6143 Repositories
Rust rust-todomvc Libraries
Python module implemented in Rust for counting the number of one bits in a numpy array.
bit-counter Package for counting the number of one bits in a numpy array of uint8 values. Implemented as a Python module using Rust, providing high pe
A simple rust-based tool for fetching system information
💐 azf a simple rust-based tool for fetching system information you need a patched nerd font and the material design icons font 🔨 compiling you can c
qsv: Ultra-fast CSV data-wrangling toolkit
qsv is a command line program for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting, enriching, validating & joining CSV files. Commands are simple, fast & composable
A Rust crate to expressively declare bitfield-like structs
proc-bitfield A Rust crate to expressively declare bitfield-like structs, automatically ensuring their correctness at compile time and declaring acces
A Brainf** interpreter written in rust 🦀
Brainf Interpreter An interpreter for the esoteric programming language Brainfuck written in rust 🦀 Compilation NOTE: To compile the project, you nee
Rust wrapper for `os-release`
os-release-rs Rust wrapper for /etc/os-release file. Installation Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] os-release-rs = "0.1.0" Usage use os_rel
Project generator written in Rust :crab:
C.R.S. Create a new project from a template Why another project generator ? It's inspired of cookiecutter (#20). It's written in rust for safety and r
The Rust API client for KittyCAD.
kittycad.rs The Rust API client for KittyCAD. Rust docs KittyCAD API Docs Generating You can trigger a build with the GitHub action to generate the cl
A WIP minimal C Compiler written in Rust 🦀
_ _ ____ ____ | | __ _ _ __ | | __ / ___/ ___| _ | |/ _` | '_ \| |/ / | | | | | |_| | (_| | | | | | |__| |___
A data compatibility project for Minecraft's assets
Data Compat MC Data tool for the Falcon MC project. Description DataCompatMC is a cli tool designed to help deal with the many different versions of M
Vulkan and Rust rendering~game engine which creation is covered with YouTube videos
Vulkan and Rust rendering~game engine which creation is covered with YouTube videos
A simple interpreter language written in Rust.
Glang Backstory Hello and welcome to the Glang git repository. Game Slang or in short Glang is a super simple interpreted language written in Rust wit
A simple *blazingly fast* Rust library to unzip an S3 archive without downloading.
S3-unzip A simple blazingly fast Rust library to unzip an S3 archive into S3's root directory. Works without downloading the archive or putting it int
RustHunter is a modular incident response framework to build and compare environmental baselines
RustHunter is a modular incident response framework to build and compare environmental baselines. It is written in Rust and uses Ansible to collect data across multiple hosts.
A simple rust implmentation of uber-go/ratelimit.
ratelimit-rs This package provides a simple Rust implementation of uber-go/ratelimit(https://github.com/uber-go/ratelimit) -- a rate limiter based on
An online pipeline for image processing.
carbaseus An online pipeline for image processing. *carbaseus (feminine carbasea, neuter carbaseum)* : first/second-declension adjective 1. made of f
A rust interval arithmetic library which provides flags that detect domain errors.
intervals-good A Rust interval arithmetic library which provides flags that detect domain errors, supports more functions than any other interval arit
A command line interface for trash written in Rust (WIP)
trashctl A command line interface for trash Features Add file to trash List files Permanently delete a file Restore file Empty the trash Documentation
A Rust wrapper of pmem/syscall_intercept.
syscall-intercept-rs A Rust wrapper of pmem/syscall_intercept, a system call intercepting library on x86_64 Linux. Usage Install dependencies: sudo ap
Fast, minimal, feature-rich, extended formatting syntax for Rust!
Formatting Tools Fast, minimal, feature-rich, extended formatting syntax for Rust! Features include: Arbitrary expressions inside the formatting brace
A CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust
chip8 A CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust Goal The goal of this project is to build a fully functional emulator (but I should name it an interpreter) of
Simple RESTful API in rust created with actix-web. (Routing, models, JWT auth).
rust-simple-api Simple RESTful API created with rust, actix-web, Diesel, JWT. Running application Manual Firstly generate a secret.key which will be u
A data compatibility project for Minecraft's assets
Data Compat MC Data tool for the Falcon MC project. Description DataCompatMC is a cli tool designed to help deal with the many different versions of M
Download a single file from a Git repository.
git-download Microservices architecture requires sharing service definition files like in protocol buffer, for clients to access the server. To share
rlox-interpreter is an AST-walking implementation of Bob Nystrom's Lox language in Rust.
rlox-interpreter rlox-interpreter is an AST-walking implementation of Bob Nystrom's Lox language in Rust. Disclaimer: This is my first Rust project, d
CLI program written in Rust to anonymize DICOM files
dicom-anonymizer CLI program written in Rust to anonymize DICOM files anonymizer 0.1.0 Domenic Melcher USAGE: anonymizer [OPTIONS] FILE ARGS:
Simple CLI to (add, delete, update, create) i18n translation file 🔤 🦀
, Inrs Simple CLI to (add, delete, update, create) i18n translation file Copyright (C) 2020-2022 TheAwiteb https://github.com/TheAwiteb/inrs This pr
A lightning-fast password generator and manager written in Rust
Passlane A lightning-fast password manager for the command line Features Generate passwords Place the generated password into the clipboard Save previ
The Operating System built for modern humans!
What is QuantumOS? Quantum OS is a continuation project of my ever loving joy for operating system development. I started with a project called Fluxed
ReadySet is a lightweight SQL caching engine written in Rust that helps developers enhance the performance and scalability of existing applications.
ReadySet is a SQL caching engine designed to help developers enhance the performance and scalability of their existing database-backed applications. W
SvelteUI Official CLI written in Rust
SvelteUI Official CLI The cli will be written in Rust 🦀 . This CLI as of now (04/30/22) will be used for scaffolding new projects, and creating boile
Loads environment variables into your structs in one shot.
econf Loads environment variables into your structs in one shot. econf allows to override struct fields with environment variables easily. This is use
Toggle parallelism with feature flags!
maybe_parallel_iterator Write your code once. Then toggle between sequential and parallel iterators with a feature flag! let a: Veci32 = (0..100).co
OBKV Table Client is Rust Library that can be used to access table data from OceanBase storage layer.
OBKV Table Client is Rust Library that can be used to access table data from OceanBase storage layer. Its access method is different from JDBC, it skips the SQL parsing layer, so it has significant performance advantage.
A very WIP RISCV64 OS written in Rust to learn about low-level and OS development
river A very WIP Rust-based RISCV64 OS for learning. The name is based off of the name RISCV with some added letters: "riscv" + er Make sure you have
A Rust crate for hassle-free Corosync's configuration file parsing
corosync-config-parser A Rust crate for hassle-free Corosync's configuration file parsing. Inspired by Kilobyte22/config-parser. Usage extern crate co
Add Rust on private-isu
private-isu Rust実装 private-isuにRust実装を追加するためのリポジトリです. 現状,Docker Composeのみ対応しています. Using Rustで起動するためには以下の手順が必要です. private-isuのwebappに本リポジトリを追加する. cd pr
AniTUI is a CLI (and in the future a TUI) app for searching and wathching anime in MPV.
AniTUI is a CLI (and in the future a TUI) app for searching and wathching anime in MPV. This is a Rust rewrite (quite literally a rewrite) of Pystardu
Dufs is a distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav...
Dufs (Old Name: Duf) Dufs is a distinctive utility file server that supports static serving, uploading, searching, accessing control, webdav... Featur
This crate reimplements Gelato's Relay SDK in Rust
Gelato Relay SDK This crate reimplements Gelato's Relay SDK in Rust. It simply wraps Gelato Relay requests and responses to/from Gelato endpoints with
Fast and simple datetime, date, time and duration parsing for rust.
speedate Fast and simple datetime, date, time and duration parsing for rust. speedate is a lax† RFC 3339 date and time parser, in other words, it pars
A JVM written in Rust.
Kate Kate is a JVM written in Rust, it's a passion project that aims to improve my knowledge of systems development and JVM internals. Contributions a
Automatic differentiation in pure Rust.
Niura is an automatic differentiation library written in Rust. Add niura to your project [dependencies] niura = { git = "https://github.com/taminki/n
Rust implementation of PowerSession, with new features and enhancements
PowerSession Record a Session in PowerShell. PowerShell version of asciinema based on Windows Pseudo Console(ConPTY) This is a new Rust implemented ve
Rust libraries for working with GPT (GUID Partition Table) disk data
gpt-disk-rs no_std libraries related to GPT (GUID Partition Table) disk data. There are three Rust packages in this repository: uguid The uguid packag
A canvas on which you can draw anything with ease before drawing the pixels on your small hardware display.
embedded-canvas canvas - a piece of cloth backed or framed as a surface for a painting NOTE: This crate is still in development and may have breaki
Steganography tool, written in rust.
Stegosaurust A simple image steganography tool, written in rust. Disclaimer ⚠️ This is a program I made for fun. There is no guarantee of cryptographi
Moonshine CSS - 🥃 High-proof atomic CSS framework
Moonshine CSS - 🥃 High-proof atomic CSS framework
Example to run Rust code on the MCH2022 badge.
Rust on the MCH2022 badge This repo contains instructions and code to run Rust on the MCH2022 badge. There are two approaches regarding environment: I
(lifetime) GATs in stable Rust
::nougat Use (lifetime-)GATs on stable rust. Example #![forbid(unsafe_code)] #[macro_use] extern crate nougat; #[gat] trait LendingIterator { ty
Longbridge OpenAPI SDK Base.
Longbridge OpenAPI SDK Longbridge OpenAPI provides programmatic quote trading interfaces for investors with research and development capabilities and
Thaler's Proofs, Args, and ZK Implemented in Rust using arkworks
rthaler • Dr. Thaler's book Proofs, Args, and ZK implemented in rust using the arkworks cryptographic rust toolset. Various Zero Knowledge Protocols a
Library for abstract mathematics written by Rust. It is aiming to replace SageMath.
ankolib Roadmap Mathematical Structures Sets Monoids Groups Semirings Rings Algebras Basic Rings and Fields Integers and Rational Numbers Integer Rati
Work-in-Progress NES / Famicon Image Editor & Map Creator
NESImg An extremely work-in-progress tool for making NES/Famicom-compatible images. When faced with the challenge of formatting artwork in a way that
Rust implementation of Waku v2 (f.k.a. Whisper)
waku-rs Waku is a p2p messaging protocol tailored for the web3, with origins in Ethereum's Whisper. This Rust implementation is taking reference from
Rust usb-device support for ATmega chips
atmega-usbd usb_device support for ATmega microcontrollers. NOTE: This is an experimental library, and certainly not production-ready. Expect bugs, an
A simple Verlet integration solver written using the Rust SDL2 bindings.
Rust Verlet Solver A simple Verlet integration solver written using the Rust SDL2 bindings. Where's the friction?! Building cargo-vcpkg is required in
CLI application to run clang-tidy on a set of files specified using globs in a JSON configuration file.
run-clang-tidy CLI application for running clang-tidy for an existing .clang-tidy file on a set of files, specified using globs in a .json configurati
A safe `Pin`-based intrusive doubly-linked list in Rust
pin-list This crate provides PinList, a safe Pin-based intrusive doubly linked list. Example A thread-safe unfair async mutex. use pin_project_lite::p
Fiddi is a command line tool that does the boring and complex process of checking and processing/watching transactions on EVM compatible Blockchain.
Fiddi is a command line tool that does the boring and complex process of checking and processing/watching transactions on EVM compatible Blockchain.
🤩 Flexible interpreted programming language
Jel Flexible, memory-safe, easy-to-use, interpreted programming language. work in progress Example Hello World: print(Hello World!) # this is valid pr
A minecraft clone made in Rust - WIP
unsafe {} A minecraft clone made in Rust. The world is infinite in all three directions. DISCLAIMER: Some textures are stolen from the chisel mod HEAV
A fast lean and clean modern constraint programming solver implementation (in rust)
MaxiCP-rs This project aims at implementing a fast, and clean constraint programming solver with a focus on correctness, simplicity, maintainability a
Message/job queue based on bonsaidb, similar to sqlxmq.
Bonsaimq Simple database message queue based on bonsaidb. The project is highly influenced by sqlxmq. Warning: This project is in early alpha and shou
Simple type-safe relational algebra evaluator built entirely in Rust
ra-evaluator A simple type-safe relational algebra evaluator. Relational algebra provides the theoretical foundation for relational databases and the
Rust-based password mutator for brute force attacks
PWFuzz-RS A Rust-based password mutator for brute force attacks Disclaimer This tool works, but was mainly an experiment. Please do not expect frequen
An asynchronous dumb exporter proxy for prometheus. This aggregates all the metrics and exposes as a single scrape endpoint.
A dumb light weight asynchronous exporter proxy This is a dumb lightweight asynchronous exporter proxy that will help to expose multiple application m
Seed your development database with real data ⚡️
Seed Your Development Database With Real Data ⚡️ Replibyte is a blazingly fast tool to seed your databases with your production data while keeping sen
By mirroring traffic to and from your machine, mirrord surrounds your local service with a mirror image of its cloud environment.
mirrord lets you easily mirror traffic from your Kubernetes cluster to your development environment. It comes as both Visual Studio Code extension and
GaiaX dynamic template engine is a lightweight cross-platform solution for pure native dynamic card.
GaiaX dynamic template engine is a lightweight cross-platform solution for pure native dynamic card, developed by Alibaba YouKu technology team GaiaX
✨ sleek typing tui with visualized results and historical logging
thokr ✨ sleek typing tui with visualized results and historical logging Usage For detailed usage run thokr -h. thokr 0.4.1 sleek typing tui with visua
📚 flow state reading in the terminal
fsrx 📚 (f)low (s)tate (r)eading e(x)change – flow state reading in the terminal Inspired by (but not affiliated with) Renato Casutt and his revolutio
supply-chain security for Rust
cargo-vet Note: cargo-vet is under heavy development and not quite ready for general use. Feel free to give it a try you're feeling adventerous — feed
Xcode Neovim Replacement-ish.
An XCode replacement-ish development environment that aims to be your reliable XCode alternative to develop exciting new [apple] software products 🚀
Embedded Rust on Espressif training material.
Embedded Rust Trainings for Espressif This repository contains Training Material for learning to use Embedded Rust with the Espressif ESP32-C3. We sug
Cleaopatra is a Rust implementation of the Cairo VM
Cleopatra Cairo is a Rust implementation of the Cairo VM. Cairo is a programming language for writing provable programs, where one party can prove to another that a certain computation was executed correctly. Cairo and similar proof systems can be used to provide scalability to blockchains.
A cross platform classic RPG game creator written in Rust.
Eldiron - Classic RPG Creation Create RPGs for every platform with Eldiron. Eldiron v1 will be able to create games similar to the classic Ultima seri
Generate type-checked Rust from your PostgreSQL.
Cornucopia Generate type checked Rust from your SQL Install | Example Cornucopia is a small CLI utility resting on postgres designed to facilitate Pos
An NTP implementation in Rust, supported by Internet Security Research Group's Prossimo project.
NTPD-rs NTPD-rs is an implementation of NTP completely written in Rust, with a focus on exposing a minimal attack surface. The project is currently in
Public aircraft & flightroute api Built in Rust for Docker, using PostgreSQL & Redis
api.adsbdb.com public aircraft & flightroute api Built in Rust for Docker, using PostgreSQL & Redis See typescript branch for original typescript vers
Safe rust abstractions over libpd.
libpd-rs Safe rust abstractions over libpd-sys. Pure Data (Pd) is a visual programming language developed by Miller Puckette in the 1990s for creating
A ML-Inspired programming language that transpiles to Typescript
Hazure Programming language that compiles to Typescript! Note: Everything in this project can be changed at anytime! (I'm still finding out what work
Rollback netcode for Mega Man Battle Network!
Tango Tango is rollback netplay for Mega Man Battle Network. Supported games MEGAMAN6_FXXBR6E: Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar (US) MEGAMAN6
Easier joystick, mouse and keyboard input handling in Bevy
ezinput A powerful input-agnostic library targeting complete support to axis and button handling for the Bevy game engine. Table of contents About Bra
Graphical font editor (GTK + Rust)
gerb *gerb ʰ-: reconstructed Proto-Indo-European root, meaning to carve gerb: a WIP font editor in gtk3 and rust Introduction gerb is an experimental,
A mail suite written in rust meant to be easy to use.
Erooster A mail suite written in rust meant to be easy to use. Getting started Currently the setup is quite rough. You need some certificates for your
A set of Zero Knowledge modules, written in Rust and designed to be used in other system programming environments.
Zerokit A set of Zero Knowledge modules, written in Rust and designed to be used in other system programming environments. Initial scope Focus on RLN
WASM bindings for React - enables you to write and use React components in Rust
This library enables you to write and use React components in Rust, which then can be exported to JS to be reused or rendered.
A simple, lightweight and extensible command line argument parser for rust codebases
A simple, lightweight and extensible command line argument parser for rust codebases. This crate aims to provide you with an easy-to-use and extensibl
🚀 A blazingly fast easy to use dotfile and global theme manager written in Rust
GTHEME A blazingly fast easy to use dotfile and global theme manager for *NIX systems written in Rust 🔥 Demo using wip desktop. To check out more des
Summer Boot (web2&web3, the decentralized web framework)
Summer Boot The next generation decentralized web framework allows users to manage and share their own data. It will be a wide area and cross regional
Rust libraries and tools to help with interoperability and testing of serialization formats based on Serde.
The repository zefchain/serde-reflection is based on Facebook's repository novifinancial/serde-reflection. We are now maintaining the project here and
A sandbox library for making FAST voxel games
voxelize WIP A well-optimized web-based voxel engine. Development Before starting, make sure to install the following: rust node.js cargo-watch # clon
VRS is a simple, minimal, free and open source static web server written in Rust
VRS is a simple, minimal, free and open source static web server written in Rust which uses absolutely no dependencies and revolves around Rust's std::net built-in utility.
HTTP 2.0 client & server implementation for Rust.
H2 A Tokio aware, HTTP/2 client & server implementation for Rust. More information about this crate can be found in the crate documentation. Features
A high-performance, distributed, schema-less, cloud native time-series database
CeresDB is a high-performance, distributed, schema-less, cloud native time-series database that can handle both time-series and analytics workloads.
Russh - Async (tokio) SSH2 client and server rimplementation
Russh Async (tokio) SSH2 client and server rimplementation. This is a fork of Thrussh by Pierre-Étienne Meunier which adds: More safety guarantees AES
A Rust attribute macro that adds memoization to a function (rhymes with Mickey)
michie (sounds like Mickey) — an attribute macro that adds memoization to a function. Table of contents Features Non-features key_expr key_type store_
tulipv2 vaults and v1 lending program sdk & examples
tulipv2-sdk Warning Unaudited, possibly untested sdk Tulip Protocol takes no responsibility for any (financial, physical, emotional, etc..) damage tha
🛥 Vaporetto is a fast and lightweight pointwise prediction based tokenizer. This is a Python wrapper for Vaporetto.
🐍 python-vaporetto 🛥 Vaporetto is a fast and lightweight pointwise prediction based tokenizer. This is a Python wrapper for Vaporetto. Installation