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