6186 Repositories
Rust rust-native-tls Libraries
Just a collection of tiny Rust projects I've did. None warrant a whole repo rn
Daily Rust I try to write some tiny programs daily to gradually improve my Rust skills! Current Program Descriptions first_prog.rs: My first program a
Rust, but longer
Rusticle Do Rust's short keywords confuse you? Are you tired of Rust not being verbose enough? Or worrying you are not using your new shiny mechanical
LC3 Virtual Machine written in Rust 🦀
LC3 - Emulator LC3-rust is a virtual machine for the Little Computer 3 architecture, written using the Rust programming language. The VM has been writ
Rust API Client for ImageKit.io a file storage and image processing service
Rust API Client for ImageKit.io a file storage and image processing service Usage You must retrieve your Public and Private Keys from the ImageKit Dev
A complete, rate-limiting, asynchronous Rust wrapper of the Hypixel Public API with extensive SkyBlock support
rs-pixel A complete, rate-limiting, asynchronous Rust implementation of the Hypixel Public API with extensive SkyBlock support. [dependencies] rs-pi
A clock app in terminal written in Rust, supports local clock, timer and stopwatch.
clock-tui (tclock) A clock app in terminal. It support the following modes: Clock Timer Stopwatch Countdown Usage Install Install excutable by cargo:
A rust proc-macro which allows for reading and writing to remote objects through a generated enum
Remote-Obj A rust proc-macro which allows for reading and writing fields/variants of (possibly nested) remote objects by generating a single enum whic
A Rust app for creating RSS Feeds in Notion.
Notion Feed A Rust app for creating RSS Feeds in Notion. Features Manage your RSS sources in a separate Notion page Enable/disable RSS sources Read fe
Custom formatting for Rust.
custom-format This crate extends the standard formatting syntax with custom format specifiers, by providing custom formatting macros. It uses : (a spa
rust mappings for Friktion's volt program
Friktion (volt) ABI Overview Provides contexts and instruction functions to interact with Friktion Program via CPI calls Friktion program ID: VoLT1mJz
Benchmarks of most widely used web frameworks built in rust.
Rust framework benchmarks Benchmarking utility to test the performance of all the rust web frameworks. Built with rust 🚀 . Demo (Last updated: Thu Ju
🍅 A command-line tool to get and set values in toml files while preserving comments and formatting
tomato Get, set, and delete values in TOML files while preserving comments and formatting. That's it. That's the feature set. I wrote tomato to satisf
This is a demo Library of fltk-rs, which is used to learn various new gadgets of experimental fltk-rs.
fltk-rs Demo This is a demo Library of fltk-rs, which is used to learn various new gadgets of experimental fltk-rs. Demos demo9 Demo9 is an applicatio
rustodrive is a rust client library for communicating with ODrives using the CAN protocol.
rustodrive is a WIP client library for communicating with ODrives using the CAN protocol. It is more than a simple CAN sender/receiver and has many co
⚙️ A cute .gitignore generator with support for custom templates
Gign A Gitignore Generator Table of Contents Examples Install Custom templates Help Examples # This is how you going to use it probably most of the ti
Git Explorer: cross-platform git workflow improvement tool inspired by Magit
Gex Git workflow improvement CLI tool inspired by Magit. This project is still under initial development, but I am actively dogfooding it and features
Rust API to run predictions with YoloV5 models.
YoloV5-API [WIP] API to run inferences with YoloV5 models. Written in Rust, based on OpenCV 4.5.5 If you need a C++ version, check my C++ Yolov5-API R
Rust wrapper for the LeapC Ultraleap (Leap Motion) hand tracking device API.
LeapRS LeapRS is a safe wrapper for LeapC, the Leap Motion C API. It uses the generated binding provided by leap-sys. This is an API for accessing Lea
The official Game Engine of the Li Institution - Mostly made in Rust. Still WIP
Nengine The Nengine is an open sourced game engine made by the Li Institution. As of writing this, it is in very early development and is definitely n
📓 Simple cli snippet manager
nt Minimal cli snippet manager inspired by boom Usage USAGE: nt SUBCOMMAND OPTIONS: -h, --help Print help information -V, --versi
🐙 Loads config and hosts for gh CLI in Rust.
gh-config-rs Loads config and hosts for gh CLI in Rust. Getting started [dependencies] gh-config = "0.2" Usage use std::error::Error; use gh_config::*
Humidity & Temperature CLI datalogger for DHT22 sensor on Raspberry Pi.
Datalogger Humidity & Temperature CLI datalogger for DHT22 sensor on Raspberry Pi. Index Install Git Cargo Master branch Latest release from crates.io
A Rust-based comment server using SQLite and an intuitive REST API.
soudan A Rust-based comment server using SQLite and an intuitive REST API. Soudan is built with simplicity and static sites in mind. CLI usage See sou
A statically typed language that can deeply improve the Python ecosystem
The Erg Programming Language This is the main source code repository for Erg. This contains the compiler and documentation. 日本語 | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 Erg can
A terminal UI to edit bytes by the nibble.
heh The HEx Helper is a cross-platform terminal UI used for modifying file data in hex or ASCII. It aims to replicate some of the look of hexyl while
A wrapper around Rust futures that stores the future in space provided by the caller.
StackFuture This crate defines a StackFuture wrapper around futures that stores the wrapped future in space provided by the caller. This can be used t
An opinionated, monolithic template for Bevy with cross-platform CI/CD, native + WASM launchers, and managed cross-platform deployment.
🕊️ Bevy Shell - Template An opinionated, monolithic template for Bevy with cross-platform CI/CD, native + WASM launchers, and managed cross-platform
rust awesome(资源). 💥
Rust Boom 💥 Rust Boom 是一个仓主在学习使用 Rust 的时候,对 Rust 的一些难点的解决方法以及一些 Rust 开源的好玩的库、书籍、文章的整理,希望可以帮助更多的 Rust 初学者来翻过 Rust 这座大山。 TOC Rust Boom 💥 TOC Blasting
An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
Ruff An extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust. Linting the CPython codebase from scratch. ⚡️ 10-100x faster than existing linters 🐍 Installab
INFCON 2022 - Rust 크로스 플랫폼 프로그래밍 발표 자료 및 예제 코드
2022-INFCON-Rust-CrossPlatform INFCON 2022 - Rust 크로스 플랫폼 프로그래밍 발표 자료 및 예제 코드 Contents Presentation Supplement Example Core library rust-cross rust-cr
A powerful color picker and formatter, built with GTK and Rust
Eyedropper A powerful color picker and formatter. More screenshots Features Pick a Color Enter a color in Hex-Format Parse RGBA/ARGB Hex-Colors View c
Rust bindings for the JavaScriptCore engine.
JavaScriptCore API for Rust This library provides a Rust API for the JavaScriptCore engine with the following goals: High-level API like the JavaScrip
🧰 Download pre-built binaries of all your favourite tools with a single command
tool-sync tool-sync is a CLI tool that solves one problem: 📥 Download pre-built binaries of all your favourite tools with a single command. tool-sync
CLI tool that extracts a regex pattern from a list of urls ( Rust )
rextract CLI tool that extracts a regex pattern from a list of urls. The tool is written in Rust and supports PCRE. Installation Step 1: Visit https:/
a crate to swap values between possibly-overlapping references
omniswap: a crate to swap values between possibly-overlapping references Motivating Example You cannot simply use std::mem::swap to replace values wit
A system fetch tool for Linux, written in Rust.
fetchit A system fetch tool for Linux, written in Rust. fetchit is a simple system info tool, written in Rust, for Linux based operating systems. It o
An Anime Game Launcher variant written on Rust, GTK4 and libadwaita, using Anime Game Core library
An Anime Game Launcher GTK The launcher variant written on Rust, GTK4 and libadwaita, using Anime Game Core library You could also try the main branch
Usage Clone project code. git clone [email protected]:mirrorworld-universe/mirrorworld-sdk-rust.git cd mirrorworld-sdk-rust run. cargo run test. cargo te
This is a mirror of https://gitlab.com/pcasotti/plate
plate Rust library for writing simpler Vulkan code Installation Add the library to your Cargo.toml file: [dependencies] plate = "0.5" Example Example
A lightweight sandbox sim written in Rust.
Rusty Sandbox A lightweight sandbox sim written in Rust. Play via Browser (WASM) | Compile by yourself This is a quick hobby project written to practi
Gameboy Advance emulator.
Clementine - A collaborative approach to GBA emulation Welcome to the first ripsters' project. Our goal is to understand how GameBoy Advance works and
'apk-yara-checker' is a little CLI tool written in Rust to check Yara rules against a folder of APK files.
apk-yara-checker 'apk-yara-checker' is a little CLI tool written in Rust to check Yara rules against a folder of APK files. You have to pass the folde
Log your spending in seconds with short text snippets. Powered by Rust, Cloudflare Workers and Svelte.
FastSpend Log your daily spending lightning fast with short text snippets! FastSpend is a tool to log your spending in seconds, powered by a lightning
Search lyrics from tononkira.serasera.org.
Tononkira CLI A command line interface for tononkira.serasera.org. Installation Simply run: $ cargo install tononkira macOS/Linux $ brew install tsiry
A simple NES emulator implemented in Rust. (WIP)
remu A 🔥 🚀 BLAZINGLY FAST* 🔥 🚀 NES emulator implemented in Rust. Status: Work in progress. About This emulator is mainly meant to be more of a lea
languagetool-code-comments integrates the LanguageTool API to parse, spell check, and correct the grammar of your code comments!
languagetool-code-comments integrates the LanguageTool API to parse, spell check, and correct the grammar of your code comments! Overview Install MacO
Rust bindings for the Wasm spec interpreter.
wasm-spec-interpreter This project shows how to use ocaml-interop to call into the Wasm spec interpreter. There are several steps to making this work:
📦 A Python package manager written in Rust inspired by Cargo.
huak About A Python package manager written in Rust. The Cargo for Python. ⚠️ Disclaimer: huak is currently in its Alpha phase. Huak aims to support a
Using cxx to mix in Rust-code with a C++ application
Minimal application mixing C++ and Rust This example uses cxx to generate bindings between C++ and Rust, and integrates the two parts through CMake. I
Code Examples in Rust. Reviewing RUST
There are some RUST example code here. Run like this cargo run --example enums cargo run --example iterator ... You can learn about RUST coding from
Transmissing metainfo across components.
Metainfo Transmissing metainfo across components. Quickstart Metainfo is designed to be passed through task local, so we provided a unified key for it
Rust API to manage user accounts 🦦
Autha Autha, pronounced Otter 🦦 , is the service that manages user accounts and the associated delegation. ☄️ Autha is an OAuth2 server designed with
Generate rust command line executables from gRPC protobuf services.
Rust template repository. An opinionated starting point for rust projects such as systemd services command line tools client programs server programs
Rust port of https://github.com/hunar4321/life_code with some fun features.
Smarticles A Rust port of Brainxyz's Artificial Life simulator with some fun features. A simple program to simulate primitive Artificial Life using si
🎹 Simple MIDI note repeater plugin (VST3/CLAP).
⏱️ Clockwork A simple MIDI note repeater plugin, written in Rust. 🎬 Showcase: (turn on audio) clockwork-showcase.mp4 📖 Manual: The user manual can b
serve a static site, single page application or just a static file with Rust
cargo-server tl;dr: Does the same as "python -m http.server" or "npx serve" but for Rust ecosystem. cargo-server helps you serve a static site, single
Extend anything with WebAssembly.
Welcome! Please note: this project still under active development. It's usable, but expect some rough edges while work is underway. If you're interest
Turing complete scripting language for Aurae.
AuraeScript AuraeScript is a turing complete language for platform teams built on Rhai and is similar to TypeScript and Rust. let connect = true; if
Single stub direct and indirect syscalling with runtime SSN resolving for windows.
RUST_SYSCALLS Single stub direct and indirect syscalling with runtime SSN resolving for windows. Features: One single line for all your syscalls Funct
📦 A Python package manager written in Rust inspired by Cargo.
huak About A Python package manager written in Rust. The Cargo for Python. ⚠️ Disclaimer: huak is currently in its proof-of-concept (PoC) phase. Huak
Massayo is a small proof-of-concept Rust library which removes AV/EDR hooks in a given system DLL
Massayo Massayo is a small proof-of-concept Rust library based on UnhookingPOC, which removes AV/EDR hooks in a given system DLL. I tried to reduce fi
Cross-platform atomic wait and wake (aka futex) functionality for Rust.
Cross platform atomic wait and wake (aka futex) functionality. This crate only supports functionality that's available on all of Linux, Windows, and m
Rust-based language and runtime for cross-platform app development
Pax Pax is a cross-platform rendering engine & Rust framework for interactive graphics, animations, and GUIs. Pax extends the Rust programming languag
banzai: pure rust bzip2 encoder
banzai banzai is a bzip2 encoder with linear-time complexity, written entirely in safe Rust. It is currently alpha software, which means that it is no
Secure mTLS and gRPC backed runtime daemon. Alternative to systemd. Written in Rust.
Auraed A runtime daemon written in Rust. Designed to run as pid 1 mTLS backed gRPC API over unix domain socket Run executables Run containers Run virt
Extensions for x64dbg written in Rust: Telescope and Unicorn powered disassembly
This is the library that extends x64dbg with new features: Telescope. It's basically recursive dereferencerer of memory view which looks at the pointe
Propositional logic evaluator and rule-based pattern matcher
Plogic Propositional logic evaluator and pattern transformer written in Rust. Plogic evaluates logic expressions in a REPL (Read, Execute, Print, Loop
Cloup is a template manager that provides the files you desire when you need them, written in Rust.
cloup cloup is a template manager that delivers the files you desire when you need them, written in rust you no longer need to locate your previous pr
Examples inspired by 'Nature of Code' in Bevy 3D and Rust
rust-bevy and the Nature of Code The book The Nature of Code from Daniel Shiffman is a wonderful book about programming. https://natureofcode.com/book
League Of Legends Assistant.
Lola Lola is League Of Legends Assistant. Features Auto get runes and spells lane of champion selecting. You can faster apply it with click button. Al
An online judge system written in Rust.
MROJ - Making a Rust Oneline Judge Background This repo was initially a homework of Tsinghua University Programing and Training Course, but I found it
Wallrus is a simple wallpaper manager for linux.
wallrus Wallrus is a simple and blazing-fast wallpaper manager for linux. It wraps around feh to provide a simple, fast, feature-rich and user-friendl
Pure Rust implementation of Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
RustCrypto: JOSE Pure Rust implementation of Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) License All crates licensed under either of Apache Licens
Finding all pairs of similar documents time- and memory-efficiently
Finding all pairs of similar documents This software provides time- and memory-efficient all pairs similarity searches in documents. Problem definitio
Safe MMDeploy Rust wrapper.
Introduction Safe MMDeploy Rust wrapper. News (2022.9.29) This repo has been added into the OpenMMLab ecosystem. (2022.9.27) This repo has been added
Generate IPv4 12th order Hilbert heatmaps from a file of IPv4 addresses.
Rustified IPv4 Heatmap This is a pure Rust version of the C ipv4-heatmap utility originally published by The Measurement Factory and updated forever-a
A user-friendly re-implementation of existing hex tools in Rust
Hex A project to create alternate (and more user friendly) versions of existing hex tools. The project can be installed as a extension to the github-c
Bracket QOS - a Quality of Service/Experience server system writtin in Rust. Derived from the excellent LibreQOS Project.
Bracket QOS - Open Source Edition This project is based on the excellent LibreQOS project. It is hoped that this can be useful for the upstream projec
Parallax mapping shaders (relief and POM) for the bevy game engine
Bevy parallax mapping parallax mapping is a graphical effect adding the impression of depth to simple 2d textures by moving the texture's pixel around
Encontro de pessoas que querem aprender a linguagem de programaçcão Rust.
Rust Dojo Encontro de pessoas que querem aprender Rust. Próximo encontro: 10 de Outubro de 2022 16:30 nesta sala de Google Meet agenda TBD Edições pas
Rust bindings to LLVM's `SanitizerCoverage` interface
sancov Rust bindings to LLVM's SanitizerCoverage interface. About Rust bindings to LLVM's SanitizerCoverage interface. Using these bindings allows you
Rust Crate that allows to do interruptions in console. Will be implemented to functional terminal customization kit.
termpause Rust Crate that allows to do interruptions in console. Will be implemented to functional terminal customization kit. Usage Add this in your
Parallel pipelined map over iterators.
plmap Parallel pipelined map over iterators for rust. Documentation docs.rs/plmap Example Parallel pipelined mapping: // Import the iterator extension
An easy to use command line project manager for projects using the ReCT programming language
☢️ A powerful project manager for the ReCT programming language! ☢️ ReCTx makes your projects easier to manage by allowing you to configure everything
Checks Crusader Kings 3 user mod files for common mistakes and warns about them.
ck3-tiger Pounces on bugs. Checks Crusader Kings 3 user mod files for common mistakes and warns about them. For example: missing localizations, or usi
A simple GUI rust application that keeps track of how much time you spend on each application.
TimeSpent A simple GUI rust application that keeps track of how much time you spend on each application. Installation Click here to download the Setup
🇮🇹 Ottieni le indicazioni su come compilare il 730 partendo dalle transazioni Bitpanda
bitpanda730 ~ 🇮🇹 Ottieni le indicazioni su come compilare il 730 partendo dalle transazioni Bitpanda ~ Developed by @veeso Current version: 0.1.0 (1
⚡ A Blazingly-Fast Static Site Generator, built with Rust.
Stuart A Blazingly-Fast Static Site Generator. Download Now » Stuart is a very fast and flexible static site generator, with build times as low as 0.1
hashraccoon Installation Install cargo curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh Install the hashraccoon crate cargo install hashraccoon Download the rockyo
A template for your next Rust project.
Opinionated Rust Template A template for your next Rust project. To start coding run: cargo generate tomkarw/opinionated-rust-template Only requires j
Real-time stock tickers from the command-line. Written in Rust.
ticker-rs Real-time stock tickers from the command-line written in Rust. CLI tool using the Yahoo Finance API as a data source. It features colored ou
A rust `tracing` compatible framework inspired by log4rs.
trace4rs This crate allows users to configure output from tracing in the same way as you would configure the output of log4rs. Overview For a usage ex
A super simple dialogue system for Rust.
📝 Dialogos A super simple dialogue system for Rust. It's nothing special, but that's the point! It's something that just works. This library is ideal
Small programs written in Rust. Warm up for the upcoming Selenium Manager
Rust Examples This repository contains several example programs written in Rust. Selenium Manager These examples are used as warm up for the upcoming
A CSS library for Rust, focusing on ergnomic abstractions.
CSSugar A CSS values and units library for Rust, focusing on ergnomic abstractions. Goal The goal is to wrap all CSS values and units in an ergonomic,
Fyrox - 3D and 2D game engine written in Rust
Fyrox - a modern Rust game engine A feature-rich, production-ready, general purpose 2D/3D game engine written in Rust with a scene editor. Formerly kn
A lightweight command line utility with some small functions for CTFs.
Ice Ice is a lightweight command line utility to help with simple problems encountered while playing CTFs. Extracted from graveyard NOTE: Most of the
Director is a simple, versatile, ergonomic state machine in Rust-lang.
Director Director is a simple, versatile, ergonomic state machine in Rust-lang. (no-std) | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | director = "0.5.0" Why? Bec
Installer/Updater/Launcher for Northstar
FlightCore A Northstar installer, updater, and mod-manager Roadmap -- See #1 Development Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed: htt
A pure-Rust serverless discord chatbot hosted on Cloudflare Workers.
About A pure-Rust serverless discord chatbot hosted on Cloudflare Workers. With a free account you have up to 100k requests per day. For storing state