Rust, but longer



Do Rust's short keywords confuse you? Are you tired of Rust not being verbose enough? Or worrying you are not using your new shiny mechanical keyboard enough?

Then Rusticle is your solution!

Using the innovative technology of Procedural Macro Magic ™️ , you can turn this unintelligible mess...

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

...into this long and nice, enterprise-grade yet beginner-friendly art piece:

rusticle::rusticle! {
    // Thank Ferris now it's clear this is a function!
    function main() {
        printline!("Hello, world!");

Not only that, Rusticle can replace all of the following identifiers into their intended meanings:

async  => asynchronous
const  => constant
dyn    => dynamic
enum   => enumeration
extern => external
fn     => function
impl   => implement
let    => lettuce
mod    => module
mut    => mutable
pub    => public
ref    => byreference
self   => itself
Self   => Itself
struct => structure
super  => superior
use    => using

All for the low price of $0.00.



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