A Rust wrapper of pmem/syscall_intercept.



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A Rust wrapper of pmem/syscall_intercept, a system call intercepting library on x86_64 Linux.


Install dependencies:

sudo apt install cmake libcapstone-dev

Add the following lines to your Cargo.toml:

syscall-intercept = "0.1"

Define your syscall hook function:

use syscall_intercept::*;

extern "C" fn hook(
    num: isize,
    a0: isize,
    a1: isize,
    a2: isize,
    a3: isize,
    a4: isize,
    a5: isize,
    result: &mut isize,
) -> InterceptResult {

Enable or disable interception:

unsafe { set_hook_fn(hook) };
unsafe { unset_hook_fn() };

Issue syscall without being intercepted:

let ret = unsafe { syscall_no_intercept(libc::SYS_exit as _, 0) };


MIT License

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