6186 Repositories
Rust rust-native-tls Libraries
Secure Boot for NixOS [maintainers=@blitz @raitobezarius @nikstur]
Lanzaboote: Secure Boot for NixOS This repository contains tooling for UEFI Secure Boot on NixOS. The goal is to make Secure Boot available from nixpk
Code examples, data structures, and links from my book, Rust Atomics and Locks.
This repository contains the code examples, data structures, and links from Rust Atomics and Locks. The examples from chapters 1, 2, 3, and 8 can be f
General purpose client/server networking library written in Rust, built on top of the QUIC protocol which is implemented by quinn
Overview "This library stinks!" ... "Unless you like durian" durian is a client-server networking library built on top of the QUIC protocol which is i
Elk + Tauri FTW
Elk Desktop Desktop version of Elk, a nimble Mastodon web client. Elk Desktop is even more early alpha than the web version, but we would love your fe
An intentionally-limited Rust implementation of the Redis server with no external dependencies.
lil-redis An intentionally-limited Rust implementation of the Redis server. lil redis is an accessible implementation of a very basic Redis server (wi
Simple, automatic, and customizable tree pretty-printing in Rust.
display_tree Simple, automatic, and customizable tree pretty-printing in Rust. This crate provides tools to easily pretty-print data as a tree, includ
Veryl: A Modern Hardware Description Language
Veryl Veryl is a modern hardware description language. This project is under the exploration phase of language design. If you have any idea, please op
Open source email client written in Rust and Dioxus. Under 🏗️
Blazemail A full-featued, beautiful, mail client that doesn't suck. Works on mac, windows, linux, mobile, web, etc. Features, status Blazemail is curr
A Rust framework to develop and use plugins within your project, without worrying about the low-level details.
VPlugin: A plugin framework for Rust. Website | Issues | Documentation VPlugin is a Rust framework to develop and use plugins on applications and libr
Demo Rust / VueJS+element-plus
rust-vue-demo This project demonstrates the integration of npm/vue into a rust axum web-service. The web-service is self-contained, embedding the webu
Acts as an IRC server and a nostr client. Connect with your IRC client using your nostr private key as the password.
nostr-irc Acts as an IRC server and a nostr client. Connect with your IRC client using your nostr private key as the password. Experimental code, use
OpenAI's ChatGPT API wrapper for Rust 🦀
Regarding API changes from December 11th 2022 OpenAI made a change to API, and now requires a cloudflare clearance token. Due to this, authentication
a library for generating bevy_rapier2d colliders, for bevy apps, from images with transparency
bevy_rapier_collider_gen a library for generating bevy_rapier2d colliders, for bevy apps, from images with transparency example to see this in action
📦+🦀=♥️ A tool that helps wrap binary releases for easy distribution
Rustwrap A tool that helps wrap binary releases for easy distribution. Currently supporting: npm - npm install -g your-tool will make your binary your
Generate PHP code from Rust using a fluent API 🐘 🦀
PHP-Codegen Generate PHP code from Rust using a fluent API 🐘 🦀 Rust PHP Usage To bring this crate into your repository, either add php_codegen to yo
A candidate backend for the Telegram channel @KonachanPopular
Konachan Popular (Rust) This repository contains the source code of the backend program running the Telegram channel @KonachanPopular. Run in a Contai
A minimal and fast zero-copy parser for the PE32+ file format.
peview A minimal and fast zero-copy parser for the PE32+ file format. Goal This project aims to offer a more light weight and easier to use alternativ
Stdto provides a set of functional traits for conversion between various data representations.
Stdto stdto provides a set of functional traits for conversion between various data representations. | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | stdto = "0.13.0
A list of Rust buffers that implements the bytes::Buf trait.
buf-list A list of bytes::Bytes chunks. Overview This crate provides a BufList type that is a list of Bytes chunks. The type implements bytes::Buf, so
Horus is an open source tool for running forensic and administrative tasks at the kernel level using eBPF, a low-overhead in-kernel virtual machine, and the Rust programming language.
Horus Horus is an open-source tool for running forensic and administrative tasks at the kernel level using eBPF, a low-overhead in-kernel virtual mach
Recipes for avoiding bounds checks in Rust, without unsafe!
Recipes for avoiding bounds checks in Rust This repository showcases various approaches to avoiding bounds checks in Rust code, without unsafe code. E
Rust implementation for Wlroots (Sway, Wayfire, Hikari, River, etc.) of Gnome Screenshot and Idle DBUS Server, which Upwork uses to capture the screen as proof of work.
🚀 upwork-wlroots-bridge 🚀 Rust Implementation for Wlroots (Sway, Wayfire, Hikari, River, etc.) of Gnome Screenshot and Idle DBUS Server (with extra
Rubik's cube made with bevy engine.
English Rubik's Cube 魔方 3阶魔方 随机打乱魔方 重置魔方 鼠标拖拽魔方旋转 游戏UI 相机视角控制(缩放、移动) WASM支持 在线游玩:点这里(电脑版Chrome/Firefox/Edge打开) 运行 本地运行 cargo run WASM运行 rustup target
Arduino Uno 9 axis acceleration sensor (BMX055) reader implemented in Rust.
Arduino Uno Accelaration reader in Rust Components Arduino Uno (Probably possible with other AVR microcontrollers) BMX055 (Japanese website) Datasheet
This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust to everyone.
Comprehensive Rust 🦀 This repository has the source code for Comprehensive Rust 🦀 , a four day Rust course developed by the Android team. The course
A fast static code analyzer & language server for Python
pylyzer ⚡ pylyzer is a static code analyzer / language server for Python written in Rust. Installation cargo (rust package manager) cargo install pyly
An intentionally-limited Rust implementation of the Docker runtime with no external dependencies.
lil-docker An lightweight Rust implementation of Docker's run command. lil docker is an accessible implementation of a very basic Docker runner (which
OpenAI GPT-3 API Client in Rust
fieri Note: fieri's master branch might contain breaking changes. For the most recently released code, look to the latest tag. Overview Unofficial Rus
Rust based Virtual Machine on Avalanche that implements Bulletproof ZK Proofs.
BulletproofVM Rust based Virtual Machine on Avalanche that implements Bulletproof ZK Proofs. Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine This is a virtual machine
Common vulnerability scanning on steroids ☄️
Hogg 🐽 An experimental passive website scanner. Hogg acts as a proxy between you and your DNS server and scans every website you visit for common vul
Rust implementation of the Matter protocol. Status: Experimental
matter-rs: The Rust Implementation of Matter Build Building the library: $ cd matter $ cargo build Building the example: $ cd matter $ RUST_LOG="matt
Neural network implementations from scratch in Rust.
Neural Network from Scratch Neural network implementations from scratch in Rust. Setup & Run Dataset used is mnist. Download the 4 archives and extrac
🎦 ezz is a simple CLI tool to schedule Zoom meetings
ezz ezz (cheesy abbreviation for easy Zoom) is a simple CLI tool to schedule Zoom meetings. Install With cargo installed: $ cargo install --path . Aut
A fast 24 points game solver written in rust.
Solver024 This is a simple 24 points solver written in rust. Example 1 9 7 8 (1 * 7) + (8 + 9) 1 * (7 + (8 + 9)) ((1 * 7) + 8) + 9 ((1 - 7) + 9) * 8 (
A simple tomasulo simulator written in Rust for the course Computer Architecture.
Tomasulo Simulator This is a Tomasulo simulator written in Rust for the course Computer Architecture. Two Demo programs are tested in the simulator, w
Using iced-rs library for YT monitoring app
YouTube Monitoring App (using Rust) Description This app is built on the top of iced library. If you're curious what this is about, check out the YT m
A runtime for Yarn Spinner scripts, written in Rust.
yarn_spool yarn_spool is a runtime for Yarn Spinner scripts, written in Rust. Note that this library does not provide tools for parsing Yarn scripts,
Work in progress NCBI's Common Tree alternative in the terminal
Lomanai Usage lomanai --species 'Mus musculus' --species 'Homo sapiens' # Mammalia # ++Rodentia # | \-Mus musculus # \+Primates # \-Homo sapien
A Rust crate for managing authentication and authorization with support for multi-tenant / B2B products, powered by PropelAuth
PropelAuth Add authentication and authorization to your application. This library is meant to be used with a PropelAuth account. You can sign up and g
Simulation of sand falling down in a cave built using nannou (Rust)
nannou-sand-simulation Learning nannou, an open-source creative-coding toolkit for Rust, by implementing a visualization for a simulation of sand fall
Twitter clone written in Rust.
Percent A Work In Progress Twitter clone written in Rust. Requirements Docker compose Rust Building Run: cargo build Running Start database: docker-co
I will be attempting Advent of Code 2022 with Rust, a language I have never learned before.
Advent of Code 2022 This year, I will be attempting Advent of Code with Rust, a language I have never learned before. I will also be taking some notes
simple and powerful IP architecture in Rust.
ipzone Ipzone provides a simple and powerful IP architecture to Rust. | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | ipzone = "0.4.0" Examples use ipzone::prelude:
RPG Dialog support for Bevy, written in pure Rust!
🌷 🌷 Bevy x RPG Dialog 🌸 🌸 RPG Dialog support for Bevy, written in pure Rust! bevy-rpg is a plugin crate that adds dialog functionalities to Bevy,
`prometheus` backend for `metrics` crate
metrics + prometheus = ❤️ API Docs | Changelog prometheus backend for metrics crate. Motivation Rust has at least two ecosystems regarding metrics col
Rust translation of biryani-cli by Dev Ashar
Veg Biryani This is a cheap remake of the awesome project by Dev Ashar in Rust. The original project's description: Biryani is a tool created to manag
Go like sync.WaitGroup implementation in Rust. (sync/async)
WAG Go like sync.WaitGroup implementation in Rust. (sync/async) | Examples | Docs | Latest Note | wag = "0.3.0" How to use, use wag::WaitGroup; let w
The Rust bits in mitmproxy. 🦀
Note This repository is unreleased work-in-progress, but mitmproxy 9 ships with mitmproxy_wireguard already! mitmproxy_rs This repository contains mit
osu!Skills calculator rewritten in rust.
osu!Skills rs osu!Skills calculator rewritten in rust. Usage osu_skills_rs [OPTION]... Skill Calculator Mandatory: --in=FILE: Path to .osu file to pa
Command line tool for editing .ini files
Edit-ini Command line tool for editing .ini files Usage Usage: edit-ini [OPTIONS] Options: -i, --input file Input file to read f
A Team Fortress 2 SDK written in Rust that I update every now and then
tf-rs A Team Fortress 2 SDK written in Rust that I update every now and then. Most of this has been written in early November. I've published it so th
Rust library to generate word cloud images from text and images !
wordcloud-rs A Rust library to generate word-clouds from text and images! Example Code use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use lazy_static::la
veg biryani. Rust implementation of Shaman by Arjun Somvanshi
pulao-cli SSH key manager, you can ssh into vm by storing in pulao and using it ,it is v cool. Rust implementation of Shaman by Arjun Somvanshi Bruh p
Implementation of the Docker Registry HTTP API V2 in Rust, that can act as a proxy to other registries
Docker registry server and proxy (I'm bad at creating catchy names, but this one is good enough.) This project aims to implement a Docker Registry HTT
🚀simple server that returns error codes with their respective messages and debug information, written in rust 🦀
ErrorServer 🚀 A simple & lightweight server that returns a HTML page of the error code with its respective message and debug information, written in
📝 Generate your README.md from Rust doc comments
cargo-onedoc 📝 Generate README.md from doc comments. Only write your documentation once! This crate provides a Cargo subcommand that can generate Mar
A simple clone of Waifu-pics written in Rust
really A simple clone of Waifu-pics written in Rust. Why? I've no idea. API Doc GET /api/v1/meta GET /api/v1/by/:type/:category GET /api/v1/random GET
P2P File Transfer
P2P File Transfer Overview This is a small project to help solve a problem that should've been solved by now: file transfer. For in-person file transf
Fast & Memory Efficient NodeJs Excel Writer using Rust Binding
FastExcel This project need Rust to be installed, check here for Rust installation instruction This project using Rust and Neon as a binding to Rust t
A simple CLI DDNS Client updater.
DDNS Client A simple DDNS client updater. Supported DDNS Servers Duck DNS How to use it ddns_client ~/.config/ddns_client/config.yaml -t 600 Config sa
A simple trait-based framework for the annual Advent of Code programming challenge.
lib_aoc lib_aoc is a simple trait-based framework for the annual Advent of Code programming challenge. Focus less on the boilerplate and more on the p
An exploit for CVE-2012-2982 implemented in Rust
This PoC exploit for CVE-2012-2982 was written as an exercise for the "Intro to PoC scripting" Room on TryHackMe. The room can be found here: https://
Extensible BBCode parser with scoping rules, auto close tags
More BBCode parsers? Yeah! I needed something highly extensible, flexible, and specifically WITH scoping rules so it always produces correct HTML. For
A plugin-first anime-ish video game
🌷 🌷 Project Flara 🌸 🌸 A plugin-first anime-ish video game Have you ever played an anime mobile video game, and then wondered. Huh, I wish I could
Simple devcontainer for Rust + WASM development
Devcontainer WASM-Rust Simple devcontainer for Rust development Usage Github Codespaces Just click the button: Visual Studio Code Note this assumes th
🎄 Advent of Code written in various languages. (2015-2022)
🎄 Advent of Code This repository contains my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. Every year, I will try to solve the puzzles in a different lang
🌃 Shade is an operating system written for the communication.
🌃 Shade Shade is an operating system written for the communication. 📃 Experiencing Building Requirements System: Windows, Linux or macOS. Memory: 1G
An attribute macro to simplify writing simple command line applications.
fncli An attribute macro to simplify writing simple command line applications. Example #[fncli::cli] fn main(a: i32, b: i32) { println!("{}", a +
Rust implementations of Fast Fourier Transform convolution and correlation for n-dimensional arrays
fftconvolve Rust implementations of Fast Fourier Transform convolution and correlation for n-dimensional arrays Examples 1-dimensional use fftconvolve
A command-line tool for patching shell scripts inspired by resholve
patsh A command-line tool for patching shell scripts inspired by resholve nix run github:nix-community/patsh -- -f script.sh Usage Usage: patsh [OPTIO
Advanced image to ascii art fully created with rust 🦀 🚀
RASCII image to ascii art fully created with rust 🦀 🚀 multiple language character lists - ✔️ creatable custom char list - ✔️ pixel art creaton -
A small in-memory key value database for rust
SmollDB Small in-memory key value database for rust This is a small in-memory key-value database, which can be easly backed up in a file or stream and
Solutions to Advent of Code 2022 in Rust 🦀
AdventOfCode2022 🎄 Solutions to AoC 2022 in Rust 🦀 Usage cargo run --release --bin DAY # run a specific day cargo run --release # run all
A simple program for handling Ethiopian calendar dates.
Mek’ut’erīya A simple program for handling Ethiopian calendar dates. Installation cargo install --git https://github.com/frectonz/mek-ut-er-ya If you
General purpose memory allocator written in Rust.
Memalloc Memory allocator written in Rust. It implements std::alloc::Allocator and std::alloc::GlobalAlloc traits. All memory is requested from the ke
Simple code editor made with Freya 🦀
Simple code editor made with Freya 🦀 This is a work in progress simple code editor that showcases how to use tree-sitter and freya together. WARNIN
Minimalistic EVM-compatible chain indexer.
EVM Indexer Minimalistic EVM-compatible blockchain indexer written in rust. This repository contains a program to index helpful information from any E
Nexmark event generator in Rust.
Nexmark-rs The Nexmark benchmark data generator in Rust. Installation cargo install nexmark --features bin Usage Generate nexmark events. Print one pe
A pure Rust, cross-platform soundboard app
afx This thing is my attempt at a soundboard program. afx.mp4 Why? I tried some prior art and decided that none of the existing options fit my needs.
My utils for long-lived, fault-tolerant rust tasks
Sisyphus Utilities for long-running, resilient tasks. This library contains code I wrote, found useful, and want to keep using. It aims to provide sys
Python+Rust implementation of the Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis model
Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA) model This project implements a PPCA model implemented in Rust for Python using pyO3 and maturin. In
A modern runtime for javascript.
Just NOTICE: README LINKS AND SITE ARE WIP. LINKS MAY NOT WORK Just is a simple, and modern runtime for JavaScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.
An easy file system based on eazy-fs of rcore.
fs-rs An easy mixed index file system based on eazy-fs of rcore. Usage if you don't have rust environment, you can download rust by: curl https://sh.r
My try at Advent of Code 2022 in Rust.
Advent of Code 2022 My solutions to Advent of Code 2022, written in Rust. I love seeing the variety of solution other people come up with, so I decide
Synchronization primitives for kernels.
hermit-sync hermit-sync provides synchronization primitives targeted at operating system kernels. For API documentation see the docs. License Licensed
Extracting archives made easy for Rust 🦀
Decompress A library that supports decompression of archives in multiple formats, inspired by ergonomics from Node's decompress. Includes a default st
Experimental language build in Rust to make it fast and robust
Reg-lang Experimental language build with Rust. Its aim is : To be simple to help learning programmation with, and in a second hand, to be robust enou
Conference Monitoring Project based on Image Recognition that uses Rust Language and AWS Rekognition service to get the level of image similarity.
Conference Monitoring System based on Image Recognition in Rust This is a Conference Monitoring Project based on Image Recognition that uses Rust Lang
Tauri and Leptos example.
tauri-leptos-example Tauri Leptos Requires Rust Nightly. See Leptos nightly Note. # Install Tauri CLI cargo install tauri-cli # Build and develop for
STAC server, built in Rust, backed by pgstac
stac-server-rs A simple STAC server written in Rust. To run an example server: stac-server example-config.toml --href data/joplin/collect
A relatively simple puzzle generator application written in Rust and used via Javascript
Puzzlip Basic Overview This is a relatively simple puzzle generator application written in Rust and used via Javascript in https://puzzlip.com. If you
🦀 Rust solutions for Advent of Code 2022
🎄 Advent of Code 2022 Solutions for Advent of Code in Rust. 2022 Results Day Part 1 Part 2 Day 1 ⭐ ⭐ Day 2 ⭐ ⭐ Day 3 ⭐ ⭐ Day 4 ⭐ ⭐ Day 5 ⭐ ⭐ Day 6 ⭐
Pure rust library for reading / writing DNG files providing access to the raw data in a zero-copy friendly way.
DNG-rs A pure rust library for reading / writing DNG files providing access to the raw data in a zero-copy friendly way. Also containing code for re
🪞 Powerful reflection library for Rust
🪞 mirror-mirror Powerful reflection library for Rust 🚨 Warning 🚨 This library is still experimental and should not be used for anything serious, ye
mn is my project to learn rust, I will try to build a markdown editor
med is a markdown editor This is my project to learn rust programming language, I will try to build a powerful markdown editor. Highlight: Support Vim
🔥Implemetación de una API REST basada en microservicios con Rust
Microservicios 🚀 Breve Descripción Bienvenido a todos, aquí aprenderás a programar una API REST desde cero enfocada a la aquitectura de microservicio
Allocation-free UnionFind library for bare metal environments
Allocation-free UnionFind library for bare metal environments The library provides the following algorithms that is used with UnionFind. QuickFind Qui
Advent of Code 2022 in Rust 🦀
Advent of Code 2022 in Rust 🦀
A simple to use, cross-platform aes encryption
About Project End to End encryption (AES) for multiple languages (cross-platform) with CBC Icon Item 🥳 Upcoming ⚖️ License 📝 ChangeLog Usage (rust)
Heavy Metal Leptos Stack with Tailwind, Axum, Sqlite, and Cargo Leptos
Heavy Metal Stack Leptos stack with Axum, TailwindCSS, and Sqlite This example creates a basic todo app with an Axum backend that uses Leptos' server