Minimalistic EVM-compatible chain indexer.


EVM Indexer

Minimalistic EVM-compatible blockchain indexer written in rust.

This repository contains a program to index helpful information from any EVM-compatible chain into a PostgreSQL database.

It is ready for developing purposes. If you want more information about it, you can send me a DM on Twitter


To see the EVM indexer in action, go to

The frontend app repository can be found here


Currently, the indexer can index the following chains:

  • Ethereum (mainnet)
  • Polygon
  • Avalanche
  • Fantom
  • Gnosis Chain
  • Optimism
  • BNB Chain

Database Information

The indexer creates tables for:

  1. Blocks
  2. Transactions
  3. Transaction Receipts
  4. Transaction Logs
  5. Contract Creations
  6. Contract Interactions
  7. Token Transfers
  8. Tokens Details

The information structure is explained in the database structure document.


The indexer connects automatically to three different providers through the RPC.

The available providers are:

The indexer automatically selects the providers added.

During our first indexings we realized that all providers sometimes deliver the information incomplete. To do so, the indexer stores all the incomplete transactions into a separate table and refetchs the using a fallback provider.

We tried a lot of public and paid RPC providers, for some reason, the only provider that delivers complete information is QuickNode.

To enable this service you need to add the quicknode RPC (or a local node will also work) as a FALLBACK_PROVIDER in the env variables.

Environment Variables

The indexer requires the following environment variables.

Variable Purpose Required Local Required Docker
DATABASE_URL Url of the PostgreSQL database true false
DATABASE_URL Password for the PostgreSQL database false true
ANKR_PROVIDER_ID Ankr RPC nodes provider ID false false
LLAMANODES_PROVIDER_ID LlamaNodes RPC nodes provider ID false false
POKT_PROVIDER_ID Pokt RPC provider ID false false
HASURA_ADMIN_PASSWORD Hasura console and GraphQL API token false true

To add the fallback providers (QuickNode or local nodes) to refetch failed transaction receipts.


If the provider is not specified, the refetcher won't start and the indexer will work normally without refetching the transaction receipts.


You can try the indexer locally or through Docker.


To use the program locally, make sure you have rust installed in your environment.

  1. Clone the repository
git clone && cd evm-indexer
  1. Build the program
cargo build --release
  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env and add your environment variables.

  2. Run the program



You can use the official docker image.

docker pull

You can use our docker-compose script to start a full indexer with a database, all chains enabled, and a Hasura Cloud GraphQL API.

docker-compose up

Note: When using the docker-compose the database is exposed on the port 8000 of the host.


We appreciate your contributions. PR are accepted and open.

Some ideas for contributions are:

  1. Add more chains
  2. Increment providers to sync simultaneously.
  3. Speed up the information deserialization/storing.
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  • v1.1.0(Dec 10, 2022)


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