Nostr Address Provider written in Rust.

siamstr Logo

Siamstr Nostr Address Provider

Running project

Rust Toolchain

You'll need to use the nightly Rust toolchain, and install the wasm32-unknown-unknown target as well as the Trunk and cargo-leptos tools:

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install trunk cargo-leptos


Install TailwindCSS with npm install -D tailwindcss


To run the project locally,

  1. run npx tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./style/output.css --watch in a terminal - this will build style/output.css and automatically rebuild when a change is detected in input.css
  2. cargo leptos watch in the project directory.
  3. In in your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8008/?

Executing a Server on a Remote Machine Without the Toolchain

After running a cargo leptos build --release the minimum files needed are:

  1. The server binary located in target/server/release
  2. The site directory and all files within located in target/site
    • css files will be in the target/site too.

Copy these files to your remote server. The directory structure should be:

users.json (optional)
database.db (auto-generated)

Set the following environment variables (updating for your project as needed):

export LEPTOS_OUTPUT_NAME="siamstr"
export LEPTOS_SITE_ROOT="site"
export LEPTOS_SITE_PKG_DIR="pkg"
export LEPTOS_RELOAD_PORT="3001"
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