Clementine - A collaborative approach to GBA emulation
Welcome to the first ripsters' project. Our goal is to understand how GameBoy Advance works and to create a modern emulator written in Rust (if you want to collaborate but you can't code in Rust take a look here).
Everything is work in progress. We will update this document a lot of times in this stage.
Collaborative Guidelines
We love collaborating with others, so feel free to interact with us however you want. First of all, we strongly suggest you to enter in our Discord channel where you can find all of us (here).
In this section we are writing some basic guidelines to organize better this project.
You can open an issue to ask any question about everything related to the project. Someone will answer to you as soon as possible.
These kind of issues should be used to manage the project. So only mantainers can open a new feature issue. If you would like to take a task on your own, ask for it and someone will assign it to you.
Open an issue if you find a bug. Try to describe as best as possibile the use case in which the bug appears.
Share with us your ideas about how the project could evolve.
Pull Requests have to be linked to an issue. You need to describe as best as you can what you have done.
Keep in mind that in this early stage some kind of stuff could be a mess: we are still organizing ourselves.
We are using many resources. You can find them on our Discord Server.