A simple wrapper for the detour-rs library that makes making hooks much more concise



A simple wrapper for the detour-rs library that makes making hooks much more concise.


isize { let module = LoadLibraryW(module_name); if let Err(x) = module.ok() { panic!("Failed to load {}! {}", module_name, x); } GetProcAddress(module, export) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Failed to load export {} from {}!", export, module_name)) } pub unsafe fn install_hooks() -> Result<(), Box > { make_hook!( std::mem::transmute(get_api("user32.dll", "SetWindowTextA")), unsafe extern "system" fn(HWND, *const u8) -> BOOL, |hook, hwnd, text| -> BOOL { if !text.is_null() && let Ok(cstr) = CStr::from_ptr(text as _).to_str() { let new_str = cstr.to_string() + " (hooked!)"; let new_cstr = CString::new(new_str).unwrap(); hook.call(hwnd, new_cstr.as_ptr() as _) } else { hook.call(hwnd, text) } } ); Ok(()) }">
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};

use quick_detour::make_hook;
use windows::Win32::{
    Foundation::{BOOL, HWND},
    System::LibraryLoader::{GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryW},

unsafe fn get_api(
    module_name: &'static str,
    export: &'static str,
) -> unsafe extern "system" fn() -> isize {
    let module = LoadLibraryW(module_name);
    if let Err(x) = module.ok() {
        panic!("Failed to load {}! {}", module_name, x);
    GetProcAddress(module, export)
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Failed to load export {} from {}!", export, module_name))

pub unsafe fn install_hooks() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        std::mem::transmute(get_api("user32.dll", "SetWindowTextA")),
        unsafe extern "system" fn(HWND, *const u8) -> BOOL,
        |hook, hwnd, text| -> BOOL {
            if !text.is_null() && let Ok(cstr) = CStr::from_ptr(text as _).to_str() {
                let new_str = cstr.to_string() + " (hooked!)";
                let new_cstr = CString::new(new_str).unwrap();
                hook.call(hwnd, new_cstr.as_ptr() as _)
            } else {
                hook.call(hwnd, text)

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